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赵江  张兰 《植物检疫》1993,7(2):102-103
为了便于农业技术人员在田间调查过程中,能够更准确更迅速鉴别小麦黑森瘿蚊Mayetiola destructor Say围蛹,以避免与其它围蛹(如麦秆蝇Meromyzasaltarrix L.、瑞典麦秆蝇oseinosomafrirL.等)混淆,现将各围蛹用肉眼及解剖镜(20X)下所观察到的特征列下表比较如下。  相似文献   

自1980年证实新疆一些地区发生黑森瘿蚊以来,许多有关单位通力协作,做了大量调查研究。严重发生地区及时采取紧急措施,进行了较大面积的防治试验。二年来初步观察了黑森瘿蚊在新疆地区的发生特点,在防治措施上也取得了一定经验。特别在调节小麦播期、化学防治及收集小麦抗虫品种方面做了大量工作。作为参加过调查的一员,现在提出我的看法。根据黑森瘿蚊发生为害特点并从许多国  相似文献   

黑森瘿蚊在哈萨克斯坦发生普遍,但它的为害还没有调查过。 (1)形态描述成虫:黑森瘿蚊类似不大的黍瘿蝇,体长2.5—3.5毫米。雌虫触角16—18节,相当体长的三分之一,雄虫触角16—20节,相当  相似文献   

经过1980—1981两年调查,现已查明黑森瘿蚊 Mayetiola destructor Say 在新疆的分布目前只限于伊犁州各直属县及博尔塔拉自治州,其它地州尚未发现。黑森瘿蚊是小麦生产中威胁性很大的害虫,所以前人在制定学名时即以“毁灭者”名之。果然名不虚传,黑森瘿蚊在博尔塔拉自治州发生以来,使小麦遭受了极大的损失。1980年损失小麦约600万斤,1981年又损  相似文献   

黑森瘿蚊(Mayetiola destructor(Say))是我国重要的检疫性害虫,近年在新疆博尔塔拉州局部暴发。田间试验了30%噻虫嗪WS拌种处理新冬18号小麦种子对黑森瘿蚊的防效及其对出苗率和产量的影响。结果表明,每100 kg种子分别用30%噻虫嗪WS 100 m L、200 m L、300 m L 3种剂量拌种处理后对黑森瘿蚊的防效分别为77.99%~78.35%、81.79%~100%、92.23%~100%;拌种处理可显著提高小麦产量,且不会降低田间出苗率,300 m L/100 kg种子处理可显著提高出苗率。建议生产中采用30%噻虫嗪WS 300 m L/100 kg种子进行处理防治黑森瘿蚊。  相似文献   

黑森瘿蚊在新疆的发现及调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1975年春,新疆八一农学院植保班师生,在霍城县小麦田中发现了瘿蚊幼虫。至1980年经有关方面共同调查和鉴定,认为是黑森瘿蚊。1981年八一农学院组织人员前往发生最严重的博乐县,作了进一步的调查研究,查明在博乐县一年主要有两个为害世代,在两个世代之间还能发生1~2次。冬春麦不同生育阶段的被害状很不相同。文中分析了黑森瘿蚊发生与自然天敌及环境条件的关系。对黑森瘿蚊的治理,最重要的措施是麦收后的浅耕灭茬,再结合深耕。在药物防治上,用3911拌种效果较好。  相似文献   

早在合成有机杀虫剂问世之前,植物抗虫性以及害虫天敌(包括捕食性天敌,寄生性天敌、线虫、病原菌等)作为防治害虫的方法已应用很久了。1791年,就有发现小麦品种能抗黑森瘿蚊(Mayetiola destructor)的报道;而后,美国利用抗虫小麦品种成功地防治了黑森瘿蚊:法国则利用抗虫砧木防治了葡萄根瘤蚜(Phylloxera vitifoliae),拯救了即将倒闭的酿酒工业。我国是利用天敌防治害虫最  相似文献   

小麦叶上的茸毛可以有效的抗橙足负泥虫Oulema melanopus(L.),这一发现对发展抗此虫的栽培品系很为重要。我们在发展软粒红冬麦以抗橙足负泥虫的同时,研究了叶上的茸毛对黑森瘿蚊生物学的作用。一般说,抗黑森瘿蚊的机制是抗生作用,这种抗生作用导致生理型的演进以侵害  相似文献   

黑森瘿蚊学名Mayetiola destructorsay又叫麦瘿蚊,英名Hessian Fly。它是世界上危害小麦的重要害虫之一,曾在欧洲和北美造成严重危害。在我国过去没有发生,虽然1959年甘肃省农林厅编的《甘肃省  相似文献   

本研究利用"CLIMEX+GIS"的方法,对黑森瘿蚊(Mayetiola destructor)在中国的适生性情况进行了分析预测。结果表明黑森瘿蚊在我国大部分地区较为适生,适生区面积占全国的66.45%。根据预测情况,提出了相应的植物检疫措施建议。可为检验检疫部门提供决策支持,对于防控该虫的传入也具有重要实践意义。  相似文献   

小麦是我国输入批量最大的食用粮食品种,本文针对随小麦输入可能传播的害虫,讨论分析作为输入小麦粮食所构成的有害生物扩散的潜在风险.通过初步的定量分析,提出输入小麦粮食可能传带危险性综合评价值较高15种检疫性有害生物,包括谷斑皮蠹、大谷蠹、野豌豆象、阔鼻谷象、墨西哥拟叩甲、澳洲蛛甲、谷象、拟肾斑皮蠹、肾斑皮蠹、黑森瘿蚊、麦小长蝽、麦茎蜂、欧洲麦茎蜂、麦扁盾蝽、褐拟谷盗.建议这些害虫应考虑作为输入小麦时重点检疫的害虫种类并提出对输入小麦传带害虫的风险管理的初步对策供参考.  相似文献   

The influences of cultural control measures on invertebrate pests and their natural enemies in cereals (wheat, barley and oats) are described and discussed, with emphasis on the major pests in north-west Europe. Possibilities for additive and synergistic combinations of cultural measures are identified, together with opportunities for integrating cultural measures with chemical and biological control where appropriate. Recent studies confirm the central role of cultural control measures in integrated pest management and integrated production of cereal crops. However, cultural measures often have opposing effects on different pests as well as diseases and weeds, so that appropriate measures must be selected on the basis of an assessment of the risks from key pests, diseases and weeds. Crop rotation is not an important means of controlling cereal pests, but its use is recommended for control of cereal diseases and weeds, as well as pests of crops grown in rotation with cereals. Diversification of crops and non-crop habitats in predominantly cereal growing areas is thought to increase numbers of certain parasitoids and polyphagous predators of cereal pests. The presence of weeds or an intercrop in a field together with cereals may reduce the severity of aphid and slug damage to cereals. Trap cropping has not yet been adequately tested in wheat, barley or oats. Cover crops reduce damage by wheat bulb fly in a following wheat crop, but increase the risk of slug damage. Resistance to a wide range of cereal aphid species has been identified in wheat and barley, but in Europe, more emphasis is placed on selecting cultivars with resistance to cereal diseases rather than pest resistance. Resistance in wheat to wheat bulb fly and wheat blossom midge is recorded, and resistance to slug damage has been reported in some laboratory studies. Early sowing of winter cereals results in more damage by certain dipterous pests and increased numbers of the aphid vectors of barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV), but early sowing results in less damage by wheat bulb fly and slugs in autumn/winter and by late infestations of aphids in summer. Avoidance of ploughing results in reduced incidence of wheat bulb fly, yellow cereal fly and aphids, but increased numbers of slugs, wheat blossom midge and bibionid larvae. Avoidance of ploughing can result in greater numbers of certain polyphagous predators, particularly in the first weeks following crop establishment. The presence of straw residues results in increased slug populations, but reduced incidence of yellow cereal fly and wheat blossom midge. Preparation of fine, firm seedbeds discourages attack by slugs and wheat bulb fly on cereals. Drilling at slightly greater depth in rough cloddy seedbeds helps to protect wheat seeds from slug damage. Nitrogen fertiliser applied in spring can help cereal plants compensate for losses by wheat bulb fly or slugs. However, nitrogen applications tend to result in increased summer infestations of aphids.  相似文献   

麦秆蝇是华北春麦区的主要害虫,选育抗虫品种是一种有希望的防治途径。作者等于1957—1966及1973—1978年先后16年中,在内蒙几处生产、研究单位结合其原始材料及品种试验地栽培的春小麦品种,进行了麦秆蝇产卵情况及为害率的调查。先后共调查过32次,计共1372品种次,包括867个品种(系)。本项调查均以当时推广的丰产但不抗虫的品种为对照品种,1966年前是甘肃96号,1973年后是白欧柔。抗性比较根据品种的被害指数,即其被害率与对照品种被害率的比率,以对照被害率作为100计算,共分高抗、抗、中等、感虫及高感五级,其被害指数标准依次为0—20,20.1—40,40.1—60,60.1—80及≥80.1。共鉴定出高抗级28个品种,抗级的33个品种,另外,根据1—2次调查有81个品种被害指数很低,其抗虫性值得进一步鉴定。  相似文献   

<正>0 引言马铃薯腐烂茎线虫(Ditylenchus destructor Thorne)又名甘薯茎线虫,属于侧尾腺纲垫刃目粒线虫科茎线虫属。马铃薯腐烂茎线虫病是国际公认的一种检疫性疾病,是马铃薯重要病害之一[1]。该线虫主要侵染植物地下部分,在没有高等寄生植物的情况下,依靠取食土壤中的真菌维持生存[2],寄主范围广[3]。近几年,马铃薯腐烂茎线虫危害逐渐上升,可导致马铃薯减产20%~83%,严重时甚至绝收。  相似文献   

Hessian fly was controlled to a maximum of 95% with organophosphate insecticides, in terms of the number of puparia and percentage tiller infestation at harvest. Granules: phorate at 1.68 kg/ha (1 1/2 lb/acre) as 10% granules in the seed furrow was most effective on durum wheat in 1967–8, with 69–92%, control, of tillers infested. 1.12 kg/ha gave 74–89% control, 0.56 kg/ha in the seed furrow 35–54%. Seed furrow treatment was more effective than band or broadcast treatment over young plants, although granules broadcast over young barley at 1.68 kg/ha of phorate gave 74% control in 1967–8. Fonofos (Dyfonate) granules at 1.55 kg fonofos/ha were most effective on barley in 1968–9, with 66% control. After fonofos and phorate, disulfoton at 1.68 kg disulfoton/ha was next in effect, with up to 86%, control in 1967-8 and 24% in 1968–9, but variable and not much more effective than at 0.56 kg/ha. Other insecticides were less effective. Seed dressings: disulfoton was the most effective, giving 79% control in 1967-8 on wheat and 77% on barley at a high rate of application that was phytotoxic in 1968–9. Diazinon, bromophos and ethion gave 15–38%, control and chlorfenvinphos and dimethoate less. Carbaryl dust at 1.12 kg carbaryl/ha gave 32% control. Yields were poor, but grain yield was increased by up to 33% in wheat in 1967-8, averaging about 15%. Barley yield was increased by 7% in 1967–8, and from 9–23% in 1968-9 by fonofos and phorate granules. Insect control reduced the number of tillers, increased the number of heads and increased the grain weight per head. In observation plots, chlormequat (CCC) spray alone at the 5-leaf stage reduced infestation of wheat by between 22% and 43%, but CCC with fertilizer, and fertilizer alone had no conclusive effect. High fly populations are partly due to leaving crop residues in the field at harvest. When these can be ploughed in, infestation should decrease. The use of insecticides may not be economic unless more consistent increases in yield can be obtained.  相似文献   

本文系1957—1979年间,根据多次田间调查春小麦品种对麦秆蝇抗性机制研究的结果。麦秆蝇有趋向遮荫较差麦田的习性,卵散产,主要产在叶片正面近基部处。研究结果表明,春小麦品种对麦秆蝇的抗性,主要是由此虫产卵对不同品种的选择性决定的。影响产卵选择性的特性已证明有生育期、叶面茸毛性、叶片宽度及叶片与茎秆间交角。抽穗愈早、叶面茸毛密而长、叶片狭或叶片与茎秆间交角大,则着卵较少。统计分析这些差异都是显著的。此外,有一年的田间调查表明叶色深的品种着卵较少,叶色深浅与着卵量有显著的负相关。但这需要进一步验证。还有,品种生育期的长短与幼虫入茎成活率,已证明有显著的正相关,因此品种生育期也起一定的抗生作用。  相似文献   

家蝇饲养技术研究及蝇蛆在鳖养殖中的应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
试验结果表明:以麦麸、玉米粉混合饲料及猪粪育蛆,其饲料系数分别为167和293。以猪粪育蛆,麦麸和玉米粉用量减少近80%,育蛆成本比前者降低60%左右。以蛆饲喂出壳一个月内的稚鳖,其平均增重量约为饲喂鸡蛋黄稚鳖的38倍。两组试验中,稚鳖平均增重量,经T测验,差异极显著。以猪粪育蛆,并以蛆饲喂稚鳖,既处理了猪粪,减少环境污染,又提高了猪粪的经济价值,值得在养殖业中推广应用。  相似文献   

1982—1936年,在宁夏高寒山区隆德县,对冬麦苗期重要害虫麦种蝇进行了生活年史、习性、危害损失等方面的研究。此虫1年1代,以卵态幼虫在土内越冬,冬麦返青后幼虫蛀入分蘖节食害,造成大量死苗。成虫卵巢发育缓慢,羽化后经50天左右才交尾产卵。本文报道麦种蝇生物学及其对小麦的危害,并提出以苗被害率15%为防治阈限。  相似文献   

为了有效控制甘薯茎线虫病的危害,通过盆栽试验和田间试验分别研究了不同种类硅肥及噻唑膦对甘薯茎线虫病的防控效果。室内试验结果表明,单独施用硅肥对甘薯茎线虫病防治效果较差,但10%噻唑膦颗粒剂与不同种类硅肥联合使用后可显著降低甘薯种薯及薯苗受线虫侵染率,其效果优于单独使用等量的10%噻唑膦颗粒剂。田间施用噻唑膦后再增施硅肥,可使噻唑膦防治效果显著增高,甘薯受害率降低,甘薯产量提高。其中硅肥途保佳15 L/hm2与10%噻唑膦颗粒剂18 kg/hm2或22.5 kg/hm2联合使用后,对茎线虫病的防治效果均达到87%以上,显著高于10%噻唑膦颗粒剂22.5 kg/hm2处理。联合施用硅肥可以在减少噻唑膦用量情况下保持对茎线虫病较高防效,具有较好的推广应用前景。  相似文献   

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