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为了评价3种PCR分子检测体系对柑橘黄龙病(citrus huanglongbing,HLB)大田诊断效果,综合比较了常规PCR、巢式PCR和SYBR Green Ⅰ荧光定量PCR(SG Ⅰ-qPCR)方法对柑橘黄龙病菌检测的灵敏度、特异性和准确度等参数,并用SYBR Green Ⅰ荧光定量PCR和巢式PCR监测广西柑橘园疑似HLB样品425个,比较了2种检测体系的阳性检出率。基于CQULA04F/CQULA04R引物对的SYBR Green Ⅰ荧光定量PCR的灵敏度可达10 ag/μL;而巢式PCR灵敏度为100 ag/μL,巢式PCR较常规PCR检测灵敏度高104倍。疑似样品的HLB病原SYBR Green Ⅰ荧光定量PCR和巢式PCR检出率分别为46.6%、40.0%。各检测体系的灵敏性、特异性、符合度依次为SYBRGreen Ⅰ荧光定量PCR>巢式PCR>常规PCR。研究表明,SYBR Green Ⅰ荧光定量PCR可作为果园大规模HLB早期诊断和监测的首选,而在缺乏定量检测仪器时,巢式PCR也可用于HLB的检测,但需注意避免空气污染导致的假阳性。  相似文献   

柑橘黄龙病常规PCR检测技术研究与初步应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柑橘黄龙病是世界范围具有毁灭性危害的柑橘细菌性病害,在我国大部分柑橘产区发生,严重制约了我国柑橘产业的发展。本文根据黄龙病病原物亚洲韧皮杆菌核糖体16SrRNA基因设计了1对PCR引物HLBF468/HLBR877,并以此为基础建立了常规PCR反应体系,确定了检测体系的特异性和灵敏度。结果表明该体系的检测灵敏度比先前报道的常规PCR方法有了明显提高。利用建立的PCR体系完成了对广东和广西两省区果园柑橘黄龙病的抽样检测。本研究建立的常规PCR方法可以作为一种简便、准确、灵敏的检测技术应用于柑橘黄龙病的早期诊断。  相似文献   

柑橘黄龙病是对柑橘产业最具毁灭性的病害, 目前没有可用的有效药剂和抗病品种, 分子检测对黄龙病有效防控至关重要。本研究对国内外常用的常规PCR和巢式PCR检测引物进行评价, 针对多拷贝的nrdB和16S rDNA基因, 构建质粒标准品并筛选适用于绝对定量PCR的最佳质粒。结果表明, 使用Es Taq MasterMix对感染 Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas)的柑橘样品进行常规PCR检测时, 在评价的16对引物中, OI1/OI2c、Las606/LSS和HLBF468/R877灵敏度最高, 推荐同时使用检测黄龙病菌含量低的样品;各组巢式PCR检测引物有其适用扩增体系, 部分引物用Es Taq MasterMix扩增时出现非特异性扩增, F1/B1→F3/B3则适用Es Taq MasterMix体系, 且最高可稳定特异检出105倍稀释感染CLas柑橘总DNA样品(2×10-3 ng/μL), 是灵敏度最高的引物组, OI1/OI2c→S3/S4在Es Taq MasterMix和Ex Taq DNA聚合酶体系中均可稳定特异检出104倍稀释感染CLas柑橘总DNA样品(2×10-2 ng/μL), 是适用扩增体系最广的引物组;构建的5个绝对定量PCR质粒标准品中, pnrdB83扩增效率最接近100%, 且在2次重复试验中波动最小, 稳定性最强, 并且作为标准品对黄龙病待测样品进行绝对定量时, 各样品在2次重复试验中的拷贝数差值最小, 是本研究筛选的最佳质粒。本研究的结果将为柑橘黄龙病菌的定性和定量分子检测提供参考。  相似文献   

柑橘花器和种子中黄龙病菌的定量分布及应用   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
为准确、快速测定感病柑橘花器和种子中黄龙病菌(Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus,Las)的含量,比较了SYBR Green Ⅰ实时荧光定量PCR(SGI-qPCR)和单管双引物对TaqMan探针qPCR(STDP-qPCR)的检测灵敏度,并用STDP-qPCR法定量检测了感病沙田柚花器和种子中的Las。结果显示,STDP-qPCR检测灵敏度为1×100拷贝/μL,比SGI-qPCR高100倍;花器中的雄蕊、花瓣、雌蕊和花粉等组织,以及种子的种皮和胚乳组织中均可检测到Las,但含量差异较大,其中种皮组织中Las含量最高,达到109 842个细胞/μg DNA,花粉中的Las含量最低,为308个细胞/μg DNA,所有种壳中均未检测到Las;基于雄蕊组织的黄龙病分子诊断准确率达93.8%。表明Las在感病柑橘花器和种子中呈不均匀分布,基于雄蕊组织的黄龙病诊断方法可辅助用于该病害的高通量检测。  相似文献   

柑橘黄龙病潜伏期长、尚无可用于大田的有效治疗药剂,快速、准确的早期检测是防控柑橘黄龙病的关键。PCR检测是目前柑橘黄龙病最常用的早期检测方法。为提高柑橘黄龙病PCR检测的准确性和检出率,本研究依据已测序的黄龙病菌全基因组序列对检测引物OI2c进行了改进(标记为OI2c-gj),将其与其他常用的7对PCR检测引物进行了特异性和灵敏度的筛选和比较。结果表明,8对黄龙病PCR检测引物中,特异性较好的引物为OI1/OI2c-gj、Las606/LSS、P400F/P400R、A2/J5、16SF/16SR、primer1/primer2;灵敏度较好的引物从高到低依次为:OI1/OI2c-gj=Las606/LSS>P400F/P400R=A2/J5>16SF/16SR>primer1/primer2。综合比较引物特异性和灵敏度,本研究改进的引物OI1/OI2c-gj以及Las606/LSS、P400F/P400R、A2/J5对柑橘黄龙病检测有较好的准确性和检出率,建议用于柑橘黄龙病的早期检测。  相似文献   

柑橘黄龙病田间诊断与检测技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前防控柑橘黄龙病的措施主要包括培育无病毒苗、防治木虱、铲除病树等。而多数防控措施的开展均需灵敏、可靠的早期诊断技术配合。综述了柑橘黄龙病的田间诊断方法以及基于电镜、血清学、高光谱、淀粉显色、常规PCR、巢式PCR、LAMP PCR、定量PCR、数字PCR的检测方法 ,并阐述了各自的优缺点。其中,定量PCR是目前较成熟和具有较高灵敏度的检测技术,可配合其他低成本检测方法对未显症、假阴性等样品进行早期检测;可实现单分子DNA绝对定量分析,数字PCR检测技术在柑橘黄龙病检测中也具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

甘蔗宿根矮化病菌实时荧光定量PCR检测方法的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 甘蔗宿根矮化病是由Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli (Lxx)引起的一种世界性甘蔗细菌病害。根据Lxx的Pat1基因保守序列,设计并合成了一对特异性引物Pat1F (5′-GGTTCCATTGCTTACCGATT-3′)/Pat1R(5′-CAAGTTTCGACAGGAACAGC-3′),和一条TaqMan探针(FAM-5′-CCACGGCTACGTCAATTCGGG-3′-TAMRA),建立了一种特异性强、灵敏度高的甘蔗宿根矮化病菌实时荧光定量PCR检测方法。结果表明,本研究建立的实时荧光定量PCR方法,对Lxx的检测最低下限为102 copies·μL-1。应用实时荧光定量PCR与常规PCR方法对14个甘蔗品种进行Lxx检测,阳性检出率分别为86%和43%,表明实时荧光定量PCR比常规PCR检测方法具有更高的灵敏度。研究结果为甘蔗宿根矮化病的诊断、田间发生动态监测、脱毒健康种苗检测及品种/材料交换检疫检测提供了新技术支撑。  相似文献   

不同引物对检测柑桔黄龙病菌灵敏度比较   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
对目前常用的5对引物(fOI1/rOI2c、fOI2/r23S1、fA2/rJ5、fP535/rP535、fP400/rP400)检测柑桔黄龙病菌的灵敏度进行了比较。结果发现,不同引物对的检测灵敏度不同,5对引物检测灵敏度由高到低依次为:fP400/rP400>fP535/rP535>fA2/rJ5>fOI1/rOI2c>fOI2/r23S1;引物对fP400/rP400比广谱引物对fOI2/r23S1的灵敏度高近千倍。半巢式PCR及巢式PCR的检测灵敏度远高于常规PCR,可检测出接近极限浓度10-7ng/μL,二者没有明显的差别。因此,按照不同目的选择合适的检测引物非常重要,特别是当待测样品中的黄龙病菌浓度极低时,应选择高灵敏度的小片段特异性引物对。  相似文献   

柑橘黄龙病症状较为复杂,且因寄主品种、生长期、病程等因素而异。利用PCR检测其病原菌"Candidatus Liberibacter spp."是目前柑橘黄龙病诊断的可靠方法之一。分析柑橘黄龙病症状与PCR检测结果的相关性有助于提高黄龙病的田间诊断准确率。本研究结果表明,与PCR检测相比,根据症状诊断柑橘黄龙病具有较高的假阳性率(8.20%)和假阴性率(50%);通过分析1 839个样品的症状与病原PCR检测结果发现,表现为斑驳型黄化、均匀黄化和"绿岛"这3种叶部症状以及"红鼻子果"和畸形果这2种果实症状的PCR病原检出率高;具有斑驳和黄化、黄化和"绿岛"、"绿岛"和花叶等复合症状样品的PCR检测"Ca.L.asiaticus"的阳性率最高;直径小于1 cm的幼果中的"Ca.L.asiaticus"检测稳定性低。这些结果为更准确地通过症状诊断柑橘黄龙病提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

本研究根据基因组中RNA依赖的RNA聚合酶(RDRP)保守序列,设计合成了3条巢式PCR引物和1条TaqMAN荧光探针,建立了半巢式反转录实时荧光PCR检测PBRSV的新方法.该方法采用E.Z.N.A TM快速提取植物总RNA,并有机地结合了巢式PCR和TaqMAN探针检测技术.第二步半巢式反转录实时荧光PCR既是对第一步信号的进一步放大,也是对第一步PCR产物的确认,因此,检测的准确性、灵敏度比巢式PCR、单重Realtime PCR等方法高.实验结果表明,该方法检测灵敏度可达300fg/μL植物总RNA.  相似文献   

甘薯双生病毒(sweepoviruses)是侵染甘薯的一类重要病毒,通过烟粉虱以持久方式传播,我国甘薯上至少存在8种甘薯双生病毒.本研究根据我国已报道的8种甘薯双生病毒基因组保守区设计了一组引物,建立了单头烟粉虱中甘薯双生病毒的半巢式PCR快速检测方法.特异性和灵敏性分析结果表明,半巢式PCR具有较高的特异性和灵敏性,...  相似文献   

美人蕉黄斑驳病毒巢式PCR检测方法的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以我国台湾进境美人蕉病株为材料,根据已报道的美人蕉黄斑驳病毒Canna yellow mottle virus(CaYMV)基因序列设计2对特异性引物(外侧引物1对、内侧引物1对),建立了巢式PCR快速检测CaYMV的方法,并对进境的50份美人蕉样品进行了检测。结果显示,该方法特异性强,且灵敏度高于常规PCR,是常规PCR的1 000倍,表明该方法能够实现对CaYMV的快速、准确、灵敏检测,适用于口岸快速检测CaYMV。  相似文献   

Huanglongbing (HLB) is one of the most devastating diseases of citrus worldwide, and is caused by a phloem-limited fastidious prokaryotic alpha-proteobacterium that is yet to be cultured. In this study, a combination of traditional polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and real-time PCR targeting the putative DNA polymerase and 16S rDNA sequence of 'Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus,' respectively, were used to examine the distribution and movement of the HLB pathogen in the infected citrus tree. We found that 'Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus' was distributed in bark tissue, leaf midrib, roots, and different floral and fruit parts, but not in endosperm and embryo, of infected citrus trees. Quantification analysis of the HLB bacterium indicated that it was distributed unevenly in planta and ranged from 14 to 137,031 cells/mug of total DNA in different tissues. A relatively high concentration of 'Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus' was observed in fruit peduncles. Our data from greenhouse-infected plants also indicated that 'Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus' was transmitted systemically from infection site to different parts of the plant. Understanding the distribution and movement of the HLB bacterium inside an individual citrus tree is critical for discerning its virulence mechanism and to develop management strategies for HLB.  相似文献   

南芥菜花叶病毒的几种PCR检测方法的建立和比较研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
 以进境种球中截获的带毒洋水仙和郁金香为试验材料,建立了ArMV的免疫捕获RT-PCR、巢式PCR和Real-time PCR方法,并比较了几种检测方法的灵敏度。DAS-ELISA的检测灵敏度较低,为1mg洋水仙或10mg郁金香带毒种球,而各种PCR方法的灵敏度可高于DAS-ELISA 100倍以上,其中Real-time PCR检测的灵敏度最高,可从20ng洋水仙或2μg郁金香的带毒种球中检出ArMV。鉴于DAS-ELISA灵敏度较低,建议在用ELISA初筛时,如样品OD405值与阴性对照OD405值之比在2.0左右时需要再用分子方法加以确证,以防漏检。  相似文献   

Citrus Huanglongbing (HLB) is a devastating disease of citrus known to be associated with a fastidious, phloem-limited Gram-negative, yet to be cultured bacterium in the genus Candidatus Liberibacter. In the present study we have developed a method to quantify viable Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (Las) with the aid of ethidium monoazide (EMA) which can differentiate live from dead cells. First, calibration curves were developed with the aid of quantitative real-time PCR (QPCR) by using a plasmid template consisting of a 703 bp DNA fragment of rplKAJL-rpoBC (β-operon) region. Standard equations were then developed to quantify Las genome equivalents in citrus, periwinkle, and Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri. To overcome the limitation of quantitative PCR in discriminating between live and dead bacterial cells, EMA was used to inhibit the amplification of DNA from the dead cells of Las in plant samples. By using the standard equations and EMA-QPCR methods developed in this study, we found that the proportion of viable cells in citrus and periwinkle ranged from 17–31% and 16–28%, respectively. It was determined that a minimum bacterial concentration is required for HLB symptom development by quantifying the population of Las in symptomatic and asymptomatic leaves. The EMA-QPCR methodology developed in the present study should provide an accurate assessment of viable HLB pathogen, providing a tool to investigate disease epidemiology and thus act as a crucial component for disease assessment and management. The authors P. Trivedi and U. S. Sagaram contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

应用PCR及Nested PCR技术检测柑桔木虱及其寄主九里香的结果表明:PCR只可检测最低2头带菌木虱,Nested PCR可检测到单个带菌木虱。100头带菌木虱中,单虫检出率为96%。检测田间重、中等、轻病的柑桔园内的木虱,其带菌率依次为87%、53%和21%。在病芦柑上饲菌不同天数的木虱均能检测出带菌,其饲菌时间最短为1d。城市九里香叶片及在其叶上取食的木虱单虫,均能用Nested PCR检测出病原。饲菌木虱接种九里香及芦柑健苗,在植株尚未表现症状时,常规PCR难检测出病原,但用Nested PCR则能检测到病原,说明九里香不仅是木虱的寄主,而且是黄龙病病原的隐症寄主。  相似文献   

PCR-based methods were developed for the detection and quantification of the potato pathogen Synchytrium endobioticum in soil extracts and in planta. PCR primers, based on the internal transcribed spacer region of the multi-copy gene rDNA were tested for specificity, sensitivity and reproducibility in conventional and real-time PCR assays. Soil extraction procedures compared included the Hendrickx centrifugation (HC) procedure, nested wet sieving (NWS) and a method used by the Plant Protection Service (PPS). The primers amplified a 472 bp product from S. endobioticum DNA, but did not amplify DNA from other potato pathogens, other plant pathogens, and related species. Standard cell disruption and DNA extraction and purification methods were optimized for amplification of S. endobioticum DNA from resting sporangia. DNA was successfully amplified from a single sporangium and equivalent DNA preparations from soil extracts. Low levels of target DNA in water did not amplify, possibly due to DNA loss during final purification steps. A real-time PCR assay, developed for soil-based extracts using primers and probe based on the rDNA gene sequences, involved co-amplification of target DNA along with an internal DNA fragment. Both conventional and real-time PCR methods performed well with HC- and NWS-extracts having a threshold sensitivity of 10 sporangia per PCR assay. Of the three soil extraction methods, only with the HC method could 100 g soil samples be efficiently processed in one single PCR assay. Such a high capacity assay could be useful for routine soil analysis in respect to disease risk assessments and to secure de-scheduling according to EPPO guidelines.  相似文献   

Colletotrichum coccodes is the causal agent of the potato blemish disease black dot. Two PCR primer sets were designed to sequences of the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS1 and ITS2) regions for use in a nested PCR. The genus-specific outer primers (Cc1F1/Cc2R1) were designed to regions common to Colletotrichum spp., and the species-specific nested primers (Cc1NF1/Cc2NR1) were designed to sequences unique to C . coccodes . The primer sets amplified single products of 447 bp (Cc1F1/Cc2R1) and 349 bp (Cc1NF1/Cc2NR1) with DNA extracted from 33 European and North American isolates of C. coccodes. The specificity of primers Cc1NF1/Cc2NR1 was confirmed by the absence of amplified product with DNA of other species representing the six phylogenetic groups of the genus Colletotrichum and 46 other eukaryotic and prokaryotic plant pathogenic species. A rapid procedure for the direct extraction of DNA from soil and potato tubers was used to verify the PCR assay for detecting C. coccodes in environmental samples. The limit of sensitivity of PCR for the specific detection of C. coccodes when inoculum was added to soils was 3·0 spores per g, or the equivalent of 0·06 microsclerotia per g soil, the lowest level of inoculum tested. Colletotrichum coccodes was also detected by PCR in naturally infested soil and from both potato peel and peel extract from infected and apparently healthy tubers. Specific primers and a TaqMan fluorogenic probe were designed to perform quantitative real-time (TaqMan) PCR to obtain the same levels of sensitivity for detection of C. coccodes in soil and tubers during a first-round PCR as with conventional nested PCR and gel electrophoresis. This rapid and quantitative PCR diagnostic assay allows an accurate estimation of tuber and soil contamination by C. coccodes .  相似文献   

为有效防控我国的检疫性有害生物十字花科细菌性黑斑病菌Pseudomonas syringae pv.maculicola在国内的传播与蔓延,通过设计1对特异性引物3539,利用132株靶标和非靶标菌为模板进行PCR扩增,建立了实时荧光定量PCR法,并进行了模拟种子带菌试验。结果显示,引物3539为只针对十字花科细菌性黑斑病菌扩增出的特异性产物;在模拟种子带菌检测中,常规PCR对菌悬液的检测限为10~5CFU/m L,实时荧光定量PCR的检测限为10~3CFU/m L,其中10~8CFU/m L菌液的Ct值最低,为22.90,10~3CFU/m L菌液的Ct值最高,为35.73,且不同浓度菌液间的Ct值均有显著差异;不同带菌率模拟种子的检测结果表明,常规PCR和实时荧光定量PCR能检测到的带菌率分别为0.5%和0.1%。研究表明,实时荧光定量PCR法不仅可用于病种的检测,也可用于病害的早期诊断。  相似文献   

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