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Correlated responses in reproductive and carcass traits from a line of Duroc pigs selected for increased 200-d weight along with a randomly selected control line were studied in 189 litters (116 select, 73 control) and 191 pigs (106 select, 85 control), respectively. Reproductive and maternal traits studied included litter sizes born, born alive, and alive at 21 d and litter weight at birth and at 21 d. Carcass traits studied were carcass length, longissimus muscle area, average backfat thickness, 10th rib backfat thickness, specific gravity, weights of closely trimmed ham, loin, and shoulder, belly weight, subjective scoring of the longissimus muscle for color and marbling, estimated percentage of muscle and lean gain per day. Total weighted cumulative selection differential for 200-d weight was 81.7 kg. The realized heritability for 200-d weight was .18 +/- .08, and the change in 200-d weight was 2.5 +/- 1.2 kg per generation. The regression coefficient of litter size born on generation was -.29 +/- .12 (P less than .10) pigs per generation. None of the other regression coefficients for the reproductive traits differed from zero. Average backfat thickness, 10th rib backfat thickness, and belly weight increased by .093 +/- .016 cm, .122 +/- .029 cm, and .089 +/- .040 kg, respectively, per generation. Specific gravity, ham weight, shoulder weight, color score, and percentage of muscle decreased -.00086 +/- .00024, -.165 +/- .013 kg, -.104 +/- .011 kg, -.035 +/- .015 points, and -.47 +/- .12%, respectively, per generation in response to the selection.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Mass selection for an index of increased postweaning average daily gain and decreased backfat thickness was practiced for five generations. Litter size and weight for 221 gilt litters, birth weight and nipple number for 2,242 piglets and weaning weight at 42 d of age for 2,111 pigs were recorded. Carcass measurements were taken on 331 pigs. Differences between means of the lines (select control) were regressed on cumulative selection differential of the index. These regression coefficients were negative (P greater than .10) for total number born, number born alive, number weaned per litter, nipple number and carcass backfat thickness. Coefficients were positive (P greater than .10) for individual pig and litter weights at birth and weaning and for the carcass traits of length, longissimus muscle area and percentage of ham and loin. Absolute values of realized genetic correlations of index with traits evaluated were all .35 or less except the correlation with carcass backfat, which was -.84. None of these was significant; therefore, index selection for lean growth should have little effect on litter size and weight but may have a beneficial effect on carcass backfat.  相似文献   

Mass selection for increased weight at 70 d of age was practiced for six generations in a line of Landrace pigs. It was desired to have the next generation sired by the heaviest nine boars and out of the heaviest 27 gilts. A contemporaneous, randomly selected (by pedigree) control line was maintained in which the next generation was sired by five boars and out of 10 gilts. Inbreeding coefficients were .208 and .214 for the selected and control line litters and .177 and .189 for the selected and control line dams in the sixth generation, respectively. A total of 1,906 pigs was farrowed with 70-d weights collected on 1,267 pigs. These pigs were sired by 88 boars and out of 190 gilts. The generation interval was 13 mo. Six traits were studied: birth, 21-d, 35-d and 70-d weights and preweaning (from birth to 35 d) and postweaning (from 35 to 70 d) daily gains. Direct and correlated responses per generation and per weighted cumulative selection differential (WCSD) were estimated. Total WCSD for 70-d weight was 30.3 kg. This corresponds to a standardized WCSD of 6.11 phenotypic standard deviations. The response per generation for 70-d weight was .65 +/- .29 kg. The realized heritability for 70-d weight was .13 +/- .06. Nearly all the increased weight at 70 d was the result of more rapid growth in the postweaning period, with little difference in growth in the preweaning period; birth, 21-d and 35-d weights and preweaning daily gains remained unchanged by selection for 70-d weight.  相似文献   

The objective of this project was to characterize changes in growth, carcass yield, and meat quality traits in castrates and gilts in response to divergent selection for testosterone production. In generation 21, endogenous testosterone concentrations in Duroc boars of the high (HTL) and low (LTL) testosterone lines averaged 49.0 and 27.8 ng/mL (P < 0.01), respectively. Eight LTL and 10 HTL boars were used to sire 29 LTL and 33 HTL litters. To remove the effects of inbreeding, these same boars were mated to females of a Large White x Landrace composite (WC) to generate 11 WC by LTL litters (WLT) and 23 WC by HTL litters (WHT). Castrates and gilts were then allotted to LTL (n = 53), HTL (n = 61), WLT (n = 102), and WHT (n = 101) for testing. Growth and carcass traits analyzed included days to 114 kg (D114), ADG, backfat adjusted to 114 kg (ABF), LM area adjusted to 114 kg and predicted percent lean (PPL). Fat-O-Meater data collected were adjusted fat depth (AFD), adjusted loin depth, and percent lean. Meat quality traits characterized at 24 h postmortem included marbling score, percent lipid, pH, drip loss, color score, and Minolta L*, a*, and b*. Data were analyzed with a mixed model including fixed effects of line, mating type (purebred or crossbred), sex, and the random effect of sire nested within line. All possible interactions among fixed effects were tested. The HTL had fewer D114 (P < 0.05), greater ADG (P < 0.01), greater ABF (P < 0.01), and lower PPL (P < 0.01) than LTL. The WHT and WLT did not differ for D114, ADG, or ABF. The WHT had smaller LM area adjusted to 114 kg (P < 0.05) and greater drip loss (P < 0.05) than WLT. The WLT had lower adjusted loin depth (P < 0.05) than LTL and HTL. The LTL and HTL had greater subjective scores for marbling (P < 0.05) compared with WLT and WHT. The least squares mean for percent lipid for HTL and LTL was 4.00. The WHT had greater means for L*, a*, and b* (P < 0.05) than WLT. Pigs selected for increased testosterone production grew faster and produced fatter carcasses than pigs selected for decreased testosterone. Changes in growth, carcass yield, and meat quality traits were detected in castrates and gilts in response to divergent selection for testosterone production.  相似文献   

Twelve different mating types among the Hampshire and Landrace breeds were used to determine direct, maternal, heterosis, and recombination effects for performance and carcass traits. Mating types used were two purebred, two F1, two F2, two F3, and four backcross. Carcass data were collected on 238 barrows and 262 gilts over four replications. Traits measured were length (LENG), 10th rib off midline backfat (BF10), longissimus muscle area (LMA), and dressing percentage (DRS%). Average backfat (AVBF) was calculated as the mean of three midline fat depths measured opposite the first rib, last rib, and last lumbar vertebra. The model used to evaluate the carcass traits included main effects of mating type, farrowing season, and sex and included slaughter weight as a covariate. The performance traits of ADG, feed efficiency (FE), daily feed consumption (DFC), lean gain per day (LNGN), and lean efficiency (LNEF) were measured on a pen basis. Comparisons of reciprocal F1 crosses showed that carcasses from pigs sired by Hampshire boars were leaner and had more LMA than those sired by Landrace boars. Heterosis percentages were significant for AVBF (7.2%; P less than .01), BF10 (8.8%; P less than .01), DRS% (1.5%; P less than .01), ADG (11.5%; P less than .01), DFC (10.2%; P less than .01), LNGN (10.6%; P less than .01), and LNEF (6.0%; P less than .05). Epistatic recombination losses in the offspring were significant for LENG (3.6 cm; P less than .05) and approached significance for BF10 (6.1 mm; P less than .10).  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Correlated responses in pituitary gland weight and growth hormone (GH) concentration in the serum and pituitary were studied in lines of mice selected for growth rate, and in controls. The selection criteria were weight gain between 28 and 38 days on an ad libitum feed intake (EPA line), or on intake restricted to 80% of the control mice (EPR line), and weight gain between 48 and 58 days under the above two feeding regimes (LPA and LPR lines). The control line was maintained by random breeding. In generation 13, pituitary weight and growth hormone levels were determined at 38 days in lines EPA, EPR and the control and at 58 days in lines LPA, LPR and the control. Pituitary weight, corrected for body weight gain, was smaller in the EPA line than in the control line at 38 days and was greater in the LPR line than in the control line at 58 days. There were large differences in serum GH concentrations between the selected lines and the control; the differences were statistically significant at 38 days, with the EPA and EPR lines having lower levels than the controls. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Ver?nderung von Wachstumshormonspiegel bei Selektion für Zuwachs bei M?usen Ver?nderungen im Hypophysengewicht und Wachstumshormon-(GH)-Konzentrationen im Serum und in der Hypophyse wurden bei Wachstumsselektionslinien und bei Kontrollm?usen untersucht. Selektionskriterien waren Zuwachs zwischen 28 und 38 Tagen bei ad libitum Futteraufnahme (EPA Linie) oder bei Linien, wo Futteraufnahme auf 80% derjenigen der Kontrollm?use (EPR Linie) begrenzt wurde und Zuwachs zwischen 48 und 58 Tagen unter beiden Futterweisen (LPA und LPR Linie). Die Kontrollinie wurde durch Zufallspaarung fortgepflanzt. In Generation 13 wurden Hypophysengewicht und Wachstumshormonspiegel im Alter von 38 Tagen in Linien EPA, EPR und in Kontrollen und bei 58 Tagen in Linien LPA und LPR und Kontrollen bestimmt. Hypophysengewicht, korrigiert für Zuwachs, war geringer in der LPA Linie als in der Kontrolle bei 38 Tagen Alter und gr??er in der LPR Linie als in der Kontrolle bei 58 Tagen. Zwischen GH Konzentrationen selektierter und Kontrollinien waren erhebliche Differenzen, die bei 38 Tagen signifikant waren, wobei EPA und EPR Linien geringere Werte als die Kontrollen aufwiesen.  相似文献   

Mass selection for increased weight at 200 d of age was conducted for six generations in a line of Landrace pigs. In the select line, the heaviest nine boars and 18 gilts were selected from each generation to produce the subsequent generation. A contemporaneous control line was maintained by randomly selecting a son from each sire and a daughter from each dam to attain a line size of five boars and 10 gilts. Inbreeding coefficients averaged .182 and .191 for the select- and control-line pigs and .150 and .162 for the select- and control-line dams, respectively, in the sixth generation. The 200-d weights and ultrasound backfat thickness data were collected from 1,022 pigs of 2,181 pigs farrowed. These pigs were sired by 92 boars and out of 210 sows. The generation interval was 13 mo. Twelve traits were studied: weights at birth and at 21, 35, 70, 154, and 200 d of age; daily gains from birth to 35 d, 35 to 70 d, 70 to 154 d, and 154 to 200 d; ultrasound backfat thickness at 200 d; and ultrasound backfat thickness adjusted for 200-d weight. Total weighted cumulative selection differential for 200-d weight was 88.7 kg. Realized heritability for 200-d weight was .26 +/- .08 with an average response of 4.2 +/- 1.3 kg/generation. Correlated responses resulted in increases for all weights and daily gains evaluated. Although ultrasound backfat thickness at 200 d increased in the select line compared to the control line, it was not altered by selection for 200-d weight when adjusted for 200-d weight.  相似文献   

Five generations of Landrace pigs selected for average daily gain, backfat thickness, Mycoplasmal pneumonia of swine (MPS) lesion score, and plasma cortisol levels, was executed to decrease the MPS lesion score. Genetic parameters and correlated genetic responses for respiratory disease and peripheral blood immune traits were estimated in 1395 Landrace pigs. We estimated the negative genetic correlation of MPS lesion score with phagocytic activity (PA) at 7 weeks of age (‐0.67). The breeding values of PA at 7 weeks of age and 105 kg body weight and the correlated selection response of the ratio of granular leukocytes to lymphocytes at 105 kg body weight were significantly increased, and sheep red blood cell‐specific antibody production (AP) was significantly decreased in a selection‐dependent manner. Increasing of natural immunological indicators (e.g. PA) and decreasing of humoral immunological indicator (e.g. AP) were observed due to genetically decreasing MPS lesion score.  相似文献   

Correlated responses to selection for yearling (AS1 herd) or 18-month weight (AS2 herd) wereevaluated against a control (AC0 herd) in a progeny test herd using 2294 calves born in 1975–1988. A sample of privately-owned Angus bulls, available by artificial insemination (AI), were compared with them for eight liveweight or gain traits up to 18 months, with four carcass traits on steers. Cows of known pedigree in the progeny test herd were also evaluated for seven maternal traits. Other correlated responses were evaluated directly in the ACO and selection herds (three puberty traits, daily food intake, cow weight, and survival and reproduction traits).Realised genetic correlations to selection for yearling weight (AS1 herd) averaged 6% higher (forgrowth and carcass traits) than published paternal half-sib estimates, whilst those with 18-month weight (AS2 herd) were about 10% lower than with yearling weight. The sign of maternal genetic effects for live weights up to weaning varied among selection herds. Realised genetic correlations with selection weight averaged 0.51 (carcass fat depth), 0.93 (food intake), 0.16 (scrotal circumference in bulls), 0. 18 (age at puberty) and 0.37 (weight at puberty in heifers), 0.38 (cow weight, AS I herd) and 0.92 (cow weight, AS2 herd). The selection herd differences from control were not significant for cow or calf mortality or reproductive traits (6501 mating records), but tended to be negative for cow and calf death rates, and variable for overall reproductive rate.  相似文献   

Economic values of growth and carcass traits in Japanese beef cattle for production systems with various types of integration of levels/ stages (cow-calf and feedlot segments and the integrated system) and production circumstances (including 20% higher genetic levels of the traits, management, and economic alternatives) were used to examine responses to selection. Discounted economic values with interest rates of 0, 4.2 (Japanese average), and 8.4% were obtained to investigate the effect of discounting on selection efficiency. Traits considered were daily gain in the feedlot, marbling score, birth weight, weaning weight, and mature weight. The effects of discounting were small. Correlated responses to selection were not always economically favorable for all situations. Selecting bulls for the base situation (i.e., the typical biological and economic conditions for the production of Japanese Black cattle) resulted in negative genetic changes in weaning weight and mature weight in the feedlot segment. Higher genetic levels of daily gain and weaning weight affected efficiency of selection. Although effects of management and economic alternatives on responses to selection were generally small, lighter market weight influenced responses to selection. The results indicate that predicted correlated responses to selection are sensitive to production systems and some production circumstances.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma pneumonia of swine (MPS) is responsible for significant economic losses in the swine industry. We selected Landrace pigs for reduced MPS pulmonary lesions over five generations, and measured concentrations of the following cytokines: interleukin (IL)‐10, IL‐13, IL‐17, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)‐α and interferon (IFN)‐γ to estimate their correlation with MPS lesions. Sheep red blood cells (SRBC) were injected twice intramuscularly at 70 and 95 kg body weight. Blood serum samples were collected after 1 week of secondary SRBC inoculation and cytokine concentrations were analyzed by ELISA. Genetic parameters and breeding values were estimated. The heritability estimates of IL‐10, IL‐13, IL‐17, TNF‐α and IFN‐γ were 0.20 ± 0.06, 0.12 ± 0.06, 0.27 ± 0.07, 0.20 ± 0.10 and 0.05 ± 0.03, respectively. Genetic correlations of IL‐17 and TNF‐α with pulmonary MPS lesions were high (‐0.86 ± 0.13 and 0.69 ± 0.29, respectively) and those of IFN‐γ and IL‐13 with MPS lesions were moderately negative (‐0.45). Through selection, the breeding values of IL‐17 and IFN‐γ increased substantially and those of TNF‐α decreased. These results suggest that innate and cellular immunity are more important for the suppression of pulmonary lesions in MPS than humoral‐mediated immunity, such as antibody response.  相似文献   

Correlated responses in whole-body composition were determined in 12-wk-old male mice from replicate lines selected for 12 generations for high (HF) or low (LF) epididymal fat pad weight as a percentage of body weight (EPID) and high (HL) or low (LL) hind carcass weight as a percentage of body weight. The HF and LF lines diverged (P less than .01) in body fat percentage (FAT) and subcutaneous depot fat by 93 and 71%, respectively, of the control line (RC) mean. EPID increased (P less than .01) proportionately more than FAT in the HF line; EPID decreased (P less than .01) proportionately less than FAT in LF. Protein, fat and water as a percentage of empty body weight showed negative correlated responses (P less than .01) due to selection for EPID, but lean body mass, body weight and body length had positive correlated responses (P less than .01). Correlated responses of fat-free protein and ash percentage were minor. Correlated responses in HL and LL were the mirror images of those in HF and LF, but they generally were of smaller magnitude. The results indicate that, although there are high positive genetic correlations between fat depots in mice, local control of lipogenesis and(or) lipolysis exists at different sites of fat deposition. Further, the lack of correlated responses in fat-free percentage of protein (and percentage of ash) suggests that additive genetic variances are low for these traits and(or) the genetic correlations of these traits with the selection criteria are low.  相似文献   

Hampshire and Landrace sows and crossbreds of the two breeds were used to determine heterosis and recombination effects for milk production, milk composition, and litter traits at birth and d 21. Twelve mating types were represented in this study: two purebred, two F1, two F2, two F3, and four backcross. Information was gathered on a total of 358 litters over four farrowing seasons. Milk production was measured at d 10 and 20 of litter age according to the weigh-suckle-weigh procedure. Milk samples were collected at d 10 and 20 of litter age and evaluated for percentages of fat (PCFA), protein (PCPR), lactose (PCLA), and solids-not-fat (PCSN). The model used to evaluate litter traits at birth included main effects of mating type, parity, and farrowing season. The model used for milk production and milk composition traits included these main effects and number of pigs nursed as a covariate. Estimates of maternal genetic effects showed that Landrace females were superior to Hampshire females for number born (NB), number born alive (NBA), litter birth weight (LBW), adjusted 21-d litter weight (ALW), and milk production at d 10 of litter age (WT10). Hampshires were superior to Landrace for PCPR at d 10 of litter age and PCSN at d 10 and 20 of litter age. Heterosis effects were significant (P less than .05) for NBA (.97) and LBW (1.46 kg). Maternal heterosis effects were significant for LBW (3.94 kg; P less than .01). Epistatic recombination losses in the offspring were significant for LBW (6.80 kg; P less than .05). Differences in maternal performance of reciprocal F1 dams were generally not significant. Heterosis and recombination effects were not significant for milk production or milk composition.  相似文献   

Data from a selection experiment for growth carried out in Brazil were analyzed in order to evaluate the direct responses on yearling weight (YW) and the correlated responses on the size and reproduction traits of cows. The experiment was started in 1976, and in 1980 three lines of Nelore cattle were established: selection (NeS), traditional (NeT), both selected for higher YW, and control (NeC), selected for mean YW. The NeT was an open line that eventually received bulls from other herds. Yearling weight records for animals born from 1978 to 1998 and yearling hip height (H550) offemales born from 1985 to 1998 were analyzed by fitting an animal model in order to obtain the genetic trends. The means for weight, height, and body condition score at the start of the breeding season, days to calving, and calving success of cows born from 1993 to 1996 (pertaining to the third to fourth generations of selection) were compared between the selected (NeS and NeT) and control lines. The genetic trends obtained after 16 yr for YW were 1.7 +/- 0.2, 2.3 +/- 0.2, and -0.1 +/- 0.1 kg/yr for males and 1.9 +/- 0.2, 2.4 +/- 0.2, and -0.1 +/- 0.1 kg/yr for females, for the NeS, NeT, and NeC lines, respectively. Corresponding values for H550 were 0.25 +/- 0.03, 0.24 +/- 0.04 and -0.04 +/- 0.03 cm/yr for females. Heifers and cows from NeS and NeT were 19% and 15% heavier and 4% taller at the start of the breeding season than those from NeC. No significant differences between selected (NeS and NeT) and control females were detected for body condition scores and for reproductive performance. The results indicate that selection for body weight promoted high and consistent weight and height responses both at the yearling and later ages, without compromising the reproductive performance of the cows with respect to days to calving and calving success.  相似文献   

An experiment was carried out to study direct and indirect responses to selection in the Angora rabbit. There were two selection lines, one selected for high fleece weight and the other for low fleece weight. Data from 669 female rabbits born in 1994–2001 and having produced a total of 2923 harvest of wool were analysed to quantify the correlated responses to selection. By 2001, there had been eight cohorts of selection. The correlated responses analysed included compression, resilience, fleece quality traits (bristle and down length, average fibre diameter, comfort factor, bristle diameter) and secondary to primary follicle ratio (S/P). Genetic correlations were obtained by restricted maximum likelihood techniques. In response to selection, a positive difference of 0.92, 0.21 and 0.55 genetic standard deviation were observed for bristle length, comfort factor and S/P, respectively. No correlated response was observed on down length while negative differences of 1.00, 1.31, 0.38 and 0.50 genetic standard deviations were observed for compression, resilience, bristle diameter and average fibre diameter, respectively. Selection for increasing total fleece weight results in an increase of qualitative component traits of wool production in the French Angora rabbit. The quantitative traits were examined in the first (published) part of the paper.  相似文献   

1. After 5 generations of selection on income minus food cost between 21 and 40 weeks of age (SECR), a correlated genetic improvement of 14.5% and 16.3% of the base population mean could be observed for income minus food cost between 41 and 60 weeks (IF60) in two lines of laying hens. The total responses up to 60 weeks amounted to 17.2% and 17.3% of the base population mean. A heritability of 0.30 for IF60 and a genetic correlation of 0.61 between SECR and IF60 were estimated.

2. The correlated relative genetic responses for 5 traits of the period between 41 and 60 weeks of age for the two lines were: 4.3% and 5.2% in egg number, 5.8% and 7.4% in egg weight, 8.4% and 10.8% in egg mass, ‐2.7% and ‐0.6% in body weight at 60 weeks, and ‐5.2% and ‐6.3% in food efficiency.

3. The estimated heritabilities of these 5 traits from the whole data set were 0.36, 0.75, 0.34, 0.71 and 0.17. The estimated genetic correlations between SECR and the same 5 traits were 0.30, 0.46, 0.61, ‐0.22 and ‐0.49.

4. A high genetic correlation of income minus food cost with egg weight and a low one with egg number were found in pullets, but the relationships were reversed in older hens.  相似文献   

Effects of selection for reproductive traits were estimated using data from 3 pig lines derived from the same Large White population base. Two lines were selected for 6 generations on high ovulation rate at puberty (OR line) or high prenatal survival corrected for ovulation rate in the first 2 parities (PS line). The third line was an unselected control line. Genetic parameters for age and BW at puberty (AP and WP); number of piglets born alive, weaned, and nurtured (NBA, NW, and NN, respectively); proportions of stillbirth (PSB) and survival from birth to weaning (PSW); litter and average piglet BW at birth (LWB and AWB), at 21 d (LW21 and AW21), and at weaning (LWW and AWW) were estimated using REML methodology. Heritability estimates were 0.38 +/- 0.03, 0.46 +/- 0.03, 0.16 +/- 0.01, 0.08 +/- 0.01, 0.09 +/- 0.01, 0.04 +/- 0.01, 0.04 +/- 0.02, 0.19 +/- 0.02, 0.10 +/- 0.02, 0.10 +/- 0.02, 0.36 +/- 0.02, 0.27 +/- 0.01, and 0.24 +/- 0.01 for AP, WP, NBA, PSB, NW, NN, PSW, LWB, LW21, LWW, AWB, AW21, and AWW, respectively. The measures of litter size showed strong genetic correlations (r(a) >/= 0.95) and had antagonistic relations with PSB (r(a) = -0.59 to -0.75) and average piglet BW (r(a) = -0.19 to -0.46). They also had strong positive genetic correlations with prenatal survival (r(a) = 0.67 to 0.78) and moderate ones with ovulation rate (r(a) = 0.36 to 0.42). Correlations of litter size with PSW were negative at birth but positive at weaning. The OR and PS lines were negatively related to PSW and average piglet BW. Puberty traits had positive genetic correlations with OR and negative ones with PS. Genetic trends were estimated by computing differences between OR or PS and control lines at each generation using least squares and mixed model methodologies. Average genetic trends were computed by regressing line differences on generation number. Significant (P < 0.05) average genetic trends were obtained in OR and PS lines for AP (respectively, 2.1 +/- 0.9 and 3.2 +/- 1.0 d/generation) and WP (respectively, 2.0 +/- 0.5 and 1.8 +/- 0.5 d/generation) and in the PS line for NBA (0.22 +/- 0.10 piglet/generation). Tendencies (P < 0.10) were also observed for LWB (0.21 +/- 0.12 kg/generation) and AWW (-0.25 +/- 0.14 kg/generation) in the PS line. Selection on components of litter size can be used to improve litter size at birth, but result in undesirable trends for preweaning survival.  相似文献   

Correlated responses in physiological traits in lines of Texel-Oxford sheep selected for high or lowcarcass lean content were examined. Serum samples were taken at the end of performance test, 20 weeks of age, from 66 rams when fed ad libitum and every 24 h when fasted for 56 h. The lean line had higher serum concentrations of β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and insulin-like growth factor- 1 (IGF-1) with lower concentrations of triglyceride (TRIG), creatinine (CREA) and UREA, but only the differences in UREA were statistically significant. There were substantial changes in serum concentrations of physiological traits in response to fasting as glucose and IGF-1 decreased while BHB, NEFA, TRIG, CREA and UREA increased. The correlated responses suggested that the lean line preferentially synthesises protein rather than deposits fat during normal feeding. When the animals are fasted, there may be relatively greater use of fat as an energy source in the lean line, rather than using products from protein catabolism as glucose precursors.The accuracy of selection was examined when physiological traits were incorporated into a selectionindex, which included the performance test traits: liveweight, ultrasonic backfat and muscle depths, to predict genetic merit for carcass lean content. UREA may be a useful predictor of genetic merit for lean meat production as it was correlated with estimated carcass lean content and there were substantial differences between the selection lines.  相似文献   

The investigation included 1413 Belgian Landrace litters (305 first, 278 second and 832 later farrowings) issued from matings between 190 halothane-positive (HP) and 304 halothane-negative (HN) sows and 139 HP and 49 HN boars on seven commercial farms of West Flanders. Four groups of matings were investigated: HP × HP; HP × HN; HN × HP and HN × HN. All HN sows and boars were heterozygotes for halothane sensitivity.The results were statistically analysed by a linear model according to Harvey (1977), including the following factors: mean, farm, year, sensitivity group, interaction year × sensitivity group. This model explained between 10 and 24% of the total variance; within this an important portion is caused by the sensitivity × farm interaction factor. Abstracting this interaction there are indications that HN sows are more prolific, but only from the second farrowings, the number of piglets born alive in the second litter being on average 9.2 in HP vs 9.6 in HN sows and in the following litters on average 9.3 vs 10.3. In all litters of HN sows an additional gain of 0.2 piglets at weaning was found. No significant conclusions could be drawn for the effect of halothane sensitivity on the age at first farrowing and on the farrowing interval.  相似文献   

Reciprocal cross differences have been reported for growth rate and carcass traits in F1 pigs with the Duroc (D) as a parent breed. Such differences are synonymous with maternal effects if effects of sex linkage and genomic imprinting are negligible. In the present study, transfer of embryos (ET) to paternal breed recipients partitioned effects occurring at or before fertilization from postfertilization effects for growth and carcass traits in F1 D-Landrace (L) pigs. Fifteen boars sired 115 F1 litters, 49 produced by ET. Growth rate of 349 barrows and 361 gilts and carcass measurements on 256 barrows and 159 gilts were analyzed assuming mixed linear models with animal and litter as random effects. Contrasts among genotype (D x L, L x D)- treatment (ET, non-ET) means were tested. Reciprocal cross differences were not detected for growth rate or for carcass weight, length, average backfat thickness, estimated carcass lean, or lean per day of age. Reciprocal cross differences for 10th rib backfat thickness (BF) and longissimus muscle area (LMA) were detected only in barrows. The sexual dichotomy for reciprocal cross differences followed expectations for a Y-linked gene(s), consistent with the fact that reciprocal D-L crossbred barrows exhibited a paternal effect, with responses more like the sire breed than the dam breed. Barrows that were non-ET from D sires and L dams had 3.9 cm2 larger LMA and 5.8 mm less BF than barrows from L sires and D dams (P less than .001). Barrows from ET sired by D boars had 3.8 cm2 larger LMA than did barrows from ET sired by L boars (P less than .001), although no difference was detected for BF. Barrows sired by D boars reared in a D postfertilization environment (ET) had 6.2 cm2 greater LMA and 4.1 mm less BF (P less than .05) than barrows sired by L boars gestated and reared by D dams (non-ET). Barrows sired by D boars reared by L dams (non-ET) had 1.5 cm2 greater LMA and 2.3 mm less BF (P greater than .10) than barrows sired by L boars reared by L dams (ET). In conclusion, reciprocal cross differences detected for BF and LMA in barrows were established before or at fertilization and seemed to be Y-linked.  相似文献   

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