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Pericarditis is an inflammation of the pericardium with accumulation of serous or fibrinous inflammatory products. In cattle, it is almost always attributable to a reticular foreign body that has penetrated the reticular wall, diaphragm and pericardial sac. The lead signs of pericarditis are tachycardia, muffled heart sounds, asynchronous abnormal heart sounds, distension of the jugular veins and submandibular, brisket and ventral abdominal oedema. The glutaraldehyde test is an important diagnostic tool because it is positive in >90% of affected cattle. Other common laboratory findings are leukocytosis and hyperfibrinogenaemia (indicating inflammation), and elevation of liver enzyme activity (reflecting hepatic congestion). Radiographs of the thorax and reticulum often show a foreign body cranial to the reticulum. In the majority of cases, massive fibrinopurulent adhesions obscure the cardiophrenic angle, cardiac silhouette and ventral diaphragm.Ultrasonography is the method of choice for diagnosis and characterisation of pericardial effusion. Echogenic deposits and strands of fibrin are seen on the epicardium, and the ventricles are compressed by the effusion. Severe pleural effusion is usually evident. In cattle with distension of the jugular veins and tachycardia, the differential diagnosis includes right-sided cardiac insufficiency attributable to other causes. Distension of the jugular veins without signs of right-sided cardiac insufficiency may occur with obstruction or compression of the cranial vena cava. The prognosis is poor, and pericardiocentesis or pericardiotomy are inadequate methods of treatment. Thus, prompt and humane euthanasia is indicated for cattle with traumatic reticuloperitonitis. Because a definitive diagnosis of traumatic reticuloperitonitis is not always possible based on clinical signs alone, radiography and ultrasonography of the thorax and reticulum are indicated in doubtful cases.  相似文献   

Clinical, ultrasonographic and radiographic features of proximal suspensory desmitis in the forelimb and the hindlimb are described. Acute cases may present with slight, localised, oedematous swelling, heat, distension of the medial palmar (plantar) vein and/or pain, whereas chronic cases or those rested immediately after onset of lameness usually have no detectable clinical signs suggestive of the source of pain. In these cases local analgesia is required to identify pain in the proximal metacarpal (metatarsal) region. Transverse ultrasonographic images of the suspensory ligament usually yield the most information and a variety of abnormalities of the proximal suspensory ligament have been identified including i) enlargement ii) poor definition of one or more of the margins of the suspensory ligament, especially dorsally iii) a well circumscribed, central hypoechoic area iv) one or more poorly defined hypoechoic areas, central or more peripheral v) a larger area of diffuse decrease in echogenicity (such lesions were seen most commonly in the hindlimb and appeared to warrant a more guarded prognosis than focal lesions). Radiographic abnormalities were identified in hindlimbs more often than in forelimbs and were usually seen in a dorsopalmar (dorsoplantar) view, and/or a lateromedial projection. Radiographic abnormalities included sclerosis of the trabeculae, a change in orientation of the trabeculae and entheseophyte formation. The most extensive radiographic abnormalities were seen together with an ultrasonographic type v lesion. The prognosis for return to full athletic function and sustained future soundness was better for forelimbs than hindlimbs, especially if the lesion, identified ultrasonographically, resolved.  相似文献   

Findings of hepatic ultrasonography were analysed in 22 dogs with liver disease and compared with the results of final morphological diagnoses. Ultrasonographic appearance of the liver demonstrated focal alterations in 11 dogs (50 per cent): multifocal lesions in hepatic neoplasia (six), hepatic cirrhosis (one), generalised mycosis (one) and unifocal lesions in haemangiosarcoma (one), nodular hyperplasia (one) and misdiagnosed intestinal invagination (one), Diffuse ultrasonographic alterations were found in 11 dogs (50 per cent): hyperechoic liver of normal/enlarged size in lymphosarcoma (four) and hepatic lipidosis (two); hyperechoic ‘bright’ but small liver in atrophic cirrhosis (two); hypoechoic to normal intensity liver of normal size in liver dystrophy (two) and hepatic venous distension (one). Gallbladder abnormalities were detected in 14 of 20 dogs (70 per cent). Correct ultrasonographic diagnoses were made in 11 dogs (50 per cent). The best results were achieved by combining the clinicolaboratory and ultrasonographic findings, providing a correct diagnosis in 17 dogs (77-3 per cent).  相似文献   

A 6-month-old female Holstein calf was referred with a history of respiratory distress, anorexia and dehydration. When first examined, a loud harsh murmur was clearly audible from both sides of the thorax. Two-dimensional echocardiography demonstrated a markedly dilated right ventricle and right atrium, hypertrophied myocardium, prominent papillary muscles and a thickened interventricular septum (IVS). A large-sized ventricular septal defect was imaged at the top of the IVS. The aorta was dextrally located and overriding both ventricles. The diagnosis was confirmed as tetralogy of fallot on postmortem examination.  相似文献   

The expression of cyclins A, D1, D2 and E were examined immunohistochemically in 5 canine normal testes and 31 testicular tumors, including 14 seminomas, 11 Sertoli cell tumors and 6 Leydig cell tumors. In canine normal testes, cyclin A expression was detected in spermatogonia and primary spermatocytes. This suggests that A-type cyclins may play some role in canine spermatogenesis. Cyclin A expression was also observed in 13/14 (92.9%) seminomas and 2/11 (18.2%) Sertoli cell tumors, but no positive reaction was observed in Leydig cell tumors. Parallel examinations for cyclins D1, D2 and E gave negative results in canine normal testes and testicular tumors. High levels of cyclin A expression in canine seminomas indicate that the neoplastic germ cells may be arrested at the spermatogonia and primary spermatocyte stages of differentiation.  相似文献   

Chronic enteropathy due to food hypersensitivity is a common complaint in dogs and humans, and definitive diagnosis and identification of offending allergens remains challenging. Doppler waveform analysis of the celiac artery (CA) and the cranial mesenteric artery (CMA) of 8 dogs with proven food hypersensitivity was performed in the fasting state and at 20, 40, 60, and 90 minutes after feeding their regular daily diet, and at 2 and 4 days after feeding 4 different allergens. Resistive index (RI), pulsatility index (PI), and the percentage differences between these measurements were calculated and compared statistically. The maximal decrease in RI and PI after feeding the regular diet was reached at 40 minutes after ingestion in both vessels (CA: RI = -6%, PI = -23%; CMA: RI = -9%, PI = -30%). After this trough, the resistance in both vessels rose nearly to baseline after 90 minutes (CA: RI = -1%, PI = -13%; CMA: RI = -3%, PI = -14%). When fed an allergen-containing meal the percentage changes at the trough were significantly greater (CA: RI = -10%, PI = -32%; CMA: RI = - 14%, PI = -40 %; p < 0.05) compared to those seen after feeding the maintenance diet. Also, RI and PI values were significantly (P < .05) lower at 90 minutes on days 2 and 4 of the challenge period. During the challenge period, dogs did not show overt signs of gastrointestinal disease. Significant postprandial hemodynamic alterations in response to food allergens in dogs with food hypersensitivities can be shown noninvasively with Doppler ultrasound.  相似文献   

Three Collies with a skin disorder, 6 progeny from a breeding of 2 of the Collies (incross litter), and the 4 progeny from the breeding of an affected Collie male and a normal Labrador Retriever female (outcross litter) were examined. By 7 to 11 weeks of age, all 6 dogs in the incross litter developed a qualitatively similar, but variably severe, dermatitis of the ears, face, lips, tip of the tail, and over bony prominences of limbs. Later, myopathic signs characterized by bilaterally symmetrical skeletal muscle atrophy of the head, neck, trunk, and extremities; facial palsy; decreased jaw tone; stiff gait; and hyperreflexia were observed in the dogs more severely affected by the dermatitis. Of the 4 dogs in the outcross litter, 3 had similar, but milder, clinical manifestations of the dermatitis and myopathy. Cutaneous lesions consisted of intraepidermal and subepidermal vesicles or pustules with intradermal infiltration by leukocytes. Muscle lesions included myositis; myofiber degeneration, regeneration, and atrophy; and fibrosis. A generalized myopathy in the severely affected dogs was indicated by abnormal readings on needle electromyograms and normal motor nerve conduction velocities. Spontaneous needle electromyogram abnormalities were fibrillation potentials, positive sharp waves, and bizarre high-frequency discharges. Retrospective and prospective genetic analyses disclosed a definite familial tendency and indicated the condition has an autosomal dominant component.  相似文献   

Gastric motility is affected by several pathological conditions which may induce upper gastrointestinal clinical symptoms. The pathogenesis of canine gastric motility disorders is poorly understood because of methodological limitations. This study aimed at establishing a simple method for evaluating postprandial gastric motility in dogs. Gastric motility was ultrasonographically assessed in 7 healthy beagles using a technique previously described in humans. The motility index (MI), an indicator of gastric antral motility, was calculated by measuring the area of the gastric antrum in both a contracted and relaxed phase and by counting the number of contractions. The MI was measured every 30 min for 3 hr after feeding and compared with gastric emptying as assessed by a (13)C-octanoic acid breath test. The MI at 30 min had the lowest variability in the 7 dogs (mean SD, 9.77 ± 0.42; coefficient of variance, 4.25%), and a significant correlation was observed with gastric emptying coefficient (R(2)=0.8126, P=0.005) and half-emptying time (R(2)=0.654, P=0.027). When atropine was administered, a significant decrease in the MI at 30 min was observed compared with the control (9.77 ± 0.42 vs. 5.19 ± 0.22, P=0.0003). In conclusion, evaluation of the MI at 30 min is suitable for assessing gastric motility and enables us to assess gastric motility simply in a short time. By using this method, further studies for the pathogenesis of canine gastric motility disorders are warranted.  相似文献   

The results of the cytological and histological examination of 348 canine lesions, localised in various organs, were compared with respect to the tumourous or non-tumour nature of the lesions and the malignancy or benignancy of tumours. The retrieval rate was 92.5%. Regarding the distinction between tumourous and non-tumourous lesions, the cytological examination showed a diagnostic accuracy of 83.9%, a sensitivity of 95.6%, a specificity of 65.4% and a predictive value for the presence of tumour of 93.5%. The diagnostic accuracy of cytology concerning the differentiation in malignancy and benignancy of the neoplasms was 83.7%, with a sensitivity of 86.8%, a specificity of 79.4% and a predictive value for the presence of malignant tumour of 85.6%. These results confirm the value of non-exfoliative cytology as a diagnostic method, providing rapid and valuable information with regard to diagnosis and prognosis and, consequently, for therapeutic handling. An eventual histological diagnosis remains indicated, especially in case of soft-tissue and mammary lesions.  相似文献   

Accurate assessment of tumor response to therapy is critical in guiding management of veterinary oncology patients and is most commonly performed using response evaluation criteria in solid tumors criteria. This process can be time consuming and have high intra‐ and interobserver variability. The primary aim of this serial measurements, secondary analysis study was to compare manual linear tumor response assessment to semi‐automated, contoured response assessment in canine nasal tumors. The secondary objective was to determine if tumor measurements or clinical characteristics, such as stage, would correlate to progression‐free interval. Three investigators evaluated paired CT scans of skulls of 22 dogs with nasal tumors obtained prior to and following radiation therapy. The automatically generated tumor volumes were not useful for canine nasal tumors in this study, characterized by poor intraobserver agreement between automatically generated contours and hand‐adjusted contours. The radiologist's manual linear method of determining response evaluation criteria in solid tumors categorization and tumor volume is significantly faster (P < .0001) but significantly underestimates nasal tumor volume (P < .05) when compared to a contour‐based method. Interobserver agreement was greater for volume determination using the contour‐based method when compared to response evaluation criteria in solid tumors categorization utilizing the same method. However, response evaluation criteria in solid tumors categorization and percentage volume change were strongly correlated, providing validity to response evaluation criteria in solid tumors as a rapid method of tumor response assessment for canine nasal tumors. No clinical characteristics or tumor measurements were significantly associated with progression‐free interval.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical detection of inhibin-alpha, -betaA and -betaB chains and 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (HSD) was carried out on primary testicular tumors from 15 dogs and normal testes from three adult dogs. Histopathologically, the tumors were composed of three types: Leydig cell tumors in five dogs, Sertoli cell tumors in five dogs, and seminoma in five dogs. In normal testes, immunostaining against inhibin-alpha, -betaA, and -betaB chains and 3beta-HSD revealed positive reactivity in the cytoplasm of Leydig cells. In testicular tumors, immunoreactive cells against inhibin-alpha, -betaA, and -betaB chains and 3beta-HSD were localized in all Leydig cell tumors but not in any Sertoli cell tumors or seminomas. The results of radioimmunoassay for plasma inhibin in dogs with Leydig cell tumors showed higher concentrations than those in dogs with Sertoli cell tumors and seminomas and those in normal dogs. The concentration of inhibin in the plasma was markedly decreased by the surgical removal of the Leydig cell tumor in one dog. Our findings suggest that inhibin is synthesized by normal and neoplastic Leydig cells in the canine testis, and the secreted inhibin may be inhibin A and inhibin B.  相似文献   

Silica uroliths were first recognized in dogs in the mid 1970s. Currently available data suggest that dietary factors may play a role in their pathogenesis. Diagnosis is facilitated by their typical jackstone appearance but must be verified by quantitative analysis. Surgery is the only feasible method of treatment.  相似文献   

Abstract— Discussion is limited to conditions of the lower alimentary tract posterior to the anterior rim of the pelvic floor. More recent surgical procedures are described but the emphasis is on differential diagnosis and the symptomology is outlined from this aspect rather than that of the individual conditions. Résumé— L'étude porte sur les troubles intéressant le tube digestif inférieur, en arrière du bord antérieur du plancher pelvien. Tout en décrivant diverses techniques chirurgicales assez récentes, l'auteur étudie surtout le diagnostic différentiel, la symptomatologie étant présentée de ce point de we plutôt que sous l'aspect des divers troubles rencontrés. Zusammenfassung— Die Diskussion beschränkt sich auf die Verhältnisse des unteren Verdauungs-kanals hinter dem Vorderrand des Beckenbodens. Neuere chirurgische Methoden werden beschrieben, jedoch liegt der Nachdruck mehr auf der Differentialdiagnose, und die Symptomatologie wird unter diesem Gesichtspunkt statt dem der individuellen Zustände umrissen.  相似文献   

Hypothyroidism was diagnosed in 50 dogs and excluded in 86 dogs suspected of hypothyroidism, on the basis of the results of bovine thyrotropin response tests. Breed, pedigree, sex or neutering status did not significantly influence the likelihood of the dogs being hypothyroid. The hypothyroid dogs were significantly older than the non-hypothyroid dogs referred to the University of Glasgow during the same period. However, when dogs under two years of age were excluded from the statistical analyses there was no significant difference in age between the two groups. The most common clinical characteristics associated with hypothyroidism were metabolic signs (84 per cent of cases), particularly lethargy (76 per cent), obesity or weight gain (44 per cent), and exercise intolerance (24 per cent); and dermatological abnormalities (80 per cent), including alopecia (56 per cent), poor coat quality (30 per cent) and hyperpigmentation (20 per cent). When compared with the laboratory reference limits the most common biochemical and haematological abnormalities were increased concentrations of triglycerides (88 per cent), cholesterol (78 per cent), glucose (49 per cent), and fructosamine (43 per cent), and increased activities of creatine kinase (35 per cent), and decreased concentrations of inorganic phosphate (63 per cent), and a low red blood cell count (40 per cent). When compared with reference limits derived from the euthyroid dogs the most common abnormalities were increased concentrations of gamma-glutamyltransferase (21 per cent), cholesterol (18 per cent), and aspartate aminotransferase (15 per cent) and a decreased red blood cell count (29 per cent), and decreased neutrophils (18 per cent) and decreased activity of creatine kinase (15 per cent). Assessment of cholesterol, creatine kinase, aspartate aminotransferase, gamma-glutamyltransferase, and red blood cell and neutrophil counts may be particularly useful in distinguishing hypothyroid dogs from euthyroid animals with similar clinical signs.  相似文献   

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