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中华鳖生态养殖试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着工厂化温室甲鱼养殖的发展,其品质口味急剧下降,价格直线下滑,每千克40元左右,而仿野生甲鱼保持原有品味,价格稳定在每千克120~140元。为摸索仿野生甲鱼的养殖技术、经验,我们于2001~2002年在江苏昆山市周市镇农技站基地开展甲鱼生态养殖试验,取得较好的养殖效果,现将试验情况介绍如下。一、试验条件和材料1.池塘规格3~6亩的东西向长方形,坡度比1∶2,塘底平坦,淤泥10厘米,水深1.8米,注排水方便。2.规格成鳖养殖试验池塘3只,计13.8亩,分别为5.8亩、3.5亩、4.5亩。3.水源…  相似文献   

洪门水库为江西第二大水库,可养鱼面积7.65万亩,消落区面积2-3万亩,浮游植物生物量4.406mg/L,浮游动物生物量2.45mg/L。初步估算,水库鱼产力在31.36kg/亩,而目前单产水平保持在16.6kg/亩上下。渔获量以镛鱼为方,鲢鱼次之。全库鱼类96种,经济鱼类占85%,如适度开发,水库鱼产力将明显提高。  相似文献   

日照市岚山办事处渔技站于1998年在碑廓镇设点进行革胡子鲶养殖试验,养殖水面5.6亩,投放鱼苗4万尾,成鱼产量25 073.5 kg,平均亩产 4 477kg,最高亩产量 5 807 kg,具体试验情况如下:1 试验材料 4个南北走向串连池塘,自北往南依次为1、2、3、4号池。1号、2号池面积各1.3亩,水深1.5m,池中央有小岛,池底淤泥 30cm左右。3号、4号池水面1.5亩,水深1.3m,泥质池底,无淤泥。池外水渠自流进水,先进1号池,依次流经2、3、4号池,由4号池排出。2 养殖过程2.1 清塘 4…  相似文献   

东南西北唐安国围网养鱼亩产超一吨宁波市鄞县养鱼能手唐安国围网养鱼四年来年年获高产,去年他养的3.3亩水面总产4.1吨、亩产1.32吨,计总产值2.87万元,纯收入2.15万元,亩收入6515元。与1992年相比亩产增0.19吨、亩纯收入增2315元,...  相似文献   

当前淡水鱼养殖效益滑坡如何办   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上海市十个郊县(区)共开挖鱼池16万亩,其中崇明县达4万亩,鱼产量由上世纪90年代时的平均亩净产400千克递增至目前的500~700千克,每500克鱼价由80年代时的草鱼3.7~4.0元降至目前2.8元;花鲢由3.5~4.0元降至2.3元;白鲢由2.0~2.5元降至1.3元;鲫鱼由6元(250克以上规格)降至2.2元;鳊鱼由4.0~4.5元降至3元,而鱼饲料不仅未跟着下跌,反而由90年代的菜籽饼每500克0.25元上升至今天的0.6~0.65元……养殖户惊呼,2002年亏本已成定局,如何办?鱼价…  相似文献   

低洼田养殖革胡子鲶技术江苏省如皋市马塘乡陆宝林,利用自家的3亩低产洼地养殖革胡子鲶,经4个多月的养殖获得净收入超万元,取得了良好的经济效益,被当地群众评为养殖致富的能手。他的具体做法是:1.田块改造3亩低洼田分成两块,一块约2.2亩,一块0.8亩.在...  相似文献   

为了充分发挥精养蟹池的水体利用率,使有限的土地和水面收到最大的经济效益,王永富在净水面2.2亩(包括0.1亩育苗池)的水池里进行以蟹为主混养鱼虾,获得了较高的经济收入。他的具体做法是:1.用生石灰和漂白粉清塘消毒后铲除四周杂草,加注新水,泵前用60目网片做成袋以防野杂鱼进池,放好有机基肥。待药性过后栽种好水草,池塘水草分布均匀,早春占池面积1/3,夏季高温季节占2/3,然后亩放自捞螺蛳300千克,池塘四周种上南瓜。于2月底先投放自育扣蟹,规格为180只/千克计3200只,亩放1450只,于3月份…  相似文献   

2001年笔者单位4只罗氏沼虾养殖池,平均亩产虾282kg,出水规格每kg47尾,亩利润3224元,其中2号池亩产最高达309kg,取得了较好的养殖效果,现报告如下。1基本情况1.1虾池条件4只虾池的面积,1号池为1.1亩,2号池1.1亩,3号池1.5亩,4号池0.8亩。池水深度除2号池1.4m外,其余3只池1.2m。水源为秦淮新河河水,水质符合水产养殖标准。进排水系统完善。每只虾池配备1.5kw叶轮式增氧机1台。1.2清塘施肥虾苗下塘前按常规方法清整虾池,用生石灰清塘杀灭各种有害生物。用经过发酵的粪肥施…  相似文献   

潘天才养甲鱼亩平收入两万余湖北省汉川县刁汉湖养殖场渔民潘天才,1992年养甲鱼1.3亩,纯收入3.2万元,亩平收入2.46元,来此取经的络绎不绝。潘天才养甲鱼获高效益,为水产生产如何走高产高效益之路开拓了视野,他的主要经验是:逼出来的路。前些年由于单...  相似文献   

软连接钛叶轮水车式增氧机在养虾池中的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在两个22亩中国对虾养成池中,分别安装两台软连接水车式增氧机。虾池长宽比3:1,平均水深1.5m,放苗密度2.2万尾/亩。监测结果表明:叶轮转速70转/分,增氧机运转2小时,池水DO和温度在水平和垂直方向即呈均匀分布;底层DO增加量决定于白天增氧机运转时中上层池水的DO量;在4类天气状况下,为保持凌晨5点以前池水DO〉mg/l而试验了开机小时数;7-8月间池水的平均日换水量为1.67%;更换投饵带  相似文献   

淡水青虾土池人工育苗技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在土池中架设敞口式网箱,箱内放养抱卵青虾进行强化培育及幼虾孵化,通过适时培养生物开口饵料,及时投喂人工饲料,保持中度肥水等技术措施和20余天的培育,经验收小组确认,每亩生产1cm以上的虾苗 140余万尾。并对适宜青虾育苗的池塘生态条件及饵料生物培养,水质调节提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

盐碱地渗水调配养殖南美白对虾技术   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文介绍了利用黄河三角洲地区丰富、闲置的重盐碱地,经过合理调配水质,在反复试验的基础上设计出一套合理的健康养殖技术方案,实施了大面积南美白对虾盐碱地健康养殖。尤其是通过在用盐碱地渗出的咸水与淡水混合调配成的,盐度为5~20的养殖用水中,添加一定浓度的钾离子,有效提高了虾苗的成活率。  相似文献   

Abstract. The effect of two GnRH-As – des Gly10 (D-Ala)6 LHRH and des Gly10 (D-Tle)6 GnRH in total doses 10–249mu;g/kg – and four neuroleptics – pimozide, sulpiride, metoclopramide and isofloxythepin in total doses 1–50mg/kg - and environmental temperatures on the development of final stages of Pacific mullet oogenesis was investigated. The best technique of those used by us for spawning stimulation of Pacific mullet, Mugil so-iuy Bas., females is shown to be administration of neuroleptics in doses of l-8mg/kg with posterior injections on GnRH-A in doses of 25 and 50mu; g/kg applied 4 and 28h respectively after the neuroleptic injection. At water temperatures below 17°C, ovulation does not occur unless the optimal stimulation is applied.  相似文献   

The effects of exposure to water of different salinities and calcium concentrations, and to various backgrounds and illuminations on somatolactin (SL) levels in juvenile red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) were investigated using a recently developed red drum SL radioimmunoassay. Plasma SL concentrations were also monitored in wild-caught Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus) during gonadal recrudescence. No correlations were obtained between plasma SL concentrations and different salinities, external calcium concentrations or reproductive condition in these sciaenid fishes. Plasma SL concentrations remained low (<1 ng ml-1) in red drum 1h, 1 day and 1 week after exposure to full strength seawater (salinity 37%, calcium 1290 ppm), half strength seawater (salinity 18%, calcium 744 ppm), fresh water (salinity 1%, calcium 260 ppm) or soft water (salinity 0%, calcium 0 ppm). Circulating levels of SL did not change significantly in wild-caught croaker at the onset of vitellogenesis. However, by the end of ovarian recrudescence (late-yolk globule stage), plasma SL levels were significantly lower than those observed in females with immature (perinucleolar) oocytes. In contrast, plasma SL levels showed marked differences in red drum exposed to various backgrounds and illuminations. Plasma SL was lower in red drum kept in a light background (<1 ng ml-1) than in those kept in a black background or in the dark (1.4-6.9 ng ml-1). The highest plasma SL concentration (4–30 ng ml-1) was obtained in red drum kept in a black background without illumination. These results suggest that SL is involved in the adaptation of the red drum to various backgrounds and illumination levels. SL may not have an important role during the reproductive cycle and adaptation to water of different salinities and calcium concentrations in sciaenid fishes.  相似文献   

在3055亩盐碱荒滩池塘中进行了大面积套养梭鱼试验。亩均放养大规格鱼种643尾,其中梭鱼占总放养量的24%。清塘施肥,科学投饵,调节水质,防治鱼病,经8个月的饲养管理,亩均产商品鱼424.2kg,其中梭鱼109.3kg,亩均纯利润1229.1元,投入产出比1:1.5,该成果达到国内先进水平。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to determine the effect of (1) different pH levels (5, 6, 7, 8, and 9) with water hardness 20 mg/L CaCO3 and (2) pH 5 and 7 with varying water hardnesses (20, 60, and 120 mg/L CaCO3) on the intensity of infection by Ichthyophthirius multifiliis in fingerlings of the silver catfish, Rhamdia quelen. In Experiment 1, the lowest and highest mortality rates were observed in fingerlings exposed to pH 5 and 9, respectively; in Experiment 2, fish kept at pH 5 and 7 with hardness 20 mg/L CaCO3 showed significantly lowest and highest cumulative mortality, respectively, than those maintained in other conditions. The lowest intensity of trophonts/fingerling was observed at pH 5 and hardness 20 mg/L CaCO3 in both experiments. We conclude that infection by I. multifiliis is less severe in silver catfish maintained at pH 5 and hardness 20 mg/L CaCO3. High water hardness led to an increased intensity of trophonts and decreased survival in silver catfish kept at pH 5, but decreased intensity of trophonts and improved survival when the fish were kept at pH 7.  相似文献   

养虾池底播魁蚶技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对养虾池混养魁蚶的底质选择、播苗密度、苗种规格、池水调近和魁蚶在虾池中越冬等进行了试验研究,270亩混养试验池,平均亩产对虾106.3kg,魁蚶124.1kg,混养比单养平均亩增效益1438.4元,总增效益38.84万元。技术鉴定认为:本研究成果属国内领先水平。  相似文献   

在水温21.5~23.0℃、pH 7.3的条件下,对平均规格分别为1.03±0.14、1.03±0.13、1.04±0.14和1.04±0.15 g/尾的杂交青虾"太湖1号"F1、F2、F3与日本沼虾进行耗氧率和窒息点的测定和比较。结果显示:①杂交青虾"太湖1号"F1、F2的耗氧率夜间高于白天,其变化符合虾类的昼夜节律性,而杂交青虾"太湖1号"F3与日本沼虾的耗氧率却是白天高于夜间。②试验虾的平均耗氧率与窒息点从低到高的排列为:F1F2日本沼虾F3。杂交青虾"太湖1号"F1代的生理机能显著优于日本沼虾,这一优势能保持到F2。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to maximize the spawning of Oreochromis niloticus females in a specific time period. Females were divided randomly into control and treatment groups. In the treatment groups, females were kept for one week at 28±0.5 °C, after which they were exposed to a reduced water temperature of 22±0.5 °C for 7, 14 and 28 days. Thereafter, the temperature was restored to 28 °C. Females in the control groups were kept continuously at a water temperature of 28 °C. All females were checked daily for signs of spawning for the duration of the experiments and were manually stripped if ready to spawn. The following parameters were calculated for period of 3 and 7 days following a 28 °C temperature restoration: spawning rate, number of eggs per female, weight of female, relative fecundity (eggs g−1 body weight) and the percentage of hatched and swim-up fry. The highest spawning rate of 39.5% was obtained in the 14-day trial over a period of 7 days, while the corresponding value in the control was 12.5%. The percentages of hatched and swim-up fry in the 14- and 28-day trials, however, were significantly higher in the controls than in the corresponding treatment groups.  相似文献   

The influences of heated recirculated water and well water on three stocking densities of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus Raf.) were compared, based on several physiological and hematological parameters. Controls were kept in well water only. The leucocyte count of fish kept in well water generally decreased, and their thrombocyte, lymphocyte and granulocyte counts were lower at higher stocking densities. In addition, a slight hemoconcentration was observed. The fish kept in recirculated water showed a decrease only in thrombocyte count. Plasma cortisol and blood glucose did not change and in all groups were at a level characteristic of resting fish. In contrast, the blood lactate levels were always high. This may have been caused by the anesthetization. The alterations found are regarded as symptoms of the “general adaptation syndrome” induced by the stocking rates. High lymphocyte and granulocyte counts among the fish in reused water are signs of local adaptations to reduced water quality.  相似文献   

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