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Monitoring populations of pests and their natural enemies under different management situations and seasonal weather parameters provides extremely useful information for taking preventive measures against pest outbreaks. The abundance, spatial and temporal distributions of herbivorous insects and arthropod natural enemies on Alnus species were monitored at four sites in Kabale district, Uganda between June 1999 and August 2000. Chewing insects, dominated by Coleoptera (75%), constituted the majority of insect herbivores sampled. Dominant and potentially serious pests of Alnus included Apion globulipenne, an unidentified Chrysomelidae (Coleopt. 27), Phymateus viridipes, Coloborrtics corticina and a Cacopsylla species (Homoptera: Psyllidae). Spiders were the predominant natural enemies accounting for 64% of the total natural enemies encountered, followed by parasitic Hymenoptera (30%). There were marked spatial and temporal variations in arthropod abundance. Among sites, mean abundance of total insect herbivores and total natural enemies on A. acuminata over 15 months ranged from 3.8–8.5 and 3.3–4.7 individuals per 1-m branch length respectively. Over the same period, mean number of total insect herbivores and total natural enemies on A. nepalensis that was studied at only one site were 11.9 herbivores and 4.2 natural enemies per 1-m branch length. Populations of most insect orders increased in the wet season although the greatest herbivore abundance was evident in the dry season. Further studies are necessary on the impact and management strategies of the potentially important insect pests and natural enemies on Alnus.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Fourteen aphid species belonging to eight genera and three families of the superfamily Aphidoidea were presented from Isparta region in fruit tree orchards. Among these, Dysaphis plantaginea, Aphis pomi and Dysaphis devecta, which cause harm to apples, are the most common species in the area because of the high amount of apple production. In addition, eight species from the family Coccinellidae (Coleoptera), three from Syrphidae (Diptera) and one species from Forficulidae (Dermaptera) were found as predator. Totally, eight species were determined as parasitoids from the families Aphidiidae, Aphelinidae and Pteromalidae (Hymenoptera).  相似文献   

崇明地区林木主要害虫及天敌调查初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2004—2007年,系统调查了崇明地区林木害虫及天敌。共鉴定害虫9目59科242种,天敌昆虫16种,并鉴定制做了林木主要害虫标本共8目42科76种。  相似文献   

洞庭湖区杨树食叶害虫蛹期天敌调查及优势天敌筛选   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
湖南洞庭湖区杨树食叶害虫蛹期天敌有啮小蜂(Tetrastichus spl.)、白蛾黑基啮小蜂(Tetrastichus nigricoxae)、日本追寄蝇(Exorista japonica)、毛虫追寄蝇(Exorista dmoena)、伞裙追寄蝇(Exorista civilis)、双齿多刺蚁(Polyrhach...  相似文献   

昆明世博园害虫及天敌调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年对昆明世博园昆虫进行了调查,鉴定标本15目69科158种,其中害虫77种,天敌昆虫30种,其它昆虫51种。确定世博园云南省新分布记录昆虫5种,其中4种为害虫。比较建园前后4个阶段的昆虫种类组成及变化,结果表明,自1999年建园以来,昆虫种类趋于增加,但害虫所占比例由建园前及开园时的67%以上降至目前48.7%。文章讨论分析了园区的害虫动态和管理问题,并提出害虫监测及生态控制建议。  相似文献   

Trees at low density and cereals may be combined in silvoarable agroforestry systems: tree rows and their companion vegetation introduce an heterogeneity in the cropped field that may modify the dynamics of insects crop pests and their predators. This hypothesis was tested in tree-wheat systems by monitoring aphids and their predators for two years in southern France, in two fields in 2006 and one in 2007. Tree row vegetation diversity was either suppressed by weeding or stimulated by seeding flowering species that could attract adult predators of aphids. The dynamics of aphids and predators were recorded by tiller sampling and yellow trap monitoring. Between 3500 and 5000 aphids were collected from each studied field. Surprisingly, no differences could be evidenced on the dynamics of both aphids and their predators between agroforestry and monocropping plots, nor between weeded and flowered plots. The heterogeneity induced by the tree row in the cropped field was probably not strong enough to alter the populations dynamics. A high landscape diversity in the area due to nearby forest patches and fallows may have blurred the impact of the tree lines. Different results may be expected in areas with lower biodiversity like cereal monocropping zones.  相似文献   

2007—2009年,通过线路踏查,标准地详查,室内饲养昆虫,灯光诱捕昆虫,查阅相关资料等方法,对洞庭湖杨树主栽区进行了杨树有害生物及天敌昆虫普查,普查发现洞庭湖区危害杨树的有害昆虫共计8目36科146种,病害12种,有害动物5种,有害植物4种,主要天敌昆虫13种。  相似文献   

A survey of stored product pests, their natural enemies, grain storage and pest management approaches in northern Namibia was conducted. The survey revealed five types of crop commodities (pearl millet, sorghum, cowpea, maize, feed mixture) stored in four types of grain stores (baskets, bag stags-flat stores, concrete bin, metal containers). No synthetic pesticides or plastic sheeting was recorded. Wooden-ash natural pesticide is the only protectant used. Ten insect pest species were found affiliated to the orders of Coleoptera (Attagenus fasciatus, Callosobruchus subinnotatus, Cryptolestes ferrugineus, Oryzaephilus surinamensis, Rhyzopertha dominica and Tribolium castaneum), Lepidoptera (Corcyra cephalonica, Sitotroga cerealella), Psocoptera (Liposcelis paeta) and Blattodea (Blattella germanica). Out of these, seven species were recognized as new stored-products pests for Namibia. Although listed for southern Africa region, no storage pest-mites (Acari) and Sitophilus spp., Prostephanus sp. or Trogoderma sp. beetles were traced. We found four new species of natural enemies of storage pests recruiting from insects (Habrobracon hebetor, Cephalonomia wattersoni, Brachymeria sp.) and mites (Blattisocius tarsalis). The occurrence of natural enemies indicates a potential for pest bio-control in Namibian grain stores.  相似文献   

调查北美栎树害虫及其天敌昆虫发生种类,为北美栎树害虫的预测预报及可持续防控提供科学依据.采用踏查和样地调查相结合的方法,调查了江西省北美栎树害虫及其天敌昆虫种类.结果表明,北美栎树害虫有88种,隶属于节肢动物门2纲6目41科.为害严重的害虫以栎奥象、栗大蚜、星天牛和云斑白条天牛为主,前三者主要为害苗期,后者主要为害成林期.天敌昆虫有22种,主要天敌昆虫是二星瓢虫、异色瓢虫、聚纹双刺猛蚁、黑蚂蚁.  相似文献   

The Rwandan farmers, faced with a perpetual land shortage, have evolved certain intensive systems of organic agriculture. These systems, particularly the homestead (compound) farming, involve the combination of food, fodder and tree crops. to a certain extent these systems can satisfy the multiple needs of the subsistence farmers living under several risks and constraints. However, they cannot cope with the expanding food demand of the rapidly increasing population. Some multipurpose, low-input technologies and agroforestry approaches have been designed to improve the productivity of these traditional systems; these include inter/mixed cropping systems and rotations, alley cropping with leguminous trees and shrubs, use of planted fallow, planting tree legumes on anti-erosive lines, mixed farming,community forestry and woodlots, and tree planting on farm/field boundaries. The essential aspects of these technologies are briefly discussed.ISAR-IITA FSR PROJECT, B.P. 629, Kigali RwandaISAR-Swiss Intercooperation, c/o Forestry Department, B.P. 617, Butare, Rwanda  相似文献   

浙江省香榧病虫害及害虫天敌种类调查   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
文章系浙江省近年来香榧病虫害和害虫天敌的调研总结。重点对省内主要香榧生产县(市)进行调查。共收录害虫57种,分别隶属8目28科,病害5种,以及害虫天敌16种,分别隶属7目11科。收集浸渍幼虫标本50余号,针插标本2200余号,其中包括了大多数的主要害虫。并且对绝大部分的标本在收集的第一现场进行了摄影记录。  相似文献   

该文论述了昆虫自然种群遗传多态性现象的定义、类型、作用以及作用机制等问题。以果蝇为例,阐述了遗传多态现象在昆虫种群中的作用。  相似文献   

A review of agroforestry practices in one lowland and one highland community of Xishuangbanna [Yunnan, P.R. China] has been carried out. Multilayer homegardens and taungya for fuelwood in the lowlands, tea shaded by natural forest and shellac production in a swidden farming system in the highlands are described. The extention of these agroforestry systems in Xishuangbanna is analyzed.Farming systems are facing problems related to shifting cultivation and to a rapid development of rubber which induce a negative evolution of these agroforestry systems.New agroforestry patterns based on Chinese research work, with rubber trees or with shade medicinal plants, are in extension in villages and in state farms.
Résumé Un inventaire des systèmes agroforestiers du Xishuangbanna [Yunnan, R.P. Chine] a été réalisé: jardins à plusieurs étages et production de bois feu par système de taungya dans un village de plaine, thé à l'ombre de forêt naturelle et production de gomme-lacque dans un système d'agriculture sur brûlis dans un village de montagne.Les systèmes de production sont confrontés aux problèmes liés à l'agriculture sur brûlis, et au développement de l'hévéa. Il en résulte des évolutions négatives de ces practiques agroforestières.De nouveaux modèles agroforestiers, à base d'hévéa ou de plantes médicinales d'ombre, se développent dans les villages et dans les fermes d'état á la suite des travaux de la recherche chinoise.

秦皇岛市美国白蛾天敌调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
乔秀荣 《中国森林病虫》2007,26(3):30-31,34
通过对美国白蛾各个发育期的天敌进行调查与研究,发现除了捕食性天敌七星瓢虫、大刀螳螂等外,幼虫期有2种寄生性天敌、蛹期有12种寄生性天敌,这为保护和利用天敌、有效控制美国白蛾提供了依据。  相似文献   

Fuelwood demand and supply in Rwanda and the role of agroforestry   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Fuelwood in Rwanda is assumed to come from forests and woodlands, thus contributing to large-scale deforestation. Available studies on fuelwood demand and supply support this assumption and indicate a continuously rising demand of fuelwood, notably from forest plantations. These assertions are insufficiently substantiated as existing forest stock may not be depleted by rapid increase in demand for food and energy resources resulting from population growth, but rather from the need for agricultural land. Evidence suggests that the demands for fuelwood, in addition to other sources of energy, is supplied from agroforestry systems which has not been quantified so far. This review analyses sources and use of fuelwood in Rwanda, indicating the importance of on-farms trees and woodlots in fuelwood supply. It is concluded that the effect of fuelwood consumption on land use is difficult to disentangle as many other factors including land clearing for agriculture, livestock farming, human settlements, illegal cutting of valuable timber species, the demand for charcoal in towns and past conflicts, contributed significantly to the high rate of deforestation in the country. If fuelwood demand is to be met on a sustainable basis, more fuelwood has to be produced on agricultural lands and in forest plantations through species site matching and proper management.  相似文献   

In this article the relationship between land tenure and agroforestry is analysed drawing on a case study from Benin. It is argued that tenants, the landless and the majority of women are disadvantaged compared with landowners in terms of their ability to adopt agroforestry systems. This is due to a lack of land resources, tenure insecurity and restrictions in planting perennial crops. State interventions and conflicts between farmers and pastoralists further limit land tenure security of the rural population and thus reduce the willingness of peasants to invest on a long-term basis and to protect natural resources. The article concludes with some implications for policy and project interventions in the field of land tenure systems.
Résumé Dans cet article, les relations entre droit foncier et agroforesterie sont analysées dans le cas du Bénin. Le fait que les locataires, les paysans sans terre et la plupart des femmes sont désavantagés par rapport aux propriétaires parce qu'ils ne sont pas en mesure d'adopter des systèmes agroforestiers est mis en evidence. Cela est dû au manque de ressources foncières, à l'incertitude de l'utilisation de la terre et aux restrictions sur la plantation des cultures pérennes. Des interventions étatiques et des conflits fonciers entre agriculteurs sédentaires et éleveurs restreignent la sécurité foncière de la population rurale et réduisent la disposition des paysans à investir à long terme et à protéger les ressources naturelles. A la fin de l'article les conclusions pour des interventions politiques et pour la planification des projets dans le domaine du droit foncier sont identifiées.

Four treatments (control, burn-only, thin-only, and thin-and-burn) were evaluated for their effects on bark beetle-caused mortality in both the short-term (one to four years) and the long-term (seven years) in mixed-conifer forests in western Montana, USA. In addition to assessing bark beetle responses to these treatments, we also measured natural enemy landing rates and resin flow of ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) the season fire treatments were implemented. All bark beetles were present at low population levels (non-outbreak) for the duration of the study. Post-treatment mortality of trees due to bark beetles was lowest in the thin-only and control units and highest in the units receiving burns. Three tree-killing bark beetle species responded positively to fire treatments: Douglas-fir beetle (Dendroctonus pseudotsugae), pine engraver (Ips pini), and western pine beetle (Dendroctonus brevicomis). Red turpentine beetle (Dendroctonus valens) responded positively to fire treatments, but never caused mortality. Three fire damage variables tested (height of crown scorch, percent circumference of the tree bole scorched, or degree of ground char) were significant factors in predicting beetle attack on trees. Douglas-fir beetle and pine engraver responded rapidly to increased availability of resources (fire-damaged trees); however, successful attacks dropped rapidly once these resources were depleted. Movement to green trees by pine engraver was not observed in plots receiving fire treatments, or in thinned plots where slash supported substantial reproduction by this beetle. The fourth tree-killing beetle present at the site, the mountain pine beetle, did not exhibit responses to any treatment. Natural enemies generally arrived at trees the same time as host bark beetles. However, the landing rates of only one, Medetera spp., was affected by treatment. This predator responded positively to thinning treatments. This insect was present in very high numbers indicating a regulatory effect on beetles, at least in the short-term, in thinned stands. Resin flow decreased from June to August. However, resin flow was significantly higher in trees in August than in June in fire treatments. Increased flow in burned trees later in the season did not affect beetle attack success. Overall, responses by beetles to treatments were short-term and limited to fire-damaged trees. Expansions into green trees did not occur. This lack of spread was likely due to a combination of high tree vigor in residual stands and low background populations of bark beetles.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the effect of the biocide GCSC-BtA on population dynamics of cabbage pests, i.?e., Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lep., Plutellidae), Brevicoryne brassicae (L.) (Hom., Aphididae), Liriomyza sativae Blanch. (Dip., Agromyzidae), Phyllotreta vittata Fabric. (Col., Chrysomelidae) and their natural enemies, i.?e., Apanteles plutellae Kurdj. (Hym., Braconidae), Erigonidium graminicola (Sundv.) (Araneida, Linyphiidae), Coccinella septempunctata L. (Col., Coccinellidae), in common head cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) fields in the southeastern China. The experiments were conducted at the experimental farm of Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Fuzhou, PR China in April?–?June, 2001. The results showed that, at the end of sampling, the pest populations of P. xylostella, B. brassicae and P. vittata reached averages of 39.7, 68.3 and 6.2 ind. / 30 plants in the plot treated with GCSC-BtA, which were about 1.5, 11 and 0.7 times lower than those treated with methomyl, respectively. In contrast, the natural enemy populations were, on average, 23.5 ind./30 plants for A. plutellae, 24.6 ind./30 plants for E. graminicol and 12.2 ind./30 plants for C. septempunctata in the plot treated with GCSC-BtA, about 6, 5 and 3 times higher than for those treated with methomyl, respectively. The GCSC-BtA biocide demonstrated greater effectiveness in controlling the cabbage pests, e.?g., P. xylostella, B. brassicae and P. vittata, having final decreasing ratios of 83.60, 97.05 and 53.67?% compared to 57.63, 64.89 and 30.88?% with the methomyl insecticide. However, it was less toxic to natural enemies, e.?g., A. plutellae, E. graminicola and C. septempunctata, final decreasing ratios being 47.68, 17.84, 27.81?%, than methomyl, with 90.94, 80.80, 74.55?%, in comparison to the populations in the control plots, respectively. So, because of the low toxicity of GCSC-BtA to the natural enemies, it is recommended that, on one hand, its application should be carried out after mass migration of the pests to the fields, on the other hand, the alternative agent GCSC-BtA should be used with the aim of minimizing the harmfulness to the natural enemies in the whole program of integrated pest management in cabbage fields.  相似文献   

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