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The understanding of animal products and dairy farming is important for the promotion of dairy farming. Thus, to examine the effects of farm experience on the understanding of animal products and the management of dairy farming, the interaction between students and dairy cows was investigated in groups of first‐year veterinary nursing students in 2011 and 2012 (n = 201). These students included 181 women and 20 men. Nine items about dairy cows were presented in a questionnaire. The survey was performed before and after praxis on the educational farm attached to the authors' university. After praxis on the farm, increases occurred in the number of positive responses to the items involving the price of milk, dairy farming and the taste of milk. For these items, a significant difference (P < 0.05) was found between the scores obtained before and after training. The results of the study suggested that farm experience is useful for improving the understanding of animal products and dairy farming.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to assess and compare the environmental impacts of two types of dairy farming systems, one of which makes use of whole‐crop rice silage and the other of which is conventional, using life cycle assessment (LCA). The functional unit was defined as 1 kg of 4% fat‐corrected milk (FCM). The processes associated with the dairy farming life cycle, such as feed production, feed transport, animal management including biological activity of the animal, and waste treatment were included within the system's boundaries. Environmental impacts of the rice silage‐using and conventional dairy farming systems were 987 and 972 g CO2 equivalents for global warming, 6.87 and 7.13 g SO2 equivalents for acidification, 1.19 and 1.23 g PO4 equivalents for eutrophication, and 5.53 and 5.81 MJ for energy consumption, respectively. Our results suggest that the dairy farming system using rice silage in Japan has smaller environmental impacts for acidification, eutrophication, and energy consumption, and a larger impact for global warming compared with conventional farming. Further interpretation integrating these impact categories suggested 1.1% lower environmental impact of the rice silage‐using dairy farming system as a whole.  相似文献   

A study was carried out to evaluate the impact of interventions to solve constraints in smallholder dairy farms of the Western Highlands of Cameroon. The interventions consisted of improved breeding through introduction of artificial insemination, better feed supplementation, farmers training in milk processing and better veterinary services. Results show that there was a decrease in average monthly expenditures of 18% relative to the month before interventions started. Much of the expenditures were related to feed (38% of all costs). There was an overall increase in farm income. Close to 2/3 of the income were derived from milk products from home processed milk and culled animals. Only 7% income came from milk sold to the processing plant. The partial budget shows that before interventions, farmers lost $4.5/cow/month but gained $38/cow/month because of the interventions. The return was 2.32 and included opportunity income for milk home consumed and shared. When this opportunity income was ignored, the return stood at 1.93. The positive impact of interventions led to poverty alleviation and some farmers acquired more cows. A spill over effect is that more crop farmers are willing to be engaged at least partially in dairy farming. It will be good if many more farmers could benefit from these interventions.  相似文献   

A survey on ovine dairy farms directly transforming own‐produced milk, in the Italian Marche region, was carried out to assess flock and milking practices that may influence milk hygienic‐sanitary conditions. A census survey established that 24 dairy farms were located in this region. Bulk milk samples were collected throughout the milking period in each dairy farm in 2013. Analyzed variables were: (i) chemical parameters such as fat, protein and lactose content, dry matter and pH; and (ii) total bacterial (TBC) and somatic cell counts (SCC). Chemical parameter values were in agreement with published data while, geometric mean (GM) log10 SCC was 5.91 and TBC GM was 57 978 colony forming units/mL, in compliance with Eropean Union criteria. A positive correlation was found between SCC and TBC when GMs of all farm data were considered (Spearman's rho = 0.7925; P = 0.0001). Statistical analysis did not show significant correlation between SCC or TBC GM and dairy farm principal characteristics. Although SCC levels detected in the present study should suggest the need to implement mastitis control programs, Marche's dairy sheep flocks revealed a good hygienic condition level. This is an important aspect in implementing safety for end users of the final product.  相似文献   

奶业是非洲居民重要的收入和就业来源,是重要的农业产业。2018年,非洲奶业生产总值171.22 亿美元,占畜牧业总产值的24.0%;奶牛存栏6 752.49 万头,主要集中在东非、北非和西非地区,养殖方式以散养为主,平均存栏仅3 头,部分品种仍以役用为主,牛奶生产仅是副产品,平均单产512.8 kg/头·年,年生鲜乳产量3 462.85 万t;埃及、肯尼亚和南非是主要的乳制品加工国家,加工量占非洲生鲜乳产量的近30%;2019年乳制品消费量折合生鲜乳为5 468.21 万t,鲜奶是最主要的消费品类,占60%以上,其次是奶粉和奶酪,分别占消费量(折合生鲜乳)的16%和15%,人均消费量有所下降,2019年为41.74 kg/人·年;乳制品贸易长期处于净进口趋势,2018年进口量198.72 万t,进口额48.57 亿美元,北非、西非和东非是主要进口地区。非洲奶牛养殖提升空间巨大,乳制品加工前景广阔,乳制品消费增长空间巨大,中国进一步加强与非洲奶业在奶牛养殖、乳制品加工以及奶业贸易等方面的国际合作,推动奶业走出去。  相似文献   

Dairy farming in Chiang Mai was established in 1965 by the Thai–German Dairy Project and was subsequently taken over by Department of Livestock development in 1970. Starting from 1979, the Dairy Farming Promotion Organization of Thailand also supports the development of dairy farming in northern Thailand. However, dairy farming in Chiang Mai still faces numerous problems. At present, farm sizes are relatively medium, with an average of 23.75 cattle/farm (cows, heifers and calves). Almost all dairy farmers are member of a dairy co‐operative that provides them with an artificial insemination service, supplies of concentrated feed, loans and a center for collecting milk. The average pasture area is 0.3 ha/farm. The main feed resources are green forage from the farm pasture, public areas and roadside pastures, which are abundant only in the rainy season. The farmers are forced to use crop by‐products as roughage in the dry season, especially rice straw, even though its nutritive value is limited due to its low digestibility, low nitrogen and low mineral and vitamin content. To improve the nutritional value of crop by‐products, physical and chemical treatments are implemented. Agro‐industrial wastes such as pineapple waste, sugarcane molasses, the peel, husk or silk of sweet corn and baby corn are also used as dairy feed.  相似文献   

我国乳制品消费结构发展不平衡,液态奶产销量占比过重,大量干乳制品需要进口。本文基于2016—2020年乳制品的消费结构占比,分析了我国目前乳制品的发展阶段、各乳制品的进口量对比,并结合乳制品新产业政策及理化性质分析预测乳制品市场的新走向;利用主成分分析法建立关于食物营养的评价模型,计算各乳制品得分以评估其营养素含量高低。研究结果表明,我国乳制品消费结构正从第二阶段向第三阶段过渡,我国奶酪制品的市场需求前景大;目前,我国大部分奶酪制品依靠进口,但国外奶酪制品的口味不被我国大部分消费人群接受。因此,具有较高营养价值和口感好的干乳制品在中国有着较大的发展潜力,同时,我国消费者正从“喝奶”向“吃奶”转变;对乳制品的现状及营养成分进行分析,可指导适合我国消费者的新产品研发。  相似文献   

奶山羊养殖是一项投资小、设备及技术要求低、资金周转快、收益相对稳定的养殖产业项目,很适应农村发展.奶山羊以产奶为主,奶肉兼用,可提供营养丰富、适口性好的生鲜乳和鲜羊肉,市场需求量大;近年来,活羊出栏价相对稳定,在中小城市,羊肉价格保持在80元/kg左右,鲜羊奶市场价格在14元/kg左右.奶山羊体格健壮、活泼好动,适应性...  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of substituting ear corn silage (ECS) for commercial formula feed on milk production and milk fatty acid profiles in grazing dairy farms during the summer season. A field survey was conducted on five grazing dairy farms in every summer month of 2017, 2018, and 2019. Three of the five farms substituted fresh ECS for the commercial formula feed at a ratio of 2:1 from July of each year (ECS farms). Other farms maintained the same feeding management as before (non‐ECS farms). An interview survey was conducted on each farm to calculate feed intake and milk yield per cow. Feed and milk samples were collected in each survey. Milk compositions and milk fatty acid profiles were determined. The substitution of ECS for the commercial formula feed did not affect milk yield or milk composition, but ECS farms maintained low levels of milk urea compared with non‐ECS farms (p < .01). The ECS substitution also influenced some of the milk fatty acid proportions; C16:0 and C16:1 increased, and trans‐11 C18:1, cis‐9,trans‐11 C18:2, and the sum of polyunsaturated fatty acids decreased, while these fatty acid proportions were maintained in non‐ECS farms throughout the summer season (p < .05).  相似文献   

本文对改革开放后我国生鲜乳价格、奶牛扩群和生鲜乳产量增速变化特点进行分析,提出奶牛养殖业存在类似典型畜牧业周期的“中国奶牛周期”,跨度长达8~9年,每个周期可分为“景气”+“调整”两阶段。牛奶消费增速不均衡、从业者非理性和奶牛繁殖长周期共同导致的生鲜乳供需错配,可能是中国奶牛周期产生的深层原因。通过4轮周期更替,当前我国奶牛养殖业在产业素质、一体化程度和产业成熟度方面均呈现积极变化。中国奶牛周期的探索对奶牛养殖业经营管理有积极参考意义。  相似文献   

骆驼奶的生产和消费具有悠久的历史,新时期随着骆驼乳制品新功能和丰富营养价值的发现,国内外需求迅速增长。本文分析了全球骆驼乳制品的产业链以及供给、成本和市场情况,结合中国骆驼奶生产、消费与流通实际,提出为促进骆驼乳制品的发展,在产业链前端要大力发展合作社模式;在生产加工环节需扶持生产厂商,加快产品创新和建立品牌;在流通阶段重视电子商务引发的流通革命,探索供应链利益共享机制;在行业内要制定更高层面的行业标准,加强管理净化市场;监管部门要打击仿冒假冒商品,提升消费者信心,逐渐培养消费市场,为西部荒漠地区开创新型产业和带动农民增收提供新的机遇。  相似文献   

Thirty‐six Holstein‐Friesian crossbred lactating dairy cows were used to determine the effects of linseed oil supplementation on performance and milk fatty acid (FA) profile. Three treatments were as follows: basal diet (56:44 Roughage:concentrate [R:C] ratio, dry matter basis) supplemented with 500 g of palm oil as control (PO), 500 g mixture (1:1, w/w) of palm oil and linseed oil (POLSO) and 500 g of linseed oil (LSO). The LSO supplementation had no effects on total dry matter intake (DMI), milk yield and milk composition. Compared to control cows, cows supplemented with LSO increased milk concentrations of cis‐9,trans‐11 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and n‐3 FA (P < 0.05), particularly C18:3n‐3, C20:5n‐3 and C22:6n‐3. Feeding LSO reduced concentrations of milk short‐ and medium‐chain saturated fatty acids (P < 0.05) while it increased concentration of milk unsaturated fatty acids (P < 0.05). Milk proportions of n‐3 FA increased, whereas n‐6/n‐3 ratio decreased in the LSO as compared with the control (P < 0.05). In conclusion, supplementing dairy cows' diet based on corn silage with LSO at 500 g/day could improve the nutritional value of milk with potential health‐beneficial FA without detrimental effect on milk composition or cow's performance.  相似文献   

丹麦是欧盟重要的畜产品生产国,是欧洲国家乳制品、肉类重要供应国,该国生产的三分之二农牧产品用于出口。近年来丹麦的奶牛养殖场数量不断减少,但养殖规模逐步扩大,保证了先进技术的应用,使奶牛单产不断提高,生鲜乳产量稳中有升;乳制品加工业经历集中和整合后,目前只有24家乳制品加工企业,包括合作社和私营两种形式。为了保证产业链的健康发展,丹麦乳制品加工企业均设定了合理的奶价制定机制,且为牧场提供了高效的第三方服务;丹麦乃至欧洲地区的消费者具有良好的乳制品消费习惯,但液体乳消费趋于饱和,奶酪消费增长明显。在乳制品贸易方面,丹麦始终保持净出口状态,主要的乳制品市场是欧盟地区的其他国家及亚洲国家。多年来,中国和丹麦形成了良好的奶业合作关系,未来两国将进一步加强和拓宽奶业合作,推动中国奶业的全产业链建设,促进两国奶业产业可持续发展。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the safety of a standardized Macleaya cordata Extract Product (MCEP) containing the quaternary benzophenanthridine alkaloids, sanguinarine and chelerythrine, when fed to dairy cows. Thirty‐six dairy cows were randomized into three groups with twelve cows/treatment in two replica pens for each treatment group: control (C) without MCEP added to feed, treatment 1 (SANG‐1000) with MCEP added to feed at 1,000 mg/animal/day (1.5 mg/kg bw/day) and treatment 2 (SANG‐10000) with MCEP added to feed at 10,000 mg/animal/day (15.5 mg MCEP/kg bw/day). After two weeks of acclimation, animals were observed for an 84‐day experimental period, with body weight, feed intake and milk production measured daily. Milk composition was analysed every two weeks. Haematological analyses were performed on Day 0 and Day 84, and clinical chemistry analyses were performed on Day 84 of the study. There was no statistically significant difference (p > .10) among the three groups on body condition score, milk production or milk composition over the study period. There were no significant differences in body weight gain or feed consumption among the three groups. Animals in the SANG‐10000 group had significantly higher mean corpuscular volume (MCV) than the C group (p < .1) and lower mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC) than the SANG‐1000 group (p < .1). Concentrations of sanguinarine and chelerythrine in milk samples collected on Day 84 were below the detection limit (LOD) as measured by high‐performance liquid chromatography‐mass spectrometry (HPLC‐MS/MS). In conclusion, this study presents compelling data supporting the hypothesis that the test product MCEP, when included in the TMR at up to 10,000 mg/animal/day (15.5 mg MCEP/kg bw/day), is well tolerated by dairy cows.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of rice grain conservation methods on feed intake, milk production, blood metabolites, and rumen fermentation in dairy cows. Raw rice grain was dried before crushing (DRY), ensiled after crushing (ENS‐A), or ensiled before crushing (ENS‐B). Twelve multiparous Holstein cows were used in a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square design with three dietary treatments comprising ad libitum access to one of three total mixed rations (TMRs; containing DRY, ENS‐A, or ENS‐B at 17% of dietary dry matter) plus a standard allowance of 2.0 kg/day of dairy concentrates. The dietary treatments did not affect the feed intake, milk yield, or milk composition. The selected blood constituents were not influenced by the rice conservation method. The ruminal lactic acid and total volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentrations and the VFA proportion in the cows were not influenced by the rice conservation method. These results demonstrate that the rice grain conservation method has little impact on lactation performance when cows are fed a TMR containing 17% treated rice grain (dry matter basis).  相似文献   

集约化养殖提高了牧场奶牛的生产效率,其生产过程中动物福利、环境保护以及产品质量等议题也逐渐引起消费者的关注。放牧养殖将户外放牧和牧草采食作为养殖模式的评判标准,其产品正逐渐受到欧美等发达国家消费者的青睐。饲料中的优质牧草是影响乳成分及其乳制品品质的主要因素之一,牧草中较高的纤维含量维持了瘤胃健康,较高的不饱和脂肪酸提高了乳脂中不饱和脂肪酸的比例,丰富的可降解蛋白提供了乳蛋白的合成原料,并且牧草中脂肪酸、氨基酸、碳水化合物和其他营养物质在奶牛体内的代谢影响了牛奶以及乳制品的感官品质。作者重点关注一些国家放牧养殖的实际状况和标准要求,及其与有机养殖的差异对比,并分析放牧养殖和全混合日粮喂养条件下饲料成分差异对奶牛瘤胃代谢的影响,以及由此造成的牛奶脂肪、蛋白成分和感官指标等方面的差异。  相似文献   

With the development of intensive cultivation in dairy cows,the production efficiency of dairy farms has been improved.However,issues such as animal welfare,environmental protection and product quality of dairy farm have received more attention.As judging criteria in the pattern,outdoor grazing and grass intake necessary in grass-fed farming,and its products are gradually being favored by consumers in developed countries,such as Europe and the United States.The effect of grass-fed on milk and dairy products mainly depend on the quality of forage grass.The high fiber content in forage grass maintains rumen health,high unsaturated fatty acids increase the proportion of unsaturated fatty acids in milk fat,and rich degradable proteins promote milk protein synthesis.The metabolism of fatty acids,amino acids,carbohydrates and other nutrients from forage in dairy cows may affect the sensory quality of milk and dairy products.This review focused on the actual situation and standard requirements of grass-fed in some countries,and their differences compared with organic farming,and analyzed the effects of feed composition differences on rumen metabolism of dairy cows under grazing farming and total mixed diet feeding conditions,as well as resulting differences in milk fat,protein and sensory indicators.  相似文献   

印度是南亚最大的国家,也是一个农业大国,近70%印度人的收入主要来源于农业,仅畜牧业对农业国内生产总值的贡献率就达到18%,成为印度农业经济的支柱产业.由于印度人宗教信仰的不同,印度畜牧业,特别是乳业的发展具有独特性.本文对印度乳业发展现状,包括奶牛养殖情况、乳业分布布局、乳制品加工和消费、乳业贸易等方面进行系统的梳理...  相似文献   

本文从乳品生产、牛奶价格、养殖结构以及优质饲草行业发展等4个方面,分析了2013年内蒙古奶业发展情况,认为当地奶业发展在进入转型调整期后,受国内、国际乳品市场价格和供求力量对比等因素影响,奶牛养殖行业结构升级与生产稳定之间存在微妙的动态平衡,乳品加工企业更加倾向于高盈利性产品市场的开拓。虽然产业自身及其外部都存在不确定性因素,但内蒙古奶业总体仍处于上升发展阶段。建议政府和金融机构加快理念转换,创新服务产品,为奶业发展营造更加稳定有利的外部环境。  相似文献   

乳房炎是奶牛常见的疾病之一,患病奶牛因其废弃奶的产生,以及治疗和淘汰等相关费用的增加,给奶牛养殖业带来了巨大的经济损失.目前,对于奶牛临床性乳房炎的治疗主要依赖于抗生素,而抗生素的长期大量使用会导致耐药性病原菌的产生和牛奶中的药物残留等问题.作为抗生素的潜在替代品,乳酸菌在防治病原微生物方面很有潜力,现综述了乳酸菌防治...  相似文献   

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