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Health effects of air pollution in Asia have been assessed as part of a programme on Regional Air Pollution in Developing Countries. The impacts of air pollution on health have been studied in North America and Europe for many decades, but research on effects on health in developing countries is less advanced. A key question is whether the dose-response models that are based on research conducted in developed countries can be applied to exposures to air pollution in developing countries. The study considered this issue and examined the factors that may lead to either increased sensitivity or increased human tolerance of air pollutants. It is suggested that although there are factors in developing countries that may increase or decrease human sensitivity to air pollution, overall, a similar range of sensitivity can be expected by individuals in these countries responding to the same effective dose as those in developed countries.  相似文献   

不同人工造林树种及其配置方式对土壤理化性质影响分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人工造林是黄土高原改善生态环境,减少水土流失的重要手段。不同树种及其配置方式下地表植被的生长、土壤理化性质的差异影响着生态水文功能的强弱。以长武王东沟流域8种造林树种和不同配置径流小区为研究对象,采用样方法进行造林地及林下地表植被调查,分层采样测定0—40cm土层土壤容重、孔隙度、有机质含量,分析不同人工造林模式下土壤理化性质,并初步分析了植被特征与土壤理化性质间的关系。结果表明:不同造林方式小区内林下草本层虽然覆盖度区别很大,但物种丰富度、多样性、均匀度指数差异不显著。0—20cm表层土壤理化性质变异性小于20—40cm土层。不同人工造林方式间土壤容重差异显著,且对20—40cm层土壤的毛管孔隙度、总孔隙度有显著性影响。不同造林方式下草本层丰富度、多样性指数与林下土壤毛管孔隙度相关性显著。草本层丰富度、多样性与0—20cm表层土壤的保水作用存在良好的对应关系。相比较而言,0—40cm土壤剖面上,草地和侧柏刺槐混交林地下的土壤孔隙度和有机质等理化性质,以及相关的蓄水性和入渗性等生态水文功能要好于其他造林林种。  相似文献   

State space model coupled with Kalman filter is used toforecast metal concentrations observed at Delhi. Three metalsviz. Lead, Iron, Zinc along with Respirable SuspendedParticulate Matter (RSPM) Concentration observed during 1993to 1995 are selected for the study. The data for year 1996is selected to test the forecasting ability of the model.Wind speed is used as an external input. Autoregressive modelwith external input is also used to compare the results. Itis found that the State space model is giving betterpredictions for lead, iron and RSPM concentration than theARX model while for zinc concentration, both the models aregiving good performance results.  相似文献   

毛乌素沙地煤矿开采对植被景观的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毛乌素沙地气候干燥,水资源短缺,生态环境十分脆弱,对各种人为扰动极为敏感。该地区煤炭资源的开采势必会增加当地环境负担,使得生态环境恶化。以陕西省神木县大保当煤矿为例,通过实地调查,在查明自然植被种类、类型和分布的基础上,借助地理信息系统技术与地表沉陷预测模型,对煤矿开采造成的植被景观格局变化进行了预测,并分析了斑块数、形状指数、多样性指数等指标。结果表明,煤矿开采后矿区景观破碎度上升,斑块形状复杂化,景观异质性降低,植被生物量减少。矿区植被类型发生变化,原先以叉子圆柏(Sabina vulgaris)、北沙柳(Salix psammophila)、斜茎黄耆(Astragalus adsurgens)为优势种的灌木丛向以黑沙蒿(Artemisia ordosica)为优势种的灌草丛转化。从矿区整体变化程度来看,煤矿开采对区域自然生态系统存在一定的干扰,但未造成其根本性改变,自然生态系统仍存在一定的恢复和调控能力,应采取一系列生物与工程措施引导矿区生态环境向可持续方向发展。  相似文献   

子午岭林区植被类型对土壤氮素的效应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
以黄土丘陵沟壑区的子午岭次生林区主要植被类型为对象,研究了植被类型对土壤全氮的影响作用。结果表明,长期草地(白羊草地和茭蒿草地)、灌木林和乔木林地表层土壤(0—5cm)的全氮含量为坡耕地表层土壤全氮含量的1.4~2.5倍。长期草地和乔木林地表层土壤(0—5cm)全氮的含量相近,高于灌木林地及恢复草地表层土壤的全氮含量。在林草植被下,表层土壤的全氮含量明显高于下层土壤的含量,土壤剖面中全氮的含量随着土层深度的增加而表现为下降趋势。与坡耕地相比,草、灌木和乔木可以分别提高0—15cm,0—25cm和0—50cm土层中土壤全氮的含量,表明了植被类型对土壤全氮效应的差异性。研究结果说明,在黄土丘陵区,坡地退耕还林,恢复植被,可以有效地驱动上层土壤氮素含量逐渐提高。  相似文献   

华东地区夏季极端高温特征及其对植被的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于中国华东地区79个气象站1971-2006年夏季逐日地面最高气温和1981-2006年先进超高分辨率辐射计(AVHRR)的归一化植被指数(NDVI)资料,分析华东地区夏季极端高温热浪频次和平均持续时间的空间分布特征,并利用Morlet小波变换分析极端高温次数的周期性变化规律,同时采用奇异值分解(SVD)研究华东地区极端高温次数与植被指数之间的联系。结果表明:(1)华东地区夏季极端高温热浪频次的空间分布主要以北低南高,东低西高,平原高山区低为主。平均持续时间相对于频次,其高值区更靠近沿海。(2)华东地区夏季极端高温次数主要受22a、9a、4a左右的尺度波动影响。其中22a左右的时间尺度为第一主周期,周期振荡在整个时域中表现较稳定。第二主周期为9a左右,周期振荡的振幅从1994年开始逐渐由小增大,将对未来产生重要影响。(3)华东地区夏季极端高温次数与NDVI存在显著相关。当华东中南部地区夏季极端高温次数偏高时,江苏东部地区的夏季植被覆盖度偏低,而山东北部地区和江西西南及西北地区的夏季植被覆盖度偏高;当山东中部地区夏季极端高温次数偏低时,山东东北地区的夏季植被覆盖度偏高,而江苏东部、福建南部和江西北部的夏季植被覆盖度偏低。  相似文献   

为了探究坡面植被及其布设位置对坡面侵蚀动力过程的影响,通过室内放水冲刷试验,分析了不同植被覆盖度(0,30%,50%,70%,90%)和不同坡面覆盖位置(坡上、坡中和坡下)下的坡面产沙及其水动力学参数的变化。结果表明:植被覆盖度、径流动能、径流流速、弗汝德数、阻力系数、糙率系数、剪切力等与坡面侵蚀产沙量密切相关。随覆盖度的增加,径流流速、径流剪切力、单位水流功率和径流动能逐渐降低,曼宁糙率系数和阻力系数逐渐增加,产沙量呈直线下降。当覆盖度从0增长到50%时,植被的减沙效益显著提高,当盖度增加到70%时,植被保持水土的作用不随覆盖度的增加显著提高,不同坡面覆盖位置下坡面侵蚀产沙表现为植被位于坡面中下部的产沙量小于植被位于坡面上部的,可用包含植被覆盖度、单位水流功率和径流动能等参数建立的联合公式模拟预测坡面侵蚀产沙量。研究结果可为阐明植被减沙的临界盖度和合理位置以及黄土高原水土流失治理和黄河流域高质量发展提供参考。  相似文献   

根-土界面的微生态过程与有机污染物的环境行为研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
徐建明  何艳 《土壤》2006,38(4):353-358
土壤-植物系统是地球生态系统中与人类生存与健康关系最为密切的亚系统。该系统中有机污染物的运移必须历经根-土界面多层次的微生态过程的控制。这些微生态过程涉及到系统中许多生物、生物化学和物理化学反应机理,与土壤中污染物迁移转化及其归宿等环境行为具有密切的关系。理解这些微生态过程及其对有机污染物环境行为的影响,对提高作物生长、改善土壤环境质量和提高农产品品质安全具有直接的理论和实践指导意义。  相似文献   

黄土高原人工植被对局地小气候影响的效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究人工植被对局地小气候影响的效应,是评价人工林草工程生态效应的主要表征之一.利用定点观测的方法,对安塞县退耕地上建立的人工植被和撂荒形成的自然植被群落进行了大气温湿状况、土壤水热状况等小气候特征的观测分析,并以裸露农地为对照,比较人工植被和撂荒植被对小气候的影响效应.结果表明:退耕还林营造人工林后,下垫面的变化引起局地水热循环的变化,具体表现为降温效应、增湿效应、改土效应和阻风效应,尤其是在植被生长旺盛的夏季,人工植被区近地层1.0 m处日均气温明显下降,低于撂荒植被区2.2℃;日均相对空气湿度增大,高于撂荒植被区1.97%;日平均风速降低,日均减风效益高于撂荒植被区28%,同时,土壤导热性能提高,土壤物理性质得到改良.局地小气候环境的改善,说明人工林草工程这一措施对脆弱生态的恢复改造有明显的效果.  相似文献   

The tall, aerodynamically rough surfaces of forests provide for the efficient exchange of heat and momentum between terrestrial surfaces and the atmosphere. The same properties of forests also provide for large potential rates of deposition of pollutant gases, aerosols and cloud droplets. For some reactive pollutant gases, including SO2, HNO3 and NH3, rates of deposition may be large and substantially larger than onto shorter vegetation and is the cause of the so called "filtering effect" of forest canopies. Pollutant inputs to moorland and forest have been compared using measured ambient concentrations from an unpolluted site in southern Scotland and a more polluted site in south eastern Germany. The inputs of S and N to forest at the Scottish site exceed moorland by 16% and 31% respectively with inputs of 7.3 kg S ha-1 y and 10.6 kg N ha-1 y-1. At the continental site inputs to the forest were 43% and 48% larger than over moorland for S and N deposition with totals of 53.6 kg S ha-1 y-1 and 69.5 kg N ha-1 y-1 respectively. The inputs of acidity to global forests show that in 1985 most of the areas receiving > 1 kg H+ ha-1 y-1 as S are in the temperate latitudes, with 8% of total global forest exceeding this threshold. By 2050, 17% of global forest will be receiving > 1 kg H-1 ha-1 as S and most of the increase is in tropical and sub-tropical countries. Forests throughout the world are also exposed to elevated concentrations of ozone. Taking 60 ppb O3 as a concentration likely to be phytotoxic to sensitive forest species, a global model has been used to simulate the global exposure of forests to potentially phytotoxic O3 concentrations for the years 1860, 1950, 1970, 1990 and 2100. The model shows no exposure to concentrations in excess of 60 ppb in 1860, and of the 6% of global forest exposed to concentrations > 60 ppb in 1950, 75% were in temperate latitudes and 25% in the tropics. By 1990 24% of global forest is exposed to O3 concentrates > 60 ppb, and this increases to almost 50% of global forest by 2100. While the uncertainty in the future pollution climate of global forest is considerable, the likely impact of O3 and acid deposition is even more difficult to assess because of interactions between these pollutants and substantial changes in ambient CO2 concentration, N deposition and climate over the same period, but the effects are unlikely to be beneficial overall.  相似文献   

This study on soil quality parameters was conducted from December 2008 to July 2010 to see the short-term impacts of gray water irrigation on physical and chemical properties of soil. The results envisaged slight positive impacts of wastewater irrigation on upper soil layers (0–30 cm) with an increase in soil organic matter (SOM) from 1.45% to 1.89% and nutrient content increases from 199 to 267 kg ha?1 nitrogen (N), from 12.4 to 27.1 kg ha?1 phosphorus (P), and from 131 to 136 kg ha?1 potassium (K). Slight changes were also recorded in the soil pH and electrical conductivity (EC), which increased from 6.39 to 6.81 and 145 to 229 μS cm?1 respectively, in the upper soil layers. The soil bulk density (BD) slightly decreased to 1.34 g cm3 in the treatment plot from 1.45 g cm3 at the commencement of the trial, which indicates good soil conditioning under the gray water irrigation trial.  相似文献   

森林植被对水文通量的影响研究综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
森林植被层作为水文环境要素,对降水、蒸散和径流等水文通量在空间上的分布特征有着重要的影响作用。国内外对于森林植被对水文通量的空间分布的影响,在垂直方向上分层次进行水文通量变化过程的研究;在水平方向上按照林地与非林地的对比,森林植被类型之间的对比,甚至同一树冠的不同部位的对比等,进行了细致的研究。以森林植被对这三种水文通量要素空间分布的作用为基础,系统概述了近年有关的研究成果,并结合国内外研究的动向,指出将来可能着重研究的方向。  相似文献   

沙袋沙障对流动沙丘地表风沙及植被恢复的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了解沙袋沙障对风沙及植被生长的影响,通过野外观测和样方调查法对铺设沙袋沙障沙丘风速、植物种数、植株密度、高度和盖度进行了调查,测定了对0—30cm输沙量。对1m×1m,2m×2m,3m×3m方格沙袋沙障防风效能、地表粗糙度、输沙特征值及植被生长情况进行了研究。结果表明,沙袋沙障能够有效地提高防风效能和增加地表粗糙度,且随着规格的增大防风效能与地表粗糙度均减小;1m×1m,2m×2m和3m×3m规格沙袋沙障地表粗糙度为5.79,2.38和2.12cm,分别比对照高91.31%,78.88%和76.26%;沙袋沙障能够有效降低输沙量,使0—30cm各层输沙率均显著小于对照,3种规格沙袋沙障对输沙率的影响顺序为:1m×1m2m×2m3m×3m;沙袋沙障铺设1a后,植物种类比对照多出一种,平均高度、密度和盖度分别比对照高91.5%,71.1%和125.4%,并且随着沙袋沙障规格的增大,植被平均高度、密度和盖度均呈现逐渐增大的趋势。  相似文献   

植被恢复是既能保持磷矿开采同时又能有效扼制矿区生态环境的退化,并逐步恢复已退化的矿区生态系统最有效的生物措施。为揭示植被恢复对昆阳磷矿土壤有机碳和碳素积累的影响,研究探讨了昆阳磷矿不同恢复林地的土壤有机碳储量变化。结果表明:(1)不同恢复林地的土壤有机碳含量存在显著差异(p < 0.05),7种不同植被恢复人工林土壤平均有机碳含量分别是废弃地的14.29倍、11.83倍、11.40倍、5.89倍、15.48倍、15.59倍、18.53倍。(2)土壤有机碳在剖面的含量表现出明显的“表聚作用”,均以表土层(0—20 cm)最大,且随土层厚度的增加,呈下降趋势。(3)不同恢复林地的土壤有机碳密度差别较大,变化趋势和土壤有机碳含量的变化趋势一致,且在同一林分土壤中,单位深度土壤各土层平均有机碳密度均以表层最大,随土层的增加而降低。(4)土壤有机碳主要存储于0—20 cm土层中,平均含量为53.60%,随着土层的加深,土壤有机碳所占比重急剧下降,经过植被恢复,7种人工林土壤有机碳储量较废弃地0—20 cm土壤有机碳储量提高了26.53%,20.39%,34.48%,10.81%,28.62%,39.52%,36.71%,说明目前矿区通过植被恢复后的土壤状况显著优于未进行恢复措施的废弃地。  相似文献   

Acid rain at a rural site in Chongwon (KHN), central Korea has been under observation since 1990. To substantiate the 10-year observations, rain samples from six other sites were also collected and analyzed. Results show that acid rain occurred frequently at all sites. At KHN, seasonal and annual variability of pH values had a 10-year VWM value of 4.67 and an arithmetic mean value of 5.09. In general, a high value of pH occurred during springtime when the occurrence of yellow sand (dust) was prevalent in East Asia; during summer, heavy rain usually contained neutral pH values. During other seasons, the degree of acidic precipitation usually coincided with certain air flows. Most frequently, air flows and cyclones coming from south and central China often resulted in precipitation with low pH values observed in Korea. Using daily satellite observations from 1996, we have also been monitoring the long-range and large-scale transport of air pollutants (LSTAP) over East Asia. Many samples of LSTAP were obtained when they were crossing the Yellow Sea and moving over the Korean Peninsula and to SW Japan. The width of the Yellow Sea is ca. 350~700 km and air pollutants take 1~2 days to cross it. Cases of acid rain in Korea clearly correlate wth the LSTAP from source regions in China.  相似文献   

不同植被对土壤理化性质影响——以王东沟小流域为例   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
[目的]分析陕西省长武县王东沟流域9个径流小区不同植被覆盖条件对土壤理化性质的影响,为黄土高原生态建设提供科技支持。[方法]采用环刀法、定水头法以及重铬酸钾外加热法等分层测定0—40cm间土壤容重、毛管持水量、饱和持水量、饱和倒水率以及有机质含量。[结果]饱和持水量、毛管持水量、土壤有机质表现为草、灌地显著优于纯林和混交林,而土壤容重、饱和导水率各小区间差异不显著。[结论]草地和沙棘灌木林地土壤理化性质高于其他植被组合,培肥土壤,涵养水源,利于保水保土。侧柏纯林的土壤理化性质最差,水保效益最低。  相似文献   

The research and interest towards the use of constructed floating wetlands for (waste)water treatment is emerging as more treatment opportunities are marked out, and the technique is applied more often. To evaluate the effect of a floating macrophyte mat and the influence of temperature and season on physico-chemical changes and removal, two constructed floating wetlands (CFWs), including a floating macrophyte mat, and a control, without emergent vegetation, were built. Raw domestic wastewater from a wastewater treatment plant was added on day 0. Removal of total nitrogen, NH4–N, NO3–N, P, chemical oxygen demand (COD), total organic carbon and heavy metals (Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) was studied during 17 batch-fed testing periods with a retention time of 11 days (February–March 2007 and August 2007–September 2008). In general, the CFWs performed better than the control. Average removal efficiencies for NH4–N, total nitrogen, P and COD were respectively 35%, 42%, 22% and 53% for the CFWs, and 3%, 15%, 6% and 33% for the control. The pH was significantly lower in the CFWs (7.08?±?0.21) than in the control (7.48?±?0.26) after 11 days. The removal efficiencies of NH4–N, total nitrogen and COD were significantly higher in the CFWs as the presence of the floating macrophyte mat influenced positively their removal. Total nitrogen, NH4–N and P removal was significantly influenced by temperature with the highest removal between 5°C and 15°C. At lower and higher temperatures, removal relapsed. In general, temperature seemed to be the steering factor rather than season. The presence of the floating macrophyte mat restrained the increase of the water temperature when air temperature was >15°C. Although the mat hampered oxygen diffusion from the air towards the water column, the redox potential measured in the rootmat was higher than the value obtained in the control at the same depth, indicating that the release of oxygen from the roots could stimulate oxygen consuming reactions within the root mat, and root oxygen release was higher than oxygen diffusion from the air.  相似文献   

土地利用/覆盖变化对浑善达克沙地植被覆盖度的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用卫星遥感资料,估算了浑善达克沙地2000—2014年生长季(4—10月)植被覆盖度(Vegetation coverage,VC),并对其时空变化特征进行了分析,讨论了气候因子和土地利用/覆被变化对植被盖度的影响。结果表明,14年间研究区生长季的植被盖度呈波动增加趋势,多年平均VC为0.423,年平均递增率为0.003 6。在空间分布上,研究区的北部、中部和南部边缘区域的植被覆盖度增加趋势较明显,而东部和西部部分区域未发生明显的趋势性变化。研究区植被盖度变化趋势与降水量呈正相关,其相关系数为0.86,是驱动植被覆盖度年际波动的直接因素。植被盖度变化趋势与温度呈负相关,相关系数为-0.42。以研究区2000,2006,2013年3期遥感影像为信息源,在3S技术支持下,对不同时期土地利用动态变化进行分析。草地是土地利用的主要类型,占研究区总面积的85.42%。近14年来,草地、林地的增加幅度较大,分别由29 637.30,58.24km2增加到30 619.36km2,64.43km2。除了建设用地,其他类型的面积均出现不同程度的减少,主要土地利用转移方向为耕地转化为草地和林地,未利用地转化为草地和水域,高覆盖度草地、林地及耕地呈现增加趋势。土地利用变化与植被覆盖度变化有密切的关系,浑善达克沙地合理的土地利用是影响其植被覆盖度出现增加趋势的重要影响因素之一。  相似文献   

Johansson  M.  Alveteg  M.  Amann  M.  Bak  J.  Bartnicki  J.  Ekqvist  M.  Forsius  M.  Frohn  L.  Geernaert  G.  Gimeno  B.  Guardans  R.  Karvosenoja  N.  Martín  F.  Posch  M.  Suutari  R.  Syri  S. 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2001,130(1-4):175-186
The integrated assessment modeling on acid rain has incorporated several related effects and pollutants into a multi-pollutant/multi-effect approach, resulting in complex integrated models and policy assessments. The development and implementation of effects-oriented cost-effective emission reduction strategies in Europe are based on integrated assessment models. The project on national integrated assessment modeling in Finland, Denmark, Spain and Sweden aimed to support the national evaluation of European emission reduction strategies. The tasks covered the comparison of inventories and projections for emissions of sulfur, nitrogen oxides, ammonia and volatile organic compounds, assessment of control techniques and related costs, concentration and deposition scenarios to estimate environmental effects of acidification, eutrophication and ground-level ozone and their temporal aspects, uncertainty analyses on both individual modules and whole integrated models, and dissemination of results to stakeholders. The integrated assessment modeling provided a consistent framework for the harmonization of input data and in-depth scientific research tasks on emissions, pollutant loading and impacts including comprehensive uncertainty analyses, and facilitated the dissemination of knowledge to policy-makers.  相似文献   

在同一"气候-母质"条件下,本文研究了滇中飒马场流域4种处于不同演替阶段的本地植被群落和1种外来植被群落对酸性紫色土理化性质的影响。结果表明:随着灌草丛、云南松、针阔混交林到次生常绿阔叶林的本地植物群落演替过程,土壤的容重、pH、水溶性盐阳离子含量明显降低,而土壤粘粒、水解性酸、活性铝、有机碳、全氮含量显著增加,同时表层土壤有机碳和全氮占其剖面总含量的比例有降低的趋势。次生常绿阔叶林土壤0~150 cm土层的有机碳、全氮贮存量比灌草丛土壤的分别高出35 Mg hm-2和1.2 Mg hm-2,而其pH则比灌草丛土壤的低0.33。这反映出酸性紫色土的富铝化过程、生物富集过程和粘化过程随着植被演进而加强。桉树林土壤有机碳、全氮贮量和pH分别为93.04 mg hm-2、2.45 mg hm-2和4.49,与针阔混交林土壤的有机碳、全氮贮量和pH没有显著差异,但是其水解性酸度和活性铝含量均显著高于针阔混交林土壤的,表明长期种植桉树有加速土壤酸化的可能。  相似文献   

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