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罗卫红 《山东饲料》2005,(4):49-50,25
饲料的社会经济再生产必须要经过生产和流通领域两个基本过程(包括生产、分配、交换、消费四个环节)。饲料作为一种商品,进人流通领域后,按照自身的价值,进行等价交换。其商品价值就是凝聚在饲料中的无差别的人类劳动。从价值工程角度看,饲料的价值是一种评价产品有益程度的尺度,是某种产品的功能与成本的相对比例关系。用公式表示为:  相似文献   

可持续发展是指既满足当代人的需要,又不危害后代人,并能满足其需要能力的发展;是既要实现经济发展的目标,又要实现人类赖以生存的自然资源与环境和谐,使得后代得以永续发展。可持续发展强调社会经济因素与生态环境之间的协调,寻找人口、经济、环境各要素之间相互协调发展,是政治、经济、文化、生态自然的协调互动。可持续发展要协调两类关系,即人与人的关系,人与自然环境的关系。  相似文献   

为探讨在二倍体拟鹅观草属物种中St基因组的分化及其系统关系,本试验通过对3个二倍体拟鹅观草的种间杂种及黎巴嫩拟鹅观草和托瑞拟鹅观草与4个四倍体鹅观草属物种(StY)和3个披碱草属(StH,StYW)物种的属间杂种F1 花粉母细胞减数分裂中期I染色体配对行为及繁育特性进行分析。结果表明,1)中东的拟鹅观草二倍体物种(黎巴嫩拟鹅观草和托瑞拟鹅观草)中St染色体组与来自北美的物种(穗状拟鹅观草)可能存在差异;2)St染色体组在鹅观草属物种中(StY)和在披碱草属物种中(StH,StYW)均存在一定程度的变异,具有一定程度的分化;3)St染色体组与Y 染色体组具有一定程度的同源性,亲缘关系较近,而与H染色体组的关系较远。  相似文献   

饲料的社会经济再生产必须要经过生产和流通两个基本过程(包括生产、分配、交换和消费4个环节)。饲料作为一种商品,进入流通领域后.按照自身的价值.进行等价交换。从价值工程角度看.饲料的价值是一种评价产品有益程度的尺度,是某种产品的功能与成本的相对比例关系.  相似文献   

2007年3月至2007年8月,在杭州地区的城区、城乡结合区、农田区、农林交错区和自然林区等不同城市化程度的栖息地内各设置了90条100 m×3000 m调查样线,采用样线法对鸟类种类及其数量进行调查,采用实地调查与查阅文献相结合的方法确定每种鸟类的营巢类型和功能团,采用Shannon-Wiener指数计算鸟类群落的物种多样性和功能多样性.同时,对栖息地的人为干扰、植被盖度、人工设施指数等3项参数进行测定,并以此计算出各样线的城市化综合指数.调查结果显示,研究区内共记录有繁殖鸟类96种,分属于林冠枝干营巢功能团、灌草丛营巢功能团、林冠枝干/灌草丛营巢功能团、自然洞穴营巢功能团、人工建筑营巢功能团、自然洞穴/人工建筑营巢功能团、地面营巢功能团、水面营巢功能团和寄生功能团等9种功能团.对鸟类群落的物种数、物种多样性、功能团丰富度、功能多样性与城市化综合指数进行回归分析发现,城市化对鸟类群落的物种数、物种多样性、功能团丰富度和功能多样性均有着极显著性的影响,并且随着城市化程度的提高这些参数值均明显下降.不过,物种数和物种多样性与功能团丰富度和功能多样性间的下降模式存在明显差异.其中,物种数和物种多样性基本旱线性下降模式,即随着城市化程度的提高,物种丰富度及多样性基本为匀速下降;而功能团丰富度和功能多样性则呈二次函数下降模式,即在城市化初期,功能团丰富度和功能多样性下降不明显,但随着城市化程度的继续提高,功能团丰富度和功能多样性呈现加速下降的趋势.可见,鸟类群落的物种多样性和功能多样性对城市化的响应存在差异.虽然适度城市化可使物种多样性下降,但对功能多样性的影响却不明显;而群落的功能多样性则对高度城市化更为敏感.进一步对鸟类群落功能多样性与物种多样性的回归分析显示,功能多样性与物种多样性亦呈二次函数曲线关系,即在低多样性水平时,功能多样性与物种多样性基本呈线性关系,但随着多样性水平的逐渐升高,功能多样性的增长速度则明显慢于物种多样性的增长速度.由此可见,当群落物种多样性达到一定水平时,物种的增加不会明显地提高群落的功能多样性.  相似文献   

在群落调查的基础上,对贺兰山高山草甸进行数量分析。主要的结果如下:(1)贺兰山高山草甸可分为三个群系,分别为珠芽蓼群系、高山嵩草群系和矮嵩草群系,而高山嵩草群系和矮嵩草群系可进一步划分为两个亚群系,不同群系(或亚群系)的群落结构和环境特征之间存在显著的差异;(2)高山嵩草群系和矮嵩草群系之间的界限约为海拔3200m,而珠芽蓼群系主要分布于研究区的偏阴坡,与海拔关系不大;(3)14个频次大于50%的物种在排序图上的空间分布反映了这些物种最适宜生境的位置,而且与群落类型的空间分布一致。  相似文献   

<风之谷>是奠定宫崎骏"环保教主身份的影片",影片中通过人类制造出巨神兵从而导致灭世,人类与"腐海""王虫"等奇特物种争夺生存领地,以及人与人之间因野心而起的侵略与征服等一系列事件,对人类和自然的关系进行了深沉的思考.人类为了生存需要对自然进行开采,而人类私欲的膨胀也势必会导致对自然进行无休无止的掠夺性索取.人与自然的均衡关系一旦被打破,自然的灾难便会接踵而至.只有以其他物种的共存作为自己生存的必要条件,人类才能走出愈演愈烈的生态恶循环.  相似文献   

浅谈野生虎生态学研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
虎在生态系统中处在食物链的顶端,是自然保护中的旗舰物种,具有重要的生态价值和科学价值。目前,虎的分布范围及数量已经明显减少,成为最受威胁的大型猫科动物之一。针对虎的这种濒危状况,虎的研究得到了极大关注,尤其是野生虎的生态学研究。本文综述了野生虎生态学的研究,从野生虎生态学的研究历史出发,作者认为野生虎的保护应该做到以下几点:减少人为干扰;保护好现有虎栖息地,对现有虎种群实行异质种群管理;建立新的保护区,扩大虎的栖息地;设法扩大虎猎物种群的数量。  相似文献   

猪圆环病毒Ⅱ型广东分离株全基因组的克隆和序列分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分离了9株猪圆环病毒Ⅱ型(PCV2)广东地方分离株,并进行了全基因组序列测定;对这9株PCV2广东分离毒株的ORF1和ORF2基因的序列分析表明ORF2的变异程度要比ORF1的变异程度大;对PCV2衣壳蛋白的氨基酸序列同源性比较发现了PCV2毒株间存在1个氨基酸变异程度较大的区域和2个氨基酸变异程度较小的区域,其中前两个区域与两个主要的免疫反应区域相对应;将这9个毒株的全基因组序列与GenBank上收录的18个PCV2毒株的全基因组序列基因进化树分析表明,这9个PCV2广东分离株彼此之间及与国内PCV2分离株、欧洲株之间更接近,而与韩国、中国台湾、日本和美洲毒株之间则稍远,因而在选PCV2疫苗免疫时,建议尽量使用国内生产的疫苗或自制组织灭活疫苗进行免疫。  相似文献   

对牦牛心脏脂肪酸结合蛋白(H-FABP)基因进行了克隆测序,并与GenBank中9个物种相应基因编码区核苷酸序列进行了比对分析,在此基础上采用邻接法、最大简约法和最小进化法构建了牦牛与其它物种间分子系统进化树。结果表明,牦牛H-FABP基因由4个外显子和3个内含子组成,外显子1、外显子2、外显子3和外显子4大小分别为73、173、102和54bp,内含子1、内含子2和内含子3大小分别为3460、1892和1495bp。CDS序列全长为402bp,前体氨基酸数为133个。不同物种间在该基因核苷酸序列上有较高的保守性。牦牛与普通牛、绵羊、山羊、猪、人、大鼠、小鼠、鸡、斑马鱼各物种在H-FABP基因编码区核苷酸序列上同源性大小分别为99.8%、97.8%、97.0%、92.8%、88.8%、83.3%、83.1%、76.4%、68.7%。通过邻接法、最大简约法和最小进化法用H-FABP基因编码区核苷酸序列构建的物种间分子系统进化树,结果表明,3种方法构建的物种间分子系统进化树基本一致。系统树总体分为两支,斑马鱼为独立的一支,而牦牛与其它物种为另一大分支。牦牛与普通牛、绵羊与山羊先分别聚在一起,然后再聚为一类;后与猪、人依次聚为一类。小鼠和大鼠先聚为一类,再与人和其它物种聚类,然后再与鸡聚为一类。该系统聚类结果与动物学分类一致,表明H-FABP基因适合于构建不同物种间的系统进化树。  相似文献   

In recent years wildlife diseases (infectious and non-infectious) have played a relevant role in both wildlife conservation and public health. Global environmental changes have determined a bimodal evolution of wildlife. On one side a huge loss of biodiversity has been observed leading to the increasing of threatened or endangered species. In contrast few opportunistic taxa increased their aboundances and ranges. The above scenarios claim the intervention of wildlife veterinarians. In conservation the understanding of the ecological role of the host parasite relationship and the perturbations on the host population dynamics have to be assessed and eventually modified. In public health the increased overlapping among wildlife, livestock, pets and human beings represents a risk for diseases spread (no matter in which directions). Serious limits are, still now, observed in the acceptance of this 'new world' by veterinary academics. As a consequence curricula often fail in providing adequate skill at both undergraduate and graduate levels. An addressed approach towards wildlife diseases should be promoted as an essential component of environmental management.  相似文献   

Over 70% of Kenya’s wildlife resources occur outside protected areas, in areas where land use practices do not necessarily conform to wildlife conservation standards. Ensuring that land use practices in these areas accommodate wildlife conservation is vital in effectively conserving wildlife in this country. Tindress Farm in Rift Valley offers a good example of a place where economic activities and wildlife conservation can work harmoniously. The farm has set up a 320-ha wildlife sanctuary in the hilly parts of the property to provide a haven for wildlife displaced by human settlements in the surrounding environs. The Tindress Farm management needed to know the diversity and optimum number of wildlife species that the sanctuary could accommodate. This study set out to 1) outline a set of models for objectively calculating wildlife stocking levels and 2) demonstrate the practical use of these models in estimating optimum stocking levels for a specific wildlife sanctuary. After comparing models using forage inventory methods models and utilization-based methods (UM), we opted to use UM models because of their focus on ecological energetics. This study established that the range condition in Tindress Wildlife Sanctuary varied from poor to good (29–69%) and recommended a total stocking density of 158.9 grazer units and 201.4 browser units shared out by the various herbivore species. These estimates remain a best-case scenario. The effects of rainfall, range condition, and condition of the animals should be monitored continuously to allow for adjustments through active adaptive management.  相似文献   

Rabies in small animals has been dramatically reduced in the United States since the introduction of rabies vaccination of domestic animals in the 1940s. As a consequence, the number of human rabies cases has declined to only a couple per year. During the past several years, the dog rabies variant has almost disappeared completely. Rabies in wildlife has skyrocketed, however. Each wildlife species carries its own rabies variant(s). These wildlife epizootics present a constant public health threat in addition to the danger of reintroducing rabies to domestic animals. Vaccination is the key to prevent rabies in small animals and rabies transmission to human beings.  相似文献   

Evidence suggests that religion is an important driver of peoples’ attitudes toward nature, but the link between religion and carnivore conservation is poorly understood. We examined peoples’ attitudes in Buddhist (= 83) and Muslim communities (= 111) toward snow leopards (Panthera uncia) and wolves (Canis lupus) in Ladakh, India. We found that the effect of religion on attitudes was statistically nonsignificant, and was tempered by gender, education, and awareness of wildlife laws. Even though religion by itself was not an indication of an individual’s attitude toward large carnivores, the extent to which he/she practiced it (i.e., religiosity) had a positive correlation with pro-carnivore attitudes in the case of Buddhist but not Muslim communities. Our findings indicate that it may be useful to integrate locally relevant religious philosophies into conservation practice. However, the emphasis of conservation messaging should vary, stressing environmental stewardship in the case of Islam, and human–wildlife interdependence in the case of Buddhism.  相似文献   

Medicinal herb collection has historical and cultural roots in many rural communities in developing countries. Areas where herb collection occurs may overlap with biodiversity hotspots and crucial habitat of endangered and threatened species. However, impacts of such practices on wildlife are unknown and possibly underestimated, perhaps due to the elusive nature of such activities. We examined this phenomenon in Wolong Nature Reserve, China, a protected area in the South‐Central China biodiversity hotspot that also supports a community of Tibetan, Qiang and Han people who use herb collection as a supplementary source of livelihood. We adopted a participatory approach in which we engaged local people in outlining spatial and temporal dynamics of medicinal herb collection practices. We found that the overall spatial extent of herb collection increased in the past two decades. We then overlaid herb collection maps with localities of giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) feces collected over two time points in the reserve. Using a Bayesian parameter estimation, we found evidence for declined giant panda occurrence in the areas most recently impacted by emerging medicinal herb collection. Our methodology demonstrates the potential power of integrating participatory approaches with quantitative methods for processes like herb collection that may be difficult to examine empirically. We discuss future directions for improving explanatory power and addressing uncertainty in this type of mixed‐method, interdisciplinary research. This work has implications for future attempts to understand whether and how prevalent but subtle human activities may affect wildlife conservation.  相似文献   

Human-wildlife conflict (HWC) is a conservation concern that increasingly threatens the continued existence of some of the world's most endangered species. With an increase in human population, urban sprawl and subsequent encroachment on wild land, human and wildlife interaction has become inevitable. In the majority of cases, this interaction results in a negative outcome for humans, wildlife or both. In China, these key elements, along with a decrease in wild prey species, have resulted in the expansion of HWC encounters, and the need for alleviating this conflict has become a conservation priority. Loss of human life, livestock and/or crops is most often the catalysts that fuel HWC. Techniques to alleviate conflict around the world have included preventative measures and mitigation techniques, such as financial compensation and other incentive programs. Both types of measures have had variable success. We review the current status of human-carnivore conflict management in China, and, drawing lessons from around the globe, we make recommendations for improving conservation management in China. For example, an increase in law enforcement in nature reserves is vital to reducing human disturbance in prime carnivore habitat, thereby reducing conflict encounters. Also, modifications to current wildlife compensation programs, so that they are linked with preventative measures, will ensure that moral hazards are avoided. Furthermore, investigating the potential for a community self-financed insurance scheme to fund compensation and increasing efforts to restore wild prey populations will improve the outcome for wildlife conservation. Ultimately, HWC management in China will greatly benefit from an integrative approach.  相似文献   

There is a clear need to monitor the health of wildlife in the UK, to help to understand the population dynamics of endangered species and to detect any harm to the welfare of wild animals caused by human beings. Despite previous proposals, there has been little progress in the development of a national programme of monitoring. With notable exceptions, the current schemes for investigating the morbidity and mortality of wild animals cover only limited groups of animals and are fragmented and uncoordinated. They consist of statutory schemes of restricted scope, and studies in universities, institutes and wildlife rehabilitation centres with limited funding. As a result, significant disease incidents may remain undetected and others may not be investigated fully, posing risks to the welfare and conservation of wildlife, the welfare of domestic animals, and in some cases to human health. Coordinated national schemes for the surveillance of the health of wildlife are already established in France, the USA and Canada and their best characteristics could be used to develop a scheme for the UK.  相似文献   

With antimicrobial resistance mounting, an important public health goal is to preserve therapeutic effectiveness of remaining antimicrobials. To that end, fewer antimicrobials should be used in human medicine and in agriculture. Public health initiatives to reduce antimicrobial overuse could benefit from concurrent collection of agricultural usage data; they could aid scientific understanding of the resistance problem and confirm the efficacy of interventions. Data collection in this context should be a priority. However, usage data are nonessential to achieving the public health goal. U.S. regulation of agricultural antimicrobials today is very reliant on risk assessment. While more data can be useful for use in risk assessment, microbial risk assessment itself may not be well suited to the purpose of reducing antimicrobial overuse. Among other recognized shortcomings, current microbial risk assessment models typically fail to account for the essential ecological nature of antimicrobial resistance. This makes it inadequate for fully characterizing the human health or ecological risks of animal antimicrobials. European success at phasing out unnecessary antimicrobial usage in agriculture, on the other hand, has derived from decisions based on public health concerns and political will, and not on the collection of usage data or on the successful completion of a risk assessment.  相似文献   

Bartonellosis is a constellation of clinical conditions affecting human beings and a variety of animals. Many Bartonella infections are zoonotic, with some of the most commonly reported zoonotic manifestations of infection including cat scratch disease, bacillary angiomatosis, endocarditis, and neuroretinitis. Companion animals serve as reservoirs for several zoonotic species of Bartonella, and may also serve as sentinels for zoonotic Bartonella species harbored by wildlife.This article provides an overview of bartonellosis of dogs and cats, and discusses public health implications of animal bartonellosis.  相似文献   

While there is an assumption that wildlife value orientations can be useful in strategic communication, few studies have empirically explored this topic. This article used the concept of wildlife value orientations to understand how to increase the motivation of people to process information about wildlife in the context of persuasive communication. A confirmatory factor analysis was used to identify mutualism and domination wildlife value orientations. From the wildlife value orientations, crosstabs were used to create a typology with four discreet segments: mutualists, pluralists, traditionalists, and distanced. A series of ANOVAs examined how important different messages about bear safety were to the typology segments. Results indicated that message relevancy differs among wildlife value orientations. Managers can use this information to help frame their communications about wildlife-related issues. Future research should continue to explore the impact of this value-framing approach to other persuasive communication concepts, like attitudes and behaviors.  相似文献   

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