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Antibiotic growth promoters for the view of animal nutrition   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
From 01. 07./09. 1999 on six further antibiotic growth promoters have been banned--with only four substances remaining in this group of feed additives. Therefore, the discussion on a possible induction of bacterial resistance by antibiotic growth promoters, especially in potentially pathogenic bacteria, will sooner or later come to an end which is not least in the interest of the reputation of animal husbandry and food of animal origin. Unfortunately, no short-term solution for health problems by legislation--especially in the gastrointestinal tract--during rearing and the beginning of the fattening period is possible as experiences in Sweden have distinctively shown. Anyway, growth promoting feed additives were not a cure-all of rearing problems, in spite of their use considerable amounts of antibiotics were prescribed during this period. But growth promoters (especially chinoxalines) were most suitable for the prophylaxis of a microbial imbalance in the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, after the ban of these effective representatives of feed additives the amount of prescribed antimicrobial drugs for metaphylaxis and therapy should be critically observed. The questions of practicable alternatives will be primarily addressed to the fields of animal nutrition, veterinary medicine and feed industry. To answer these questions and to evolve new solutions (as well as to check their suitability in practice) is considerably more intricate than simply to ban these substances which is more attractive for the media, however. It is no progressive solution to give up antimicrobial growth promoters as feed additives and to use the same substances (for example olaquindox) as therapeutics now (prescribed by veterinarians) or to switch to zincoxide or copper (in a dosage high above all nutrient requirements) in order to prevent postweaning problems due to E. coli. But one has to take into consideration the reasons for the use of antibiotics (growth promoters and therapeutics) or other "aids" (e.g. ZnO, Cu) in food producing animals (especially in beef-cattle, pigs and poultry) in "modern" production systems. The matter for conflict is the contrast between a minimised use of antimicrobial substances, as science as well as general public demand, and the requirements of "modern" livestock industry (rationalisation, increase in performance, specialisation, concentration) and general economy (save of resources, lowering of production costs). These well-known and expected problems arise in an almost exemplary manner in the case of antibiotic growth promoting feed additives. Therefore it is most difficult to impart suggestions to the persons involved as well as to the public.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE To examine the potential impact of household demographic and pet ownership trends on the demand for and revenue from companion animal veterinary services in Australia. DESIGN The size of the market for companion animal veterinary services was estimated by creating a model using assumptions derived from the revenue equation. The model was verified and validated through sensitivity analyses and comparisons between model outputs and available industry data. RESULTS The model provided outputs similar to alternative industry estimates and suggested that revenue growth in recent years has been much stronger than demand growth. Under the assumptions used in this model, forecast changes to household numbers and types are less important than pet ownership trends in determining the potential demand for and revenue from companion animal veterinary services. Forecast trends in household types and relatively stable pet ownership in the future will lead to growth in demand for companion animal veterinary services in real terms of approximately 1.2% per annum to 2026. CONCLUSION The market for companion animal veterinary services in Australia is mature and growth in demand is expected to remain low over the forecast period. For most veterinary practices within this environment, growth in revenue will be a function of growth in average client fees.  相似文献   

Iraq is an agricultural country with a large population of animals: sheep, goats, cattle, water buffaloes, horses, donkeys, mules, and camels. In the 1980s, the successful poultry industry managed to produce enough table eggs and meat to satisfy the needs of the entire population; at one time, the thriving fish industry produced different types of fish for Iraqis' yearly fish consumption. There are four veterinary colleges in Iraq, which have been destroyed along with the veterinary services infrastructure. Understandably, improvements to the quality of veterinary education and services in Iraq will be reflected in a healthy and productive animal industry, better food quality and quantity, fewer zoonotic diseases, and more income-generating activities in rural areas. Thus, if undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education programs are improved, the veterinary medical profession will attract more competent students. This will satisfy the country's increased demand for competent veterinarians in both public and private sectors. Although Iraq has an estimated 5,000-7,000 veterinarians, there is a need for quality veterinary services and for more veterinarians. In addition, there is a need for the improvement of veterinary diagnostic facilities, as zoonotic diseases are always highly probable in this region. This article provides insight into the status of veterinary medical education and veterinary services in Iraq before and after the 1991 Gulf War and gives suggestions for improvement and implementation of new programs. Suggestions are also offered for improving veterinary diagnostic facilities and the quality of veterinary services. Improving diagnostic facilities and the quality of veterinary services will enhance animal health and production in Iraq and will also decrease the likelihood of disease transmission to and from Iraq. Threats of disease transmission and introduction into the country have been observed and reported by several international organizations.  相似文献   

兽药质量控制是兽药生产、使用过程中的一个重要环节,通过建立可行的质量标准,对兽药的质量进行有效控制,保障动物源性食品安全。毛细管电泳作为一种以电驱动为主的分离技术手段,近年来得到了广泛的应用。本文将从毛细管电泳发展史、毛细管电泳相关标准、毛细管电泳在化学合成药品、抗生素、中药及其他领域的分析应用等方面,尝试讨论其在兽药行业应用的可行性。  相似文献   

beta-Lactamase production by bacteria continues to be one of the main mechanisms of bacterial resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics, and it seems likely to remain so. beta-Lactamase inhibitors provide 1 strategy to overcome this mechanism of bacterial resistance. Although 3 beta-lactamase inhibitor/antibiotic combinations are currently available, only 1 is approved for veterinary use. Because the beta-lactamase inhibitor must be present concurrently with the antibiotic for synergistic activity, it is important to consider the pharmacokinetic profile of these drugs in combination. These combinations were developed and optimized for human patients, so it is unlikely that they would achieve the ideal plasma and tissue concentrations and ratios in veterinary patients. Indeed, several differences in pharmacokinetic variables of beta-lactam antibiotic/beta-lactamase inhibitor agents have been described in dogs, compared with people. Such pharmacokinetic differences should be considered when interpreting in vitro susceptibility results in veterinary species, because these tests use ratios of drug that were established for humans. The beta-lactamase inhibitors represent a successful example of targeted drug development. However, the currently available inhibitors are active primarily against class-A beta-lactamases. Because the frequency with which class-C beta-lactamases are recognized is rapidly increasing in human isolates, and because beta-lactamase enzymes continue to evolve, new beta-lactamase inhibitors will need to be developed to target these enzymes.  相似文献   

The international recognition of the 'stable to table' approach to food safety emphasises the need for appropriate and safe use of antibiotics in animal production. An appropriate use of antibiotics for food animals will preserve the long-term efficacy of existing antibiotics, support animal health and welfare and limit the risk of transfer of antibiotic resistance to humans. Furthermore, it may promote consumer confidence in the veterinary use of antibiotics. In advancing these arguments, the authors of this article argue that there is a need for a visible and operational policy for veterinary use of antibiotics, paying particular attention to the policies that are being developed in Denmark.  相似文献   

畜禽养殖产业的快速发展也导致养殖中的疾病问题开始逐渐凸显,防治畜禽养殖中疾病兽药的使用量也不断提高,兽药的不规范使用易导致残留的情况,对于畜产品中兽药的残留问题受到广泛的关注。畜产品中兽药的残留会影响畜产品的质量,对消费者的机体健康带来负面影响,同时部分兽药的残留会导致生态环境的污染,进而影响人类健康。该文对畜禽养殖中畜产品兽药残留出现的原因,造成的危害及改进和防控措施进行论述。  相似文献   

饲料添加抗生素是养殖行业用来控制动物细菌病、促进畜禽生长的常用手段,随着人们公共安全意识的觉醒和提高,减抗、限抗和禁抗已是全世界养殖行业发展的大势所趋,替抗方案正受到越来越多的关注。副猪嗜血杆菌病是一种严重危害养猪业发展的细菌性疾病,且发病率和死亡率近年来逐年上升。随着我国饲料禁抗新政正式落地,副猪嗜血杆菌病势必会以更猛烈的攻势掀起更大的风波。文章主要针对限抗背景下副猪嗜血杆菌病的防治措施进行了总结和分析,旨在为人们合理使用抗生素、选择替抗方案提供参考。  相似文献   

随着规模化养殖业发展,兽用抗生素大量使用,不合理甚至违法添加使用导致的残留现象已成为威胁动物源食品安全的重要因素,迫切需要建立灵敏可靠的残留分析方法。从复杂的生物样品中提取纯化微量的残留药物是制约兽药残留检测方法建立的关键。分子印迹技术具有特异性强、灵敏度高、操作简便等优点,在兽药残留检测研究中得到越来越多重视。文章主要综述了分子印迹聚合物的最新制备方法及在兽用抗生素残留分析中的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

Veterinarians in the United States and abroad are faced with growing public concern for the welfare of animals, particularly those in production. To prepare veterinarians to exert the leadership expected by the public and industry, steps should be taken to provide instruction in animal welfare at veterinary colleges. The ultimate goal is to offer courses in animal welfare in a consistent manner on a global scale, utilizing existing expertise in an efficient and cost-effective manner. Given the intense curricula of veterinary schools and the scarcity of instructors trained in animal welfare, a nontraditional approach is needed to educate veterinary students in the United States and abroad in animal welfare. Michigan State University (MSU) is developing a graduate-level, online interactive course in animal welfare assessment. The course will approach the topic of animal welfare education from a holistic, multidisciplinary standpoint (encompassing ethics, economics, and behavior) and address issues important to the general public and the international community. The MSU course will draw on renowned international animal welfare experts, allowing students to receive high-quality education that would be difficult in any other circumstance. The course will bridge an important gap in the veterinary curriculum and offer a complete and congruous education in animal welfare to veterinarians worldwide. The MSU course will also serve as a model for collaboration in content assembly and course delivery, by using technology to leverage global expertise in the interests of educational equity. In addition to innovative technology, such as the use of Web-collaboration software to create the course, a variety of media that enable students to interact with the material will also be incorporated throughout the course. Thus, the course will not only utilize the Internet to provide access to high-quality material, but will also require the active participation of the student, which is needed for effective learning.  相似文献   

赵洪山 《中国兽药杂志》2012,46(5):48-50,61
通过对山东省动物养殖企业的调查,初步摸清了当前兽用抗菌药物的使用情况:部分兽用抗菌药物存在超范围使用问题,小规模动物养殖单位存在抗菌药物滥用和兽药残留隐患;兽用抗菌药物在动物饲养用药费用中占一半以上,但占动物饲养总成本的比例不足1%。建议采取宣传、引导等措施,进一步推动抗菌药物的合理使用。  相似文献   

随着农业机械化不断地推广,二牛抬杠式的原始农业耕作方式逐渐退出了农业生产。取而代之的农业机械化耕作,以前用来耕地的黄牛用途逐渐变成了产犊为主,农田里不见了黄牛耕作的身影,山坡不见了放牛人。取而代之的是舍饲圈养,肉牛以集约化育肥为主的养殖方式。通过对兽医临床遇到的病例统计发现,母牛的异常发情病例逐渐增多,高达30%~40%。作者根据实际兽医临床工作发现一个规律,一到冬季产犊季,母牛难产增多;母牛产犊后农户就会天天用玉米糊糊饲喂,瘤胃积食也会增多,冬季青贮饲草料价格高,资源匮乏,担心母牛产犊后掉膘,乳汁分泌不足,在这个过程中,很多母牛就会出现虚胖,犊牛腹泻,母牛伤食泻瘤胃酸中毒,最主要的是产犊后的母牛长期大量精料饲喂导致母牛体质偏胖,在中兽医诊断上就属于一种寒湿瘀滞的体质,卵泡不发育或者是发育不良。再加上畜主长期不正确的使用各种兽药,造成滥用药,致使动物机体损伤养殖业是一个需要倾注大量心血的行业,天道酬勤,养殖场户的辛勤付出才能换来牛羊的牧草丰富,茁壮生长,动物防疫工作者的辛勤付出才能换来动物群体的健康稳定,畜牧兽医工作者与农户一起服务于动物从配种到出栏。  相似文献   

随着我国畜禽养殖业的规模化发展,畜禽粪便排放量急剧增加,致使含有大量兽用抗生素和有抗菌活性的代谢产物排入环境,引起了一系列的潜在生态风险,对人类健康构成了严重威胁。结合我国兽用抗生素使用及其在土壤、植物中的残留现状,对抗生素残留的潜在风险和降解方法进行分析,以期为畜禽粪污的无害化处理和资源化利用提供参考。  相似文献   

长期以来,兽药用长效抗菌药剂(抗生素)在有效防治各类传染性动物疫病、提高农民生产畜禽养殖生产经营的效益、保障各类城市公共产品安全卫生的质量以及安全标准化生产活动中一直发挥并起着的积极重要作用。然而抗生素滥用易导致多种细菌产生耐药性,同时会带来较强毒副作用,危害公共卫生安全。2021年全国开展兽用抗菌药减量化行动,各省落实“同一健康”理念,高度重视减量化行动。江西省牛羊产业体系疫病防控岗专家团队深入江西省30多个牛羊养殖大县(区),针对各养殖企业及养殖户设计发放相关调查问卷,为科学指导推动畜禽养殖场户规范使用、减量使用抗生素,提出推动牛羊养殖发展的措施与建议,供各位读者、养殖户进行参考。  相似文献   

畜牧兽医专业实践性强,人才培养成长周期较长,随着规模化养殖业的发展,畜牧兽医专业人才需求日渐旺盛。因此,如何培养专业知识扎实、技能过硬的高质量人才就成为高校教学工作的重点。对畜牧兽医专业实行现代学徒制的教学方法进行了探索和研究,旨在为畜牧行业人才培养提供参考和思路。  相似文献   

随着我国兽药行业的蓬勃发展,动物药学专业应运而生。兽医药事管理学是动物药学专业的重要课程之一,教学目的是使学生能充分掌握、理解我国兽医药事管理法律法规,熟悉兽药研制、生产、流通和使用等各环节质量保证和控制的相关法律法规程序,明确兽药的安全有效与法制化管理的关系。但因我国在该方面起步较晚,该课程设置、教材建设及师资队伍建设等方面都还处在探索阶段,就动物药学学科建设及兽医药事管理教学现状及展望等进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Prospects for discovering new antiparasitic drugs for veterinary medicine in the coming century will be determined by economic, social and scientific factors. Consolidation in the pharmaceutical industry in general, and the animal health industry in particular, changes the business conditions in which drug discovery for veterinary medicine occurs. Social pressures on traditional animal agriculture and companion animal ownership have shifted the interest of animal companies primarily to pet medicine. Antiparasitic drug discovery is more than ever targeted to the most lucrative market segments, but the excellence of available drugs, and the apparent lack of resistance in important parasites, reduces industrial motivation to invest in parasitology. Veterinary parasitologists in academia will still have the chance to interact with their industrial counterparts in the traditional ways of supporting drug discovery and development. Nonetheless, there are many new opportunities to expand the research horizons of veterinary parasitology to strengthen the case for retaining a significant presence in the animal health industry.  相似文献   

Objective – To review the use of IV lipid emulsion (ILE) for the treatment of toxicities related to fat‐soluble agents; evaluate current human and veterinary literature; and to provide proposed guidelines for the use of this emerging therapy in veterinary medicine and toxicology. Data Sources – Human and veterinary medical literature. Human Data Synthesis – Human data are composed mostly of case reports describing the response to treatment with ILE as variant from mild improvement to complete resolution of clinical signs, which is suspected to be due to the variability of lipid solubility of the drugs. The use of ILE therapy has been advocated as an antidote in cases of local anesthetic and other lipophilic drug toxicoses, particularly in the face of cardiopulmonary arrest and unsuccessful cardiopulmonary cerebral resuscitation. Veterinary Data Synthesis – The use of ILE therapy in veterinary medicine has recently been advocated by animal poison control centers for toxicoses associated with fat‐soluble agents, but there are only few clinical reports documenting successful use of this therapy. Evidence for the use of ILE in both human and veterinary medicine is composed primarily from experimental animal data. Conclusions – The use of ILE appears to be a safe therapy for the poisoned animal patient, but is warranted only with certain toxicoses. Adverse events associated with ILE in veterinary medicine are rare and anecdotal. Standard resuscitation protocols should be exhausted before considering this therapy and the potential side effects should be evaluated before administration of ILE as a potential antidote in cases of lipophilic drug toxicoses. Further research is waranted.  相似文献   

Every application of antibacterial drugs in veterinary medicine may encourage selection for resistant bacteria. In Germany no valid data are available which would be suitable for a species specific estimation of drug consumption especially regarding food producing animals. Therefore, a representative monitoring of consumption of antibacterial drugs in food producing animals should be implemented. As a first step, a feasibility project was conducted to identify the technical preconditions and develop a concept for a regular monitoring system within Germany as a country with a non-central federal state system. The data were collected via the forms obligatory by German law concerning the treatment of animals and the delivery of animal drugs to the animal owners by the veterinarian. 24 veterinary practices and 65 farmers were visited, and all applications of antibiotics to farm animals during the course of one year (September 1, 2006 to August 31, 2007) were entered into a central database. A total of 95,584 records were collected and analysed statistically. Consumption of antibiotics was calculated in kg, but also the number of applications was analysed. The consumption of tetracyclines in kg reached 54.3% of all antimicrobial substances applied to pigs, but only 25.7% of all doses applied to pigs were tetracyclines. For the farms' data, the number of daily doses per animal year (DD(ay)) was estimated based on the number of daily doses recorded and on the number of animals kept in the farm. Correct and detailed data regarding the structures of the farms as well as of veterinary practices are necessary to estimate the consumption of antibiotics reliably. The proposed system is able to function as a monitoring system for antibiotic use in Germany, when the monitoring data are linked to the agricultural data (farm sizes) accounting for differences between German regional agricultural and animal husbandry structures. Furthermore, the results of the antibiotic use analyses may serve as basis to assess the results of the sales data of the pharmaceutical industry. Results are comparable to the outcome of respective systems in other European countries, e.g. the Netherlands and Denmark, and therefore it will contribute to a better understanding and development of strategies for the control of antimicrobial resistances on the European level.  相似文献   

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