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乔旭 《中国生物防治》2011,27(2):280-283
广肩小蜂Eurytoma sp.是花椒波瘿蚊Asphondylia zanthoxyli bu & Zheng的重要寄生天敌.广肩小蜂1年发生3代,以蛹在花椒波瘿蚊为害形成的虫瘿内越冬.第2年花椒发芽后在4月中旬越冬代成虫羽化;第1代成虫6月上旬羽化;第2代成虫8月上旬羽化.成虫产卵于花椒波瘿蚊幼虫为害后形成的虫瘿内;孵化后外寄生于花椒波瘿蚊幼虫,将寄主幼虫吃光后化蛹.越冬代寄生率达48.39%,第2年花椒发芽前剪除虫瘿枝可有效保护广肩小蜂种群数量.  相似文献   

华中黑头三节叶蜂(Arge huazhongia Wei)是发生在苦水玫瑰上的新害虫,在兰州市一年发生2代,主要以幼虫群集取食玫瑰叶片,雌成虫选择苦水玫瑰健壮的当年生新枝顶部产卵,老熟幼虫在玫瑰根际落叶及虫粪间结茧越冬,次年5月中下旬越冬态成虫羽化.植株受害率达81.4%,当年生新梢受害率30.6%.  相似文献   

栎空腔瘿蜂Trichagalma acutissimae(Monzen)是危害栓皮栎Quercus variabilis Blume叶片的重要林业害虫,为我国新纪录种。近年来,在南太行山区的栓皮栎林内暴发成灾,长尾小蜂Torymus sp.是栎空腔瘿蜂的一种主要寄生性天敌,为明确栎空腔瘿蜂及其天敌长尾小蜂种群数量消长动态,为预测预报和综合治理提供依据,本文调查了栎空腔瘿蜂和长尾小蜂成虫种群动态以及长尾小蜂的寄生率。结果表明,长尾小蜂成虫种群数量及寄生率一年发生2个高峰,第1个高峰发生在5月中旬,第2个高峰发生在7月下旬;2011—2015年,无性世代虫瘿平均每株发生的数量分别为826.0、816.4、61.8、11.0和3.4个,平均每块粘虫板长尾小蜂成虫发生数量分别为39.00、46.33、19.30、13.33和8.30头,长尾小蜂总寄生率分别为39.7%、51.0%、61.1%、54.9%和29.5%。  相似文献   

为绿色安全防控枸杞红瘿蚊Jaapiella sp.,于2016—2018年自宁夏回族自治区中宁县新堡镇宋营村枸杞种植基地枸杞上采集枸杞红瘿蚊,对其各虫态的形态特征、生活习性和成虫寿命等生物学特性进行室内观察,并对其年生活史及年发生规律进行田间调查。结果表明:枸杞红瘿蚊成虫羽化高度集中,羽化后的雌成虫不需要补充营养,便可立即求偶、交尾和产卵,孵化后幼虫取食子房,致使花蕾畸形膨大形成虫瘿,幼虫老熟后脱离虫瘿并弹跳入土结茧化蛹。成虫寿命极短,已交尾的雌、雄成虫平均寿命分别为41.8 h和38.3 h;未交尾的雌、雄成虫平均寿命分别为28.5 h和16.6 h。枸杞红瘿蚊每年发生6代,以老熟幼虫在地表土层中越冬,每年4月中旬至9月下旬为其为害期,其中第1代、第2代和第6代幼虫为害严重。枸杞红瘿蚊成虫发生高峰期有2个,分别为4—6月和9月。从4月枸杞红瘿蚊越冬代成虫陆续羽化开始,其成虫数量不断增长,4月和5月成虫数量分别为121头和167头,6月达到第1个高峰,为282头,随着枸杞秋枝萌发,9月枸杞红瘿蚊成虫数量又明显增多,达到第2个高峰,为117头。2017年4—10月从田间共收集788头成虫,雌成虫数量为420头,略高于雄成虫数量,雌雄比介于1.11~1.19之间。  相似文献   

通过2013—2014年林间观察发现,桉树枝瘿姬小蜂在福建闽西1年发生3代,第1代成虫羽化高峰期在7月中旬,第2代羽化高峰期在9月下旬,越冬代在翌年5月中旬羽化。研究表明,不同色卡对桉树枝瘿姬小蜂的引诱效果差异显著,其中纯白色(RAL9010)和信号黄(RAL1003)引诱效果最好,林间防治效果分别达到69.04%和69.94%。  相似文献   

桑椹浆瘿蚊(ContariniamorulaeJiangnomennudum)是新发现的一种桑树害虫。属双翅目瘿蚊科。寄生于桑种子里。被害小果比正常果早熟,使桑椹畸形,被害种子的胚珠不能发育,果皮发育形成“假种子”形的危害状。该虫严重影响桑椹,桑籽生产和杂交育种工作。在陕西关中地区,该虫年发生1代,以老熟幼虫在土中结茧越夏越冬,3月底开始化蛹。4月中下旬羽化,成虫发生期与桑树开花期相吻合。5月中旬为老熟幼虫离果入土高峰期。桑椹浆瘿蚊的发生受自然气候的影响非常明显。夏季高温干旱不利于休眠体生存、春季干旱使成虫羽化出土困难、5月份干旱少雨会阻碍…  相似文献   

柽柳柽瘿蚊的生物学特性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
报道了在新疆柽柳上造成虫瘿的齿腿柽瘿蚊、毛尾柽瘿蚊、土库曼柽瘿蚊和害柽瘿蚊。对4种柽瘿蚊分布、寄主植物、生活史、行为及对寄主植物的选择性等生物学特性进行了观察。4种瘿蚊造成柽柳枝条形成性状各异的虫瘿,多一室一虫。齿腿柽瘿蚊在新疆乌鲁木齐市一年4代,毛尾柽瘿蚊在新疆阜康一年1代,均以老熟幼虫在虫瘿中越冬;在室内养虫盒和罩笼中,齿腿柽瘿蚊平均产卵42粒,害柽瘿蚊平均产卵56粒,卵多单产。寄生齿腿柽瘿蚊、毛尾柽瘿蚊的寄生蜂均分别有姬小蜂科和金小蜂科各1种。寄生蜂对齿腿柽瘿蚊越冬代的寄生率为38.5%,第1代蛹末期为58.0%,第2代蛹末期为91.3%,第3代蛹末期为3.6%;对毛尾柽瘿蚊蛹期寄生率为58.8%。接种卵试验表明,齿腿柽瘿蚊可以在采自美国的盆栽多枝柽柳上成功地取食、造成虫瘿,但不能在盆栽杨树和柳树上取食、存活。  相似文献   

二化螟越冬幼虫三种寄生蜂发生动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道浙江部分地区二化螟Chilo suppressalis越冬幼虫寄生蜂的主要种类、寄生率以及它们在冬前与冬后的羽化动态。在兰溪,寄生蜂对二化螟越冬幼虫的寄生率较低,常见种类仅有二化螟绒茧蜂。在安吉与嘉兴两地,除二化螟绒茧蜂为主外,稻螟小腹茧蜂和中华钝唇姬蜂也较为常见,三者对双季晚稻田二化螟越冬幼虫寄生率为18~19%。明显高于单季晚稻田的寄生率(8~15%)。3种寄生蜂的羽化动态有较大差异,二化螟绒茧蜂和稻螟小腹茧蜂在进入11月后即不再羽化,而中华钝唇姬蜂的羽化则持续到11月中旬之后;越冬后,后者的羽化时间明显早于前两者。  相似文献   

为了明确无瓣海桑主要害虫迹斑绿刺蛾的生活史和各虫态生活习性,通过室内饲养、林间套笼观察和野外调查相结合的方法对迹斑绿刺蛾的生物学特性进行了系统研究。该虫在广西钦州红树林自然保护区1年发生4代,有世代重叠现象;以蛹在茧内越冬,翌年4月中旬成虫开始羽化,第1代幼虫为害期发生在4月下旬到6月下旬;第4代幼虫11月上旬开始结茧化蛹越冬。成虫具有较强趋光性,成虫夜间羽化率达到98.6%,以晚上24:00前居多。成虫羽化后第2天交尾,雌虫产卵量为35~183粒,雄虫平均寿命6.7d,雌虫平均寿命8.1d。本研究明确了迹斑绿刺蛾生物学特性,为该虫的预测防治工作提供基础。  相似文献   

首次发现普通瑟姬小蜂可寄生于构杞瘿螨虫瘿内.通过对普通瑟姬小蜂的形态特征、与构杞瘿螨种群消长规律、温度及补充营养对其寿命的影响、温度对其羽化的影响、蛹期耐冷藏性等的初步研究表明,其6月中旬对枸杞瘿螨的寄生率最高可达80.8%;成蜂寿命随温度升高逐渐缩短,补充15%蜂蜜水,可显著延长;最适羽化温度为24℃,随冷藏天数增加,羽化率逐渐降低.  相似文献   

Eight isolates of Mycogone perniciosa , five from Agaricus bisporus and three from Agaricus arvensis , were studied. One isolate of Mycogone rosae was also included. Aleuriospore and phialospore morphology varied among the isolates as did other characteristics, but M. rosae was the only isolate to produce a red colouration of the medium. Growth was also variable, with three isolates of M. pemiciosa growing at about half the rate of the fastest. The slow-growing isolates contained virus-like particles, 36 nm diameter, and produced sclerodermoid mushrooms. The fast-growing isolates did not contain virus-like particles and caused cap spotting, a symptom not previously described for M. perniciosa. M. rosae produced characteristic cap spots and no scierodermoid mushrooms. A comparison of two isolates of St. perniciosa. one from A. bisporus and one from A arvensis , showed a much greater yield reduction as a result of symptoms caused by the isolate from A. bisporus. The isolate of M. rosae had no significant effect on yield.
Restriction fragment banding patterns of ribosomal DNA showed no differences among the seven isolates of M. perniciosa from England, but the isolate from China was slightly different. The single isolate of M. rosae was distinct from M. perniciosa.  相似文献   

Partial plant resistance to the carrot fly, Psila rosae, has been identified in several Nantes varieties of carrot, Daucus carota, which reduces larval damage to the roots and the number of pupae remaining in the soil after cropping by 50%. The resistance of the Nantes variety 'Sytan' was found to be consistent at 12 sites in 5 European countries over two seasons. The resistance has been shown to be based on antibiosis and correlated with concentrations of chlorogenic acid in the roots. The resistance complements cultural and chemical methods for controlling P. rosae. Thus, in field experiments over two seasons it was shown that carrots could be left in the ground for a longer period providing a greater sowing/harvesting interval with a resistant variety than a susceptible one because of the reduction in damage and the delayed development of insects on the resistant variety. In two seasons at two sites a partially-resistant variety required only one-third of the dose of insecticide to provide a marketable crop compared with a susceptible carrot variety. In a breeding programme involving the variety 'Sytan', male sterile lines, inbreds and selections with improved levels of resistance were developed. Much higher levels of resistance were identified in certain wild Daucus species and 15 years of crossing and selection produced lines with significantly higher levels of resistance than exists in the variety 'Sytan'. A range of resistant carrot material bred at Horticulture Research International has been released to seed companies for use in the production of improved carrot varieties. The partially-resistant variety 'Flyaway' was made available to amateur gardeners in 1993 and to commercial growers in 1995 as a result of this research.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Black spot disease is the most common diseases of landscape roses and is caused by Diplocarpon rosae Wolf. In Rosa multiflora, the screening of black...  相似文献   

Xu 《Plant pathology》1999,48(5):662-667
The effects of temperature on the length of the latent period of rose powdery mildew, caused by Sphaerotheca pannosa var . rosae , were studied. At constant temperatures over the range of 10–28°C, the length of the latent period ranged from 4 to 10 days. The relationship between temperature and the rate of fungal development during the latent period (expressed as the reciprocal of the latent period) was described by a nonlinear (thermodynamic) model. The resulting curve was asymmetrically bell-shaped with an optimum temperature of about 22°C. The latent period was further subdivided into two periods: incubation period (from inoculation to visible colonies) and postincubation period (from visible colonies to the first sign of conidiophores). The relationship between temperature and the rate of fungal development during the incubation period (expressed as the reciprocal of the incubation period) was also well described by a thermodynamic model. In contrast, the relationship between temperature and the rate of fungal development during the postincubation period (expressed as the reciprocal of the postincubation period) was approximately linear. The latent period under fluctuating temperatures was predicted using a two-stage integration scheme at a step of 24 min by first integrating the incubation rate and then the postincubation rate. The predicted length of the latent period agreed well with the observed values.  相似文献   

2003年7月至2004年4月调查了江西农大校园内及其附近常见木本花卉病害,通过镜检,初步鉴定出富贵竹叶尖焦枯病、山茶花灰斑病、扶桑黑斑病、桂花叶枯病、一串红白绢病、月季黑斑病、一品红立枯病、银杏叶斑病、栀了花褐斑病、四季果白绢病等十种真菌病害。  相似文献   

包膜控释尿素对大棚番茄的增产与品质提高效应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对施用包膜控释尿素和普通尿素的大棚番茄进行了田间生产条件下产量与品质对比分析试验。结果表明:与普通尿素相比施用控释尿素有显著的增产效果。D 60控释处理(控释期60 d)产量最高,为68.85 t/hm2,比对照增产19.39 t/hm2,增产率为39.2%;比尿素增产10.10 t/hm2,增产率为17.2%;D 90(控释期90 d)比对照增产15.37 t/hm2,增产率为31.0%;比尿素增产6.08 t/hm2。增产率为10.3%;D 90与D 60两种控释尿素之间产量差异不显著。控释尿素具有增加单株果数、单果重的效果。D 90与D 60氮素当季利用率比普通尿素分别高65.5%和108.8%。硝酸盐含量,以D 90为最低,仅比对照高4.4%,比普通尿素低56%;D 60比对照高15%,比尿素处理低51.6%;尿素处理比对照高137.3%。V c和氨基酸含量,D 90为最高,分别比对照高1.00倍和2.46倍;比普通尿素处理高22%和100%;D 60与尿素两处理V c含量差异不显著,但氨基酸总量前者却比后者高48%。可溶性糖含量以D 60较高,普通尿素为最低。综合品质指标为:D 90>D 60>U。说明控释尿素具有显著地增产效应和提高蔬菜品质的突出效应,特别在提高蔬菜的安全品质方面贡献最大。综合各项,在番茄生产中以选用控释期为60 d的包膜控释尿素为最好。  相似文献   

Blackspot, caused by Diplocarpon rosae , is the most severe and ubiquitous disease of garden roses, but information is lacking about genotype-specific forms of resistance and susceptibility of the host. Macro- and microscopic analyses of 34 rose genotypes with a defined monoconidial culture black spot inoculum identified susceptible and resistant rose genotypes and further genotype-specific subdivisions, indicating the presence of partial forms of resistance and different resistance mechanisms. In total, eight interaction types were characterized, five representing compatible (types 1–5) and three representing incompatible interactions (types 6–8). The incompatible interactions were characterized by the lack of any visible fungal structures beneath the cuticle (type 8), single-cell necroses (type 7) or necroses of larger cell clusters (type 6), the latter two types with penetration hyphae and haustoria in epidermal cells.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on the length of the incubation period of rose powdery mildew, caused by Sphaerotheca pannosa var. rosae, was studied. At constant temperature over the range 8–28°C, the length of the incubation period ranged from 3 to 10 days; no visible colonies developed at 30°C after 19 days. The relationship between temperature and the rate of development of mildew colonies within the incubation period under constant temperature was described by two alternative non-linear models (exponential and thermodynamic). The resulting curves were asymmetrically bell-shaped with an optimum temperature of c. 23°C. The two constant-temperature models predicted the development of powdery mildew under fluctuating temperatures with similar accuracy, even though the exponential model fitted the constant temperature data less well than the thermodynamic model. The thermodynamic model failed to fit the fluctuating-temperature data directly, whereas the exponential model fitted those data directly and the fit was similar to the corresponding model from the constant-temperature data. Fitting the models to the combined (constant and fluctuating temperature) data gave results that were nearly identical to those based on the constant-temperature data alone.  相似文献   

铁皮石斛炭疽病病原菌的分离鉴定及其有效杀菌剂的筛选   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
铁皮石斛炭疽病是近年来发生在浙江铁皮石斛种植区的一种严重病害,主要危害石斛的叶片,形成圆形或近圆形并有凹陷的黄褐色或黑色叶斑,严重时叶片枯死,影响铁皮石斛的产量和质量。通过对铁皮石斛炭疽病典型症状样本的采集、病原菌的分离、纯化、致病性测定、形态观察、rDNA-ITS序列分析,明确病原菌为胶孢炭疽菌Colletotrichum gloeosporioides。选择11种杀菌剂采用生长速率法对病原菌进行了药剂敏感性测定,结果表明,6%春雷霉素可湿性粉剂1 000倍液、70%甲基硫菌灵可湿性粉剂1 000倍液对病菌抑菌效果接近100%。  相似文献   

Powdery mildew (Sphaerotheca pannosa var. rosae) is an important foliar disease which is found in all rose-producing greenhouses. An experiment was carried out in a commercial greenhouse in Hashtgerd, Iran, in 2014 to investigate whether compost teas can be used to control this disease. Taguchi's design of experiment (Taguchi's DOE) method was used to plan a minimum number of experiments and optimization to control rose powdery mildew. The test included three factors, namely the different types of compost tea (aerated and non-aerated compost tea, aerated and non-aerated vermicompost tea), the dosage (1:8 and 1:16, compost:water), and the number of spray applications (once and twice per week). The experiment was set up as an orthogonal array L8 with three replicates. Based on the experimental results, the optimum treatment combination for controlling rose powdery mildew was found to be aerated compost tea with 1:8 dilution with an application of twice per week.  相似文献   

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