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边坡绿化工程的效果评价与维护管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,边坡绿化在裸露斜面植被恢复工程中得到了广泛应用.开展对边坡绿化工程的效果评价以及今后的维护管理等研究,是我国边坡绿化工程建设实践中亟待解决的一个应用性理论问题和技术问题.通过对比分析国内外边坡绿化技术的发展过程,讨论为了发挥绿化工程的多目的性而进行边坡绿化工程评价的必要性和绿化施工后进行植被跟踪调查的重要性.指出,应根据调查和评价结果,围绕绿化目标进行有效的后期植被维护管理,促使植被向目标群落方向演替发展,保障边坡植被多种功能的充分发挥.  相似文献   

黄土高原植被建设的科学检讨和建议   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
黄土高原的植被 ,在自南向北由森林向草原过渡的总体趋势基础上 ,还存在着明显的土质、微地貌和坡向的非地带性特征。黄土 2m以下土层中的土壤水一旦耗用 ,很难补充。目前 ,黄土高原植被建设应以自然修复为主 ,辅以土壤水分条件较好地段的人工造林。黄土高原有关省区应创造性地贯彻中央“退耕还林 (草 )、封山绿化、以粮代赈、个体承包”的政策措施 ,强化退耕、禁牧和封山绿化 ,淡化人工造林 ,科学恢复黄土高原的植被。科研单位应加强高位黄土坡地稳定的人工林草建设模式及相关技术的试验研究。  相似文献   

天然降雨条件下裸露砒砂岩区人工植被的减流减沙效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
裸露砒砂岩区是黄土高原上侵蚀最为剧烈的地区之一,研究裸露砒砂岩区天然降雨下人工植被的减流减沙效应,对于提升砒砂岩区水土流失治理成效与质量有重要意义。以裸露砒砂岩区鲍家沟小流域的典型人工植被为研究对象,运用系统聚类和线性回归相结合的方法,划分裸露砒砂岩区降雨类型,研究不同降雨类型下坡面产流产沙的特征,分析不同人工植被的减流减沙效应。结果表明:(1)裸露砒砂岩的自然降雨可以分为长历时暴雨、长历时的中到大雨、短历时暴雨以及短历时的小到中雨4种类型。(2)天然降雨的降雨量(P)、最大30 min雨强(I30)和最大10 min雨强(I10)与各植被类型坡面的产流量、产沙量间呈y=ax1+bx2+cx3+d的多元线性关系。(3)各植被类型的减流能力依次为沙棘林>油松林>山杏林>柠条林>草地;减沙能力依次为沙棘林>山杏林>油松林>柠条林>草地。营造人工植被可以有效防治裸露砒砂岩区坡面的水土流失问题,现有的人工植被类型中以沙棘林的抗蚀能力最强。  相似文献   

在城市周边的山地取土、取石,留下了大量破碎、裸露的山体,严重破坏了地表结构,既影响了城市周边山地的生态景观,也极易引发生态环境恶化。本文对裸露山体的整治和植被恢复方法进行了探讨,总结了岩壁修理改造利用、耕作层重建与土壤改造、人工造林适宜树种选育、人工造林配套技术、小流域综合整治等技术措施,以期为裸露山体的植被恢复和生态环境重建提供参考。  相似文献   

人工修复措施对严重退化红壤固碳效益的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
固碳效益是侵蚀退化地水土保持效益的重要组成部分,其对全面评价生态修复意义重大.从人工促进生态修复林分固碳功能出发,以裸露地为对照,不同人工修复措施林分为研究对象,对其碳储量及固碳价值进行了研究.结果表明,人工修复显著增加了植被碳库和土壤碳库的碳储量,强烈干扰马尾松、竹节沟马尾松、种草竹节沟马尾松和竹节沟湿地松植被碳库分别为6.12,6.83,8.20和32.69 t/hm2,其土壤碳库分别为裸露地的1.16,1.37,1.60和2.71倍,固碳总价值分别比裸露地增加了0.36,0.60,0.87和2.78倍.  相似文献   

研究对北京市门头沟区石灰窑废弃地及公路边坡裸露地表8种生态修复模式中的植被生态学特征及生态恢复效果进行了调查评价。结果表明:石灰窑遗址人工景观再建模式、框格+植被模式及无土碎石挡土墙灌浆模式修复效果较好,容器苗修复模式和挂网喷播模式效果最差。8种生态修复模式中,植被物种丰富度以客土移栽模式最高(29±1.15),石灰窑人工景观再建模式次之(23.6±2.02),保育棒模式最低(7±1.1);植被盖度以石灰窑人工景观再建模式(88.3%)和框格+植被模式(87%)最高,植生袋模式和挂网喷播模式最低,分别为48%和32%;植被高度以客土移栽模式最高(546.3cm),人工景观模式次之(316cm);挂网喷播和植生袋最低,分别为44.97cm和54.13cm。综合评价结果认为,石灰窑人工景观再建、框格+植被和挡土墙灌浆模式是门头沟区石灰窑及公路边坡裸露地表生态恢复较适合的修复模式。  相似文献   

抽水蓄能电站选址常位于植被保存良好的山区,占地范围内的自然林木通常具有一定的原生性,代表着本地区的植被类型,具有重要的生态价值;另一方面,工程建设区有大量的裸露区域,需要进行植被恢复和绿化美化,因此,如何将自然林木的保护、利用与施工场地的植被恢复、绿化美化结合起来,是一个具有现实意义的问题。从深圳抽水蓄能电站的经验来看,将自然林木有针对性、加以区分地移栽到各个施工场地上,是一种可行的方式。  相似文献   

开发建设活动造成的开挖面岩石裸露,植被恢复难度较大。浙江省上虞市小越镇新宅村裸露岩石采用“裸露岩体栽植复绿种植基及复绿方法”进行植被恢复,植被覆盖率达到99.0%以上,生态效益显著,景观价值高。该方法就地取材,适应性强,施工工艺简单,栽植复绿效果好,有着广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

基于归一化植被指数变化分级的千山植被变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于鞍山市千山1993年和2001年的TM遥感数据及研究区的DEM资料,利用归一化植被指数(NDVI)变化分级方法,对鞍山市千山植被覆盖变化及与之相关的自然和社会因子之间的响应关系进行了分析,结果表明:1993—2001年间,千山范围内地表植被没有产生整体性变化,低海拔区域(高程≤200m)因人工绿化的加强,植被覆盖明显趋好,高海拔区域则由于环境的限制和缺乏保护措施,部分地区出现了植被覆盖退化。今后千山植被保护和生态建设的重点主要包括强化植被保护和恢复工作、加大人工建筑附近的植被绿化和强化高海拔区的生态建设。  相似文献   

以江西省庐山山南地区星子县熊门岭·大排岭瓷土矿尾矿沙山为对象,经过实地调查研究,提出采用植被恢复演替的模式,选取乡土植物山类芦、牡荆和枫香作为尾矿沙山裸露迹地绿化的先锋物种,技术简单,投资省,见效快,可以在同类尾矿沙山的植被恢复与重建中推广。  相似文献   

The federally endangered Karner blue butterfly (Lycaeides samuelis) is the focal species for a conservation plan designed to create and maintain barrens habitats. We investigated whether habitat management for Karner blue butterflies influences avian community structure at Fort McCoy Military Installation in Wisconsin, USA. From 2007 through 2009 breeding bird point count and habitat characteristic data were collected at 186 sample points in five habitat types including two remnant barrens types, barrens habitat restored from woodland and managed specifically for the Karner blue butterfly, and two woodland habitat types. Although the bird community of managed barrens was not identical to the communities of remnant barrens, the Field Sparrow (Spizella pusilla), a species of conservation concern, and sparse canopy associated bird species, such as the Baltimore Oriole (Icterus galbula) and Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis) were predicted to occupy managed barrens and remnant barrens in similar proportions. Adjacent habitat was the most influential factor in determining the community of bird species using the managed barrens. In Wisconsin, and likely throughout the range of the Karner blue butterfly, management for the butterfly creates habitat that attracts a bird community similar to that of remnant barrens, and benefits several avian species of conservation concern. Additionally, the landscape context surrounding the managed habitat influences avian community composition. Managed barrens that are adjacent to remnant barrens, rather than adjacent to woodland habitats, have the highest potential for conserving barrens breeding birds.  相似文献   

<正> 目前,国内关于“四荒”的涵义及分类尚无统一标准,分类划级十分混乱,同一类型各地命名也不尽相同,从而给“四荒”的统计工作带来很大困难,也影响了“四荒”资源的综合治理与高效开发利用.对“四荒”土地资源类型进行确定与分级,是科学、合理、有效治理开发“四荒”的基础和关键.我们在对全省“四荒”资源进行综合调查分析的基础上,按照全国农业区划委员会颁布的《土地利用现状调查技术规程》和《中华人民共和国水土保持法》中提出的荒地类型,结合我省具体情况,经过全面分析筛选,确定“四荒”的研究对象为:荒山、荒丘、荒沟、荒滩(“四荒”也包括荒地、荒坡、荒沙、荒草和荒水等),并对“四荒”资源进行了类型划分和适宜性分级.  相似文献   

The particle-size distribution in soils sampled near Russian polar stations in West Antarctica has been studied. It is shown that the soils of the Subantarctic zone (the Bellingshausen Station on King George Island) are characterized by a higher content of silt and clay in the fine earth fraction and by a higher content of the fine earth fraction in comparison with the soils of the proper Antarctic tundra barrens near the Lenin-gradskaya Station and the Antarctic cold desert near the Russkaya Station. In the latter soils, the content of rock fragments is higher than that in the soils of the Antarctic tundra barrens. In the soils of the tundra barrens, a considerable accumulation of fine earth may take place in large cavities (hollows) on the stony bedrock surface. Desert pavements are formed in both types of Antarctic landscapes.  相似文献   

 We have identified the importance of ground layer ericaceous shrub density as a determinant of leaf litter patch size in upland oak/pine communities of the New Jersey pine barrens. Litter patch area is directly proportional to the number of ericaceous stems. This observation has been confirmed by experimentation where leaf litter patches accumulated under artificial stems for a period of 2 years. Leaf litter patches of different sizes contain differing proportions of leaf species. Large patches contain a significantly higher proportion of oak leaves than small patches. Difference in physical structure of large and small patches, due to leaf species composition and due to differential leaf chemistries, result in differences in soil characteristics and soil biota under the patches. Soil moisture and organic matter content of upper soil layers are greater under large litter patches than under small ones. We have preliminary evidence that these changes influence the community structure of ectomycorrhizae developing under patches of different sizes. Received: 12 April 1999  相似文献   

Community level analyses of species-environment relationships can provide critical information for conservation planners. A comprehensive analysis of the factors that influence species distributions should include variables measured at multiple scales because species-environment relationships are known to vary with the scale of observation. The pitch pine-scrub oak (Pinus rigida-Quercus ilicifolia) communities, or pine barrens, of the northeastern USA are severely threatened by development and fire suppression. They also provide critical habitat for many species of rare moths. We used partial canonical correspondence analysis to assess the relative effects of three levels of environmental variables (plot, patch, and landscape) on the distribution and abundance of 10 species of rare moths in a pine barrens community in southeastern Massachusetts, USA. We also used a set of spatial variables to quantify and partial out the effects of spatial autocorrelation of species composition among sampling locations. All three levels of environmental factors combined, independent of spatial factors, accounted for virtually half (48.4%) of the total variation in the moth community. Sequential partitioning of the variance explained by each level of environmental factors indicated that landscape level factors explained more than twice as much variance as plot and patch level factors. Another environmental model that included only landscape level variables explained 53% of the total variation in the moth community. Patch density and percentage of the landscape comprised of open and sparse canopy, scrub oak habitats were the most significant variables. These results suggest that the presence of scrub oak habitat within relatively large, heterogeneous landscape mosaics may be more important for the maintenance of many rare pine barrens associated moth populations than plot or patch level characteristics.  相似文献   

特殊的地理环境加上气候变化和人为因素的影响,导致玛曲高寒牧区生态环境日益恶化,次生裸地面积不断扩大,"生态蓄水池"的功能受到威胁,所以开展次生裸地恢复技术的研究迫在眉睫。通过对不同类型次生裸地现状、形成原因的分析,提出了因地制宜采取地表处理、物种配置等恢复技术治理次生裸地的措施,旨在为玛曲高寒牧区草地资源的合理利用及植被恢复提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The intensity of the in situ soil respiration in the background northern taiga spruce forests of the Kola subarctic region reaches 120–290 mg C-CO2/m2 per h. In the impact zone of the Severonikel smelter, it decreases to 90–140, 30, and 15–30 mg C-CO2/m2 per h at the stages of spruce defoliation, spruce-birch woodland, and technogenic barrens of the technogenic succession, respectively. For the first time, the impact of the industrial pollution on root respiration has been assessed, and the dependences of the CO2 emission, the contribution of mineral soil horizons to this process, the microbial biomass, and root respiration on the concentrations of available nickel and copper compounds have been determined. The efficiency of two remediation technologies applied to technogenic barrens near the smelter has been evaluated on the basis of four parameters of the soil biological activity. The results indicate that remediation with the creation of a new filled soil layer is more efficient than chemical and phytoremediation methods.  相似文献   

The purpose of this greenhouse experiment was to examine the short-term effects of competition between pine seedlings and the soil microbial biomass in sandy oligotrophic pine barrens upland forest soils subjected to varying levels of prescribed fire severity. Pine seedling growth performance, microbial biomass nitrogen, extractable soil nutrients and leaching loss from the soil were determined, throughout a single growing season following fire treatment. Replicate soil cores exposed to three levels of fire severity were maintained in a greenhouse with or without a pine seedling. Throughout the following growing season replicate cores from each treatment were harvested and analyzed monthly. The data allowed testing for two main effects: soil fire treatment and tree presence/absence. In no instance was a significant fire treatment X tree presence/absence interaction found. Our results indicate that biological activity strongly influences soil conditions. Reduced microbial activity resulted from the interaction of soil microbial biomass and an individual pine seedling. Increased plant growth performance correlates with reduced soil mineral nitrogen concentration and decreased pH. At the levels of fire severity utilized in this experiment immobilization due to biological uptake and abiotic soil fixation prevented significant leaching losses above that of unburned control samples. In the oligotrophic, pine barrens soils, nitrogen and phosphorus mineralized by fire are largely conserved by biological processes. These results also suggest that plant growth is subject to limitation by phosphorus availability in these soils.  相似文献   

Low intensity control burns are a standard fuel reduction management tool used in pine barrens ecosystems. Periodic disturbances through fire can be an important influence on the cycling of nutrients within the ecosystem. Previous studies have shown that the inorganic chemistry of leaf litter residues differs with increasing temperature. Our study compared chemical changes in white oak (Quercus alba), pitch pine (Pinus rigida) and black huckleberry (Gaylussacia baccata), characteristic of the New Jersey pine barrens, during thermal decomposition using FT-IR spectroscopy. Three replicates of senescent leaf material were ground and separately heated for 2 h at: 100, 200, 300, 400 and 550 °C. These temperatures are representative of the range seen in fuel reducing prescribed burns in the pine barrens. Unburned litter of each species was used as a control. An optimization process using varying amounts of KBr and oak litter was performed to develop favorable FT-IR spectral conditions for a sample to KBr ratio of 0.75%. Chemometric analysis of the FT-IR spectra using principal component analysis (PCA) was used to analyze the changes in carbohydrate chemistry of each litter plant species (leaf litter species) at each temperature. In general, it appears that there is clear separation of leaf litter species at the different combustion temperatures. Infrared spectroscopy illustrated that all three species shared wavenumbers characteristic of the primary components of leaves such as cellulose, lignin and hemicellulose. Results from the PCA indicated separation of litter species and species by combustion temperature. PC axis 1 corresponds to the effects of temperature on leaf litter species and PC axis 2 separates the leaf litter species. At the low temperatures (control-200 °C), oak, pine and huckleberry litter species separated from each other. Wavenumbers that contributed to the separation of species at low temperatures belonged to functional group stretching frequencies of outer surface waxes, basic sugars, fatty acids and aldehydes. It appears that oak had more IR bands specific to suberin content. Convergence of these species occurs at 300 °C. Complexity of chemical composition decreases at this particular temperature as is shown by the decrease in wavenumber richness when compared to litters at low and high temperatures. Oak, pine and huckleberry had similar IR spectra showing bands belonging to outer surface wax content, pectin, lignin and hemicellulose. With increasing temperatures (400-550 °C), differences between litter species increased slightly. Plant material was reduced to similar composition due to thermal decomposition, which consisted of inorganic materials such as carbonate, phosphate and sulfate ions and possible fused aromatics.  相似文献   

The efficiency of remediation of technogenic barrens under the reduction of air pollutant emissions from the Severonikel smelter in the Kola Subarctic is determined largely by the soil state and the technology applied. The covering of the contaminated soils with artificially made material based on organomineral substrates and the following liming and fertilization promoted a sharp and long-term reduction of acidity, decrease in the biological availability of heavy metals, increase in the supply with nutrients, and improvement of the life state of willow and birch plantations. The effect of economically more profitable chemo–phytostabilization is short-term; it requires constant maintenance. Under the current production and a high level of soil contamination, repeated measures are required to optimize the soil reaction, supply with nutrients, and to correct the availability of heavy metals in the soils based on the results of continuous monitoring  相似文献   

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