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施钾量对高产夏玉米产量和钾素利用的影响 总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9
选用登海661 (DH661)和郑单958 (ZD958)为试验材料,研究了高产条件下施钾量对夏玉米产量、钾素吸收和利用特性的影响。结果表明,夏玉米产量、钾素农学利用率和钾素回收率随施钾量的增加先增高后逐渐降低,钾肥偏生产力随施钾量的增加显著降低。通过二次曲线模拟,DH661在施钾量为K2O 184 kg/hm2时产量最高,ZD958在施钾量为201 kg/hm2达到最高产量,前者比后者产量高13.2%,而施钾量低8.56%。达到最高产量时,DH661每生产100 kg籽粒需吸收K2O 2.55kg,而ZD958需吸收K2O 3.20 kg。钾素主要在吐丝前吸收,籽粒中的钾素大部分来源于营养器官的转移,施用钾肥促进了钾素向籽粒的转运。本试验条件下,施K2O为180kg/hm2时,可提高钾肥利用率,获得高产。 相似文献
施氮量对南方甜玉米钾素吸收利用的影响 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
施钾条件下杂交水稻氮磷养分吸收利用特点 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
对浙江省金华市郊区石门农场灌溉稻区进行连续4年定位钾肥试验,结果表明,钾素促进氮磷养分向水稻穗部的输入,故在增产的基础上,同不施钾处理比较,施钾后杂交稻氮的总吸收量增加7.1~9.3kg/hm2,利用效率提高3.7~7.1%;磷的总吸收量增加1.0~2.0kg/hm2,利用效率提高2.0~7.7%。同常规稻比较,每季杂交稻氮和磷的平均总吸收量分别高出7.6kg/hm2和1.2kg/hm2;氮和磷的利用效率平均高出3.1kg/kg和34.7kg/kg;在养分的吸收、积累以及利用效率方面表现出明显的生理优势[1]。因此,在杂交水稻的生产实践中,应相对增加钾肥的施入量,从而提高氮肥和磷肥的利用效率。 相似文献
水钾一体化对烤烟钾素吸收及生长的影响 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
不同钾素水平对水稻不同部位含钾量的影响 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
通过盆栽试验研究了不同供钾水平下水稻各叶位的含钾量变化.结果表明,水稻含钾量随生育期的推进逐渐下降,下降幅度达69% ~ 75%.水稻含钾量与生育期和土壤供钾水平有关:分蘖期不同叶位的鞘、叶含钾量由上至下大幅下降,鞘与叶的含量钾比值均大于1,且比值随叶片含钾量的增加而上升.拔节期钾素水平由低至高,叶位间鞘、叶含钾量由上至下降低的趋势减弱;鞘与叶含钾量比值为0.26~ 1.49,且随叶片含钾量的增加而增加.齐穗期,低钾水平下,叶位间鞘、叶含钾量由上至下降低,高钾水平则相反;鞘叶含钾量比值为0.36~ 1.33.成熟期,秸秆的含钾量范围为2.8 ~ 22.9 g/kg,随钾素水平增加而增加;籽粒的含钾量约为5.0 g/kg.综合不同时期含钾量变化规律可以看出,水稻分蘖期上部叶是钾素优先积累的部位,而叶鞘更是钾奢侈吸收储存的部位;齐穗期以后,钾奢侈吸收主要是积累到了中下部叶和叶鞘中.由于水稻植株钾含量因不同生育期、不同部位而变化很大,根据植株钾含量来进行营养诊断需要考虑取样时期、取样部位,而鞘、叶钾含量比值可能有较好的指示作用. 相似文献
籼稻不同基因型钾素吸收利用效率的调控 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
本试验研究了三叶期稻株不同钾素营养状态,IAA(indole-3-acetic.acid),REM(metal.mixture.including.rare.earth)和NaVO3对水稻基因型吸钾速率的调控作用。以1mol/L.K+处理15分钟后,NaVO3则极显著地抑制水稻对钾的吸收。REM和NaVO3的作用可以相互抵消。REM还可极显著地提高水稻的生物产量和钾素利用效率。说明水稻对钾的吸收可进行正向或反向调控。 相似文献
不同供钾水平下水稻钾素吸收利用与产量的基因型差异 总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14
通过田间试验研究了不同供钾水平对8个水稻品种钾紊吸收利用和稻谷产量的影响。研究结果表明,两种供钾水平下,水稻的稻谷产量、钾利用效率和各生育期地上部钾积累都存在显著的基因型差异。低钾胁迫显著降低水稻的稻谷产量和各生育期地上部钾积累量,显著提高水稻的钾利用效率。相关性分析表明.低钾胁迫下水稻生育前期(秧苗期+分蘖期)地上部钾积累量以及生育中期(抽穗期)地上部钾积累量呈显著正相关;正常供钾条件下水稻生育前期地上部钾积累量呈显著正相关。因此筛选和培育具有较高钾利用效率和在生育前期具有较强钾索积累特性的水稻基因型可能是缓解南方水稻土钾素严重缺乏的有效途径之一。 相似文献
不同施氮量对水稻氮素吸收与分配的影响 总被引:24,自引:8,他引:24
运用15N示踪法研究了不同施氮量对两个品种水稻(4007和武运粳15)干物质积累量与其对15N吸收及分配的影响。结果表明,当施氮量超过N 150 kg/hm2时, 两个品种水稻子粒产量均不再显著增加。4007在4个施氮量下(N 100,150,200和 250 kg/hm2)分别比无氮区增产22.3%,36.9%,43.2%和38.1%;武运粳15分别增产10.6%,18.8%,27.1%和21.5%。同一施氮量下,4007子粒中15N累积量显著高于武运粳15,但茎叶和根中没有差异。增加施氮量降低了15N在水稻子粒中的分配比例,但提高了茎叶中15N的分配比例。15N在根中的分配比例不受施氮量和品种的影响。研究结果还表明,同一施氮量下,4007对肥料氮的总体利用率要比武运粳15高3~6个百分点。 相似文献
不同施钾方式对甘薯钾素吸收及产量的影响 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
【目的】钾素是调控块根类作物生长和产量的关键因子,特别是对淀粉型甘薯后期块根膨大及产量形成尤为重要。本试验选择胶州(砂姜黑土)和即墨(风沙土)两个不同土壤质地类型的试验点布置田间试验,探究不同施钾方式在两种不同类型土壤条件下对甘薯钾素吸收、 钾肥利用率以及产量形成的影响,以期对甘薯生产提供理论指导。【方法】借助水肥一体化技术能够实现甘薯钾营养的精细化调控,提高钾肥利用率和促进甘薯生长。试验共设置4个处理: K0(不施钾肥,CK)、 K1(钾肥基施)、 K2(钾肥1/2基施+1/2封垄期追施)和K3(钾肥全部封垄期追施)。【结果】与CK相比,三种不同施钾方式均显著提高了甘薯生物量、 养分吸收量及产量(P0.05)。与K3和 K1处理相比,砂姜黑土条件下K2分别增产18.7%和10.4%,但K3和 K1处理之间的产量差异不显著; 风沙土条件下K2增产幅度分别为35.3%和17.3%,其中K1处理的产量显著高于 K3处理(P0.05)。与K1处理相比,K2处理显著提高了甘薯生长中后期(115天~150天)钾素积累量和地下部生长速率,同时提高了钾收获指数、 钾肥偏生产力、 钾效率、 钾肥农学利用率。与K1 和K3相比,砂姜黑土条件下K2处理的钾肥表观利用率分别提高了12.5%和8.8%,风沙土条件下K2处理的钾肥表观利用率分别提高了13.9%和13.2%。不同土壤类型条件下同一施钾方式相比较,砂姜黑土条件下氮钾积累量、 生物量和产量均高于风沙土,但K2处理的钾素日积累速率、 钾素利用率与增产效应均表现为风沙土高于砂姜黑土。【结论】在供钾量较低的风沙土上采用分期施钾(1/2基施+1/2封垄期追施)能显著提高钾肥利用率和增加甘薯产量,是甘薯合适的施钾方式。 相似文献
通过田间试验,研究了长期稻虾共作模式和中稻单作模式下农田生态系统钾素的输入、输出特征、平衡状况以及不同施钾量对直播水稻产量和钾肥利用效率的影响。结果表明,稻虾共作模式钾输入总量为134.3kg/hm~2,主要由化肥、饲料、降雨及灌溉水等带入,分别占输入总量的46.3%、10.3%、5.5%和34.8%;相对于中稻单作模式,稻虾共作模式由饲料和灌溉水输入的钾大幅增加。稻虾共作模式钾输出总量为119.4 kg/hm~2,主要由水稻籽粒、商品虾、渗漏以及排水带出,分别占输出总量的26.5%、5.0%、41.2%和27.3%,相对于中稻单作模式,以上4种途径钾输出均大幅增加。两种模式下钾表观平衡均出现盈余,且稻虾共作模式系统钾的盈余量低于中稻单作模式。同等施钾量条件下,长期稻虾共作模式的水稻产量、钾肥偏生产力和钾肥利用率较中稻单作模式分别平均提高了14.1%、14.2%和5.6%,且水稻增产主要是通过增加有效穗数来实现的。中稻单作模式和稻虾共作模式施钾量分别达到47.3 kg/hm~2(即K_2O施用量57.0 kg/hm~2)和21.6 kg/hm~2(即K_2O施用量26.0 kg/hm~2)时能够维持农田生态系统钾素平衡,而K_2O施用量分别达到82.2和85.0 kg/hm~2时水稻能够获得较高的产量。 相似文献
江淮丘陵区水稻钾、氮吸收特性与施钾效应研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
江淮地区水稻田间小区施钾效应试验结果表明,施钾能明显提高水稻产量,改善水稻生育性状,在氮磷肥充足时,钾肥的增产效果极其显著。水稻钾吸收量明显以秸秆吸钾量为主,约为籽粒吸钾量的5倍。N来自土壤的数量为120.30 kg hm-2;K2O来自土壤的数量为72.83kg hm-2。NPK全素施钾处理吸钾总量平均高出NP处理48.79%,籽粒和秸秆分别平均增加9.21%和56.8%;说明钾吸收量增加对秸秆产量贡献明显小于对籽粒产量的贡献。除最高施钾量和不施氮处理外,其余处理均出现不同程度钾素亏缺,说明在不施氮肥或氮肥不足的情况下,水稻对肥料钾的吸收量也相应减少。本试验钾肥(K2O)产投比以NPK2处理最高为2.54。综上所述,本地区同等肥力土壤,水稻钾肥推荐用量为120kg hm-2,根据土壤钾素平衡状况,水稻施钾量可适当增加。 相似文献
为探究湿害胁迫对不同湿害敏感性芝麻生理指标的影响,本研究以耐湿基因型湖北竹山白和湿害敏感基因型鄂芝2号为试验材料,于盛花期进行湿害处理,以湿害处理前材料为对照(CK),分别测定芝麻叶片渗透调节物质[游离脯氨酸(Pro)、可溶性蛋白(SP)及可溶性糖(SS)]相对含量,保护酶[抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)]相对活性和丙二醛(MDA)相对含量。结果表明,湖北竹山白与鄂芝2号的SS相对含量和SOD相对活性的变化情况相似,二者均分别呈"W型"和"M型"变化趋势。湖北竹山白的SP相对含量和APX、CAT、POD相对活性始终明显高于或稍高于鄂芝2号,但鄂芝2号的Pro和MDA相对含量始终明显高于湖北竹山白,上述指标的变化趋势无明显规律。综上,对湿害胁迫的耐受程度湖北竹山白强于鄂芝2号。本研究为芝麻耐湿生理响应机理的深入研究及耐湿相关基因的挖掘提供了理论依据。 相似文献
《Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis》2012,43(15):2058-2066
Nitrogen (N) is one of the most yield-limiting nutrients for upland rice production in Brazilian Oxisol soils. A field experiment was conducted for two consecutive years at the National Rice and Bean Research Centers Experimental Station Capivara with the objective to evaluate 10 promising genotypes of upland rice for N-use efficiency. The N rates used were 0 kg ha?1 (low) and 100 kg ha?1 (high). Plant height, shoot dry weight, grain yield, panicle number, and 1000-grain weight were significantly influenced by N and genotype treatments. Nitrogen × genotype interactions were not significant for most of the growth, yield, and yield components, indicating that differences among genotypes were consistent across N rates. Based on grain yield efficiency index (GYEI), genotypes were classified as N efficient or inefficient. Among 10 genotypes, four genotypes were efficient and six were moderately efficient in N use in the first year. In the second year, three genotypes were efficient and seven were moderately efficient in N use. Genotype BRA 052015 was classified as efficient in N use in both the years. Grain harvest index and GYEI had significant linear relationships with grain yield. 相似文献
Nutrient Uptake and Use Efficiency of Irrigated Rice in Response to Potassium Application 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
HUHong WANGGuang-Huo 《土壤圈》2004,14(1):125-130
Potassium is one of the most important nutrients for rice production in many areas of Asia, especially in southeast China where potassium deficiency in soil is a widespread problem. Field experiments were conducted for four consecutive years in Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province, to determine utilization of nutrients (N,P and K) by inbred and hybrid rice and rice grain yields as affected by application of potassium fertilizer under irrigated conditions. Grain yield and nutrient harvest index showed a significant response to the NPK treatment as compared to the NP treatment. This suggested that potassium improved transfer of nitrogen and phosphorus from stems and leaves to panicles in rice plants. N and P use efficiencies of rice were not strongly responsive to potassium, but K use efficiency decreased significantly despite the fact that the amount of total K uptake increased. A significant difference between varieties was also observed with respect to nutrient uptake and use efficiency. Hybrid rice exhibited physiological advantage in N and P uptake and use efficiency over inbred rice. Analysis of annual dynamic change of exchangeable K and non-exchangeable K in the test soil indicated that non-exchangeable K was an important K source for rice. Potassium application caused an annual decrease in the concentration of available K in the soil tested, whereas an increase was observed in non-exchangeable K. It could be concluded that K fertilizer application at the rate of 100 kg ha^-1 per season was not high enough to match K output, and efficient K management for rice must be based on the K input/output balance. 相似文献
《Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis》2012,43(17-18):2721-2733
Availability of applied potassium (K) as a fertilizer to plants is influenced by soil mineralogy, environmental factors, and rates of K application. The objective of this research was to study the effects of clay minerals and K application on K supply characteristics of calcareous soils in Iran. Surface and subsurface horizons of six sites with different ranges of clay content and exchangeable K were selected. The soils were treated with potassium chloride (KCl) solution with different K concentrations. Four wet–dry cycles were sequentially applied. Illites, vermiculites, and chlorites were present in all soils. Smectites were present in larger amounts in one soil. The increase in soluble and exchangeable K was expressed by linear equations in which the slops influenced by the dominant clay minerals. Potassium fixation was much higher in soils with more illites and vermiculites. Results revealed that different forms of K were affected by the dominant clay minerals but were independent from the rate of applied K. 相似文献
以钾高效品种徐薯28和低效品种济薯22为材料,采用室内土培试验研究了不同施钾量下,甘薯钾的积累与分配及利用规律。结果显示:不施钾显著促进甘薯地上部生长,抑制块根膨大,但品种间变幅不同,钾高效型徐薯28具有更强的根系膨大能力。徐薯28苗期地上部钾浓度显著高于济薯22,叶片和叶柄钾含量分别比济薯22高33.1%、33.9%;但收获期徐薯28植株钾含量为8.7 g/kg,显著低于济薯22的9.8 g/kg。施钾或不施钾下,收获期徐薯28钾分配系数分别为4.2、3.2,济薯22分别为2.0、1.5,表明徐薯28将钾更多分配到块根部分,而济薯22更多分配到茎叶部分。各处理的块根钾利用效率(KIUE-T)为65.1~135.9,施钾及不施钾下,徐薯28块根钾利用效率都显著高于对应的济薯22处理。甘薯植株内钾含量高低是决定济薯22及徐薯28钾利用效率高低的关键因素。因此,两甘薯基因型间钾的利用效率差异主要体现在:徐薯28即使在不施钾下,苗期地上部尤其是茎叶能维持较高的钾含量,为后期块根膨大奠定基础,而收获期维持较高的钾分配系数及植株较低的钾浓度,而济薯22则相反。 相似文献
Philip J. White Tahei Kawachi Jacqueline A. Thompson Gladys Wright Lionel X. Dupuy 《Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis》2016,47(22):104-111
ABSTRACTCrop genotypes that make best use of potassium (K) fertilizers can promote agricultural sustainability. However, screening germplasm collections for responses to K fertilizers is often laborious and expensive. To reduce costs, the number of K fertilizer treatments required to identify better genotypes should be minimized. This might be achieved by exploiting the mathematical relationships between biomass, plant K content, and K supply. This study employed 14 barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) genotypes growing in a hydroponics system that allowed the K supply to roots to be controlled through the K concentration in a flowing solution. It sought to determine the minimal number of treatments required to model the relationships between (a) shoot biomass and K supply, (b) plant K content and K supply, and (c) shoot biomass and plant K content. The relationships between (a) shoot biomass and K supply and (b) plant K content and K supply for any given genotype could be fitted by Michaelis–Menten equations and each of these could be estimated from data obtained at two, appropriately-chosen, rates of K supply. The relationship between shoot biomass and plant K content could be estimated from these relationships. However, the optimum K supply required for accurate estimates differed between genotypes and whether shoot biomass or plant K content was to be estimated. It is, therefore, suggested that the relationships between shoot biomass, plant K content, and K supply might best be determined from measurements of biomass and K content at three, carefully-selected, rates of K supply. 相似文献
A greenhouse hydroponic experiment was performed out to study the cadmium (Cd) uptake by four different barley cultivars at two Cd levels. The results showed that Cd concentrations in roots and shoots increased with Cd levels in the solution and Cd concentration in roots was much higher than that in shoots. The amount of Cd accumulated by plants increased continually with the duration of treatment, and the highest Cd concentration in roots and aboveground tissues was found approximately at the 100th and 70th day after Cd addition, respectively. Genotypes differed significantly in relation to Cd concentration in roots and aboveground tissues. Wumaoliuling showed a higher Cd concentration than the other three genotypes, while Mimai 114 had the lowest concentration. Cadmium uptake rate per plant increased slowly before the booting stage, then increased sharply during the 70–100 d period (approximately late elongation to booting stage), and after that Cd uptake rate tended to slow dramatically. However, the Cd uptake rate per unit of dry biomass showed a significant reduction after booting stage (70 d after Cd exposure), and the Cd uptake pattern varied by Cd levels in the medium. At the lower Cd level (0.1 μM), there were two peaks in Cd uptake rate, appearing at the seedling (20–30 d after Cd exposure) and stem elongation stages (50–70 d after Cd exposure), respectively, while there was only one peak at the stem elongation stage at the higher Cd level (1 μ M). 相似文献