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At no important point does the Animals Protection Statute mention the competence of Veterinarians, but the "competent Authority". Also, the Animal Epidemics Statute and the Federal Hunting Statute provide for the cooperation of the veterinarian, but not for his competence to make decisions. This situation is even being overlooked by the investigating authorities, when in the case of using animals for "sport" or other problematic events, questions of the animals psychology and ethology have to be dealt with. In the courts the remarks of non-specialist qualified persons can lead to wrong decisions as can either unsuitable or wrong evidence.  相似文献   

The various modes of inheritance are described and illustrated with canine examples. The information required to establish that a given anomaly is of genetic origin is stated, and the methods for reducing the incidence of hereditary diseases are discussed. Résumé. L'auteur décrit les différents modes d'hérédité et les illustre à l'aide d'exemples relevés chez le chien. Il fournit les données nécessaires pour vérifier qu'une anomalie donnée est d'origine génétique et passe en revue les méthodes permettant de réduire l'incidence des maladies héréditaires. Zusammenfassung. Die verschiedenen Vererbungsgänge werden beschrieben und mit Beispielen der Vererbung bei Hunden belegt. Die benötigten Informationen für die Feststellung, dass eine bestimmte Anomalie genetischen Ursprungs ist, werden genannt und die Methoden beschrieben, die Häufigkeit des Auftretens von Erbkrankheiten zu vermindern.  相似文献   

The total quantity of use in companion animals is generally believed to be relatively small in comparison with antimicrobial use in food animals. Use in companion animals is principally for treatment, whereas the greater proportion of use in food animals is for prophylaxis, metaphylaxis and growth promotion. Therefore, it is important to collect data on end use in companion animals so that overall estimates of use in companion animals can be generated and separated from estimates for food animals. However, data from antimicrobial use in companion animals are extremely limited and no serious attempts to collect such data have ever been made in the United States. The lack of usage data in is concomitant with the dearth of information on antimicrobial resistance in companion animals. Companion animals have been involved in the transmission to humans of, or become infected with, foodborne zoonotic bacteria such as Salmonella and Campylobacter. Companion animals are an integral part of the ecology of antimicrobial resistance through their contact with food animals and exposure to antimicrobials for disease treatment and through contact with humans and the environment. In the practice of companion animal medicine, antimicrobial use data are important for understanding the potential impact on companion animal heath posed by antimicrobial resistance transferred from food animals, humans and the environment, and the threat to humans and other companion animals posed by antimicrobial use in companion animals. Basic information on the patterns and quantities of antimicrobial use in combination with resistance surveillance data, could help companion animal veterinarians understand the potential for development, or evidence of, an antimicrobial resistance problem in their practices, the role of companion animals in the overall epidemiology of antimicrobial resistance, and for comparison with local, regional, or national data. The combination of data from either a sentinel site system of clinics or a use survey with national data from the pharmaceutical industry should provide sufficient data to credibly estimate the total volume and patterns of antimicrobial use in companion animal medicine. The time and effort for use monitoring or to complete a survey would likely become burdensome. Practice management software now utilized at most companion animal clinics could be used to generate antimicrobial use data as well as patient population data as surrogate for the true population at risk for patient encounters in a companion animal practice.  相似文献   

Food animal veterinarians practice in a variety of settings with considerable differences between the settings. Due to variability, aggregate data from surveillance of antimicrobial use is not very useful to practitioners unless correlated information is provided, such as the relative disease status, ages of animals, and purpose of use. Of greater utility is use data as it relates to a specific farm or production system. Of greater importance to clinical practitioners is a meaningful surveillance system that tracks trends in antimicrobial resistance in common pathogens causing animal diseases.  相似文献   

Questionnaires were mailed to veterinarians in western Canada to determine dog and cat deworming protocols and the association between perceived zoonotic risk and perceived prevalence of endoparasites and deworming protocols. Of the responding veterinarians (545), 13% and 39% recommended deworming protocols consistent with established guidelines for puppies and kittens, respectively. Mixed animal practitioners and high-perceived prevalence of Toxocara cati were associated with increased appropriate kitten deworming (P < 0.01 and P = 0.04, respectively). High-perceived zoonotic concern of Toxocara canis was associated with increased appropriate puppy deworming (P = 0.01). Sixty-eight percent of veterinarians noted an established hospital deworming protocol, although only 78% followed the protocol. Forty-four percent of veterinarians stated they discussed with all clients the zoonotic risk of animal-derived endoparasites, whereas the remainder discussed it only under particular circumstances or not at all. Most small animal deworming protocols recommended in western Canada begin too late to inhibit endoparasite shedding. Increased educational efforts directed at veterinarians are warranted.  相似文献   

一、案情简介2017年8月23日,XX市XX区动物卫生监督所在对辖区内一家动物医院进行检查时,发现该动物医院工作人员于某,正在诊疗室内对一条犬进行诊疗;执法人员同时还在现场查获由于某开具并签名的处方笺11张。据调查,于某于2017年5月底被该动物医院聘用,当时还处在试用期,尚未签订正式的劳动合同,试用期内工资每月3000元。  相似文献   

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