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The aim of this questionnaire‐based study was to identify which analgesics are currently prescribed to donkeys in clinical practice and to collect opinions from veterinary surgeons and donkey owners on the importance of different pain‐related behaviours in donkeys. Questionnaires were completed by 143 veterinary surgeons and 93 donkey owners. Phenylbutazone, flunixin, detomidine and butorphanol were reported as the most frequently used analgesics in donkeys. Most veterinary surgeons reported administering these drugs at the horse dose rate and dosing interval, which may be inappropriate in the donkey. Four pain‐related behaviours were identified as very important by veterinary surgeons and owners: dullness for colic‐associated pain, keeping the foot lifted, and lameness for foot and limb pain and inability to chew properly for head and dental pain. This is a more limited behavioural repertoire than has recently been identified to be associated with pain in the donkey and suggests that the respondents were reporting perceived wisdom as to what people think are the behavioural signs associated with pain or were not interpreting pain‐related behaviours correctly.  相似文献   

This study investigated the location of the nasolacrimal orifice (NLO) and course of the nasolacrimal duct in the mule using visual examination, gross dissection and computed tomography (dacryocystography [CT‐DCG]) and concluded that the location of the NLO is distinct from that described for horses and donkeys and is easily located, by visual examination alone, within the internal cutaneous tissue of the lateral wall of the external nares. The course of the nasolacrimal duct caudal to the nasal vestibule is similar to that of the horse.  相似文献   

Donkeys are bred throughout the world and often play an important role in agriculture. They are also bred to produce mules. Traditionally, jacks are considered challenging to breed in domestic conditions, whether for natural breeding or semen collection using either jennies or mares. The donkey's natural sexual behaviour significantly differs from that of other domestic animals. This presents challenges for in‐hand donkey breeding, particularly on mule studs where normally only jacks and mares are kept for breeding. This article describes some of the authors' observations on sexual behaviour in donkeys and practical experience of some of the strategies employed to apply this knowledge to breeding management, in order to improve the success of using donkeys for both natural service and semen collection.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: As mule production is often concentrated in remote areas of the world, a simplified semen cryopreservation protocol is required. Aim: To compare the seminal parameters of cryopreserved donkey semen in lactose‐EDTA and lactose‐yolk extenders and the fertility rates on horse mares. Methods: Trial 1: Sperm total and progressive motility, vigour (scale 0–5), morphology (major and minor defects) and plasma membrane integrity (HOST) were evaluated in 25 ejaculates from 5 donkey jacks immediately after collection (raw), after chilling to 5°C (chilled) and after freezing/thawing. The semen was mixed with skimmed‐milk extender, centrifuged, and then re‐suspended in lactose‐EDTA or lactose‐yolk extender. Semen was loaded into 0.5 ml straws and chilled to 5°C for 1 h, after which samples were either evaluated (chilled semen) or placed above liquid nitrogen for 20 min prior to immersion. Seminal parameters were evaluated by ANOVA and Tukey's test. Trial 2: Cryopreserved semen from 3 males was used to inseminate 53 mares at 60 oestrous cycles randomly assigned to lactose‐yolk (n = 30 cycles) or lactose‐EDTA (n = 30 cycles) extenders. Pregnancy diagnosis was performed 15 and 25 days post ovulation. The pregnancy rates were compared using Chi‐squared tests. Results: Trial 1: No significant differences were evident in any seminal parameters between extenders after either chilling or cryopreservation. Total and progressive motility were significantly (P<0.05) lower in cryopreserved semen than raw and chilled semen for both extenders. Trial 2: Pregnancy rates did not significantly differ between extenders (lactose‐EDTA extender 53.33 and 43.33%; lactose‐yolk 50.0 and 46.66% for Days 15 and 25 post ovulation, respectively). Conclusions: Cryopreservation of donkey semen using the simplified lactose‐yolk extender resulted in similar seminal parameters and fertility rates when compared to lactose‐EDTA extender. Potential relevance: Lactose‐yolk extender may be advocated as a simple, easy to prepare extender, for use in geographically isolated enterprises producing mules throughout the world.  相似文献   



To compare postoperative analgesia following either intraperitoneal (IP) ropivacaine or bupivacaine in dogs undergoing ovariohysterectomy (OVH) in the scope of multimodal analgesia.

Study design

Prospective, randomized, blinded clinical study.


A total of 45 privately owned dogs undergoing OVH, aged 37 ± 28 months and weighing 11.3 ± 4.5 kg.


Dogs were premedicated with acepromazine (0.05 mg kg?1) and morphine (0.5 mg kg?1) intramuscularly (IM). Anaesthesia was induced with alfaxalone and maintained with isoflurane in oxygen. Carprofen (4 mg kg?1) was injected subcutaneously after intubation. Dogs were randomly assigned to receive either bupivacaine (group B; 3 mg kg?1) or ropivacaine (group R; 3 mg kg?1) IP prior to complete closure of the linea alba. At 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 hours after extubation, sedation and postoperative pain were assessed, using the short form of the Glasgow Composite Pain scale (GCPS-SF), a dynamic interactive visual analogue scale (DIVAS), and mechanical nociceptive threshold (MNT) measurement. Rescue morphine (0.2 mg kg?1) was administered in case of ≥ 5/20 or ≥ 6/24 in the GCPS-SF and/or >40 mm in the DIVAS. Parametric data were compared using the t test; nonparametric data were analysed with the two-sample Wilcoxon test (p < 0.05).


The GCPS-SF score was significantly higher in group R at 8 hours. There was no other significant difference regarding sedation or analgesia between the groups. Rescue analgesia was administered to 15 dogs (R: 9/22; B: 6/22), with no significant difference between the groups. MNT values decreased in both groups at all time points when compared to baseline. No adverse effects were observed.

Conclusions and clinical relevance

Ropivacaine or bupivacaine IP in combination with morphine IM and carprofen SC provided comparable postoperative analgesia in dogs after OVH for 6 hours. However, the anaesthetic protocol used did not prevent the administration of rescue analgesia in 41% of animals.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular and pulmonary effects of a new sedative/analgesic (medetomidine) as a preanaesthetic drug in the dog. A study was carried out to investigate the possible usefulness of medetomidine (Farmos Group, Turku, Finland) for premedication prior to general anaesthesia with thiopental sodium and halothane. The main emphasis was laid on the circulatory and respiratory effects of medetomidine. Dogs treated with xylazine (2 mg/kg) or placebo (physiological saline solution) served as controls. Medetomidine caused a decrease in blood pressure, heart rate and respiratory rate at all dose levels tested. These decreases were essentially dose -dependent, but there were great individual variations.It is concluded that the drug can be useful for premedication at the lowest dose level tested (10 μ/kg). The sedative effect, however, is so strong that an even lower dose might be sufficient for the present purpose.  相似文献   



To assess and compare the sedative and antinociceptive effects of four dosages of dexmedetomidine in donkeys.

Study design

Randomized, controlled, crossover, Latin-square, blinded study.


Six healthy, castrated, adult, standard donkeys.


Dexmedetomidine (2, 3, 4 and 5 μg kg?1; D2, D3, D4 and D5), acepromazine (0.1 mg kg?1) and saline were administered intravenously to each donkey and a 1 week interval was allowed between successive trials on each animal. Sedation scores (SS) and head heights above ground (HHAG) were used to assess sedation and mechanical nociceptive threshold (MNT) testing to assess antinociception over 120 minutes post-treatment. Areas under the curve (AUC) for 0–30, 30–60 and 60–120 minutes were computed to compare the effect of treatments.


SS-AUC0–30 values were larger for D4 and D5, and SS-AUC30–60 values were larger for D5 than for saline. All dexmedetomidine treatments produced lower HHAG-AUC0–30 and HHAG-AUC30–60 values, and acepromazine produced lower HHAG AUC60–120 values than did saline. For MNT, D3, D4 and D5 increased AUC0–30 and AUC30–60 values compared with saline and also AUC0–30 values compared with D2 and acepromazine. Smaller MNT-AUC30–60 values were obtained with D2 than with D4 and D5, with D3 than with D5, and with acepromazine than with D4 and D5.

Conclusions and clinical relevance

Dexmedetomidine induced sedation and dosage-dependent mechanical antinociception. Larger dexmedetomidine dose rates were required to induce antinociception than sedation. Furthermore, the antinociception induced by dexmedetomidine was of shorter duration than its sedation. For minor painful procedures on standing donkeys, D5 may be clinically useful to provide sedation and analgesia.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: To determine the sedative, analgesic and anaesthetic drugs and techniques that are used by equine veterinarians. Hypothesis or objectives: To provide equine veterinarians with information concerning veterinary use of anaesthetic techniques, a reflection of the collective experiences of the profession. Methods: A survey was conducted of those members of the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) with an electronic mail address on file with the organisation using proprietary, web‐based software. The survey was comprised of 30 questions divided into 8 sections: nonsteroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs; local anaesthesia; alternative techniques; standing chemical restraint; epidural anaesthesia; short‐term anaesthesia; long‐term anaesthesia; and a place for the respondent to make comments. Results: The response rate was 13.8% (952/6911) AAEP member veterinarians primarily use phenylbutazone and flunixin as anti‐inflammatory drugs, and lidocaine and mepivacaine for local anaesthesia. Combinations of drugs are preferred for standing chemical restraint. While many veterinarians frequently utilise short‐term anaesthesia, longer anaesthesia is less frequently performed. Conclusions: Most AAEP member veterinarians use sedatives in combination to provide standing chemical restraint. Extra‐label use of drugs is a core component of current equine sedation and anaesthetic practice. Potential relevance: Equine veterinarians can compare their choices of anaesthetic drugs with others practising equine medicine and surgery and may be stimulated to investigate alternative methods of providing comfort to horses.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo describe the anatomy and approaches reported for peripheral nerve blockade (PNB) of the pelvic limb in dogs and cats and to consider the role of PNB in relation to the extradural technique.Databases usedThis review was conducted using the terms ‘nerve block’, ‘extradural’ ‘dog’ and ‘cat’ entered into Pubmed and Google. Results were filtered manually to narrow the field to pelvic limb nerve blocks. The reference lists of retrieved papers were scrutinized to identify further studies for inclusion.ConclusionsSuccessful PNB techniques require thorough anatomical knowledge for the establishment of reliable landmarks, puncture sites, the direction and depth of needle insertion, and relevant structures to be avoided. To date, clinical evaluations have been made in subjects undergoing stifle surgery where the sciatic nerve has been blocked in combination with various approaches to the femoral nerve. Currently the bulk of literature examines new approaches to these nerves and each of these is described. To date there are no veterinary studies directly comparing one approach versus another, and therefore one is unable to draw conclusions of superiority. The role of PNB’s versus the extradural technique is discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to determine and evaluate the sedative, analgesic, clinicophysiological and haematological effects of intravenous (i.v.) injection of detomidine, detomidine‐butorphanol, romifidine and romifidine‐butorphanol. Six standing donkeys were used. Each donkey received 4 i.v. treatments and the order of treatment was randomised with a one‐week interval between each treatment. We found that i.v. injection of a combination of detomidine‐butorphanol or romifidine‐butorphanol produced potent neuroleptanalgesic effects thus providing better, safe and effective sedation with complete analgesia in standing donkeys compared with injection of detomidine or romifidine alone. The changes and reduction in pulse rate were within acceptable limits. The changes in clinicophysiological, haematological and biochemical values were mild and transient in these clinically healthy donkeys.  相似文献   

Analgesia usually occurs within 5 min after administration of local anaesthetic solution into joints or around nerves in the distal portion of the limb. Gait should be assessed within 10 min after diagnostic regional analgesia of the distal portion of the limb because rapid diffusion of anaesthetic solution can result in anaesthesia of other nerve branches, thus confusing results of the examination. A palmar digital nerve block (PDNB) anaesthetises most of the foot, including the distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint (coffin joint), rather than just the palmar half of the foot, as was once commonly believed. To avoid partially anaesthetising the proximal interphalangeal joint (pastern joint), the palmar digital nerves should be anaesthetised near or distal to the proximal margin of the collateral cartilages. Clinicians should be aware that an abaxial sesamoid nerve block (ASNB) may ameliorate or abolish pain within the metacarpo/metatarso‐phalangeal joint (fetlock joint). Mepivacaine administered into the DIP joint desensitises the DIP joint and probably the palmar digital nerves to also cause anaesthesia of the navicular bursa, the navicular bone, the toe region of the sole, the digital portion of the deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT) and the distal portions of the collateral ligaments of the DIP joint. When a large volume of mepivacaine HCl (e.g. 10 ml) is administered, the heel region of the sole may also be desensitised. Only a small percentage of horses with disease of the collateral ligament(s) of the DIP joint show a significant improvement in lameness after intra‐articular analgesia of the DIP joint, and no horse is likely to improve after intrabursal analgesia of the navicular bursa. A PDNB, however, improves lameness substantially in most horses that are lame because of disease of the collateral ligament(s) of the DIP joint, and all affected horses are likely to become sound after an abaxial sesamoid nerve block. The degree of improvement in lameness associated with injury to one or both collateral ligaments of the DIP joint after PDNB is determined by the extent of the injury and the level at which the palmar digital nerves are anaesthetised. The further proximal the level of the injury within the collateral ligament, the less likely that lameness is ameliorated by analgesia of the DIP joint or a PDNB. Verschooten's technique appears to be the most accurate technique for centesis of the navicular bursa. Even though analgesia of the DIP joint results in analgesia of the navicular bursa, analgesia of the navicular bursa does not result in analgesia of the DIP joint. Pain arising from the DIP joint can probably be excluded as a cause of lameness when lameness is attenuated by analgesia of the navicular bursa. Analgesia of the digital flexor tendon sheath (DFTS) is likely to desensitise only structures that are contained within or border on the sheath itself (i.e. the superficial and deep digital flexor tendons, the straight and oblique distal sesamoidean ligaments, the annular ligaments of the fetlock and pastern, and the portion of the DDFT that lies within the foot). Because lameness caused by disease of the DDFT within the foot may fail to improve appreciably after analgesia of the palmar digital nerves, the DIP joint, or the navicular bursa, a portion of the DDFT within the foot and distal to the DFTS probably receives its sensory supply from more proximal deep branches of the medial and lateral palmar digital nerves that enter the DFTS. Performing intrathecal analgesia of the DFTS on horses with lameness that is unchanged after anaesthesia of the palmar digital nerves but resolves after an ASNB, may be useful in localising lameness to that portion of the DDFT that lies within the foot. Resolution of lameness after intrathecal analgesia of the DFTS justifies suspicion of a lesion within the digital portion of the DDFT or within structures contained within the DFTS. The belief that concurrent or sequential intra‐articular administration of medication substantially increases the risk of joint infection or that inflammation caused by the local anaesthetic solution may dampen the therapeutic response to intra‐articular medication appears to be unfounded.  相似文献   

Ketamine is the most commonly used injectable anaesthetic in horses. Combinations of ketamine have been used to produce short durations of anaesthesia or as total intravenous anaesthesia (TIVA) for longer diagnostic or surgical procedures. In recent years, ketamine has been used for pain management due to its effectiveness in producing analgesia at subanaesthetic doses. This paper provides a review of the pharmacological effects of ketamine in general and its clinical use for injectable anaesthesia and pain management in horses.  相似文献   

以半番鸭血液基因组为模板进行PCR扩增,获得了半番鸭Agouti基因部分序列,该序列长为1178bp。序列分析表明该序列由部分第1外显子(92bp)、第1内含子(105bp)、完整的第2外显子(95bp)、完整的第2内含子(851bp)和部分第3外显子(35bp)组成;应用PCR-SSCP技术对扩增序列进一步研究发现位...  相似文献   

A mature donkey was presented for evaluation of a forelimb lameness and presence of a large mass on the left forelimb distal to the elbow joint. Clinical examination, radiographs and cytological examination of ultrasound‐guided fine needle aspirates of the mass led to a presumptive diagnosis of osteosarcoma. The donkey was subsequently subjected to euthanasia. Post mortem examination confirmed the diagnosis of osteosarcoma in the proximal radius with expansion of the mass through the ulnar cortex and metastases to liver and regional lymph nodes, areas of metastasis previously unreported in the equine literature.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Wounds are one of the primary welfare concerns of working equids and are often related to harness or load‐bearing packs. Objectives: To identify and quantify factors associated with the presence of pack wounds in donkeys and mules working in the wood trade in the Midelt (Northern High Atlas) region of Morocco, and to compare wounds of these donkeys and mules to those working in other trades. Methods: The study population comprised equids working in the Midelt region involved in the wood trade. Comparison populations were comprised of equids working in other trades, in the same region and in Khemmiset region (lowlands of Central Morocco). Wounds were numbered and scored according to their severity. Questionnaires were used to gather data from owners, and objective data regarding the animal, berdaa (back‐pack) and load were collected. Data were analysed using multilevel uniand multivariable regression models to allow for clustering of wound sites within an equid. Results: Analysis showed an overall pack wound prevalence of 54% (n = 80/147). The most common site was the withers. Equids working in the wood trade were at increased risk of suffering pack wounds. Equids in the lowland study population were at increased risk of developing pack wounds, and donkeys were at increased risk of suffering pack wounds compared to mules both overall and within the wood trade. Other factors affecting the prevalence of wounds included the cleanliness of the berdaa and the frequency and distances of work imposed on the equid. Conclusion: Pack wounds in donkeys and mules are common in the 2 study regions of Morocco and appear to be associated with work factors including the trade the equids work in, the frequency and distances of work imposed and cleanliness of the pack. Donkeys are more susceptible than mules to developing pack wounds. Potential relevance: These results allow recommendations to be made to owners of equids that may decrease the prevalence of wounds and, therefore, improve welfare and working capability of these equids. Research is required to identify reasons for regional difference in prevalence of pack wounds in equids not working in the wood trade.  相似文献   

Objective To compare the effects of intravenous (IV) and extradural (ED) methadone on end‐tidal isoflurane concentration (Fe ′ISO) and postoperative analgesic requirements in dogs undergoing femoro‐tibial joint surgery. Study Design Randomized, blinded, clinical study. Animals Twenty‐four healthy client‐owned dogs undergoing surgical repair of ruptured cruciate ligaments. Methods Dogs were randomly assigned to two groups of 12 animals and received either ED or IV methadone (0.3 mg kg?1 diluted with saline to 0.2 mL kg?1). Pre‐anaesthetic medication was IV acepromazine (0.05 mg kg?1). Anaesthesia was induced with propofol and maintained initially with an Fe ′ISO of 1.0% delivered in oxygen. Methadone was injected with the dogs in sternal recumbency; the observer was unaware of the administration route. At 10 minutes (stimulation 1) and 20 minutes (stimulation 2) after methadone administration pelvic limb reflexes were tested by digit‐clamping. The time at skin incision (stimulation 3), joint‐capsule incision (stimulation 4), tibial tuberosity drilling (stimulation 5), fabellar suturing (stimulation 6) and extracapsular tightening (stimulation 7) were noted. Changes in heart rate (HR) and respiratory rate and arterial blood pressure associated with surgery were recorded along with the corresponding Fe ′ISO. After 20 minutes of anaesthesia, Fe ′ISO was decreased to the minimum required to maintain stable anaesthesia. Immediately after tracheal extubation, 1, 2, 3 and 6 hours postoperatively and on the morning after surgery, the degree of pain present was assessed using a numerical rating scale. The HR, respiratory rates and blood pressure were also recorded at these times. Serum cortisol and blood glucose concentrations were measured before pre‐anaesthetic medication and at each postoperative pain scoring interval except at 1 and 2 hours. Ketoprofen (2 mg kg?1), carprofen (4 mg kg?1) or meloxicam (0.2 mg kg?1) were given by subcutaneous injection whenever pain scoring indicated moderate discomfort was present. Results Controlled ventilation was required in six dogs which stopped breathing after IV methadone. The median Fe ′ISO at stimulus 5 was 1.0% in the IV and 0.83% in the ED group. At stimulus 6, Fe ′ISO was 1.0% in the IV and 0.8% in the ED group; the difference was statistically significant (p ≤ 0.05). There was no significant difference in the duration of postoperative analgesia associated with administration route. Conclusions Extradural methadone significantly reduces the isoflurane requirement compared with IV methadone during femoro‐tibial joint surgery in dogs. Clinical relevance Extradural methadone provides safe and effective pain relief in dogs undergoing cruciate ligament repair.  相似文献   

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