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A 2-year-old Tennessee Walking Horse colt was admitted for evaluation of signs of abdominal pain, inappetence, and constipation of 5 days' duration. Two days prior to the onset of signs, the owner had cut the sacrococcygeal muscles as part of a tail-setting procedure. On examination, the horse was febrile and lethargic, and intestinal sounds were not heard on auscultation. Results of peritoneal fluid analysis were indicative of peritonitis. The horse continued to deteriorate and died despite treatment with antimicrobials, flunixin meglumine, and balanced electrolyte solution. At necropsy, the peritoneal cavity contained approximately 20 L of serosanguineous fluid. One of the myotomy wounds was filled with yellow-green material that extended from the base of the tail along the ventrolateral aspect of the rectum and into the peritoneal cavity. Escherichia coli was isolated from the myotomy site and peritoneal fluid.  相似文献   

Two horses were presented with lethargy, weight loss, anorexia, and swelling of the limbs and ventral body wall. One horse, a 12-month-old American Paso Fino colt, also had acute abdominal pain. The other horse, a seven-month-old Tennessee Walking Horse (TWH) filly passed diarrheic stools during the initial examination. Each horse had low serum protein, neutropenia, and a normal packed cell volume (3.2 g/dl, 1300 cells/ul, and 38%, respectively, for the colt, and 2.4 g/dl, 696 cells/ul, and 44%, respectively for the filly). After intravenously administering plasma, the colt's PCV dropped to 23%, and the filly's dropped to 30%. During exploratory surgery, 3.5 and 2.0 meters of thickened terminal small intestine were removed from the colt and filly respectively, and a jejunocecostomy performed. The results of histologic examination of resected intestine were consistent with a diagnosis of equine granulomatous enteritis (EGE). Both horses showed clinical improvement within two days after surgery. The colt developed a neutrophilia (20,500 cells/ul) within 24 hours of surgery. Serum protein concentrations remained stable and gradually elevated to normal or near normal values of 7.0 g/dl (colt) and 5.8 g/dl (filly) by two weeks. The colt was killed four months after surgery because of signs of abdominal pain. Postmortem examination revealed a small intestinal volvulus associated with an adhesion. The TWH filly remains clinically normal 13 months after surgery.  相似文献   

Abstract A 1.5‐year‐old male Arabian horse was referred to the Louisiana State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital and Clinic for an open deep laceration involving two thirds of the right trunk. The initial CBC results included an inflammatory leukogram, characterized by a marked degenerative left shift consisting of only immature band neutrophils (7500/μL, reference interval 0–100/μL) with toxic changes and no segmented neutrophils (0/μL, reference interval 2700–6700/μL). On abdominal ultrasonography, free abdominal fluid was found and collected for analysis. Abdominal fluid had a marked increase in total nucleated cells (40,600 cells/μL) consisting of 74% nondegenerate neutrophils that all were hyposegmented, with mature condensed chromatin. Re‐evaluation of neutrophil morphology on the initial blood smear confirmed hyposegmentation and mature condensed chromatin, similar to that observed in cells in the abdominal fluid. A diagnosis of Pelger‐Huët anomaly (PHA) was made in this colt. Congenital PHA was documented on the basis of persistent neutrophil hyposegmentation on serial blood smears, ruling out of acquired causes of PHA, and findings of similar neutrophil hyposegmentation on blood smears from the colt's sire and the sire's siblings. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of congenital PHA in a horse.  相似文献   

A 2-year-old Standardbred colt was examined because of signs of abdominal pain of 12 hours' duration. Clinical signs of disease, including tachycardia and abdominal distention, and rectal palpation findings of distention and thickening of the ventral colon, were consistent with displacement or early strangulation obstruction of the large colon. Surgical exploration revealed volvulus of the large colon around an axis formed by the dorsal mesenteric attachment of the transverse colon. The cecum could be completely exteriorized and lacked the cecocolic ligament and dorsal mesenteric attachments. The dorsal mesenteric attachments of the right ventral and dorsal colons were also lacking. The viscera were repositioned, and the horse was discharged 13 days after surgery. The horse developed severe colic 6 months later and was euthanatized. Mesenteric volvulus and omental adhesions were found at necropsy.  相似文献   

This report describes a case of a multiple‐drug resistant strain of Acinetobacter baumannii associated with bronchopneumonia in a horse. A 6‐month‐old Thoroughbred colt was examined for a chronic lower respiratory tract disease. Prior to presentation to the University Veterinary Teaching Hospital (UVTH), the colt had been treated intensively in a private equine hospital for presumed antimicrobial‐induced enterocolitis following treatment with azithromycin and rifampin, and had been discharged on treatment of doxycycline for continued lower airway abnormalities. At the UVTH, investigation of the lower airway disease included a culture of a percutaneous transtracheal wash, which identified a multiple‐drug resistant strain of A. baumannii as the causative agent with sensitivity only to fluoroquinolones and trimethoprim sulphonamides. Following treatment with marbofloxacin there was full resolution of the bronchopneumonia. A. baumannii is a major nosocomial pathogen associated with infections in both animals and man and reports of multiple‐drug resistant strains have been documented worldwide. Outbreaks of A. baumannii infections have been reported to occur in very ill human patients housed in healthcare settings such as intensive care units, and are characterised by the rapid development of resistance to the majority of antimicrobials. The difficulties in the treatment of such cases as well as the potential risk of transmission within a veterinary clinical setting are discussed.  相似文献   

A yearling Thoroughbred colt was presented for investigation of neck stiffness and episodes of intermittent neck pain without neurological signs. Osteochondrosis (OCD) of the cervical articular process joints (APJs) was diagnosed with the aid of radiography and computed tomography. An articular osteochondral fragment of the left fourth caudal cervical articular process was removed arthroscopically following a cut down approach to the joint capsule of the affected APJ. Surgical removal resulted in resolution of clinical signs at 4 weeks. However, subsequently the horse was markedly ataxic 6 weeks post surgery after being found cast in its stable. Cervical stenotic myelopathy was considered the most likely cause based on clinical and radiographic signs and the horse was subjected to euthanasia due to a poor prognosis for racing. Post‐mortem examination identified atypical cartilage within several cervical APJs with histological changes consistent with OCD. This case report supports OCD of the APJs as a cause of neck pain and confirms the clinical practicality and short‐term effectiveness of arthroscopic fragment removal. Surgical treatment for cervical OCD should be considered in horses without neurological signs, although case selection is important and the underlying pathology remains a risk factor for the development of subsequent neurological signs.  相似文献   

Eikenella corrodens, a previously unrecognized pathogen in the horse, was isolated from the spinous process of the axis of a colt with signs of severe neck pain. Dorsal laminectomy (excising the infected spinous process and lamina) was performed and the colt was treated with antibiotics for 6 weeks. Recovery was uncomplicated.  相似文献   

Septic periorchitis in a horse   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 2-month-old Standard-bred colt with signs of abdominal pain and large scrotum was found to have septic periorchitis involving the right testis. Surgical exploration of the abdomen and scrotum was performed; the colt was then castrated. Actinobacillus equuli was isolated from specimens obtained at surgery. The colt was treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics and flunixin meglumine after surgery, and fully recovered. The clinical signs of periorchitis in the colt were similar to an inguinal/scrotal hernia.  相似文献   

A one‐year‐old Thoroughbred colt was evaluated because of facial nerve paralysis, ataxia and fever. Neurological evaluation found the colt to be obtunded and grade 3/5 ataxic in all 4 limbs. Right‐sided facial nerve paralysis was present and a large, deep corneal ulcer noted in the right eye. Signs of vestibular disease were also present, including circling towards the right and horizontal nystagmus. A complete blood count showed mild leucocytosis, neutrophilia and hyperfibrinogenaemia. A computed tomography (CT) examination of the skull was performed under general anaesthesia and a diagnosis of right sided otitis media‐interna was made. Culture of fluid taken from the middle ear and cerebrospinal fluid collected from the atlanto‐occipital site yielded pure growth of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis. Initial therapy consisted of antimicrobial treatment with cefotaxime and anti‐inflammatory treatment with flunixin meglumine. Six days after initiating treatment, the colt developed Clostridium difficile associated colitis. The colitis resolved with supportive care and the colt was discharged from the hospital receiving chloramphenicol. Eight months later, the colt continued to be mildly ataxic (grade 1/5), with a slight head tilt and facial nerve paralysis. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first reported case of otitis media‐interna due to C. pseudotuberculosis in the horse.  相似文献   

Strangulated umbilical hernias in horses: 13 cases (1974-1985)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The medical records of 13 horses with strangulated umbilical hernias were reviewed. Typical history included increased swelling, warmth, and firmness of the hernial sac. Enterocutaneous fistulas had developed in 2 horses. Four horses had signs of abdominal pain. Surgery was performed on all horses, and the hernia was reduced by an open reduction technique. Incarcerated tissue included omentum (1 horse), jejunum (5), ileum (4), cecum (1), and ventral colon (2). All horses survived and were discharged from the hospital. Follow-up information on 9 horses (5 to 52 months after discharge) revealed no complications in 6 horses. Of the remaining 3 horses, one horse was euthanatized 5 months after discharge because of laminitis. One horse had persistent drainage from the skin incision requiring removal of nonabsorbable suture material 8 months after discharge. One foal required a second surgery because of signs of abdominal pain 17 days after the initial surgery. The foal was euthanatized during surgery because of severe peritonitis secondary to anastomotic leakage.  相似文献   

A one‐day‐old Thoroughbred colt foal was presented for assessment of abdominal pain and reduced urine output. Physical examination of the foal revealed marked abdominal distension, mild tachycardia, tachypnoea and congested mucous membranes. A marked anechoic peritoneal effusion, intestinal hypomotility and mural thickening of the large colon were detected sonographically. Serosanguinous fluid was obtained by abdominocentesis. After haemodynamic stabilisation, the foal underwent general anaesthesia and exploratory laparotomy and a 720° volvulus of the large colon at the sternal and diaphragmatic flexures was identified. After correction of the volvulus, the intraoperative findings were consistent with nonviability of the affected portion of the colon. The owner declined partial colon resection and elected for euthanasia of the foal. Although rare in neonatal foals, large colon volvulus should be considered in foals with signs of abdominal pain, abdominal distension and ultrasonographic findings of colonic mural thickening and luminal distension.  相似文献   

This report describes the case management, histopathological and post mortem findings in a 23‐year‐old gelding with a peri‐rectal mass. The mass was debulked surgically and submitted samples revealed it to be a poorly differentiated carcinoma. In the post operative period the horse developed signs of abdominal pain and dysuria and was subjected to euthanasia. Post mortem examination revealed a large infiltrative mass located between the rectum and urethra, consistent with a carcinoma of an accessory genital gland, most likely the seminal vesicle.  相似文献   

This report describes caecal intussusception in two young half-sibling Standardbred horses. Both horses presented showing signs of low-grade abdominal pain. The horses remained haemodynamically stable despite signs of abdominal pain and associated tachycardia. Exploratory celiotomy was undertaken in both horses due to persistent abdominal pain and a poor response to administration of analgesic medications. Exploration of the abdomen revealed caeco-caecal intussusception in one horse and caeco-colic intussusception in the other horse. An underlying cause for caecal dysfunction and subsequent intussusception was not identified in either patient. Manual reduction of the intussusception was successful in both cases. The horses recovered uneventfully from surgery.  相似文献   

Objective: To report a case of enteric Salmonellosis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteremia in an adult horse. Case summary: A 7‐year‐old mare presented for signs of acute abdominal pain. Exploratory laparotomy allowed surgical correction of right dorsal displacement of the large colon with a 180° volvulus at the cecocolic ligament. Postoperatively, the mare developed fevers, leukopenia, and diarrhea. Salmonella newport was cultured from the feces and P. aeruginosa from 2 consecutive blood cultures. The mare responded well to intensive medical therapy. New or unique information provided: Bacteremia associated with colitis is unusual in an adult horse, although the percentage of animals that may be bacteremic is unknown. The bacteria isolated, P. aeruginosa, a common pathogen of other sites in the horse, has not, to our knowledge, been previously reported as a cause of bacteremia and septicemia in an adult horse.  相似文献   

This case report describes an unusual case of anaerobic peritonitis in a 2‐year‐old horse following castration. The horse was evaluated 2 weeks following castration for signs of acute, severe abdominal pain and swelling surrounding a previous castration site. Physical examination revealed marked scrotal and ventral abdominal oedema that was cool and crepitant upon palpation. Ultrasonographic evaluation was unrewarding because gas shadowing distributed throughout the subcutis prevented imaging of the abdominal cavity. Ventral midline celiotomy revealed a copious amount of malodorous, serosangious, cloudy peritoneal fluid that was submitted for culture. Abdominal exploration revealed the gastrointestinal tract to be in its anatomically correct position. There was diffuse petechiation of the small intestine and large intestine, oedema and crepitant swelling surrounding the left inguinal ring and body wall. The abdomen was lavaged with 10 l of sterile saline prior to closure of the celiotomy and the left castration incision was opened digitally, releasing a large volume of serosanguinous fluid and gas that flowed freely from the incision site and deeper inguinal tissues. The horse was placed in the recovery box where it suffered cardiac arrest. Culture of the peritoneal fluid revealed heavy growth of Clostridium septicum. This case of anaerobic peritonitis represents an unusual complication following castration not previously reported in the horse.  相似文献   

Three Standardbred foals, a colt approximately one month old and 2 fillies approximately 4.5 months old, from the same farm, presented to University of Pennsylvania's New Bolton Centre over the course of 3 months for further evaluation due to acute onset of colic. All foals had a history of diarrhoea prior to presentation. On presentation, the foals had abdominal distension, dull demeanour and repeatedly lay down and rolled. Exploratory celiotomy revealed a segment of stenotic (lumen diameter 1–4 mm) small colon with marked distension of the colon proximal to the stenotic segment. Post mortem examination of the foals confirmed stenosis of the small colon with a segment of ulcerative colitis associated with the stenotic region. An aetiological agent was not identified.  相似文献   

An 11‐year‐old Warmblood gelding with chronic bilateral epistaxis was diagnosed with an adenocarcinoma of the right ethmoid, based on transendoscopic biopsy. On computed tomography images, the cribriform plate was considered intact and the tumour was minimally invasive in surrounding tissue. The palliative treatment included a combination of surgical exploration and laser ablation. Following recurrence of the clinical signs one month later, intralesional formalin injection was performed. In the immediate post injection period, the horse developed severe neurological signs. Because of the overall poor prognosis, the horse was subjected to euthanasia. On post mortem examination, changes were seen in the frontal lobe consistent with diffusion of formalin through the cribriform plate. Care is needed when treating horses with intralesional formalin because macroscopic appearance of the cribriform plate may not relate to its functionality.  相似文献   

This report describes an 11‐year‐old Percheron mare that presented with signs of colic and was ultimately diagnosed with bacterial peritonitis of unknown origin. Bacterial culture of a peritoneal fluid sample isolated 2 Clostridial species, one of which was strongly suspected to be Clostridium haemolyticum. The horse was markedly hypoalbuminaemic at presentation, leading to the development of low oncotic pressure and ventral oedema. The mare was administered a low molecular weight/low molar substitution hydroxyethyl starch solution in conjunction with other therapies that resulted in marked improvement of clinical signs. The purpose of this report is to describe the clinical findings associated with equine peritonitis associated with C. haemolyticum, a rarely identified pathogen in the horse. Secondly, this report serves to describe the beneficial effects of tetrastarch administration in a clinical case with severe hypoalbuminaemia and ventral oedema.  相似文献   

A 15‐year‐old trotter gelding was evaluated because of an acute onset of ataxia in all 4 limbs. There was no known history of trauma. The gelding showed grade 2/5 ataxia in all 4 limbs, which was localised after clinical neurological examination to the cervical vertebral spinal cord. Initial therapy consisted of oral anti‐inflammatory doses of prednisolone and antimicrobial treatment with potentiated sulphonamides. The ataxia progressed to grade 3/5 at Day 10 of hospitalisation. Additionally, the horse was slightly depressed and showed spontaneous yawning during examination. Facial sensation was blunted. Blood chemistry revealed a marked elevation of liver specific enzymes and blood ammonia levels. Transcutaneous abdominal ultrasonography revealed hepatomegaly. Due to a guarded prognosis, the horse was subjected to euthanasia. At necropsy the left lateral liver lobe was markedly enlarged and showed a firm texture, whereas the cranial part and the right and quadratic liver lobe displayed a severe and diffuse atrophy. Histopathologically, the left lateral liver lobe revealed a moderate to severe cirrhosis with a severe, diffuse hepatocellular iron‐accumulation. Increased numbers of Alzheimer type II astrocytes in the cerebral cortex and cerebral white matter vacuolisation were indicative for encephalopathy. These findings were interpreted as haemosiderosis and cirrhosis of the liver with consecutive hepatic encephalopathy. Aetiologically, haemosiderosis should be considered as a cause of liver cirrhosis with consecutive hepatic encephalopathy. Although hepatic encephalopathy in horses usually presents with predominating cerebral signs, it has to be taken into account as a differential diagnosis in cases of acute onset generalised ataxia.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To report on the outcome of surgical treatment of acute abdominal crises in miniature breed horses. DESIGN: Retrospective case series of miniature horses presented to the University Veterinary Centre, Camden with an acute abdominal crisis. METHODS: Hospital records of all miniature horses that underwent ventral midline laparotomy for acute abdominal crisis between 1997 and 2001 were reviewed. The signalment, history, clinical signs, results of ancillary diagnostic procedures, location and type of intestinal lesion, treatment and outcome were retrieved from each case record. Long-term survival was determined by telephone interview of owners. RESULTS: Eleven miniature horses including five females and six males underwent ventral midline laparotomies for acute abdominal crisis during the study period. Ages ranged between 1 month and 19 years. Surgical findings included faecalith obstruction (seven horses), enterolith (one horse), strangulating lipoma of the descending colon (one horse), jejunal infarction (one horse), and caecal infarction (one horse). Long-term survival rate (minimum 12 months post surgery) was 55%. Six of eight horses with simple intraluminal obstructions survived, while the three horses with gastrointestinal lesions associated with vascular compromise were euthanased either at surgery (caecal infarction), or postoperatively, due to complications (strangulating lipoma of the descending colon, jejunal infarction). Postoperative complications in this study included impaction of the descending colon (two horses), diarrhoea (two horses), peritonitis (one horse), hyperlipaemia (two horses), incisional infection (two horses) and abdominal adhesions (one horse). Hyperlipidaemia was present in five of seven horses in which serum triglycerides were measured at presentation. CONCLUSIONS: Simple intraluminal obstructions of the large intestine were frequently encountered during exploratory laparotomy in miniature horses presented for acute abdominal crises, and their surgical treatment was associated with a good prognosis. In contrast, this study suggested that abdominal pain associated with vascular compromise of gastrointestinal tissues in miniature horses was associated with a poorer prognosis, consistent with reports in other horse breeds. Possible contributing factors to faecalith formation, including poor quality roughage, dental disease, and inadequate water consumption, should be recognised and avoided in miniature horses. Serum triglyceride concentrations should be measured in miniature horses presented for acute abdominal pain. If elevated, nutritional supplementation should be provided.  相似文献   

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