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Nighttime respiration was measured at monthly intervals over one year on the aboveground parts of five sample trees in an 8-year-old hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa (Sieb. et Zucc.) Endl.) stand, by an enclosed standing-tree method. The respiration rate rose rapidly from early spring to a maximum in June, and decreased abruptly in July and then gradually toward autumn and winter. The seasonal change in the respiration rate was synchronized with stem volume increment rather than with monthly mean air temperature. The respiration rate, r, of individual trees increased with increasing tree dimensions, such as stem volume, v(S), and stem girth at the base of the live crown, G(B). The dependence of respiration rate on tree size was successfully represented by a power function. The r - v(S) dependence was rather stronger than the r - G(B) (2) dependence, especially toward the end of the growing season (from July to September). The observed respiration rate was almost the same as the respiration rate corrected for the monthly mean air temperature. The annual respiration of individual trees was directly proportional to their phytomass or to its increment. Although the annual respiration of individual trees decreased proportionally to the square root of the leaf mass, it decreased abruptly in the range close to the smallest sample tree. Combining the monthly relationship between respiration rate and stem volume with the tree size distribution in the stand, the stand aboveground annual respiration was estimated to be 20.4 Mg CO(2) ha(-1) year(-1) (= 12.5 Mg dry mass ha(-1) year(-1)) for an aboveground biomass of 17.4 Mg ha(-1) with an annual increment of 6.51 Mg ha(-1) year(-1), i.e., the stand aboveground annual respiration amounted to the equivalent of 72% of the biomass or to almost twice the biomass increment.  相似文献   

This report describes the efficient plant regeneration of Chamaecyparis obtusa Sieb et Zucc. via somatic embryogenesis. Embryogenic cultures were initiated from megagametophytes containing immature zygotic embryos. Embryogenic cultures were maintained and proliferated by 2–3-week interval subcultures in medium supplemented with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and 6-benzylaminopurine. High maturation frequencies of cotyledonary embryos were obtained on maturation medium containing maltose, polyethylene glycol, activated charcoal, and abscisic acid. Somatic embryos germinated readily after transfer to plant growth regulator-free medium. Growth of regenerated emblings has been monitored in a greenhouse.  相似文献   

The effect of CA(NO3)2 on the active oxygen scavenging system in hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa) seedlings cultured in a nutrient solution containing aluminum was examined. The hinoki cypress seedlings were transferred to nutrient solutions containing 5 mM AlCl3 together with various concentrations of Ca(NO3)2 in pots containing glass beads and Teflon tips. The growth in height and dry matter allocation to each organ was little influenced over a period of 12 weeks by either Al or the concentration of Ca(NO3)2. The activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) in the needles was stimulated by Al, and the effect of Al was lowered significantly by simultaneous application of 25 mM Ca(NO3)2. At week 1, the activity of catalase (CAT) in the needles was increased by Al, but the effect was no longer observed at week 12. The Al concentration in the roots was increased by treatment with Al, whereas the Al concentration in needles was not. These results indicate that rhizospheric Al stress stimulates antioxidative enzyme activities in hinoki cypress needles and the activation of the enzymes is suppressed by addition of Ca. The transmission of Al stress to the needles, which induced a change in the enzyme activity, is not caused by the transfer of the Al ion itself from roots to needles. This work was supported in part by funding from the Japan Science and Technology Corporation, the CREST program 1996–2001, and the Center for Forest Decline Studies.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the response of soil amendment applications on soil and the foliage nutrient status of a Japanese cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa Endlicher) plantation established following clear-cutting in a pine-wilt-disease (PWD)-disturbed forest. We established four soil amendment treatments [(compound fertilizer (CF), compound fertilizer + biochar (CFB), compound fertilizer + sawdust (CFS) and a non-treated control treatment] in an 8-year-old Japanese cypress plantation. Soil organic carbon (C) and total nitrogen (N) were not significantly different (P > 0.05) between the soil amendment treatments and the control treatments, whereas extractable phosphorus (P), NH4+, K+, and Mg2+ concentrations were significantly affected by the addition of biochar in CF. The mean soil CO2 efflux rates during the study period were the highest in CFB (0.79 g CO2 m?2 h?1), followed by CFS (0.71 g CO2 m?2 h?1), CF (0.62 g CO2 m?2 h?1), and the control (0.46 g CO2 m?2 h?1) treatments. Foliar N and P concentrations were significantly higher in the CFB than in the control treatments. The results suggest that the addition of biochar in CF can enhance extractable soil nutrients and foliar N and P conditions of Japanese cypress established in a PWD-disturbed forest.  相似文献   

Aboveground respiration of five 8-year-old trees of field-grown hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa (Sieb. et Zucc.) Endl.) was nondestructively measured at monthly intervals over 1 year with an enclosed standing tree method. The relationship between monthly specific respiration rate and monthly mean relative growth rate at the individual tree level was described by a linear equation. During the dormant season, respiration was used mainly for maintenance purposes, whereas during the growing season, more than 40% of the respiration was used for growth purposes, i.e., 60 to 70% in May. We conclude that annual maintenance and growth respiration of a tree are directly proportional to the aboveground phytomass and its annual increment, respectively. The maintenance coefficient was estimated to be 0.504 +/- 0.039 (SE) kg kg(-1) year(-1), indicating that the amount respired for maintaining already existing phytomass was equivalent to about half of the existing phytomass. The growth coefficient was estimated to be 0.772 +/- 0.043 (SE) kg kg(-1), indicating that the amount respired for constructing new phytomass was equivalent to about three-fourths of the annual phytomass increment. The annual stand maintenance and growth respiration were, respectively, 8.8 Mg ha(-1) year(-1) for an aboveground biomass of 17.4 Mg ha(-1) and 5.0 Mg ha(-1) year(-1) for an annual stand aboveground biomass increment of 6.5 Mg ha(-1) year(-1). About two-thirds of the total respiration was used to maintain already existing biomass, and about one-third was used to construct new biomass.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of soil water content on growth and transpiration of Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) and Hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa (Siebold et Zucc.) Endl.), potted seedlings were grown in well-watered soil (wet treatment) or in drying soil (dry treatment) for 12 weeks. Seedlings in the wet treatment were watered once every 2 or 3 days, whereas seedlings in the dry treatment were watered when soil water content (Theta; m3 m(-3)) reached 0.30, equivalent to a soil matric potential of -0.06 MPa. From Weeks 7 to 12 after the onset of the treatments, seedling transpiration was measured by weighing the potted seedlings. After the last watering, changes in transpiration rate during soil drying were monitored intensely. The dry treatment restricted aboveground growth but increased biomass allocation to the roots in both species, resulting in no significant treatment difference in whole-plant biomass production. The species showed similar responses in relative growth rate (RGR), net assimilation rate (NAR) and shoot mass ratio (SMR) to the dry treatment. Although NAR did not change significantly in either C. japonica or C. obtusa as the soil dried, the two species responded differently to the dry treatment in terms of mean transpiration rate (E) and water-use efficiency (WUE), which are parameters that relate to NAR. In the dry treatment, both E and WUE of C. japonica were stable, whereas in C. obtusa, E decreased and WUE increased (E and WUE counterbalanced to maintain a constant NAR). Transpiration rates were lower in C. obtusa seedlings than in C. japonica seedlings, even in well-watered conditions. During soil drying, the transpiration rate decreased after Theta reached about 0.38 (-0.003 MPa) in C. obtusa and 0.32 (-0.028 MPa) in C. japonica. We conclude that C. obtusa has more water-saving characteristics than C. japonica, particularly when water supply is limited.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature upon nighttime respiration was examined on four different sized sample trees in a 17-year-old hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa (Sieb. et Zucc.) Endl.) stand over two years. Seasonal changes inQ 10 values and their responses to mean temperature were investigated. On the basis of the monthly relationships between nighttime respiration (r) and temperature inside a chamber (θ),r=r 0exp (kθ), theQ 10 value (=exp(10k)) was calculated. TheQ 10 values were high (Q 10≥3.0) in winter when mean air temperature was low, and gradually decreased toward summer (Q 10≤1.5) through spring with increasing temperature. TheQ 10 values were negatively correlated with mean air temperature. The response ofQ 10 values to mean air temperature was described by a single equation, regardless of tree size. This result, which might be characteristic of this species, shows that respiration ofC. obtusa trees is promoted by slight increases of air temperature in winter season. On the other hand, temperature sensitivity of total respiration reduced during growing season when ambient temperature was high. These chaning temperature sensitivity according to seasons may depend on the seasonal change of the ratio of growth respiration to total respiration. It is concluded that changes in temperature due to changing seasons not only change respiration rate, but also change the response of respiration rate to temperature by shiftingQ 10 values.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of growth rate on intra-tree variation in basic density of hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa) quantitatively using the statistical modeling technique. Nineteen sample trees were harvested from 50-year-old hinoki stand which consists of two different growth rate plots. Disks were cut from sample trees at height positions of 2, 4 m, and then 4 m intervals until 16 m position. Radial strips were cut from the disks, and ring widths and basic density were measured at 5-ring intervals. The basic density decreased with age at any height positions. The linear mixed model was fitted to the age trend data having two nested grouping levels, i.e., tree and position within tree. Models having various mean and covariance structures were tested in devising an appropriate wood density model. The model, consisting of the mean structure with quadratic function of cambial age was able to describe the intra-tree variation in basic density. The model containing the random effects which consist of effect of the tree level and vertical stem position level explained the density variation adequately. The growth rate did not show the significant effect on the basic density variation within the stem.  相似文献   

The effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations on the nighttime respiration were examined for two sample branches of a hinoki cypress tree (Chamaecyparis obtusa) growing in the field with an open gas exchange system for a one-year period from July 1994 to June 1995. The branches were of a similar size and located at a similar position within the crown. One branch was subjected to an elevated CO2 concentration of 800 μmol mol−1 and the other was subjected to ambient air which had a CO2 concentration of about 370 μmol mol−1. Nighttime respiration rate was higher in elevated CO2 level than in ambient CO2 level. The relationship between nighttime respiration and the corresponding nighttime air temperature was fitted by the exponential function in every month of the year. The segregation of regression lines between the two CO2 treatments increased gradually as the seasons progressed during the treatment period. TheQ 10 values for nighttime respiration were lower in elevated CO2 (1.9 ≤Q 10 ≤ 3.7) than in ambient CO2 (2.4 ≤Q 10 ≤ 4.5) in every month of the year. TheQ 10 was inversely related to the monthly mean nighttime air temperature in both elevated and ambient CO2. The estimated daily nighttime respiration rate under both CO2 treatments had a similar seasonal pattern, which almost synchronized with the temperature change. The respiration ratio of elevated CO2 to ambient CO2 increased gradually from 1.1 to 1.6 until the end of the experiment. Our results indicate that the CO2 level and the temperature have a strong interactive effect on respiration and suggest that a potential increase in respiration of branches will occur when ambient CO2 increases.  相似文献   

Seasonal development of resinous stem canker was determined in Chamaecyparis obtusa trees wound‐inoculated with Cistella japonica in January 1996. Samples for anatomical analysis were harvested on 20 May, 9 July and 6 August in the second year of inoculation, and the sections were observed under light microscope. Resin exudation was most abundant in the second year, decreasing in the third. All new resin exudation in the second year was recognized at the May observation. New traumatic resin canal formation was observed in the August samples, and an expansion of necrotic lesions was observed mainly in summer samples in the inoculated trees and in naturally affected trees. Cistella japonica was re‐isolated from all bark lesions or inoculated wounds examined. These results suggest that the activity of Ci. japonica in the tree affects the seasonal development of resinous stem canker during the growing season of the trees.  相似文献   

Respiration measurements of aerial parts of 18-year-old hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa (Sieb. et Zucc.) Endl.) trees were made under field conditions over three years to study changing relationships with tree age between respiration and phytomass, phytomass increment, and leaf mass. The relationship between annual respiration (r(a)) and phytomass (w(T)) was approximated by a proportional function (r(a) = aw(T)), where the proportional constant (a) decreased year by year. The effect of time on the relationship between annual respiration and phytomass of each sample tree was fitted by a power function. Respiration of the tree suppressed by the canopy decreased year by year, but respiration of the other trees increased slightly with age. The relationship between annual respiration and leaf mass was also approximated by a generalized power function. Excluding the suppressed tree, the relationship between annual respiration (r(a)) and the annual increment of aboveground phytomass (Deltaw(T)) was described by a proportional function (r(a) = 2.27Deltaw(T)), where the proportional constant, 2.27, was independent of sample tree and year, indicating that about 2.3 times of the annual aboveground phytomass increment equivalent was respired annually. For any tree, the time constant relationships between annual respiration and leaf mass and phytomass increment for different-sized trees were similar to the corresponding time continuum relationships. In contrast, the time continuum relationship between annual respiration and phytomass differed from the time constant relationship, indicating that respiration of less active woody tissue contributed significantly to aboveground respiration. Based on the relationship between tree size and annual respiration, annual aboveground stand respiration was estimated to be 25.0, 26.9, and 25.8 Mg(dm) ha(-1) year(-1) for the three consecutive years, respectively, and the corresponding aboveground stand biomass was 60.0, 69.0, and 76.8 Mg(dm) ha(-1).  相似文献   

Leaf nitrogen nutrition of hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa Endlicher) was investigated at three positions along a slope over a period of 3 years. At each slope position, nitrogen properties were compared in patch-cut plots (0.06–0.09 ha) and uncut control plots (0.04 ha). Nitrogen cycling at the lower slope was characterized by a higher rate of soil nitrogen mineralization, and higher nitrogen concentration in fresh leaves and leaf-litter. The soil nitrogen mineralization rate and fresh-leaf nitrogen concentration in the patch-cut plots were higher than those in the control plots. However, leaf-litter nitrogen concentration did not differ between the patch-cut and control plots. The results suggest that slope position strongly affects leaf nitrogen nutrition of hinoki cypress and soil nitrogen availability. By contrast, patch cutting does not affect leaf-litter nitrogen concentration. These findings indicated that hinoki cypress would not enhance forest nitrogen cycling through changes in leaf-litter nitrogen concentration after patch cutting.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to examine the possible connection between the various ratios of calcium/aluminum (Ca/Al) in the nutrient solution of plant cultures and the active oxygen scavenging system of hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa) seedlings. The hinoki cypress seedlings were transferred to nutrient solutions containing 5 mM AlCl3 together with various concentrations of Ca(NO3)2 in pots containing glass beads and Teflon tips. The activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and glutathione reductase (GR) in the needles were estimated at several stages during the 7-day treatment. The samples treated with the lower Ca/Al solutions show the highest SOD activities. The activities of APX and GR, both of them involved in the ascorbate-glutathione cycle, showed the same tendency with decrease to higher Ca/Al ratio. These results indicate that rhizospheric Ca might compete with Al and ameliorate Al toxicity on and in the roots, the Al stress is not transformed to the needles after a few days, and the ascorbate-glutathione cycle in the hinoki cypress needles might fluctuate and be suppressed by the rhizospheric Al stress during the 7 days. This work was supported in part by funding from the Japan Science & Technology Corporation, the CREST program 1996–2001, and the Center for Forest Decline Studies.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the effects of a mixture of deciduous broad-leaved trees on soil fertility, we investigated litter biomass accumulation, mineral soil chemical and physical characteristics, characteristics of nitrogen mineralization, and the mutual relationships between them in Japanese cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa) stands mixed with deciduous broad-leaved trees at different ratios (mixture ratio; MR = 0, 16, 33, 43, 100% by basal area) in the northern Kanto region of Japan. Litter biomass in the forest floor and mineral soil was 19.1 Mg ha−1 in MR 0% and decreased approximately 60 % in MR 33%, MR 43% and MR100%. The permeability at 0–5 cm soil depth in MR100% was twice as much as that in MR 0%. Increases in soil permeability were likely due to larger soil pores in the higher MR with much accumulated deciduous broad-leaves. At 0–5 cm soil depth, the differences in carbon concentration among the plots were not clear. On the other hand, carbon concentrations at 5–10 cm depth increased from 90 g kg−1 to 147 g kg−1 with increases in MR from 0% to 100%. Concentrations of exchangeable bases increased two to four times with increases in MR from 0 to 100% at 0–10 cm depth. Soil pH (H2O) generally increased with increases in MR at each depth. The rates of net nitrogen mineralization at 0–5 cm depthin vitro increased from 25 to 87 mg kg−1 2 weeks−1 with increases in MR from 0 to 100%. However, increases in nitrification with increases in MR were not clear compared with nitrogen mineralization. These results indicated that a mixture of deciduous broad-leaved trees in a Japanese cypress stand was effective in preventing soil fertility decline. This study was supported by a grant from the Showa Shell Sekiyu Fundation for Promotion of Environmental Research. A part of this study was presented at the 7th International Congress of Ecology (1998).  相似文献   

To suppress the activity of house dust mites in tatami mats, where they tend to breed, a tatami mat consisting of hinoki (Chamaecyparis obtuse) wood-wool was prepared. The suppressive effect of hinoki wood-wool on house dust mites (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus) was then measured. To investigate the effective period of the wood-wool on the mites, 5-day exposure tests were conducted every few weeks for a total of 52 weeks. In the tests of the first and sixth weeks, the activity of the mites was strongly suppressed, and no walking or moving mite was found after 5 days of exposure. The suppressive effect on mites was maintained for 52 weeks. It was concluded that using hinoki wood-wool to produce tatami mats is an effective method of suppressing the activity of mites for about 1 year.  相似文献   

Transverse swelling and its anisotropy in hinoki (Chamaecyparis obtusa) in several kinds of organic liquids and in water were investigated by means the replica method. There was more cross-sectional swelling of cell walls and cell wall thickness in earlywood than in latewood. Marked swelling toward cell lumens was observed in wood swollen in liquids that had higher swelling potentials than water. This suggests that the swelling of cell walls in these liquids is much greater than the external swelling. Feret's diameters of the cell lumens were reduced by swelling in all the observed cases except in the tangential direction of earlywood, suggesting that cell walls swell to a much less extent in width than in thickness. Deformation of cell shapes caused by the tensile force from the latewood were observed in the earlywood and in the transitional region from earlywood to latewood. When swollen in water, transverse swelling anisotropy caused only by the swelling in cell wall thickness were calculated to be 1.2 for the whole region over an annual ring and 1.4 for the earlywood. These values could not account for the external swelling anisotropy of 2.1. Considering obvious deformations of cell shapes in the earlywood and in the transitional region, we conclude that the interaction between earlywood and latewood is one of the prime factors contributing to the transverse swelling anisotropy of coniferous wood.Part of this report was presented at the 48th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Nagoya, April 1998  相似文献   

Low density wood is more rapidly eroded than denser wood when exposed to the weather, possibly because it is more susceptible to photodegradation. Fourier transform infrared microscopy was used to examine: (1) the depth of photodegradation in earlywood and latewood of sugi (Japanese cedar) and earlywood of hinoki (Japanese cypress) exposed for up to 1500 h to artificial sunlight emitted by a xenon lamp (375 W/m2 within the 300 to 700 nm spectral range); and (2) the relationship between the density of wood tissues and depth of photodegradation. The depth of photodegradation varied between species (sugi and hinoki) as well as within a growth ring (sugi earlywood and latewood), and there was an inversely proportional relationship between depth of photodegradation and wood density. These findings may explain why low density earlywood is more rapidly eroded than latewood during weathering, and more generally, why there is an inverse relationship between the density of wood species and their rate of erosion during artificial and natural weathering. Part of this work was presented at the 54th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Sapporo, August 2004  相似文献   

Penetration rates of laser pulses transmitted from a small-footprint airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR) system in closed-canopy, middle-aged (40–50 years old) hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa Sieb. et Zucc.) and sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) plantations that had similar levels of canopy openness were studied. The number of transmitted pulses was 107 427 points/ha for the hinoki cypress stand and 122 883 points/ha for the sugi stand. The penetration rates of the first (Pf) and second pulses (Ps) that reached the ground were 0.1% and 1.0% in the hinoki cypress stand, and 2.6% and 5.5% in the sugi stand, respectively. Penetration rates for the total number of pulses (Pf+s) that reached the ground within each stand were 1.1% and 8.1%, respectively, and values for Pf+s, Pf, and Ps for sugi and hinoki cypress stands were significantly different (P < 0.001). The results of this study indicated that the generation of accurate digital terrain models in dense hinoki cypress stands with complex topographies using only the data from laser pulses with poor laser penetration rates is likely to be difficult.  相似文献   

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