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美洲幼虫腐臭病的诱发因素及其防治山东济宁市任城区教师进修学校(272131)胡方钺笔者从60年代起开始养蜂,在专业和业余养蜂的30多年中,发现同样携带美洲幼虫腐臭病原菌的蜂群,在同一时期并不全部发病,同一蜂群,今年有病明年不一定发病。这说明该病的发生... 相似文献
患美洲幼虫腐臭病蜂群的处理[加拿大]科尔特,D.蜜蜂美洲幼虫腐臭病(AFB)是由幼虫芽孢杆菌(Bacilluslaruae)引起的。它是所有蜜蜂幼虫病中最严重和影响最大的疾病。如果不加控制,它将在蜂群内和蜂群间蔓延,造成蜂群衰弱及蜂群死亡。而这种疾病... 相似文献
美洲幼虫腐臭病病原及防治方法中国农业科学院蜜蜂研究所(100093)董秉义美洲幼虫腐臭病又叫烂子病、臭子病,是蜜蜂幼虫细菌性顽固性传染病,传染快,危害大。该病常年均会发生,一般多流行在夏秋高温季节。患病蜂群轻者影响繁殖和采集力,重者造成全群甚至全场蜂... 相似文献
<正>2009年夏,笔者蜂场内的部分蜂群发生了美洲幼虫腐臭病,封盖幼虫及初期蛹不断死亡,死虫躺在房壁,喙向下伸出,棕色, 相似文献
美洲幼虫腐臭病(简称美腐病)是蜜蜂毁灭性的传染病,是由幼虫似芽孢杆菌幼虫亚种(Paenibacil-luslarvaesubsp.larvae,简称幼虫似芽孢杆菌)使蜜蜂幼虫受到感染死亡。1只病虫就可以产生25亿个芽孢,它的芽孢在恶劣环境下有顽强的生命力,在干燥条件下至少可以存活35年。美腐病的发生除了幼虫似芽孢杆菌的感染以外,与蜂群的抵抗力有很大关系。抗生素只能杀死幼虫似芽孢杆菌的营养细胞,不能杀死芽孢,美腐病暴发和流行的潜在危险仍然存在。世界各国都把美腐病列为重要的检疫对象,不断地研究改进诊断方法。1诊断通常是根据子脾和幼虫的表面症状做出… 相似文献
V Drobníková 《Veterinární medicína》1978,23(3):185-190
The authoress studied the growth of Bacillus larvae on different nutrient media and its ability of decomposing hydrogen peroxide and reducing nitrates. There are also instructions for rapid cultivation and biochemical diagnosis of Bacillus larvae. It can be performed in any microbiological laboratory, the culture medium can be prepared from available commercially produced preparations, and B. larvae can be detected in suspected material even out of the season, if the method of selective cultivation and repeated pasteurizing is used. Catalase test is proposed to be added to the examination; the result of this test was negative in all 96 strains studied. Photographic documentation of different developmental stages of B. larvae can serve as an aid in microbiological examination. 相似文献
1972年中蜂囊状幼虫病在全国暴发。1972年冬季我的蜂场在岳阳采冬桂花时传染上此病,当时我有500脾中蜂,第二年春季感染中囊病,染病后逃亡了20多群蜂。当时治病无方,蜂群所剩无几,此后在《中国养蜂》杂志上刊出过很多治疗中囊病的中草药我都用过,但这些药物只能起一些抑制作用,解决不了根本问题,到头来蜂群越搞越少,始终没有对付中囊病的特效药。我想,中囊病这么严重,中蜂并没有绝种,还是归功于大自然的生存法则。中蜂感染中囊病是难免的,于是我利用自然淘汰生存法,加上人为管理更进一步地加以控制,收到良好效果,使中囊病损失降低到最小程度,现将我的防治方法介绍如下: 相似文献
The mode of transmission between hosts (horizontal versus vertical) of disease agents is important for determination of the evolution of virulence in pathogens. For disease management, it is imperative that the epidemiology of the disease is understood and pathogen transmission rates between hosts is a key factor for this understanding. Surprisingly little is known about transmission rates in honey bee pathology. We have studied the rate of vertical transmission of Paenibacillus larvae, the causative agent of American foulbrood (AFB) in honey bee colonies, as colonies reproduce by colony fission (swarming), by culturing for the spores from repetitive samples of adult bees. The results demonstrate vertical pathogen transmission to daughter swarms. The spore density declines over time in both mother colonies and daughter swarms if mother colonies do not exhibit clinical disease symptoms. Occasional positive samples more than a year post swarming, also in daughter swarms, indicate production of infectious spores from diseased larvae, without clinical disease observable by beekeepers, and/or maintenance of infective spores in the hive environment, allowing both horizontal and vertical transmission to be maintained. The results suggest that the virulence of AFB, being lethal at colony level in contrast to other bee diseases shaped by evolution, could be dependent on apicultural practices and that the pathogen probably would be maintained without causing frequent colony mortality in a natural system. 相似文献