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我国农业面源污染的核心问题是水体的氮、磷富集,目前尚无有效的工程治理方法,本研究通过有机水产养殖减轻水体的氮、磷污染。结果表明,有机水产养殖可以有效降低养殖水体的COD、无机氮和无机磷的浓度,有机海水养殖控制污染物排放的效果较有机淡水养殖更明显;有机养殖方式下严格而系统的管理措施及饵料质量的控制可能是减少氮、磷富集的主要因素。  相似文献   

通过对导致水产养殖污染的主要因素进行分析探讨,有针对性的提出水产养殖污染防治对策.  相似文献   

一、水产养殖基本情况 目前宜兴市水产养殖面积约17.3万亩,其中河蟹养殖面积近12万亩,淡水鱼养殖面积约5.3万亩,水产品年产量达7.2万吨,为丰富城乡居民"菜篮子"、增加优质动物蛋白供应、保障食物安全、提高全民营养健康水平做出了重要贡献.水产养殖面源污染主要来源于养殖过程中的投入品及水产品排泄物等,主要由易降解有机物...  相似文献   

三峡库区面源污染防控BMPs框架体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三峡库区面源污染具有地域范围大、随机性强、成因复杂的特点,形成过程受地理、气候、土壤等多种因素影响,监测、控制、处理和管理难度较大。构建三峡库区面源污染防控最佳管理措施框架体系,从源头控制、迁移途径阻截、末端治理三方面控制三峡库区面源污染。基于源头控制的最佳管理措施:根据区域现场条件,选择"坡改梯"或"大横坡+小顺坡"坡耕地有限顺坡耕作技术模式;进一步推广植物篱种植模式;大范围推广粮食作物的平衡施肥技术,推广使用高效低毒低残留非水溶性农药。基于迁移途径阻截的最佳管理措施:在适生植物筛选及淹没实验研究基础上,进行消落带湿地生态系统培育;开展库岸植被缓冲带工程建设和水塘-湿地工程建设,拦截、净化入库污染物,兼以改善景观;实施植被过滤带防护性工程,控制N、P等养分流失,保护生态环境。基于末端治理的最佳管理措施:按照成本低廉、效果稳定、技术操作简单的原则,可考虑生物处理+人工湿地的组合工艺处理典型农村的生活污水;在前置水库周边建设沿岸生态防护林、湿地及多塘系统、敞水区动植物措施等生态工程;遵循减量化、资源化、无害化原则,对畜禽养殖业进行科学规划,合理布局;发展养殖业和种植业相结合,既可消除畜禽养殖业产生的负面效应,又可减少化肥施用量。  相似文献   

胡梦红 《齐鲁渔业》2006,23(11):22-24
水体的天然污染是一个复杂而漫长的过程,而人为原因引起的水体污染过程却极大地缩短了。造成水污染的因素很多,其中水产养殖造成的水体污染主要就是氮磷污染,我国几乎所有水体(包括地表水和地下水)都或多或少遭受到氮、磷污染。  相似文献   

水产养殖会产生一系列的环境问题、社会问题和食品安全问题,这在中美两国都是相似的。当我们为国内水产养殖的现状担忧的时候,我们也应该把眼光转向美国,从美国的经验来寻求本土问题的解决之道。美国为了解决这些问题,发展出了水产养殖最佳管理实践(BMPs)。本文从BMPs的起源入手,讨论了美国在水产养殖中采取BMPs的原因,并介绍了BMPs的制定过程。  相似文献   

随着水产养殖集约化程度的不断提高,养殖水体污染状况日趋严重,水产动物病害增多,又使用大量药物进行治疗,使水体造成更大污染,这直接影响到水产品的质量安全水平。近几年水产行业"氯霉素  相似文献   

我国加入WTO以后 ,大农业在走向世界的过程中首先遇到的问题就是一些国家对包括水产品在内的我国农产品设置的“绿色壁垒”。打破这一壁垒 ,使我国水产品能畅通无阻地走出国门 ,使我国的水产养殖业重振雄风 ,这是一个亟待解决的问题。为此 ,浦东新区水产技术推广站在 2 0 0 2年进行了一些相关的试验和探索 ,现将我们的做法和经验提供给大家一同探讨。一、整个养殖季节 ,我站竭力向广大养殖户推荐“健康养殖、生态防病”的养殖模式 ,使广大养殖户认识到 :使用有些化学制剂不仅影响水产养殖产品的质量 ,使之达不到“安全、健康、优质”的质…  相似文献   

水产养殖饲料蛋白源开发利用研究现状   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
饲料是水产动物所需营养素的载体,也是水生动物维持生命和生长繁殖的物质基础。饲料的营养成分有水分、粗蛋白、粗脂肪、碳水化合物、矿物质和维生素等,具有供给能量、构成机体、调节生理机理的功能[1,2]。而其中粗蛋白是影响水产动物生长的最关键的营养成分。随着水产养殖业的发展,配合饲料原料的需求量越来越大,饲料蛋白源供应不足更为突出,以至饲料价格上涨,养殖成本提高[3]。而关于水产动物蛋白源开发应用的研究,我国学者虽然从营养学、生理学方面进行了不少研究,但仍薄弱。因此,开发质优价廉的水产动物饲料蛋白源,不仅符合我国国情,而…  相似文献   


This study examines adoption of major management and technological practices by fishpond operators in Nepal. A socio‐economic survey was conducted in 1994 covering 358 fishpond operators in eight of the 21 aquaculture production districts of Nepal. Factor and multiple regression models were employed in data analysis. The results indicate that 30 adoption practices can be summarized by six indices. The study suggests that the education level of fishpond operators plays an important role in increased adoption of management and technological practices. Ethnicity, geographical location, smaller fish farm size, access to inputs and cash reserves and proximity to market infrastructure also increase the probability of adoption of desirable management and technological practices.  相似文献   

厦门同安湾水产养殖对海域污染的评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以2000和2004年同安湾水产养殖业、沿湾工业、船舶运输业、农业和城镇生活污水及东、西溪径流的氮和磷有机污染物对湾内的排放量,估算水产养殖污染占总体污染的比例,以期水产养殖业者正视养殖对海洋环境的影响和人们对水产养殖污染的正确评价。结果显示,2000和2004年排入同安湾的污染物总量分别为19063.6和34588.1t,其中径流排入的分别为8564.8和21137.3t,分别占总排污量的44.93%和61.11%;居民生活污水排污量分别为6552和9487t,分别占34.17%和27.43%;水产养殖排污量分别为3473.3和3266.4t,分别占18.22%和9.44%;工业排污量分别为227.6和482.3t,分别占1.19%和1.39%;农业排污量分别为239.82和208.6t,分别占1.26%和0.60%;船泊运输污染物分别为6.1和6.5t,分别占0.03%和0.02%。据测算2000和2004年同安湾养殖生物吸收的N和P数量分别占自身养殖排放量的14.58%、26.32%和20.91%、37.02%。因此,2000和2004年水产养殖业实际对同安湾的污染仅分别占总污染物17.37%和8.74%。  相似文献   

中国水产养殖污染物排放总量控制框架构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近10年来,中国水产养殖业快速发展,产量大幅增加,随着绿色养殖概念的提出和总量控制制度的不断完善,水产养殖污染物排放强度明显下降,水产养殖污染物排放总量控制工作已见成效.本研究分析了水产养殖环境污染的产生与排放情况;总结了中国近年来为实现水产养殖污染物排放总量控制目标,在优化养殖布局、控制养殖环境污染、发展健康养殖和开...  相似文献   


Aquaculture management patterns are greatly influenced by the economic or social purpose of the project. Though some types of farms may yield both economic and social benefits, they can generally be classified on the basis of their major objective. Economic benefits, in one form or the other, gets considered in the planning stage of all farming activities; but it is necessary to ensure social and environmental viability as well to achieve sustainability. Subsistence and family farming, crop/animal integrated farming and farming for recreational purposes, are largely orientated to social benefits; whereas small‐scale farming enterprises, cooperative and state farms, as well as vertically integrated large‐scale farms are run mainly for economic gains. Stock enhancement and creation of culture‐based fisheries represent a mix of all the three elements of sustainability, with a stronger base of environmental improvement. The complexity of management differs significantly between these types of enterprises. The systems of production adopted, such as extensive, semi‐intensive, intensive and super‐intensive, as well as farm location (land‐based or open waters) bring about their own special management problems, especially in relation to ecological integrity.  相似文献   

膜法SBR(sequence batch reactor)是将SBR法与接触氧化法相结合的一种新型生物膜法处理工艺。此研究以总氨氮(TAN)及总氮(TN)的去除反应速度作为考察指标,分析生物膜法SBR(biofilm sequence batch reactor,BSBR)处理水产循环养殖系统水体中影响TAN及TN去除效果的主要因素。其中,pH和碱度对硝化反应有很大的影响,pH控制在6.3以上时TAN处理效果较好。溶解氧(DO)对反硝化反应也有较大的影响,同时考虑到水生生物的生长需求,在此试验系统中进入反应器的水体DO最好能控制在4.5~6.5mg·L^-1。水温保持在20%左右,可以保证有一个较好的脱氮效果。  相似文献   

综述了国际上无线传感器网络技术发展的特点和趋势,提出无线传感器网络技术在畜禽和水产养殖业污染监测上应用需要解决的2个技术问题:一是选择合理的IP无线传输方式;二是选择合理的系统结构,达到较高的性价比。设计出适合不同地域、不同生态环境的无线传感器网络的拓扑结构,实现在户外或野外环境下对畜禽和水产养殖业污染的监测。  相似文献   

Coastal aquaculture in Aceh was severely affected by the Asian Tsunami in December 2004. Capacity building among stakeholders was one of the key activities implemented by various agencies during the post‐tsunami aquaculture rehabilitation and subsequent development phase. The main objective was improving production efficiencies and farmer incomes. This article describes the process of implementation of the approach and crop outcomes until the end of 2009. In 2009, 1135 farmers and their 1296 ponds were ‘organized’ in 27 clusters across 84 villages of three districts to implement better management practices (BMP). Interventions reduced the prevalence of shrimp disease outbreaks significantly in participating ponds (22.45%) compared with non‐participating ponds (62.64%). Among the normal harvested ponds, though there was no significant improvement in shrimp yield but costs of shrimp production were significantly reduced by 12.1% and benefit cost ratio was significantly increased by 0.523 points in normal harvested participating ponds compared with normal harvested non‐participating ponds. Multivariable logistic regression analysis with 27 independent variables including a set of BMP showed that many factors were significantly associated with the normal harvests, improved yield and profits. The study shows that simple management improvements can reduce risks and improve economic returns.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop a simulation model for finding the optimal layout and management regime for a re-circulating aquaculture system (RAS). The work plan involved: (1) quantifying the effects of fish growth and management practices on production; (2) developing a mathematical simulation model for the RAS, taking into account all factors that directly influence system profitability; and (3) estimating the production costs and, hence, the profitability of an RAS. The resulting model is process-oriented, following the flow of fish through the RAS facility, and generates an animated graphic representation of the processes through which the fish passes as it progress through the system. The simulation assesses the performance in terms of yearly turnover, stocking density, tank utilization and biomass in process, and uses statistics to track the state of the RAS and record changes that affect efficiency. The economic impact of system design and operation was modeled to enable a user to anticipate how changes in design or operating practices, costs of inputs, or price of products affect system profitability. The proposed approach overcomes difficulties in characterizing RAS design and operation. The simulation approach allows all of the RAS's components such as equipment, biological processes (e.g., fish growth), and management practices to be evaluated jointly, so that an initial design can be fine-tuned to produce an optimized system and management regime suited to a specific fish farm within a reasonable time. The methodology was executed step-by-step to design an optimal RAS that meets both economic and stocking-density limits. Optimal design specifications were presented for several case studies based on data from Kibbutz Sde Eliahu's RAS, in which Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) are raised in 20 concrete raceways. Further research should include more extensive testing and validation of the integrated model, which then should be disseminated to the aquaculture community.  相似文献   


This paper examines recent advances in production economics with special reference to efficiency measurement using production frontiers and its implications for aquaculture management. Compared with agriculture and other industries, the use of production frontiers in aquaculture is still very limited. However, in recent years several frontier applications in aquaculture have appeared in the literature, suggesting potential applications of these techniques in aquaculture. A synopsis of stochastic frontier production function model and data envelopment analysis (DEA), the two most popular approaches to efficiency measurement, is presented, followed by a review of recent frontier studies in shrimp, carp and tilapia production. The paper concludes with a brief discussion of future development and prospects of frontier applications for aquaculture management.  相似文献   

鱼、虾、蟹养殖池塘清塘排水水质及污染强度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为准确估计混养鱼、青虾、河蟹养殖池塘清塘时污染物的排放强度,实验选取三种类型池塘(混养鱼塘、青虾塘、河蟹塘)各5口。混养鱼塘清塘时一边捕捞一边用潜水泵排水;青虾塘在捕捞完成后即用潜水泵排水;河蟹塘在捕捞完成后1个月左右采用自流装置从表层开始排水并滞留30 cm水于塘内。采集三类池塘清塘前塘内水样及清塘过程中排水口水样,分析总氮、总磷、化学耗氧量和悬浮物等污染物浓度。分别以塘内水质和排水口水质的监测值估算了污染物的表观排放强度和实际排放强度。结果表明,随着塘内水位下降,混养鱼塘和青虾塘排水口的污染物浓度显著提高(P0.05)。混养鱼塘的实际污染强度显著高于其表观污染强度(P0.05)。然而河蟹池塘污染物的实际排放强度却显著低于表观排放强度(P0.05)。结果提示以塘内水质来估算池塘养殖污染物排放强度有明显误差;通过改进排水技术可以削减养殖污染排放量。  相似文献   

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