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It is generally assumed that animal species differ in physiological characteristics of their digestive tract. Because investigating digestive processes is often labour‐intensive, requiring lengthy adaptation and collection periods, comparisons are often made on the basis of data collated from different studies. We added a new data set on dietary crude fibre (CF) and macromineral (Na, K, Ca, P, Mg) composition and apparent digestibility (aD) of organic matter (OM) and macrominerals in rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus; a total of 180 measurements with 12 individuals and 10 different diets) to a literature data collection for rodents and domestic horses (Equus caballus). Significant negative relationships between dietary CF and aD OM were obtained, but the significant difference in digestive efficiency between rabbits and guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) reported from studies where both species had been investigated under identical conditions were not detectable in the larger data collection. However, the 95% confidence interval of the negative slope of the CF–aD OM relationship did not overlap between domestic horses on the one hand, and rabbits and guinea pigs on the other hand, indicating a less depressing effect of CF in horses. Akaike's information criterion indicated that aD of a macromineral did not only depend on its concentration in the diet, but also on the individual and various other diet characteristics and the presence of other macrominerals, indicating complex interactions. The data indicate similar mechanisms in the absorption of macrominerals amongst rabbits, rodents and horses, with the exception of Na and K in guinea pigs and Ca in chinchillas (Chinchilla laniger) that should be further corroborated. In particular, the occurrence of high aD Ca in hindgut fermenters, regardless of whether they employ a digestive strategy of coprophagy or whether they have fossorial habits, suggests that this peculiarity might represent an adaptation to hindgut fermentation in general.  相似文献   

Chinchilla (Chinchilla laniger), degus (Octodon degus) and guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) are South American rodents living in a semi‐arid habitat with varying, species‐specific adaptations to water deprivation. Nonetheless, several diseases have been linked to insufficient water intake when these species are kept as pets, such as urolithiasis or obstipation. This study evaluated preferences for drinking systems. Six animals of each species were given a choice between an open dish and a nipple drinker. Food intake and water intake were measured daily for 13 days. Chinchillas in this study had significantly lower water intakes than the other two species, indicating particular species‐specific adaptations to aridity. All chinchillas favoured open dishes, whereas the degus and guinea pigs had variable individual preferences. Water intake of chinchillas was similar or higher in this study than in previous studies where nipple drinkers were used. The results indicate that degus and guinea pigs can meet their drinking water needs with nipple drinkers; for chinchillas, other drinking systems may be more adequate.  相似文献   

Dental diseases are among the most important reasons for presenting guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) and other rodents to veterinary clinics, but the aetiopathology of this disease complex is unclear. Clinicians tend to believe that the ever‐growing teeth of rabbits and rodents have a constant growth that needs to be worn down by the mastication of an appropriate diet. In this study, we tested the effect of four different pelleted diets of increasing abrasiveness [due to both internal (phytoliths) and external abrasives (sand)] or whole grass hay fed for 2 weeks each in random order to 16 guinea pigs on incisor growth and wear, and tooth length of incisors and cheek teeth. There was a positive correlation between wear and growth of incisors. Tooth lengths depended both on internal and external abrasives, but only upper incisors were additionally affected by the feeding of whole hay. Diet effects were most prominent in anterior cheek teeth, in particular M1 and m1. Cheek tooth angle did not become shallower with decreasing diet abrasiveness, suggesting that a lack of dietary abrasiveness does not cause the typical ‘bridge formation’ of anterior cheek teeth frequently observed in guinea pigs. The findings suggest that other factors than diet abrasiveness, such as mineral imbalances and in particular hereditary malocclusion, are more likely causes for dental problems observed in this species.  相似文献   



To characterize alfaxalone administered subcutaneously (SC) in guinea pigs, both alone and in combination with dexmedetomidine and buprenorphine.

Study design

Prospective, blinded, crossover study.


A total of 15 healthy female guinea pigs weighing 400–600 g.


Alfaxalone (10, 20 and 40 mg kg?1) was administered SC to three guinea pigs as a pilot dose-finding study. Alfaxalone (20 mg kg?1; A20) was selected for comparison against combination protocols of alfaxalone (15 and 20 mg kg?1) with dexmedetomidine (0.25 mg kg?1) and buprenorphine (0.05 mg kg?1; A15DB, A20DB). Each protocol was randomly administered to 12 guinea pigs separated by ≥7 days. Time and quality of induction and recovery, heart rate, respiratory rate, peripheral hemoglobin oxygen saturation, rectal temperature, pedal withdrawal reflex and adverse effects were recorded.


The median time to induction for A20, A15DB and A20DB was 6.8–8.0 minutes with no significant difference between treatments. Mean duration of recumbency for A20 was 73.6 ± 19.6 minutes. Recumbency duration for A15DB and A20DB extended to 90 minutes, at which time dexmedetomidine was antagonized using atipamezole (0.025 mg kg?1 SC). Physiological variables were within normal limits with the exception of one animal that died 45 minutes following treatment with A20DB. Pedal withdrawal reflex remained intact with all treatments. Minor side effects such as twitching or bruxism occurred sporadically with treatment A20 but not with A15DB and A20DB.

Conclusions and clinical relevance

SC alfaxalone produced uncomplicated sedation that may be recommended for nonpainful procedures that do not require complete immobility. The addition of dexmedetomidine and buprenorphine increased the duration of sedation and immobility, but did not result in general anesthesia. This combination sedation protocol may be useful for nonpainful procedures requiring extended immobility.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo compare cardiopulmonary variables and blood gas analytes in guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) during anesthesia with and without abdominal carbon dioxide (CO2) insufflation at intra-abdominal pressures (IAPs) 4 and 6 mmHg, with and without endotracheal intubation.Study designProspective experimental trial.AnimalsA total of six intact female Hartley guinea pigs.MethodsA crossover study with sequence randomization for IAP and intubation status was used. The animals were sedated with intramuscular midazolam (1.5 mg kg–1) and buprenorphine (0.2 mg kg–1) and anesthetized with isoflurane, and an abdominal catheter was inserted for CO2 insufflation. Animals with endotracheal intubation were mechanically ventilated and animals maintained using a facemask breathed spontaneously. After 15 minutes of insufflation, the following variables were obtained at each IAP: pulse rate, respiratory rate, rectal temperature, oxygen saturation, end-tidal CO2 (intubated only), peak inspiratory pressure (intubated only), noninvasive blood pressure and blood gas and electrolyte values, with a rest period of 5 minutes between consecutive IAPs. After 4 weeks, the procedure was repeated with the guinea pigs assigned the opposite intubation status.ResultsIntubated guinea pigs had significantly higher pH and lower partial pressure of CO2 in cranial vena cava blood (PvCO2) than nonintubated guinea pigs. An IAP of 6 mmHg resulted in a significantly higher PvCO2 (65.9 ± 19.0 mmHg; 8.8 ± 2.5 kPa) than at 0 (53.2 ± 17.2 mmHg; 7.1 ± 2.3 kPa) and 4 mmHg (52.6 ± 10.8 mmHg; 7.01 ± 1.4 kPa), mean ± standard deviation, with intubated and nonintubated animals combined.Conclusions and clinical relevanceAlthough the oral anatomy of guinea pigs makes endotracheal intubation difficult, capnoperitoneum during anesthesia induces marked hypercapnia in the absence of mechanical ventilation. An IAP of 4 mmHg should be further evaluated for laparoscopic procedures in guinea pigs because hypercapnia may be less severe than with 6 mmHg.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the level of alfalfa in the diet on feed intake and digestibility of two types of rabbits, wild (Oryctolagus cuniculus algirus) vs. domestic (O. cuniculus cuniculus). Ten wild (W; mean LW = 927 g) and 10 domestic (D; mean LW = 4,645 g) adult rabbit does were fed ad libitum two pelleted diets: a control diet (C) with 15% of dehydrated alfalfa hay (as feed basis) and a test diet (A) with 36% of dehydrated alfalfa hay (as feed basis), according to a change‐over design. Wild does dry matter (DM) intake per kg live weight (BW) was 55% higher (p < .001) than the intake of the D ones (58 g vs. 37 g DM per kg BW respectively). However, no difference (p > .05) was found when intake was expressed per kg0.75 BW (ca. 56 g DM) and tended to be higher (p = .07) in D does when expressed per kg0.67 BW (62 g vs. 55 g DM). Domestic does showed a higher (p < .05) DM, organic matter, crude energy and neutral detergent fibre digestibility (3; 2; 3; 3 percentage points respectively) than W does. The amount of nutrients and energy digested by D does was lower per kg BW (p < .001), similar per kg0.75 BW (p > .05) and tended to be higher per kg0.67 BW (p < .1) than in W does. The diet content of alfalfa did not affect (p > .05) the feed intake nor the diet digestibility. This study suggests that W rabbits exhibit a higher intake per kg BW and a lower digestibility than their D counterparts, which results in similar digestible nutrient and energy intake per kg BW powered to 0.75. The nutritive value of dehydrated alfalfa for rabbits, evaluated through intake and digestibility, seems to be equivalent to their base diets (forage plus concentrate).  相似文献   

This study investigated the histomorphological, ultrastructural and morphometrical postnatal developmental changes in the rabbit fundic region, especially during changing of the feeding intake. Seventy-two New Zealand rabbits (V-Line breed) at the ages of 1, 7, 15, 23, 30 and 60 days were obtained for light and electron microscopy and morphometric studies of the fundic region. The newborn rabbit's fundic wall was thin and organized into mucosa, submucosa, musclosa and serosa, with a significant increase in thickness with ageing. The fundic glands were few at the first week of life, then increased in length and diameter compared to the preceding age with prominent zonation at 23 days. The gastric pits appeared wide and deep at the first week of life then became typically narrow and shallow at the third week. The mucous cells were the main cell types lining the fundic glands in the first week of life. These cells showed remoulding with a marked increase in Periodic Acid–Schiff reactivity with age. Parietal cells were differentiated earlier (on the first day of life) than the chief cells and distributed at the neck and basal zones. Chief cells differentiated at 15 days old at the base of the glands, followed by an increase in the number and activity. Few active enteroendocrine cells were first seen at 15 days old and then widely distributed throughout the glands. Conclusion: Pronounced histomorphological changes in the fundic mucosal layer, especially the surface and glandular epithelium, correlate with the postnatal rabbit-feeding intake changes.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo compare blind and endoscopic-guided techniques for orotracheal intubation in rabbits and the number of intubation attempts with laryngeal/tracheal damage.Study designProspective, randomized experimental study.AnimalsA total of 24 healthy, intact female New Zealand White rabbits, weighing 2.2 ± 0.2 kg (mean ± standard deviation).MethodsRabbits were randomly assigned to blind (group B) or endoscopic-guided (group E) orotracheal intubation with a 2.0 mm internal diameter uncuffed tube. Intramuscular (IM) alfaxalone (7 mg kg–1), hydromorphone (0.1 mg kg–1) and dexmedetomidine (0.005 mg kg–1) were administered, and additional IM alfaxalone (3–5 mg kg–1) and dexmedetomidine (0.025 mg kg–1) were administered to rabbits with strong jaw tone. An intubation attempt was defined as the advancement of the endotracheal tube from the incisors to the laryngeal entrance. Tracheal intubation was confirmed via capnography and anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane for 2 hours. Following euthanasia, laryngeal and tracheal tissues were submitted for histopathology. Quality of anesthesia for orotracheal intubation, intubation procedure and tissue damage were numerically scored. Data were analyzed using Poisson regression, Spearman’s correlation, t test, mixed anova, Mann–Whitney U test, Friedman and Chi square tests as appropriate.ResultsMedian (range) intubation attempts were 2 (1–8) and 1 (1–3) for groups B and E, respectively. More rabbits in group E (91.6%) required additional alfaxalone and dexmedetomidine than in group B (16.7%). Median (range) cumulative histopathology scores were 6 (3–10) and 6 (2–9) for groups B and E, respectively. Scores were highest in the cranial trachea, but there was no difference between groups and no correlation between laryngeal/tracheal damage and the number of intubation attempts.Conclusions and clinical relevanceBoth orotracheal intubation techniques were associated with laryngeal/tracheal damage. Although blind orotracheal intubation was associated with a higher number of attempts, the tissue damage was similar between groups.  相似文献   

Background: Rabbits, ferrets, and four-toed hedgehogs are popular exotic pets, but comprehensive epidemiological studies in these animals have been rarely conducted. The present study aims to clarify the incidence of neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases in pet rabbits, ferrets and four-toed hedgehogs in Japan. Methods: We histologically/cytologically investigated 1098 samples from 883 rabbits, 812 samples from 521 ferrets and 561 samples from 468 four-toed hedgehogs that were collected at Miwa Exotic Animal Hospital and submitted to the Laboratory of Veterinary Pathology, The University of Tokyo between 2006 and 2020. The examinations of necropsy samples were not included in the present study. Results: Of the 1098 samples from diseased rabbits, 721 (65.7%) were diagnosed as neoplastic and 377 (34.3%) were as non-neoplastic. Uterine adenocarcinoma (21.1%), cutaneous soft tissue sarcoma (15.1%) and mammary gland adenocarcinoma (8.2%) were the most commonly encountered neoplasms. Endometrial hyperplasia (35.8%), testicular atrophy (4.2%) and uterine adenomyosis (3.7%) were the most common non-neoplastic lesions in rabbits. Of the 812 samples from diseased ferrets, 487 (60.0%) were diagnosed as neoplastic and 325 (40.0%) were as non-neoplastic. Adrenocortical tumor (23.2%), lymphoma (19.3%) and pancreatic islet cell tumor (11.5%) were the most commonly encountered neoplasms. Extramedullary hematopoiesis in the spleen (10.5%), lymph node hyperplasia (7.7%) and cholangiohepatitis (4.6%) were the most common non-neoplastic lesions in ferrets. Of the 561 samples from diseased hedgehogs, 338 (60.2%) were diagnosed as neoplastic and 223 (39.8%) were as non-neoplastic. Endometrial stromal tumor and endometrial mixed tumor (23.7%), oral squamous cell carcinoma (13.0%) and cutaneous soft tissue sarcoma (11.5%) were the most commonly encountered neoplasms. Gingivitis/stomatitis (39.5%), endometrial hyperplasia (18.8%) and dermatitis (6.7%) were the most common non-neoplastic lesions in hedgehogs. Conclusions and clinical relevance: Information obtained from the present study will provide a useful reference for veterinarians working with these exotic animals. Based on the literature search, this is the largest-scale retrospective study on disease incidence in hedgehogs.  相似文献   

Vertical transmission of Trichinella spiralis was evaluated in ferrets (n = 21), foxes (n = 11), pigs (n = 12), guinea pigs (n = 16), and mice (n = 41). The placental barrier to be crossed by migratory Trichinella larvae varies structurally in different animal species. Ferrets and foxes have an endotheliochorial placenta structure, guinea pigs and mice a haemochorial, and pigs an epitheliochorial placenta. The non-encapsulating Trichinella pseudospiralis larvae have an extended muscle migration prior to entering a muscle cell. To evaluate if T. pseudospiralis was more likely to be transmitted to offspring, an additional group of foxes (n = 11) infected with T. pseudospiralis was included. Two different dose levels were used for ferrets, pigs, guinea pigs, and mice. In pigs and guinea pigs, infection was given at different times of the gestation period. Vertical transmission, measured as recovery of muscle larvae in the offspring, was demonstrated in both ferrets groups, in all four guinea pig groups, and in the high dose mouse group, but not in any fox or pig groups.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine the effect of fructose supplementation in the diet on feed intake, nutrient digestibility and digesta retention time in Reeves's muntjac (Muntiacus reevesi), a browsing cervid. In Experiment 1, six adult males of Reeves's muntjac were used in a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square design and fed a diet consisting of dehydrated chopped lucerne (ad libitum), high‐fibre pellet (120 g/day) and wheat bran (30 g/day) without (F0) or with addition of 12 and 24 g fructose/day (F12 and F24, respectively). In Experiment 2, the same six adult muntjacs were used in crossover design and fed F0 or F12. Doses of supplemental fructose were set to increase intake of water‐soluble carbohydrates (WSC; ≈40 g/day; ≈8% of WSC in consumed dry matter [DM]) by 25 and 50% relative to F0. Feed intake was controlled daily (Experiment 1 and 2) and total tract digestibility and digesta retention time were determined (Experiment 2). In Experiment 1, DM intake of chopped dehydrated lucerne decreased with fructose supplementation (F0 vs. F12 and F24; p = .01) but was not different between F12 and F24 (p = .76). Total DM intake was also not different between treatments (p ≥ .13). In Experiment 2, DM intake of lucerne, total DM intake and nutrient digestibility was not affected by fructose supplementation (p ≥ .17), but mean retention time of long particles in the whole GIT tended to be longer for F12 compared to F0 (p = .09). Under conditions of the current study, additional fructose intake (resulting in a range of WSC content in consumed DM from 8.6% to 13%) had only minor impact on feed intake and investigated functions of the gastrointestinal tract of Reeves's muntjac.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy of Sangrovit®, a plant‐derived feed additive, given throughout the nursery stage via feed at 15 ppm and 50 ppm, on the health status and performance of weaners against negative controls. In a 900‐sow farrow‐to‐finish farm, a total of 864 piglets were divided into three groups: (i) negative controls (NC); (ii) Sang 15: same feed as NCs, plus 15 g Sangrovit® /t of feed; (iii) Sang 50: same feed as NCs plus 50 g Sangrovit® /t of feed. The results indicated that administration of 50 ppmSangrovit® had the most beneficial effects on growth performance in weaning pigs. Specifically there was increase of body weight and average daily gain, as well as reduction of feed conversion ratio. Blood analysis from the Sang groups and especially the Sang 50 group revealed low values of haptoglobin and serum amyloid A.  相似文献   

To investigate the progressive effects of a high‐fat diet on erythrocyte osmotic fragility, growth performance and serum lipid concentrations in Guinea fowl and Muscovy ducks, 36 Guinea fowl and 36 Muscovy ducks were divided into two groups, for each species, and fed either a standard (STD = commercial poultry feed) or high‐fat diet (HFD = commercial poultry feed with 20% palm oil and 2% lard) for up to 12 weeks. After 4, 8 and 12 weeks on the diets, six birds from each group were euthanized and blood samples collected. Osmotic fragility was assessed by measuring the haemoglobin released by erythrocytes placed in serially diluted solutions of phosphate‐buffered saline, spectrophotometrically. Serum triglyceride and cholesterol concentrations were also determined. Fragiligrams from erythrocytes from both species of birds on the HFD were not different to those on the STD. However, Muscovy duck erythrocytes were more resistant to haemolysis compared with Guinea fowl erythrocytes. Final body mass and serum triglyceride levels were not significantly different (p > 0.05, anova ) between the birds in the HFD and STD groups, for both species of birds. In contrast, serum cholesterol levels were significantly higher in birds on the HFD compared with those on the STD, after 4, 8 and 12 weeks of feeding, for both species of birds. Feeding Guinea fowl and Muscovy ducks a high‐fat diet for up to 12 weeks resulted in hypercholesterolaemia but had no effect on final body mass, erythrocyte osmotic fragility or serum triglyceride concentrations in either bird species.  相似文献   

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