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This project compared the effects of hydrocolloid (HC) and hydrogel (HG) occlusive dressings and a polyethylene (PE) semi-occlusive dressing on the healing of acute full-thickness skin wounds on the forelimbs of 10 dogs. All treatments resulted in a similar degree of healing at postoperative days 4 and 7. No significant differences existed in the number of wounds that were more than 90% healed at postoperative day 28 between the group treated with the HG dressing and the group treated with the PE dressing. There were significantly fewer wounds more than 90% healed at postoperative day 28 in the group treated with the HC dressing. Wounds under the HG dressing had the largest mean percentage of contraction at postoperative days 21 and 28. Wounds under the HG dressing also had the largest contraction/re-epithelialization ratio (postoperative days 21 and 28) compared with wounds under the PE and HC dressings. Wounds under the PE dressing had a significantly higher mean percentage of re-epithelialization than wounds under both occlusive dressings on postoperative days 14, 21, and 28. Wounds under the two occlusive dressings had exuberant granulation tissue present more often than wounds under the PE dressing. The two occlusive dressings had significantly higher bacterial counts on wounds compared with wounds under the PE dressing; analysis of variance (ANOVA), P = .0008. Wounds under the HC dressing showed the poorest healing in all parameters.  相似文献   

Deslorelin acetate is a GnRH agonist used for contraception in dogs. This study aimed to evaluate the treatment of pre‐pubertal female dogs with deslorelin acetate implants, to better investigate the primary stimulatory effect of the drug and the long‐term effects on the genital tract, throughout repeated treatments. Sicilian hound female dogs (24) were randomly assigned to treated group, control group 1 and control group 2. First group bitches were implanted at 4.5, 9.0 and 13.5 months and monitored clinically, ultrasonographically and endocrinologically, throughout the study period (13.5 months). Control group 1 bitches were not implanted and clinically monitored for the same period. At 18 months, the animals underwent ovariohysterectomy, thus allowing evaluation of the internal genitalia. Control group 2 bitches were ovariohysterectomized at the age of 4.5 months. The suppression of oestrus was obtained in the treated group despite the fact that the first implant caused a modest increase in plasmatic levels of 17‐beta estradiol and an evident cornification of the vaginal mucosa cells (50–80%). Estradiol and progesterone were at baseline levels for the remaining study period, in which no other oestrous manifestations were observed. The external genitalia maintained a juvenile appearance. The ovaries, ultrasonographically, showed no follicular structures and stayed the same size. At 18 months, the genital tract was still juvenile with inactive small ovaries and a thin filiform uterus. Deslorelin suppressed ovarian activity in pre‐pubertal bitches, and oestrous induction was not observed despite the presence of the primary stimulatory effect of the drug. Juvenile genitalia were an expected side effect of the treatment.  相似文献   



Serum bile acid concentrations (SBA) and a histopathological biopsy score [Equine Vet J 35 (2003) 534] are used prognostically in equine hepatic disease.


Histopathologic features and scores, but not SBA, differ between survivors and nonsurvivors and correlate with histopathologic evidence of hepatic inflammation and fibrosis.


Retrospective study. Records (1999–2011) of horses with hepatic disease diagnosed by biopsy and with concurrent measurements of SBA.


Retrospective cohort study. Biopsies were examined for inflammatory cell infiltration including type and distribution, fibrosis, irreversible cytopathology affecting hepatocytes, hemosiderin, or other pigment deposition and bile duct proliferation. SBA, histopathological findings and a histological score [Equine Vet J 35 (2003) 534] were compared between short‐ (survival to discharge) and long‐term (>6 months) survivors and correlations between SBA and histopathological findings investigated.


Of 81 cases 90% survived short‐term and 83% long‐term. Short‐term and long‐term nonsurvival were associated with SBA (P = .009; P = .006), overall (P = .001; P = .002) and parenchymal (short‐term only; P = .01) inflammation, portal and bridging fibrosis (all P < .001), apoptosis or single cell necrosis (P < .001; P = .008), hemosiderin deposition in hepatocytes (P = .011; P = .028), biliary (both P < .001), vascular (P = .003; P = .045) and endothelial (P < .001; P = .02) hyperplasia, nucleic changes (P = .004; P < .001) and the histopathological score (both P < .001). SBA were significantly and positively correlated with overall (P = .001), parenchymal (P < .001) and portal (P = .004) inflammation and portal (P = .036) and bridging (P = .002) fibrosis.

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

SBA, histopathological findings and scores differ between survivors and nonsurvivors. SBA concentrations are associated with inflammation and fibrosis suggesting interference with hepatic function. A histopathological score >2 and, less so, SBA >20 μmol/L are specific but not sensitive indicators of nonsurvival.  相似文献   

Standardized 20 mm diameter excisional skin wounds were made on the body and distal limbs of 6 ponies at 18,12, 4, and 2 weeks prior to biopsy. The results of comparative area analysis of leg and body wounds show that leg wounds take significantly longer to heal than body wounds. There is a longer preparatory phase and a greater amount of wound retraction in the leg wounds. At 12 weeks postwounding, the area of the epithelium covering the wound site is significantly larger in the leg wounds compared to the flank wounds. Histological examination of the wounds showed that there is less epithelialization of leg wounds at 2 and 4 week postwounding, and that the granulation tissue of these wounds extends slightly above the level of the adjacent skin. Within the granulation tissue of leg wounds, there are clefts filled with fibrin and inflammatory cells. Once epithelialization is completed, the leg wounds are covered by acanthotic epidermis with numerous large epidermal projections. In contrast, the flank wounds are covered by thin epidermis devoid of epidermal projections. One wound at 18 weeks postwounding had histological features typical of a keloid.  相似文献   

Hepatocutaneous syndrome (HS) is an uncommon skin disorder that occurs in conjunction with liver disease and is diagnosed based on decreased plasma concentrations of amino acids and the histopathology of skin lesions. The survival period generally is <6 months. A 10‐year‐old castrated male Maltese dog was presented for evaluation of lethargy, polyuria, polydipsia, and skin lesions including alopecia, erythema, and crusts. Based on increased liver enzyme activity, low plasma amino acid concentrations, and findings from liver cytology and skin biopsy, the dog was diagnosed with HS. In addition to administration of antioxidants, hepatoprotective agents, and amino acids IV, allogenic adipose tissue‐derived mesenchymal stem cells were infused 46 times over a 30‐month period: 8 times directly into the liver parenchyma guided by ultrasonography and the remainder of the times into peripheral veins. After commencing stem cell therapy, the dog's hair re‐grew and the skin lesions disappeared or became smaller. During ongoing management, the patient suddenly presented with anorexia and uncontrolled vomiting, and severe azotemia was observed. The dog died despite intensive care. On necropsy, severe liver fibrosis and superficial necrolytic dermatitis were observed. The dog survived for 32 months after diagnosis. A combination of amino acid and stem cell therapy may be beneficial for patients with HS.  相似文献   

Objective— To compare the efficacy of recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein‐2 (rhBMP‐2)/calcium phosphate (CP) to autogenous cancellous bone graft (CBG) and to no treatment on bone healing, in surgically induced osteotomies and ostectomies of the accessory metatarsal bones in an equine model. Study Design— Experimental. Animals— Adult horses (n=9). Methods— Segmental ostectomies of the second metatarsal bone (MT2) and osteotomies of the fourth metatarsal bone (MT4) were performed bilaterally in 9 horses. There were a total of 35 defects (1 MT4 was previously fractured) created and supplemented randomly either with no treatment (untreated control), rhBMP‐2/CP cement, or matrix (CPC or CPM), or CBG. Radiography was performed every 2 weeks until study endpoint at 12 weeks. After euthanasia, bone healing was evaluated using radiography, mechanical testing, and histology. Data were analyzed with ANOVA followed by the Duncan's Multiple Range Test or nonparametric analyses. Results— At 12 weeks, radiographic scores for union were significantly greater for the rhBMP‐2 (P<.0001) and CBG (P=.004) groups compared with the untreated control group, for both MT2 ostectomies and MT4 osteotomies. The rhBMP‐2 treated MT2 had greater maximum torque to failure in torsion than CBG and control limbs at 12 weeks (P=.011). Histologic analysis demonstrated increased bone formation and more mature bone at the ostectomy site for MT2 in the rhBMP‐2 and CBG groups compared with the untreated control group. Conclusion— Injection of rhBMP‐2/CP into surgically induced ostectomies and osteotomies of the accessory metatarsal bones might accelerate early bone healing in the horse. Clinical Relevance— RhBMP‐2/CP may be as effective if not superior to CBG as an adjuvant treatment to accelerate healing of bone defects.  相似文献   

Background: Age‐related hearing loss (ARHL), or presbycusis, is the most common form of acquired hearing loss in dogs. Middle ear implants have been used successfully in people with ARHL who cannot benefit from conventional hearing aids. Hypothesis: Audibility improves in dogs with ARHL after implantation of the Vibrant Soundbridge (VSB) middle ear implant. Animals: Three Beagle dogs with ARHL, mean age 11.1 years. Methods: The dogs were assessed pre‐ and postoperatively by brainstem‐evoked response audiometry (BERA), otoscopy, and computed tomography scans of the ears. A VSB middle ear implant was implanted unilaterally. Three months later the functionality of the implants was assessed by auditory steady‐state responses (ASSRs), after which the dogs were euthanized for histopathological examination. Results: The VSB was implanted successfully in all dogs. Recovery from surgery was uneventful, except for transient facial nerve paralysis in 2 dogs. ASSRs showed that hearing improved after activation of the implants with a mean of 20.7, 13, and 16.3 dB at 1, 2, and 4 kHz, respectively. The implantation procedure did not affect residual hearing (with inactive implants) as measured by BERA. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Implantation of the VSB resulted in lower ASSR thresholds, but only at the higher gain settings of the audioprocessor. As in humans, a more powerful audioprocessor is required to treat sensorineural hearing loss exceeding 20 dB in dogs. A substantial improvement in patient‐owner communication will have to be demonstrated in future studies before the procedure can be recommended in clinical practice.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to investigate the inhibitory effects of long‐term deslorelin implant administration on the ovarian and uterine structures of female rats. A total of 16 non‐pregnant female rats were randomly assigned to two groups, each consisting of eight animals. Animals in the implant group (DESL) received subcutaneously (s.c.) a single deslorelin implant (4.7 mg), an analogue of GnRH, while no treatment was applied to the control group (CON). A single adult male rat was introduced into the cages of both the DESL and CON females after 6 weeks of implant administration. After 1 year of implant administration, all animals were killed and follicular structures and volumes of ovaries and uterus were examined using stereological methods. Stereological observations showed that the mean ovarian total volume of the DESL group (0.28 ± 0.07 cm3) was lower than that of the CON group (1.55 ± 0.23 cm3) (p < 0.001). On the other hand, the total number of pre‐antral follicles in the ovaries of DESL (555.32 ± 151.47) females were significantly lower than the control group (1162.96 ± 189.19) (p < 0.001). In the DESL group, the mean volumes of epithelium, endometrium, myometrium and total volume of the uterus were significantly (p < 0.001) lower than in the control groups. In conclusion, these findings indicate that the long‐term deslorelin implant (i) interferes with the normal cyclicity of female rats and (ii) affects the pre‐antral follicle population. Further studies will be required to determine the effects of long‐term deslorelin treatment on the pre‐antral follicle numbers and future fertility in other species.  相似文献   

The objective was to assess the effect of a short‐term scrotal hyperthermia in dogs on quantitative and qualitative ejaculate parameters, testicular blood flow and testicular and epididymal histology. After a control period, the scrotum of seven normospermic adult beagle dogs was insulated with a self‐made suspensory for 48 h. Nine weeks later, two animals were castrated, while in five animals, scrotal hyperthermia was repeated. Dogs were castrated either 10 or 40 days thereafter. In each phase of scrotal insulation, average scrotal surface temperature increased by 3.0°C. Semen was collected twice weekly throughout the experiment. Total sperm count did not change after the first hyperthermia, but it slightly decreased after the second (p < 0.05). Profiles of sperm morphology and velocity parameters (CASA) rather indicated subtle physiological variations in sperm quality than effects of a local heat stress. Chromatin stability of ejaculated spermatozoa as indicated by SCSA remained constant throughout the experiment. Perfusion characteristics of the gonads, that is, systolic peak velocity, pulsatility and resistance index at the marginal location of the testicular artery, did not change due to hyperthermia (p > 0.05). Histological examination of excised testes and epididymides for apoptotic (TUNEL and activated caspase‐3) and proliferating cells (Ki‐67 antigen) indicated only marginal effects of scrotal insulation on tissue morphology. In conclusion, a mild short‐term scrotal hyperthermia in dogs does not cause substantial changes in sperm quantity and quality. In contrast to other species, canine testes and epididymides may have a higher competence to compensate such thermal stress.  相似文献   

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