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Five modifications of a cricoarytenoid lateralization and two modifications of a thyroarytenoid lateralization laryngoplasty technique were evaluated for their effect on rima glottidis area. All procedures and evaluations were performed on canine cadaver larynges. Cricoarytenoid lateralization (CAL) techniques provided a greater increase of the size of the glottic opening than did any of the thyroarytenoid lateralization techniques. Cricoarytenoid and interarytenoid disarticulation associated with CAL did not significantly increase glottic size compared with normal. After disarticulation of the cricoarytenoid joint, there was no difference in glottic enlargement whether the suture was placed through the muscular process or through the articular facet of the arytenoid cartilage. Transection of the sesamoid band combined with cricoarytenoid diarticulation distorted the dorsal margin of the rima glottidis.  相似文献   

Objective— To assess the effect of 1 or 2 laryngeal prosthetic sutures on rima glottidis areas in equine laryngeal specimens. Study Design— Experimental, randomized design. Animals— Cadaveric equine larynges (n=16). Methods— Larynges were collected from 10 horses; 2 sutures each were preplaced in the right and left sides of each larynx. A dorsal suture (DS) was placed through the caudal rim of the dorsal midline of the cricoid cartilage, under the cricopharyngeus muscle and through the proximal and rostral aspect of the muscular process. A lateral suture (LS) was placed 1.5 cm lateral to the DS and through the muscular process more distal and caudal to the 1st suture. Larynges were positioned in a customized stand and the rima glottidis photographed after each suture (LS or DS) or suture combination (CS) was tied in random sequence. An additional 6 larynxes were used to determine whether the tension applied to the sutures was repeatable. Sutures were preplaced in both the right and left side of each larynx as described above and each suture and CS was tied and released 3 times in each larynx. Photographs were taken of the rima glottidis after each suture or CS was tied generating 3 replicates for each suture configuration on each side of the 6 larynges. Results— Mean rima glottidis area was not different between DS and LS when tied alone (P=.85); however, mean area after CS (DS+LS) was greater than DS (P<.001) and LS (P<.001) alone. The coefficient of variation for the 6 suture patterns were low (1–7%) and the intraclass correlation coefficient estimates were very high (0.997–0.998) demonstrating excellent repeatability between replicates for each of the 3 suture configurations. Conclusion— Our results suggest that laryngoplasty using 2 prostheses; 1 placed dorsally in the cricoid and through the rostral and proximal muscular process and 1 placed 1.5 cm lateral to the 1st and more caudal and distal in the muscular process results in a greater cross sectional area of the rima glottidis than either suture used alone. Clinical Relevance— Seemingly prosthetic sutures contribute independently to each other in determining the contour of the rima glottidis. Use of 2 prosthetic sutures improves crosssectional area of the rima glottidis compared with each suture alone and may improve surgical outcome in laryngoplasty.  相似文献   

The percentages of change in cross-sectional area and dorsoventral height of the rima glottidis were measured after seven types of laryngoplasty in 30 postmortem canine specimens. The mean increases in area after each procedure were, in decreasing order, bilateral cricoarytenoid disarticulation with interarytenoid sesamoid band transection before placement of arytenoid abduction sutures 350% +/- 42%, bilateral placement of arytenoid abduction sutures 318% +/- 40%, bilateral cricothyroid disarticulation before placement of arytenoid abduction sutures 255% +/- 51%, modified castellated laryngofissure 244% +/- 30%, unilateral cricoarytenoid disarticulation with interarytenoid sesamoid band transection before placement of an arytenoid abduction suture 161% +/- 25%, unilateral placement of an arytenoid abduction suture 151% +/- 24% and unilateral cricothyroid disarticulation before placement of an arytenoid abduction suture 108% +/- 25%. Bilateral cricoarytenoid disarticulation with interarytenoid sesamoid band transection before placement of arytenoid abduction sutures resulted in a significantly greater increase in rima glottidis area than modified castellated laryngofissure and all unilateral arytenoid abduction techniques. Modified castellated laryngofissure resulted in a significantly greater increase than unilateral placement of an arytenoid abduction suture and cricothyroid disarticulation before placement of an arytenoid abduction suture. Bilateral disarticulation of the cricothyroid joint before placement of arytenoid abduction sutures resulted in significant collapse of the dorsoventral height of the rima glottidis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the clinical effects of unilateral thyroarytenoid lateralization versus unilateral cricoarytenoid laryngoplasty for the treatment of canine laryngeal paralysis. Study Design-A prospective, clinical trial. ANIMALS: Twenty client-owned dogs admitted to Glasgow University Veterinary Hospital (GUVH) between 1997 and 1999 with a diagnosis of laryngeal paralysis. METHODS: A thorough evaluation of each dog was undertaken that included history, physical and neurologic examinations, complete blood count, serum biochemistry profile, serum thyroxine (T4) level, and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) assay. The exercise tolerance of each dog was investigated by assessing respiratory rate and arterial blood gas analysis at rest and after 5 minutes of mild exercise. Animals were included in the study on the basis of a definitive diagnosis of laryngeal paralysis made by endoscopic observation of the larynx in the lightly anesthetized patient. The animals were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 treatment groups: unilateral thyroarytenoid lateralization or unilateral cricoarytenoid laryngoplasty, with all procedures being performed by the same surgeon. Video images of the rima glottidis were recorded pre- and postoperatively using video endoscopy. Video images were digitized and the area of the rima glottidis measured using image-analysis software. An increase in the area of the rima glottidis was expressed as a percentage of the preoperative area. All animals were reassessed 6 weeks' postoperatively, and exercise tolerance tests were repeated. RESULTS: The mean increase in the area of the rima glottidis postoperatively when compared with the preoperative area was 140% for those animals undergoing unilateral thyroarytenoid lateralization (range, 120%-158%) and 207% for those animals undergoing unilateral cricoarytenoid laryngoplasty (range, 183%-228%). This difference was statistically significant (P < .0001). At the 6-week postoperative examination, there was no significant difference in improvement between the 2 groups when compared on either a clinical basis or exercise tolerance tests. The mean surgical time in the 2 groups was 25 minutes for thyroarytenoid lateralization and 43 minutes for cricoarytenoid laryngoplasty. This was a statistically significant difference (P = .002). CONCLUSION: Although increase in area of the rima glottidis was significantly greater after unilateral cricoarytenoid laryngoplasty compared with unilateral thyroarytenoid lateralization, no difference in clinical outcome could be detected. However, the cricoarytenoid laryngoplasty procedure required significantly more surgical time. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Both unilateral cricoarytenoid laryngoplasty and unilateral thyroarytenoid lateralization are successful methods for the treatment of laryngeal paralysis; however, thyroarytenoid lateralization requires less surgical time to perform.  相似文献   

1997年至 2 0 0 0年应用流行病学、血清学、病理学等方法对勃利地区 14个乡 (镇 )的马属动物 2 6 34匹进行了马传染性贫血病调查和检测 ,结果 1997年检查 10 0 8匹马 ,琼扩阳性率为 4 .3% ;1998年检查 970匹马 ,琼扩阳性率为7 4 % ;1999年检查 2 77匹马 ,琼扩阳性率为 5 .4 % ;2 0 0 0年检查 379匹马 ,琼扩阳性率为 7.4 %。每年剖杀 2匹琼扩阳性马 ,共 8匹马 ,作病理学观察 ,均表现为慢性型的马传贫病理变化。  相似文献   

马梨形虫病是由马驽巴贝斯虫和马泰勒虫寄生于马属动物的红细胞内所引起的一类血液原虫病,呈全球性分布,尤其在新疆发病率更高,处于逐年上升趋势,对区域性马产业的发展影响极大。为了解2018年新疆昭苏养马区域马梨形虫的感染情况,随机采集昭苏县18个乡镇的马全血及血清各858份,采用PCR和间接ELISA分别进行检测,对两种方法检测的18个地区、不同年龄阶段的马驽巴贝斯虫、马泰勒虫及混合感染情况进行统计学分析。结果显示,PCR检测马驽巴贝斯虫、马泰勒虫及混合感染的阳性率分别为12.12%、13.87%和2.80%;间接ELISA检测马驽巴贝斯虫、马泰勒虫及混合感染的抗体阳性率分别为15.50%、10.14%和2.56%;不同年龄阶段筛查结果显示,在6岁以下的马匹感染马驽巴贝斯虫、马泰勒虫及混合感染的阳性率较高,并且不同地区的不同年龄阶段马匹的马梨形虫感染率存在不同程度的差异。此次获得的昭苏县马梨形虫感染情况的一线数据,可为当地养马区域马梨形虫病的综合防控提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

Effective prevention and treatment of osteoarthritis for horses is still needed. This research tests the ability of glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate (GLN/CS) to mitigate inflammatory and mechanical stress in vitro. In this study, GLN/CS mediate this effect by a decrease of the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO) and a decrease of proteoglycan release from the extracellular matrix in stressed cartilage explants. Explants were cultured with interleukin-1 (IL-1) + mechanical trauma with and without GLN/CS. NO and prostaglandin E2 were measured as indicators of an inflammatory response. Glycosaminoglycans were measured as an indicator of cartilage breakdown. NO levels in the stressed explants with GLN/CS treatment were lower than the IL-1 + mechanical impact treatment alone and did not differ from control group. The glycosaminoglycan release was also lower in the GLN/CS treatment than the IL-1 + mechanical impact treatment, although the prostaglandin E2 concentration was not affected. This study offers some evidence that GLN/CS treatment can partially mitigate the catabolic response to inflammatory stress and mechanical trauma in equine cartilage explants. These results provide additional support for the continued study on the benefit of GLN/CS for horses with cartilage degeneration.  相似文献   

为研究夏热冬冷地区风机出风口位置对高密度笼养蛋鸡舍内温度场的影响,以江西省4列5层纵墙小窗进风、最小通风模式的高密度笼养蛋鸡舍为研究对象,选取舍外温度相同的时间段,测试同一鸡舍使用纵墙和山墙风机两种工况下的舍内温度场分布(两种模式通风量相等)。分别采用图表法和云图法分析对比两种通风模式的温差及温度分布情况。结果表明,在测试条件下,长度、宽度方向温度均匀性山墙风机通风明显优于纵墙风机,高度方向温度均匀性纵墙风机略优于山墙风机。两种通风方案的分析结果可以为夏热冬冷地区高密度笼养蛋鸡舍环境设备的配置及使用提供参考。  相似文献   

Objective— To investigate neutrophil accumulation after ischemia and reperfusion (IR) in microvascular tissue flaps in horses.
Study Design— Randomized controlled experiment.
Sample Population— A total of 8 horses between 1 and 10 years of age, 4 of each sex.
Methods— Control and experimental myocutaneous island flaps based on the superficial branch of the deep circumflex iliac vessels were dissected on each horse. Atraumatic vascular clamps were applied to the pedicle of the experimental flap for 90 minutes and then removed to allow reperfusion. Based on the assumption that rapid infiltration of neutrophils into affected tissues is a hallmark of IR injury, radiolabeled autogenous leukocytes were used to indirectly quantify neutrophil accumulation in flap tissues. Labeled leukocytes were administered through a jugular catheter 30 minutes before flap reperfusion. Biopsies were collected from each flap over a 6 hour postischemia time period; in group 1 (  n = 4  ) from 0 to 6 hours postischemia, and in group 2 (  n = 4  ) from 24 to 30 hours postischemia. Biopsies were examined scintigraphically and histologically for evidence of neutrophil infiltration.
Results— All control flaps survived and 6 of 8 experimental flaps survived. There was no significant evidence of acute neutrophil infiltration into flap tissues after reperfusion in either group.
Conclusions— The results of this study suggest that equine myocutaneous flap tissues can survive a 90-minute ischemic period and reperfusion. No significant evidence of the occurrence of IR injury in flap tissues was found.
Clinical Relevance— The reasons for the previously reported failures of equine free tissue transfer remain uncertain, but they do not appear to be caused by neutrophil mediated injury associated with ischemia and reperfusion.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of breed of stallion and individual stallion on secondary sex ratio (SSR; the proportion of male foals at birth). Data associated with the sex of foals and the sire, as well as the breed and age of sire were retrieved from the database of the Equestrian Federation of the Islamic Republic of Iran. In total, data consisted of 4,491 birth records from 92 stallions. Stallions were from three breeds of Arabian, Thoroughbred, and Akhal-Teke. Data were analyzed using univariable and multivariable logistic regression. Proportion of colts was 63.0% (427/678), 46.1% (1,545/3,355), and 53.9% (247/458) in Arabian, Thoroughbred, and Akhal-Teke stallions, respectively. In Arabian stallions, SSR was skewed toward males (P < .0001; odds ratio, 1.701), whereas in Thoroughbred stallions, it was skewed toward females (P = .001; odds ratio, 0.853). Secondary sex ratio was not skewed in Akhal-Teke stallions (P > .05). Secondary sex ratio in Thoroughbred stallions was lower than that in Arabian (P < .0001; adjusted odds ratio, 1.983) and Akhal-Teke (P = .010; adjusted odds ratio, 1.527) stallions, but SSR did not differ between Arabian and Akhal-Teke stallions (P > .05). There was the effect of individual stallion on SSR in Arabian and Thoroughbred breeds (P < .0001) but not in Akhal-Teke breed (P > .05). In conclusion, the present study showed the effect of breed of stallion and stallion itself on sex ratio of foals.  相似文献   

建立马肌肉挫伤模型,应用超声学方法,观察肌肉厚度、肌肉血流信号等指标,探索ZD制剂肌肉挫伤的治疗效果。将15匹蒙古马随机分为试验药物组(ZD制剂)、阳性药物组(按摩乳软膏)和阴性对照组(生理盐水),10kg重物于2m高处自由下落捶击肩部肌肉4次,制作肌肉挫伤模型。于造模后2h、1d、3d、5d、7d、10d、15d、25d、30d用超声检测造模部位肌肉厚度、肌肉回声强度、肌肉内部回声和血流信号。在15d治疗期内,ZD制剂组造模部位消肿显著优于阳性药物组和阴性对照组,其中慢性期消肿效果显著优于阳性药物组,表明ZD制剂对肌肉挫伤肿胀有着良好的治疗效果,在慢性期效果更佳;ZD制剂组造模部位的局部肌肉血流信号发展优于阳性药物组和阴性对照组,表明ZD制剂有助于损伤部位新生血管产生和血流量的增加,对肌肉挫伤的治疗有着积极作用。试验表明ZD制剂对肌肉挫伤模型损伤部位消肿、促进血液循环有着显著的促进作用。  相似文献   

Osteochondral fragments were created arthroscopically on the distal aspect of both radial carpal bones in 12 horses. On day 14 after surgery, one middle carpal joint of each horse was injected with 2.5 mL Betavet Soluspan (3.9 mg betamethasone sodium phosphate and 12 mg betamethasone acetate per milliliter) and the contralateral joint was injected with 2.5 mL saline as a control. Intra-articular treatments were repeated on day 35. On day 17, six horses began exercising 5 days per week on a high-speed treadmill. The other six horses were kept in box stalls throughout the study as nonexercised controls. On day 56, all horses were examined clinically and radiographically and then were euthanatized. Samples were obtained for histological, his-tochemical, and biochemical evaluation. Mild lameness was observed in five of the six exercised horses at day 56; four horses were lame in the control limb and one horse was lame in the treated limb. Of the five nonexercised horses evaluated for lameness, two were lame in the control limb, two were lame in the treated limb, and one was lame in both the control and the treated limb. No differences were noted on radiographs or palpation of steroid treated limbs versus control limbs. Firm reattachment of the osteochondral fragment to the radial carpal bone occurred in all but three joints. Gross cartilage damage was not different between steroid-treated joints and joints injected with saline. Histologically, there were no significant detrimental effects of betamethasone with or without exercise, but there was a tendency for more pathological change in treated joints. There was a trend toward decreased glycosaminoglycan staining in steroid treated joints of rested horses, whereas exercised horses had similar glycosaminoglycan staining in treated and control joints. No significant difference in the water content or uronic acid concentration was detected between treated and control joints. Intra-articular betamethasone administration in this carpal chip model was not associated with any significant detrimental effects in either rested or exercised horses.  相似文献   

为了研究适宜马精液体外保存pH,本研究选取4匹4~12岁英纯血种公马,收集精液置于pH为6.5、6.7、6.9、7.1、7.3和7.5的INRA82和INRA96稀释液中,低温保存1、24、48和72h后,利用计算机辅助精子分析仪检测评价精子质量。结果表明:INRA96基础稀释液pH为7.1和7.3组保存48h后活精子比例(Total Mobility,TM)分别为81.33%±1.15和80.33%±4.04,显著高于pH为6.5和7.5组的72.67%±3.81和73.00%±4.58(P0.05),与其他各组间无显著差异(P0.05);INRA82基础稀释液pH为6.9组保存48h后活精子比例(Total Mobility,TM)为74.75%±3.51,显著高于pH为6.5和7.5组的67.75%±3.14和52.50%±1.53(P0.05),与其他各组间无显著差异(P0.05)。结果提示,马精子体外保存的适宜pH区间为6.9~7.3之间,当pH低于6.7或高于7.3时,随着保存时间的延长精子活力会明显下降。  相似文献   

Thoroughbred and Standardbred horses in race training were selected at random and examined for gastric ulcers. The mucosa of the stomach was examined by endoscopy and was scored for ulcers on a scale of 0 (no ulcers, normal mucosa) to 3 (severe ulceration with at least five deep lesions). A total of 79 horses were examined; 37 of these horses had one to four follow-up examinations, and 42 horses had only an initial gastroscopic examination. On the first examination, 33 of 79 (42%) horses had normal mucosa (ulcer score = 0), and 22 of 79 (28%) had ulcers with an ulcer score of 2 or greater. Seven horses (9%) had severe gastric ulceration (ulcer score = 3). The average ulcer score for all 79 horses on initial examination was 1.1 and 1.2 for the 37 horses with follow-up gastroscopic examination. Males (including male castrates) had slightly higher ulcer scores (1.2) than females (1.0), and 2-year-old horses had lower ulcer scores (0.7) than horses older than 3 years (1.4), but these differences did not reach statistical significance. Each of these average scores was significantly (P < .05) greater than zero. For the 37 horses with follow-up examinations, the males had higher scores (1.6) than females (0.7), and 2-year-old horses had higher ulcer scores (1.0) than 3-year-old horses (0.7) and lower ulcer scores than horses older than 3 (1.8), which were statistically significant. Follow-up examinations revealed ulcer scores ranging from 0 to 3; 23 of 37 (63%) horses had an ulcer score of 2 or greater, and 4 of 37 (12%) horses had severe ulcer disease. Average ulcer scores were significantly higher at subsequent examinations than at the initial examination. Risk of gastric ulceration increases with the length of time horses are in race training.  相似文献   

Addition of hyaluronan, a nonsulfated glycosaminoglycan, to fresh and frozen thawed human semen results in substantial retention of motility over time. Hyaluronan also has been reported to preserve postthaw viability and maintain membrane stability of boar spermatozoa. Therefore, experiments were designed to investigate the use of a commercially available hyaluronan (Map-5, Bioniche Animal Health, Inc., Athens, GA) in freezing extender for cryopreservation of equine spermatozoa. In experiment 1, aliquots from ejaculates were supplemented before freezing with one of four levels of hyaluronan: 100 μg/mL, 200 μg/mL, 400 μg/mL, and 1000 μg/mL along with an untreated control. No differences in sperm motility, assessed by computer-assisted sperm motility analysis (CASA), were found for any treatment at times 0, 30, or 60 minutes postthaw. Decreases in motility were noted in the highest hyaluronan group (1,000 μg/mL) after 90 and 120 minutes of incubation. Sperm viability, as assessed using SYBR-14/propidium iodide staining, was decreased (P < .05) when treated with 1,000 μg/mL compared with the control (37.1% and 46.1%, respectively). Motility parameters tended to remain elevated in those ejaculates treated with 200 μg/mL at various time points. Experiment 2, therefore, further investigated the effects of hyaluronan at 200 μg/mL on motility parameters and acrosome integrity and zona pellucida binding. Total (TM) and progressive (PM) motility of treated sperm immediately after thawing and at 60 minutes post-thaw were higher compared with control (P < .05). A tendency (P < .1) to maintain TM at 90 and 120 minutes post-thaw also was noted. No differences were noted for the mean number of spermatozoa bound to bovine oocytes for control or treated sperm (22 ± 14 vs 25 ± 17, respectively). Acrosome integrity also was unchanged between the two groups based on fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)−peanut agglutinin (PNA)/propidium iodide staining. All samples contained <1% live acrosome-damaged spermatozoa. In the final experiment, the effects of hyaluronan supplementation post-thaw was investigated using hyaluronan concentrations of 100, 200, and 400 μg/mL. Motility parameters studied over an 8-hour period at 37°C yielded no consistent differences. In conclusion, addition of hyaluronan at a concentration of 200 μg/mL before freezing increased spermatozoal post-thaw motility. High concentration of hyaluronan (1,000 μg/mL) appeared to be detrimental to post-thaw motility. Effects of hyaluronan on fertility are beyond the scope of this study and have yet to be determined.  相似文献   

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