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油茶遗传变异特性研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
油茶遗传变异特性包括形态特征、生物学特性、经济性状、脂肪酸和抗逆性等的遗传变异特性。其中,形态特征包括树体性状、果实性状、枝叶性状;生物学特性包括花器官及花期变异和果实成熟期变异等特性;经济性状包括产果量、果重、出籽率、出仁率和出油率等性状。本文对照国外对油橄榄的研究,综述了油茶遗传变异特性的研究进展情况,并对油茶遗传变异特性研究的前景作了展望。  相似文献   

Tropical tree fodder is harvested by frequent prunings, and resprouting depends on nonstructural carbohydrate reserves in the remaining tree parts. We studied the effects of three pruning intensities (removal of all leaves and branches leaving 1 m of stem once a year (T-12), or every 6 months (T-6), and about 50% pruning every 2 months (P-2)) on regrowth and the dynamics of soluble sugars and starch in the legume tree Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp. growing under humid tropical conditions in Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles. Carbohydrates were sampled in roots, stems and branches. Among pruned trees, trees in the T-6 harvest regime had the highest leaf fodder yield (0.73 kg tree(-1) year(-1)). High litter loss reduced leaf yield of T-12 trees, but compared with the other treatments, T-12 trees produced the most branch biomass (3.43 kg tree(-1)). Among treatments, P-2 trees had an intermediate leaf fodder yield and the lowest branch production. Sucrose, glucose and fructose were the most common sugars in all biomass compartments. Mannose, pinitol and an unidentified cyclitol were relatively abundant in branches. Root sugar and starch concentrations were unaffected by harvest regime. There was a significant interactive effect of harvest intensity and regrowth time on stem sugar concentration. Stem starch concentration was highest in T-12 trees. After a year of fodder harvesting, whole-tree reserves of nonstructural carbohydrates were highest in T-12 trees; however, a larger proportion of reserves were located in roots and stems of T-6 and P-2 trees. These reserves, which were not lost in pruning and contributed to regrowth of G. sepium after pruning, may explain the relatively small effects of harvesting regime on soluble sugar and starch concentrations.  相似文献   

Almond is often considered to be a moderately alternate-bearing species but historical yield data typically do not exhibit clear patterns of alternate bearing at the orchard level, while research has indicated that spurs (the main fruit bearing unit in almond trees) rarely produce fruit in two subsequent years. The objective of the present work was to analyze the bearing behavior of almond trees at both the orchard level and the individual spur level over multiple years to explain this apparent paradox. The 10-year yield patterns of three almond cultivars grown at three different sites within California were analyzed for tendencies of alternate bearing at the orchard level. At the individual spur level, data on spur viability, and number of flowers and fruits per spur were collected on 2400 individually tagged spurs that were observed over 6 years to characterize bearing at that level. At the orchard level one cultivar (Nonpareil) did exhibit a tendency for alternate bearing at one site (Kern) but other cultivars and sites did not. The orchard and the individual trees in which the spur population study was conducted showed tendencies for alternate bearing but the spur population did not. Only a relatively small percentage of the total tagged spur population bore fruit in any given year and therefore while individual fruiting spurs exhibited a high level of non-bearing after fruiting the previous year the spurs that did produce fruit in any year generally did not constitute enough of the total spur population to exhibit alternate bearing at the whole population level. Our results suggest that annual bearing fluctuations in almond are probably mainly due to year-to-year variations of parameters affecting fruit set and that high rates of fruit set in a given year may involve a larger-than-normal percentage of a spur population in fruit bearing. This would limit the size of the spur population available for flowering in the subsequent year and could cause alternate year bearing. However, from historical records, this would appear to be the exception rather than a normal circumstance. Therefore, almond should not be considered to be a strictly alternate-bearing species.  相似文献   

田间试验结果表明:施用硼肥促进油橄榄花芽分化,花粉萌发率提高了74.1%,花期后的坐果率增加29.6%,产量增加14.0%;施用锌肥可以降低油橄榄硬核期和油脂形成期的落果率,分别降低18.5%和12.3%,产量增加12.1%;硼锌肥配合施用效果最佳,花粉萌发率提高了82.4%,花期后的坐果率提高了33.5%,硬核期和油脂形成期落果率分别降低了17.9%和14.8%,产量增加21.9%。  相似文献   

采用盆栽称质量的方法,对盆栽油橄榄灌溉20%、40%、60%、80%、100%、120%、140%蒸腾蒸发量(ET0),进行产量与果实品质研究。结果表明,灌溉量为100%~140%ET0时单果重、果肉率最高;100%ET0时产果量最高;40%ET0时含油率最高;80%ET0时产油量最高。对于果用油橄榄最佳灌溉量范围为100%~140%ET0,油用油橄榄最佳灌溉范围为60%~100%ET0。  相似文献   

甘肃陇南油橄榄产量产能调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对甘肃省陇南市油橄榄主产区武都、文县、宕昌3县(区)100多个挂果橄榄园和9家橄榄油加工企业2010榨季油橄榄鲜果产量及橄榄油加工产能进行了现地调查,分析了存在的主要问题,提出了对策和措施.  相似文献   

The olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin.) (Diptera:Tephritidae) is a pest on olives (Olea europea) in the Mediterranean basin. An olive fruit fly colony was maintained on olives at 24 ± 1°C, 60% RH, and 16:8 h (light:dark) photoperiod with fluorescent lighting. We investigated oviposition behavior, developmental duration and weights of the biological stages, and adult longevity. A single female laid an average of 19 eggs/day and 200–350 eggs in her lifetime. The maximum number of oviposition stings in a single olive was 156.0 ± 5.77, and 28.00 ± 3.62 larvae out of it completed their development, all pupated, and all emergence successfully. Although the development period was similar for larvae and pupae, adult longevity varied. Male and female emergence percentages ranged as 38.7–52.8, and 32–39.9%, respectively. The results are presented in relation to published studies on olive fruit fly rearing.  相似文献   

经过对引进的‘龙枣’、‘磨盘枣’、‘羊奶枣’、‘孔府酥’4个特色枣树品种的物候期、枝条年生长量和结果情况的连续3年初步观察,这4个枣树品种可以在武汉正常生长结果,但‘孔府酥’需进一步探索解决结果大小年现象的配套栽培技术措施。  相似文献   

为寻找影响板栗产量的主要因子,作者用数理统计的方法,通过对江苏省新沂市沭河果园4种不同密度8a生板栗密植园单株产量及与其相关产量构成因子的简单相关分析和逐步回归分析,得到了包括结果母枝数、主干截面积、结果母枝抽生结果枝数和单粒重在内的最优多元线性回归方程;再对人选的4个主要性状进行通径分析,明确了在保证树干一定粗度生长的条件下,保留适宜的结果母枝数,促进母枝抽生结果枝,是板栗丰产栽培的关键技术措施  相似文献   

When dormant Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) transplants were lifted from the nursery in March and transferred to favorable growing conditions in a controlled environment chamber, new roots emerged and elongated even when the plants were bark-ringed so that the roots could not receive metabolites from the shoot by phloem translocation. Carbohydrate analysis showed that starch reserves in the roots of the bark-ringed plants were depleted, indicating that these reserves provided the energy source for new root growth. The shoot also had a role in new root growth as excised root systems showed greatly reduced root growth. This response is compared to that of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) in which bark-ringing prevented root growth indicating that current photosynthate is needed for new root growth. The findings are discussed in relation to the problems of establishing these species in forest plantations.  相似文献   

杉木人工林各植物组分含碳率研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分别采集会同县广坪林区第2代杉木人工林的杉木树干(去皮)、树皮、枝、叶、根系样品和灌木的干、枝(叶)和根样品与草本植物的地上、地下部分样品以及林内的枝、叶、果和碎屑凋落物和枯死根,用干烧法测定其含碳率。结果表明:杉木各器官含碳率大小的顺序是:树皮>树叶>树根>树干>树枝。树皮、树叶、树干、树枝含碳率随着树木年龄的增大而增加,树根含碳率随着树木年龄增大出现波动。林冠下草本植物的平均碳含量比木本植物低,且草本植物间碳含量差异要比木本植物间大。林龄对凋落物同种组分碳含量影响不显著。不同凋落物的碳含量即使在同一龄级也存在较大差异。枯死根系的碳含量要低于地上凋落物各组分的碳含量,林木各器官活有机体内的碳含量均大于相应死有机体(凋落物)内的碳含量。  相似文献   

以梯田堰边老龄低产花椒为试材,采用随机区组设计进行不同修剪试验。发现刻芽、中截、重截、疏枝修剪处理均能促进新梢生长,提高叶绿素含量,显著提高花椒单株产量、穗重,增加花椒出皮率。以疏枝处理对花椒新梢生长、果实产量品质影响最显著。平茬更新处理的花椒树的叶色浓绿、叶片肥厚、生长壮旺,果实产量和枝量明显高于对照树,复壮效果明显。  相似文献   

清水县引进核桃品种基本性状初步对比试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨会光 《甘肃林业科技》2012,37(2):46-48,68
通过对近年来引进清水县的香玲、西林2号等7个早实核桃品种及晋龙1号、晋龙2号等2个晚实核桃品种的树体、枝条性状和果实经济性状等的调查,并以清水当地优良品系清水薄皮核桃为对照。结果表明:早实核桃香玲、鲁光和辽核7号在清水县综合表现良好;中林1号产量较高,但种仁不饱满,且容易感染炭疽病;辽核4号产量高,但果实较小,且大小年明显。  相似文献   

通过对武都油橄榄的栽培品种、种植面积,以及生长结果、加工与产销等状况的考察,认为油橄榄在武都自然条件下生长发育良好,栽培技术成熟,发展势头迅猛,天水与武都自然条件差异不大,存在引种成功的可能性,应积极引种试栽,为天水的退耕还林啬抗旱经济树种。  相似文献   

油茶生育规律及其影响因子研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文通过17年固定标准地观测,证明组成油茶产油量的主要因子是单株产果量和鲜果含油率.影响单株产果量,大果优于中、小果;早花优于中、晚、特早花;紫红、红果优于青皮果.在偏北地区.花期气候是影响油茶产量的最重要外界因素.油茶选种应以单株为主,着重早花、大果、高鲜果含油量等性状选择,果实成熟度要一致.  相似文献   

环剥与环割处理对冬枣生长结果及果实品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以8年生冬枣为试材,研究不同时期环剥与环割对冬枣生长结果及果实品质的影响,旨在为改进枣树的栽培技术和提高枣树的产量与枣果质量提供理论依据。结果表明:主干环剥及主枝环割适宜在盛花期即开花30%~50%时进行,可明显提高冬枣果实及花序坐果率,提高产量;环剥与环割后果实的维生素C、总酸、总糖和可溶性固形物含量提高;环剥处理后的枣果总糖含量较环割处理高,硬度较环割处理低,果实品质更好;盛花后期即开花60%~80%进行环剥与环割,可提高枣果纵横径及单果质量,促使果实膨大,所以在栽培中可结合盛花期进行环剥、环割后,在盛花后期根据树势情况进行2次环剥、环割处理;木质化枣吊的坐果率、可溶性固形物含量、平均纵横径和单果质量均高于脱落性枣吊,说明在生产中应注意培养木质化枣吊,这是提升枣果产量及品质的有效方法。  相似文献   

A receptor-like protein kinase gene (Ppsrkl1) was isolated from a peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch.) bark cDNA library prepared with RNAs isolated from bark collected in December (cold acclimated). Sequence analysis indicated that this gene is related to the S-locus family of receptor protein kinases (SRKs) and that it shares greatest homology with ZMPK1 from maize and At4g32300 from Arabidopsis, both of which are intron-less genes. In bark tissues, Ppsrkl1 is induced by water deficit treatment, repressed by short-day photoperiods and showed no response to cold treatment. The Ppsrkl1 mRNA also increased in roots in response to water deficit. In fruit, Ppsrkl1 shows no response up to 6 h after wounding, but at 12 and 24 h after wounding, Ppsrkl1 mRNA shows an abrupt decline. This decline was prevented by the addition of salicylic acid to the wound site. The Ppsrkl1 mRNA rapidly decreased in fruit after 10-min exposure to UV-C radiation, followed by a return to normal levels within 1.5 h. Taken together, these experiments indicate that Ppsrkl1 is negatively regulated by light and positively influenced by salicylic acid treatment in fruit and water stress in bark and roots.  相似文献   

油茶大小年结果及其生物学特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
将油茶个体分为大年树、小年树、连年小年树和稳产树4个类型,调查研究了油茶大小年结果的生物学特性。研究表明:花芽数量是产生大小年的直接原因,座果量与上年花芽数量呈抛物线关系,y=-0.0193x~2+0.8687x-1.1039;着果量与其并存的花芽数量呈指数函数关系,lny=0.7879ln l/x+2.7286。此外还研究了各结果类型树的春梢枝、春梢叶和果的生长动态特征。  相似文献   

通过对油橄榄(Olea europaea L.)56个不同品种果实经济性状的研究,确定了油橄榄典型油用品种。果实含油率(指干果)为40—50%的有25个品种,占总数的44.6%;35—40%的有14个,占25.0%;30—35%的有13个,占23.2%;小于30%的有4个,占7.1%。各品种果实中橄榄油主要由7种脂肪酸组成,其中油酸含量最高,达65—78%,它是橄榄油油脂品质好的重要指标。含油率、油酸含量又共同决定油用品种等级。初步认为果实含油率在35%以上,油酸含量高于56%的品种可作为油用栽培品种,并以此拟定为油橄榄油用品种分类标准。这 56个品种中,有35个品种可定为油用品种,其中23个属于优等油用品种,其含油率、油酸含量分别高于40%、65%;12个良好油用品种,含油率、油酸含量均在35—40%、60%以上。  相似文献   

油橄榄树体结构与太阳辐射能分配规律的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1987—1988年,在四川广元市市郊对不同修剪技术油橄榄树体结构进行了太阳辐射能分配规律的研究。研究结果表明,结果枝组单元修剪技术构成的树体结构能更好地利用光能资源,充分提高油橄榄整个树体光能分布的有效性,光能利用率高,热量、水汽交换好,产量高。为改造油橄榄自然树形结构,提高光能利用率,增强树体光合生产力和结实能力提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

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