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马颜面神经麻痹又称为"歪嘴风",是马属动物常见的一种疾病,是分布在面颊、耳、上下唇的面神经因故发生麻痹,而使得面部肌肉功能丧失的一种疾病。本病可发生于任何年龄,无明显的季节性,通常发病急速,以一侧面部肌肉突发瘫痪的末梢性颜面神经麻痹多见,如果治疗不当常遗留后遗症。多  相似文献   

马颜面神经麻痹又称之为“歪嘴风”,多见于体质瘦弱的马、骡、驴,也见于牛。是马属动物常见的一种疾病。因马颜面神经受外感风寒刺激而发生麻痹,导致面部肌肉功能丧失,不分年龄、季节均可发病,发病急,多以一侧性面部肌肉突发瘫痪的末梢颜面神经麻痹多见。多年实践证明,应用中西医结合治疗马颜面神经麻痹效果好。  相似文献   

家畜颜面神经麻痹又称歪嘴风或口眼歪斜、面瘫、吊线风.本病是由于第7对颅脑神经(即面神经)缺血、水肿、急性非化脓性炎症,使面部神经传导失去正常的生理机能,而使面上部和下表情肌的运动与感觉发生障碍性疾病,引起外周神经性面瘫.其表现为耳、眼睑、鼻和唇的肌肉功能降低或消失,是多为一侧性.本病多发于马、驴、牛、猪、犬等.  相似文献   

颜面神经麻痹:松针黄芪汤:鲜松针200-250g,黄芪100-200g,生姜80-100g,加水适量,煎汁至1000-1500ml,再加入红糖100g,候温后,一次给马牛灌服,每日一剂,连用5~7d即可治愈。猪、犬剂量可酌减。该法治愈率98%。  相似文献   

笔者在 2 0 0 0年期间治疗 2例 2~ 3月龄幼犬 ,均在 1周左右康复 ,现介绍如下 :1 发病情况 :多呈渐进性发病 ,开始两前肢呈现软弱无力 ,过 2~ 4天后 ,行走站立不稳 ,2~ 3天后两前肢完全不能站立 ,趴在地上 ,但两后肢却一切正常。将两前肢腕关节人工固定并助其站立后 ,能短时间站立 ,针刺足部知觉减弱 ,反应迟钝。在发病过程中 ,犬的体温、呼吸、脉搏及食欲 ,精神等一切正常。2 治疗 :首先将其两腕关节人工固定 ,以助其自行站立 ,肌注夏天无注射液和当归注射液各 2ml ,每天 1次。两侧抢风穴分别注射VB1 2 ,注射液 0 .2 5mg ,隔天 …  相似文献   

闭孔神经麻痹,为闭孔神经受到损伤而使它所支配的后肢内收肌丧失机能的一种疾病。笔者在1981—1990年临床中,遇到14例奶牛闭孔神经麻痹病例。一、发生的原因:闭孔神经来自腰荐神经丛的4—6对腰神经腹侧支和1—2对荐神经的腹侧支,沿左右髂骨内侧向后下方伸延,穿过闭孔,分布于闭孔肌、内收肌、耻骨肌和股薄肌,起支配后肢的内收作用。母牛分娩过程中,出现异常情况,使产  相似文献   

运用解剖学知识对马属动物四肢疾病中的肩胛上神经麻痹 ( paralysis of the suprascapular nerve)进行了分析 ,认为该病大多为数支神经麻痹所致  相似文献   

Facial defects that extended into the sinuses of two horses were repaired by using adjacent periosteum to cover the defects, using either a single flap or double flap technique. Acceptable cosmetic appearance was restored in both horses. Resistance to penetration of a needle and ultrasonic scanning demonstrated bony bridging in one horse.  相似文献   

A case of a traumatic sciatic nerve paralysis was successfully treated with the transfer of the long digital extensor tendon of origin to the vastus lateralis muscle after a portion of the latter had been separated from its insertion on the patella. A second procedure was necessary to shorten the distal tendon of the long digital extensor muscle to create the proper tension needed to fully extend the digits. Within 11 weeks after surgery the dog was successfully returned to training and field trial competition. Viability of the transfer was further demonstrated by electrical stimulation of the vastus lateralis one year later.  相似文献   

A six-year-old male Labrador cross was left with a sensory and proprioceptive deficit in the right hind paw after recovering from a severe case of warfarin poisoning. Palliative treatment in the form of protective devices, casts and bandages was not successful. A chronic ulcerative infection developed with enlargement of the popliteal lymph node requiring medical treatment. A conscious proprioceptive deficit in the right hind leg only was consistent with a peroneal or ischiatic nerve deficit. A surgical procedure to shorten the long digital extensor was not satisfactory. A second precedure, the transfer of the long digital flexor tendon to the long digital extensor tendon provided an excellent end result.  相似文献   

The sciatic nerve was surgically transected in 6 dogs. The resulting dysfunction and the positive effects of a transfer of the tendon of the vastus lateralis muscle to the long digital extensor muscle were evaluated, alone and in combination with a talocrural arthrodesis. Two dogs that received both arthrodesis and tendon transfer showed the greatest improvement in gait.  相似文献   

Virucidal efficacy of four new disinfectants   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Virucidal efficacy was evaluated for four recently available disinfectants: chlorine dioxide, potassium peroxymonosulfate, a quaternary ammonium compound, and citricidal (grapefruit extract). Sodium hypochlorite (3%) and tap water were used as positive and negative controls respectively. Feline herpesvirus, feline calicivirus, and feline parvovirus were exposed to the manufacturers' recommended dilutions of the evaluated disinfectants. Both chlorine dioxide and potassium peroxymonosulfate completely inactivated the three viruses used in this study. These disinfectants can aid in controlling nosocomial transmission of viruses with less of the deleterious effects of sodium hypochlorite. The quaternary ammonium compound evaluated in this study and citricidal were not effective against feline calicivirus and feline parvovirus.  相似文献   

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