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Distribution of staphylococcal species on clinically healthy cats   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Among 827 isolates derived from 113 clinically healthy cats, 12 species of staphylococci were identified. Staphylococci were isolated from each cat and from 54.9% of the anatomic sites evaluated. A mode of 6 (range = 2 to 11) of the 11 anatomic sites evaluated per cat yielded staphylococci. A mode of 8 (range = 2 to 12) isolates were found per cat. Staphylococcus simulans was the most isolated (43.9% of total) coagulase-negative species. Moreover, S simulans was the most isolated species from each of the 11 sites evaluated and, except for the mouth and haircoat, comprised greater than 50% of the isolates from each site. Staphylococcus intermedius was the most isolated (13.5% of the total) coagulase-positive species. Three other species (S epidermidis, S xylosus, and S aureus) comprised 32.2% of the isolates, and 7 species (S haemolyticus, S hominis, S hyicus, S capitis, S warneri, and S saprophyticus) comprised 10.4% of the isolates. Six species (S intermedius [96 of 112 isolates], S haemolyticus [20 of 22], S sciuri [17 of 18], S warneri [10 of 13], S hyicus [10 of 10], and S capitis [7 of 8]) were isolated primarily from household cats. Only 1 species, S xylosus (75 of 87), was isolated primarily from cattery cats. Haircoat specimens (n = 452) yielded 508 isolates (61.4% of the total) distributed among all 12 staphylococcal species and included greater than 50% of the isolates of all species other than S simulans and S sciuri. A more heterogeneous population of staphylococci was isolated from household cats than was isolated from cattery cats.  相似文献   

Twenty-six parameters of clinical biochemical properties were determined in 72 clinically healthy German Shepherd dogs. The standard values were determined for total protein, protein spectrum, albuminoglobulin quotient, enzymic activities for AST, ALT, LD, LD-1, and ALP, for sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, inorganic phosphorus, and chlorides, complete prameters of the acid-base balance of the blood, and the values of glucose, urea, lactic acid, and creatinin. For determining these standards, dogs were selected at the age of 6.5 months to 7 years. All the statistically processed results are obtained from a number of animals which would secure 95% reliability and accuracy of the results, which would allow for sufficient generalization. Differences concerning the influence of age were not demonstrated in any of the determined biochemical values. The results are regarded as representative standards which can be used for clinical and laboratory diagnostics and prognostics in veterinary cynology and for clinical physiology of the German Shepherd dog breed.  相似文献   

Feline respiratory viruses—their prevalence in clinically healthy cats   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The prevalence of feline calicivirus (FGV) and feline viral rhinotracheitis (FVR) virus was assessed in three different groups of clinically healthy domestic cats. The 1500 cats were sampled using single oro-pharyngeal swabs. The rate of isolation for FCV and FVR virus respectively was 8% and 1% in the household pet sample, 24·02% and 1·75% in the cat-show sample and 41·5% and 0·4% in colonies A and B. The differences are discussed in relation to the different carrier states of these viruses and the social habits of the cats in each group. A computer analysis of the cat-show group with regard to age, sex and breed demonstrated a statistically significant, lower infection rate of FCV in (1) neutered animals as compared with entires, (2) older cats compared with 0–1 year old animals and (3) certain age groups in both the Longhaired and Burmese cats as compared with other breeds. Résumé. On a évalué la fréquence de virus calice félin et de virus rhinotrachéite viral félin dans les différents groupes de chats domestiques cliniquement en bonne santé. On a essayé un seul prélèvement oropharyngien dans 1500 chats. Le pourcentage d'isolation pour le virus FCV et le virus FVR était respectivement de 8% te de 1% dans l'échantillon de prélèvement du chat domestique, 24,02% et 1,75% dans l'échantillon du chat d'exposition et de 41,5% et de 0,4% dans les colonies A et B. On discute des différences en relation avec les différents états des porteurs de ces virus et des habitudes sociales des chats dans chaque groupe. Une analyse par machine à calculer électronique du chat d'exposition concernant l'âge, le sexe et la race a démontré un pourcentage statistiquement significatif plus faible d'infection de FCV chez (1) des animaux châtrés comparés â des animaux non-châtrés, (2) des chats plus âgés comparés à des animaux de 0 à 1 an et (3) des groupes d'une certaine classe chez des chats à poils longs et des chats de Birmanie en comparaison avec d'autres races. Zusammenfassung. Das Vorherrschen von Katzen-Kalizivirus (FCV) und Katzen-virusalen Rhinotracheitis (FVR) Virus wurden in den verschiedenen Gruppen von klinisch gesunden Hauskatzen geschächtzt. Die 1500 Katzen wurden geprüft indem man einem einzigen Mundrach-enabstrich machte. Das Verhàltnis von Isolierung für FCV und FVR Virus war jeweilig 8% und 1% in der Hauskatzenprobe, 24,02% und 1,75% in der Katzenschauprobe und 41,5% und 0,4% in den Kolonien A und B. Die Unterschiede werden diskutiert in bezug auf den verschiedenen Übertragungszustand von diesen Viren und den geselligen Angewohnheiten dieser Katzen in jeder Gruppe. Eine Komputeranalyse der Katzenschaugruppe in bezug auf Alter, Geschlecht und Rasse bewies eine statistisch bedeutsame, niederere Infektionsrate an FCV in (1) kastrierten Tieren als der verglichen mit Nichtkastrierten, (2) ältere Katzen verglichen mit 0–1 jährig alten Tieren und (3) gewisse Altersgruppen bei den langhaarig- und Burmesischen Katzen verglichen mit anderen Rassen.  相似文献   

Background: Information about the electrophoretic distribution of CK‐MM, CK‐MB, and CK‐BB, serum creatine kinase (CK) isoenzymes that are indicators of skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, and brain lesions, respectively, and CK macroenzymes (macro‐CK1 and macro‐CK2) in dogs and cats with and without central neurologic disease is scant and equivocal. Objectives: The objectives of this study were to describe the electrophoretic distribution of CK isoenzymes and macroenzymes in healthy dogs and cats and to provide a preliminary assessment of the utility of CK enzymatic electrophoresis in dogs and cats with central neurologic disease. Methods: Electrophoretic separation of serum CK isoenzymes and macroenzymes was performed on freeze‐thawed serum samples from 20 healthy dogs and 3 dogs with central neurologic disease and from 14 healthy cats and 6 cats with neurologic feline infectious peritonitis (FIP). Electrophoretic separation was also performed on supernatants of homogenized brain, skeletal muscle, and cardiac muscle from both species, to assess the tissue distribution of isoenyzmes in dogs and cats. Results: CK‐MM was the predominant isoenzyme in the serum of healthy dogs and cats, followed by macro‐CK2 and CK‐BB in dogs and by both macroenzymes in cats. In dogs, CK‐MB was essentially absent from both serum and homogenized hearts. CK‐BB increased in dogs with neurologic disease. In cats, CK‐BB was essentially absent from serum, but was present in brain homogenates. Two of 6 cats with FIP had increased macro‐CK1 and increased CK‐BB activity. Conclusions: This study identified the electophoretic distribution of CK isoenzymes and macroenzymes of dogs and cats and provided encouraging data about the possible use of CK‐BB as a biomarker for canine neurologic disorders, but not for FIP.  相似文献   

Spontaneous proteinuria in otherwise clinically normal adult Beagles 4-6 years old was studied for 2 years. Eighteen dogs, representing a population of 218 Beagles, were placed into three groups: group I, nonproteinuric; group II, intermittently proteinuric; group III, persistently proteinuric. The groups were alike on the basis of laboratory tests, except urinary protein loss. Proteinuria was persistent in most affected dogs but not progressive during the 2 years. The loss of proteins with high molecular weight, including alpha-, beta-, and gamma-globulins, suggested the proteinuria was of glomerular origin. There were glomerular lesions but no other significant change in the kidneys and urogenital system. Lesions were generalized and characterized by prominent, local or diffuse mesangial proliferation and by thickening, wrinkling, and splitting of the glomerular basement membrane. The subendothelial space was often widened and contained electron-dense deposits. Similar electron-dense deposits, as well as lipid and mineral, were in the mesangium. Alterations in visceral epithelial cells and endothelium were prominent. Periglomerular sclerosis was present but tended not to correlate with the severity of mesangial change in any given renal corpuscle. The severity of both mesangial and periglomerular changes increased with increasing proteinuria. Immunofluoescence studies demonstrated granular discontinuous localization of IgG and betaIC-globulins in the glomerular capillaries and mesangium. Similar localization was seen but to a lesser extent in nonproteinuric dogs. The glomerular lesions seen in these clinically healthy, proteinuric dogs are similar to those described in various canind diseases associated with terminal renal failure.  相似文献   

Objectives : To assess the influence of body surface area, age and gender on echocardiographic parameters and to establish echocardiographic reference values for dogue de Bordeaux dogs. Methods : Thirty‐nine healthy dogue de Bordeaux dogs of both sexes, older than one year, were recruited and 31 of these were included in the study. The classic linear regression model proved to be the best way to analyse the data. The reference limits of the echocardiographic measurements were calculated using the regression equations. The difference between the mean values of body surface area in both gender groups was evaluated by using one‐way ANOVA. Results : A significant correlation was seen between several echocardiographic parameters and body surface area or body surface area and age, and high coefficients of determination (R2) were found. No effect of gender was detected on echocardiographic variables, except for the thickness of the left ventricular posterior wall at end diastole. Clinical Significance : The echocardiographic parameters related to body surface area, in the absence of correlation with other independent variables (gender and age) should be interpreted with caution because their variation could be significant for the presence of heart disease. The proposed statistical model allows estimation of echocardiographic parameters in dogue de Bordeaux dogs with different body surface areas and ages.  相似文献   

Liver function tests help to investigate actual liver function. In dogs, only a few tests are available. We evaluated the formation of monoethylglycinexylidide (MEGX) in clinically healthy dogs to assess the usefulness of this liver function test in dogs. Twenty-five healthy dogs were used in this study. The MEGX test was done according to human protocols. The results of our study showed that dogs synthesize MEGX after the administration of lidocaine. There was no age dependence of this test in dogs and no significant difference between measurements obtained at 15 and 30 min after administration of lidocaine. Female dogs had significantly (P < 0.05) higher concentrations of MEGX 15 min after administration. The reference interval for dogs after 15 min is 34 to 79 μg/L and after 30 min 39 to 89 μg/L. In conclusion, the MEGX test may be an additional liver function test in dogs.  相似文献   

Lymphoma is a common cancer of dogs that frequently is treated with chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Response to therapy is variable and currently available diagnostic tests do not reliably predict response to therapy. Treatment for lymphoma often results in lymphopenia, but it is unknown whether the changes in circulating lymphocytes result from generalized or specific reduction of lymphocytes. In this study, blood lymphocytes from 12 clinically healthy dogs, 10 dogs in remission because of treatment for B-cell lymphoma, and 8 dogs in remission from T-cell lymphoma were analyzed by flow cytometry by using a panel of 20 antibodies reactive with canine leukocyte antigens. Results identified similar lymphocyte parameters in treated dogs regardless of the type of lymphoma. Treated dogs had >50% reduction in blood lymphocyte concentration, and an absolute decrease in most subsets of lymphocytes. Both groups of treated dogs had relative increases in the proportion of CD3+, T-cell receptor (TCR)αβ+, and CD90+ lymphocytes, and a decreased proportion of CD45RA+ cells. In addition, dogs with T-cell lymphoma in remission had a significant increase in the proportion of CD49d+ lymphocytes. These findings were interpreted as representing likely suppression of lymphocyte regeneration by chemotherapy, with a relative increase in the proportion of memory over naïve lymphocytes. Lack of correlation with the T- or B-cell origin of the initial lymphoma suggested that, by using flow cytometric methods, residual circulating neoplastic cells could not be detected. However, the changes in the lymphocyte profile of dogs treated with chemotherapy may have relevance to their immunocompetence.  相似文献   

The prevalence of odontoclastic resorptive lesions (ORLs) was determined in a clinically healthy cat population (228 cats) using both clinical (oral examination) and radiographic (full-mouth series with intraorally positioned dental film) methods. The overall prevalence rate was 29 per cent (mean age of the cat population 4.9 years). The mandibular third premolars (307, 407) were the most commonly affected tooth and the pattern of ORL development was symmetrical in most cats. The risk of having ORLs was found to increase with increasing age and cats with clinically and radiographically missing teeth were more likely to have the condition. Neutering, gender, age at neutering or mean whole mouth gingivitis index did not affect the prevalence of ORLs.  相似文献   

Thromboelastography (TEG) may be a valuable supplement to the coagulation assays activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), prothrombin time (PT), thrombin time (TT), fibrinogen, antithrombin (AT) and D-Dimer currently used in most clinical pathology laboratories. Allowable imprecision and bias reference limits for analytical tests can be calculated based on measurements of biological variation. No studies to date have examined the effect of biological variation on these haemostasis parameters in the same group of dogs. Plasma samples were collected after a set protocol once weekly for five consecutive weeks from eight healthy dogs (four males and four females) and stored at -80 degrees C until analysis. Randomized duplicate coagulation tests and TEG analyses were performed on all plasma samples within one run. The data were analyzed for outliers and subsequently subjected to nested analysis of variance to obtain the coefficient of analytical, intra-individual and inter-individual variation. From these objective analytical performance standards for imprecision, critical difference, total error and the index of individuality were calculated to assess the utility of conventional population-based reference ranges. All the clotting times (aPTT, PT and TT), fibrinogen, AT and D-Dimer showed a degree of individuality, which may make the use of population-based reference ranges alone an insensitive interpretation criterion, whereas a population-based reference interval seems to be sensitive for interpreting all TEG parameters. Analytical performance standards for imprecision were only met for one of the coagulation assays, whereas all TEG parameters except the alpha angle, alpha achieved this analytical goal.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Current coagulation tests lack sensitivity and detect disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) only when it is severe. Measurement of antithrombin (AT) activity and D-dimer concentration permits early diagnosis and more precise classification of coagulopathies in some species. OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this study were to validate and determine the diagnostic utility of a chromogenic AT assay and an immunoturbidimetric D-dimer assay for the diagnosis of DIC in cats. METHODS: Citrated plasma samples were collected from 30 healthy cats, 30 ill cats, and 13 cats with cardiomyopathy. Partial thromboplastin time, prothrombin time, fibrin(ogen) degradation products, platelet concentration, and erythrocyte morphology were determined on all samples to document the presence or the absence of DIC. AT activity and D-dimer concentration were then measured. RESULTS: The chromogenic AT assay was linear and precise. Mean AT activity was higher in ill cats and cats with cardiomyopathy compared with healthy cats, but the difference was only significant in ill cats (P = .003). Seven cats met the criteria for DIC. Of the cats with DIC, 2 had decreased AT activity, 1 had increased AT activity, and 4 had AT activities within normal limits. The immunoturbidimetric D-dimer assay did not appear to accurately measure feline D-dimer. CONCLUSIONS: The chromogenic AT assay appeared to measure AT in cats but was not useful for the diagnosis of DIC. AT may be an acute phase reactant in cats. The immunoturbidimetric D-dimer assay was not useful for the diagnosis of DIC in cats.  相似文献   

To investigate the adverse effects of long-term administration of ketoprofen in dogs, ketoprofen (1 mg/kg) was administered to five clinically healthy beagle dogs (ketoprofen group) and gelatin capsules (control group) were administered to four clinically healthy beagle dogs for 30 days. We monitored the dogs through periodic physical examination, blood analyses, endoscopic examinations, fecal occult blood tests, renal function tests, urinalysis, urinary enzyme indices and cuticle bleeding time analysis. The lesions in the stomach, especially in the pyloric antrum, and fecal occult blood progressively worsened in the ketoprofen group. However, the differences between the ketoprofen group and the control group were not statistically significant. One dog in the ketoprofen group temporarily exhibited a decrease in renal plasma flow and two dogs exhibited enzymuria. However, these changes did not persist and the other examinations showed no significant difference between premedication and postmedication in the ketoprofen group. Therefore, the adverse effects of long-term administration of ketoprofen observed in this study were not clinically important in healthy dogs. Nevertheless, further investigation of adverse renal effects from long-term administration of ketoprofen is necessary in the dogs with subclinical renal disease.  相似文献   

Renal length, height, width, resistive index (RI), size of cortex, and medulla were determined by renal ultrasonography in 50 healthy Korean domestic short-hair cats. In the sagittal plane, the renal length was 3.83 ± 0.51 cm (mean ± SD) in the left kidney and 3.96 ± 0.48 cm in the right kidney, whereas the renal height was 2.42 ± 0.27 cm in the left kidney and 2.36 ± 0.28 cm in the right kidney. In the transverse plane, the renal height was 2.42 ± 0.28 cm in the left kidney and 2.38 ± 0.27 cm in the right kidney, whereas the renal width was: 2.65 ± 0.35 cm in the left kidney and 2.63 ± 0.31 cm in the right kidney. In the dorsal plane, the renal length was 3.84 ± 0.53 cm in the left kidney and 3.97 ± 0.54 cm in the right kidney, whereas the renal width was 2.65 ± 0.34 cm in the left kidney and 2.66 ± 0.33 cm in the right kidney. There were no significant differences (p > 0.05) among the same structure sizes measured in different planes. In the sagittal plane, the size of the renal cortex was 0.47 ± 0.08 cm in the left kidney and 0.47 ± 0.08 cm in the right kidney, whereas of the size of the renal medulla was 0.55 ± 0.30 cm in the left kidney and 0.50 ± 0.07 cm in the right kidney. RI evaluated by pulsed wave Doppler sonography was 0.52 ± 0.05 in the left kidney and 0.55 ± 0.05 in the right kidney. The actual renal dimensions determined by gross examination were not statistically different from those determined by ultrasonography. Furthermore the renal dimensions and RI were statistically correlated to the body weight of cats.  相似文献   

Objectives : Co‐oximetry is a complex and valuable laboratory method that measures haemoglobin species and oxygenation status by multi‐wavelength spectrophotometry. The purpose of this study was to establish reference intervals for clinically healthy dogs and to determine the effect of time of analyses and sex of animals on the accuracy of results. Methods : Blood was collected from 27 healthy adult dogs of various breeds and sex. Co‐oximetry was performed on a CCX co‐oximeter that measures eight haemoglobin and oxygen transport related parameters: carboxyhaemoglobin (COHb), deoxyhaemoglobin (HHb), oxyhaemoglobin (O2Hb), methaemoglobin (MetHb), total haemoglobin (tHb), oxygen saturation (SO2%), oxygen content (O2Ct) and oxygen capacity (O2Cap). Results : Results obtained after 2 and 4 hours were not significantly different from those obtained immediately after sampling. But after 48 hours, the results for total haemoglobin, oxygen saturation, oxyhaemoglobin, oxygen content and oxygen capacity were significantly lower, and carboxyhaemoglobin and deoxyhaemoglobin values were significantly higher than determination immediately after sampling. Gender had no significant impact on co‐oximetry values. Clinical Significance : Co‐oximetry offers several advantages compared with other methods, including ease of use, increased accuracy and greater differentiation among haemoglobin species.  相似文献   

A survey of the histology of gastric biopsies in 501 dogs, consisting of 19 clinically healthy dogs and 482 vomiting dogs is presented. Whole stomachs of four young clinically healthy laboratory dogs were used as controls. Eleven percent of forceps biopsies were unsuitable for examination; all suction biopsies were of good quality. Slight to severe gastritis was found in 168 vomiting dogs (35%), whereas five dogs (26%) of the clinically healthy group showed a mainly slight gastritis. Superficial and diffuse gastritis were the most prominent findings in the 168 dogs with gastritis. A single type of gastritis was found in 114 dogs, a combination of different types in 54 dogs. Gastric atrophy was seen in 23 (5%) vomiting dogs and in three (15%) clinically healthy dogs, atrophy with a slight to severe fibrosis in 21 (4%) vomiting dogs, and in 84 (17%) vomiting dogs and two (11%) healthy dogs, gastric fibrosis was present. Carcinomas were seen in 26 vomiting dogs, of which 17 also had gastritis. A differential diagnosis of granulomatous gastritis/carcinoma had to be made in one case. Seven dogs showed a lymphosarcoma, and in six other dogs a differential diagnosis of lymphosarcoma and/or gastritis was made. One adenomatous polyp was seen. In one clinically healthy dog an adenomyoma was diagnosed. Ulceration was found in 24 dogs, but only five of these lacked other lesions. Other biopsy findings were pseudopyloric metaplasia, hyperplasia, cysts, calcification and edema. Some dogs showed "antralization".  相似文献   

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