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Evidence for a herpesvirus as an etiologic agent of marek's disease   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

From 18 donor dogs of different breeds and ages, follicular lesions of the third eyelid (plica senilunaris conjunctiva) and genitalia were surgically removed, trypsinized, and inoculated on monolayers of HeLa, rabbit kidney, and canine kidney cell cultures. Blind passages of the lesion material were made every 96 hours for 10 to 15 cell culture passages. Cellular suspensions prepared from the lesions were grown in test tubes and passaged 3 times at 10-day intervals between passages. All cultures were observed each day for cytopathic effect. Transmission studies were made by (1) inoculating normal pups with cellular suspensions of the lesions from an infected dog and an infected pup, (2) placing normal pups in contact with infected ones for contact transmission, and (3) inoculating normal animals with cell suspensions prepared from inoculated monolayers. Cytopathic changes were not seen in any of the cell culture monolayers. All transmission attempts were successful, in that characteristic lesions comparable in appearance to those seen in natural infections were produced in susceptible pups. The lesion material from an infected pup was found to be infective for a normal pup after 6 passages in tissue culture (primary rabbit kidney cells) despite absence of cytopathic effect.  相似文献   

Epizootic bovine abortion (EBA), or foothill abortion as it has often been termed, is a tick-borne disease of pregnant cattle recognized in California, Nevada and Oregon. The primary objective of this study was to better define the relationship of a novel deltaproteobacterium, the putative etiological agent of EBA (aoEBA), with the Pajaroello tick (Ornithodoros coriaceus Koch), the recognized vector of EBA. Three developmental stages of O. coriaceus (larva, nymph, and adult) were collected from five locations in California, Nevada and Oregon. A polymerase chain reaction (PCR), developed for detection of aoEBA, was applied to DNA extracted from ticks. Southern blotting of the PCR products increased the number of ticks determined to be carrying the bacteria by seven-fold, suggesting the majority of infected ticks carry relatively low numbers of the pathogen. An effort was made to determine if an artificial blood meal would stimulate replication of the bacterial pathogen, thereby increasing the frequency in which aoEBA could be identified; no statistically significant effect was evident. The number of ticks determined to be carrying aoEBA varied with geographic location and ranged from 5 to 20%. aoEBA was found in both adults (12% of the males and 12% of the females) and nymphs (13%) but not larvae. Comparative analysis of dissected ticks provided strong evidence that the salivary gland was the most common location of aoEBA in field-collected ticks. No significant correlations were identified between the frequency of infection and tick weight, suggesting that increasing tick age and increased number of blood meals did not increase infectivity.  相似文献   

Small nodules were seen on chest wall and in the lungs of sheep slaughtered in Al-Ahsa abattoir, Saudi Arabia. Klebsiella pneumoniae subspecies ozaenae was isolated and characterized. The histopathology of the nodules was described.  相似文献   

A panel of 55 monoclonal antibodies to an Actinobacillus sp isolate (As8C strain) cultured from the epididymides of an infected ram was produced. Cell lines producing 5 of these antibodies were cloned and expanded by hybridoma tumor production in Balb/c mice. An isotype profile revealed that 1 cloned antibody belonged to the immunoglobulin (Ig) M class and the 4 remaining antibodies belonged to the IgG class. Within the IgG class, 1 clone produced IgG1, 1 clone produced IgG2a, and 2 clones produced IgG2b. Ascites fluid antibody titers from the cloned hybridomas ranged from 6,400 to 51,200, as determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Specificity of the antibodies to target As8C antigens could be demonstrated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay inhibition. Ascites fluid from 2 clones contained antibodies that agglutinated As8C. Two additional clones produced antibodies capable of only partial agglutination, whereas 1 clone produced antibody that did not agglutinate As8C. The indirect fluorescent antibody test revealed that target antigens for at least 4 of the 5 monoclonal antibodies were most likely located on the bacterial cell surface. Antigens were extracted from As8C, using 5 surface active chemicals. An attempt to immunoprecipitate these antigens in agarose by reacting individual extracts with each of the antibodies was unsuccessful.  相似文献   

Objective – To investigate the association between blood lactate concentration, measured at admission and following 12–36 hours of treatment, and age, diagnosis, and survival in neonatal foals. Design – Retrospective, observational study. Setting – Two equine referral hospitals. Animals – One hundred and twelve foals ≤96 hours of age were included. Interventions – Arterial or venous blood samples were obtained from all foals at admission and surviving foals at 12–36 hours. Measurements – The lactate concentration (LAC) was recorded at 2 time points: admission (LAC‐Admission) and 12–36 hours following treatment (LAC‐24 hours). Main Results – LAC decreased by 0.05 mmol/L for each increased hour of age at presentation. Premature/dysmature foals demonstrated increased odds of nonsurvival of 55% for each 1 mmol/L increase in LAC‐Admission while foals with major diagnoses of neonatal encephalopathy (NE), enteritis and ‘Other’ had increased odds of nonsurvival of 52%, 113%, and 247%, respectively, for each 1.0 mmol/L increase in LAC. Blood‐culture positive foals had significantly lower LAC than blood culture negative foals. LAC‐Admission and LAC‐24 hours were significantly larger in nonsurviving foals. LAC‐Admission of >6.9 mmol/L and LAC‐24 hours >3.2 mmol/L, respectively, correctly classified 85.6% and 94.1% of cases as survivors or nonsurvivors. No differences were found when the 24‐hour change in LAC was investigated in terms of outcome, age at admission, or major diagnosis; however, LAC‐24 hours remained significantly associated with survival. Conclusions – Admission or persistent hyperlactatemia is associated with a nonsurvival. Younger foals, premature/dysmature foals, and foals with neonatal encephalopathy had the largest LAC.  相似文献   

Recent reports indicate that Leishmania chagasi has tropism to the male canine genital system, which is associated with shedding of the organism in the semen, supporting the hypothesis of venereal transmission. The aim of this study was to describe the lesions and assess parasite load in the genital system of bitches with canine visceral leishmaniasis (CanL). Symptomatic (n=5) and asymptomatic (n=5) bitches seropositive for CanL were randomly selected at the Center for Zoonosis Control (Belo Horizonte, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil). Five serologically negative, healthy, adult bitches also from the CZC were used as controls. Samples from genital organs (vulva, vagina, cervix, uterine body, uterine horns, uterine tubes, and ovaries), liver, and spleen were histologically evaluated and processed for immunodetection of Leishmania sp., and PCR. The most significant histological change was a mild to moderate vulvar dermatitis, characterized by a histio-plasma-lymphocytic infiltrate. This change was detected in all asymptomatic, four symptomatic, and three uninfected control bitches. In one symptomatic and one asymptomatic bitch intracytoplasmic amastigotes were observed within macrophages in the inflammatory infiltrate. Samples from all the segments of the genital tract were positive in at least one infected animal, in the absence of detectable amastigotes in the tissue. These findings support the notion that L. chagasi does not have genital tropism in the bitch, which is in contrast to our previous findings in naturally infected male intact dogs.  相似文献   

Suffolk x Rambouillet ewes were used in two consecutive years to test the ability of Dorset and Suffolk yearling rams to stimulate ovulation and estrus in early summer (late June and July) breeding. After spring weaning about June 1, ewes were randomly divided into three groups and for 2 wk either were isolated from rams or were preexposed to either yearling Dorset or Suffolk rams by penning of rams in proximity to ewes. Ewes then were rerandomized into two groups for joining with either yearling Dorset or Suffolk rams fitted with marking harnesses. Serum progesterone profiles and crayon marks were used as indicators of ovulation and estrus. Overall lambing rate was not different among preexposure treatments for the 2 yr. However, early lambing rate (in the first 14 d of lambing season) was significantly affected by preexposure group (24% for Dorset vs 9% for Suffolk and 10% for isolation), especially in the 2nd yr (31% for Dorset vs 8% for both Suffolk and isolation). Ewes preexposed to Dorsets also lambed 10 d earlier (P less than .05) than ewes preexposed to Suffolks in yr 2, but the groups did not differ in yr 1. Ewes exposed to Dorset rams for breeding had higher overall lambing rates than ewes bred to Suffolks (75% vs 54%), especially in the 1st yr (77% vs 48%). Lambs sired by Dorset rams were born 6 d earlier in yr 1 (P less than .05) but only 1 d earlier in yr 2. Data from both years indicate that Dorsets are superior to Suffolks in ability to sire lambs in fall lambing systems.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the vasculature in porcine circovirus type 2-infected (PCV2-infected) lungs and to identify the PCV2 subtypes involved in porcine pneumonia. Pulmonary samples from 140 pigs, 2 weeks to 7 months of age, from 36 Hungarian commercial herds with clinical signs of respiratory disease were examined for the presence of respiratory pathogens, with bacterial culture, pathologic evaluation, and immunohistochemistry for PCV2, porcine reproductive respiratory syndrome virus, and swine influenza virus. PCV2 was the most commonly identified pathogen (49 cases) among the 74 of 140 cases (53%) with respiratory pathogens. PCV2 was detected immunohistochemically in the wall of 13% to 100% of pulmonary vessels (mean, 89%) in 38 of 49 cases (78%). Detection of PCV2 antigen was positively correlated with the presence of vascular lesions (P < .001, odds ratio [OR]: 159.54). Other pathogens capable of vascular injury in swine were found in 29 of 49 of the PCV2-positive cases (59%). The probability of detecting vascular lesions in PCV2-infected lung was higher than in infection with porcine reproductive respiratory syndrome virus (P < .002, OR: 14.63), Pasteurella multocida infection (P < .001, OR: 5.75), or Streptococcus spp. infection (not significant, OR: 1.45). Sequence analysis of open reading frame 2 amplicons was possible in 6 PCV2-positive cases, from which 5 cases proved to be PCV2b subtype and 1 case, PCV2a subtype. In conclusion, PCV2 antigen was commonly colocalized with pulmonary vascular lesions in pneumonia in Hungarian swine, and PCV2b was the dominant subtype.  相似文献   

Nine successive groups of green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) were observed in aquaculture during the posthatchling period. During the first 6 months of growth, each group underwent an epizootic of skin lesions, named gray-patch disease. Two types of skin lesions are associated with gray-patch disease: papules and, more characteristically, spreading gray patches which appear 7 to 8 weeks after hatching. In both types of lesions, intranuclear inclusions are found in keratinocytes in the malpighian layer of the epidermis. Electron microscopic examination of scrapings from lesions and biopsies revealed many viral particles, with features characteristic of the herpesvirus group. Transmission of gray-patch disease is possible with bacteria-free preparations of viral particles.  相似文献   

不同生长年限紫花苜蓿磷的积累与分配规律   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
以2龄、3龄、4龄、5龄和7龄紫花苜蓿Medicago sativa为试验对象,研究了紫花苜蓿磷的积累与分配规律。结果表明,紫花苜蓿地上部分的磷含量,随着生育期的推移先降低后略有升高,随着生长年限的增加而持续降低,成熟期的磷含量总体上表现为:叶生殖器官茎。随着生育期的推移,紫花苜蓿地上部分磷的积累量持续增加,积累速率先升后降。不同生长年限紫花苜蓿成熟期各器官磷的分配比例平均为:茎(64.7%)生殖器官(23.7%)叶(11.6%)。紫花苜蓿茎中磷的分配比例随生长年限的增加而升高;叶中磷的分配比例则随生长年限的增加而降低;生殖器官中磷的分配比例以2龄紫花苜蓿最高,7龄紫花苜蓿最低。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Associations of age and heart rate with blood flow velocities and durations assessed by pulsed-wave (PW) Doppler echocardiography in cats are incompletely understood. OBJECTIVES: To determine the effects of age and heart rate on blood flow velocities and durations of cardiac events obtained by PW Doppler echocardiography in healthy, nonsedated cats. ANIMALS: A convenience sample of 87 healthy, nonsedated cats aged 3 months to 19 years. METHODS: Prospective, observational study. PW Doppler measurements were obtained by echocardiography. Association of age and heart rate with PW Doppler values was evaluated by simple and multiple linear regressions and ANCOVA. RESULTS: Significant weak positive relationships were found between age and isovolumic relaxation time (IVRT) (R2= 0.18; P< or = .001), and between age and duration of pulmonary venous retrograde flow (R2= 0.07; P= .041). There was a significant weak negative relationship between age and transmitral peak early diastolic velocity (R2= 0.19; P< or = .001). Age and heart rate were significantly related to pulmonary venous peak systolic velocity (R2= 0.13; P= .008). Heart rate affected transmitral peak late diastolic velocity (R2= 0.11; P= .006). After adjusting for heart rate effect, the PW Doppler variables that were significantly different between age groups were transmitral peak early diastolic velocity (P< or = .001), duration of transmitral late diastolic flow (P< or = .001), IVRT (P< or = .001), and the ratio of duration of transmitral late diastolic flow to duration of pulmonary venous retrograde flow (P= .029). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: The association of several PW Doppler-derived variables and age and heart rate is weak and not clinically important.  相似文献   

With the aid of a transmission electron microscope we studied the ultrastructure of frozen and thawed ram sperm. The cryoprotective agents do not completely prevent the occurrence of structural changes in spermatozoa. The sperm membrane system is affected. The greatest and most frequent damage is to the acrosome, the cell membrane and mitochondria are less injured. We observed regional differences in the damage to the cell membrane. It is most damaged above the acrosome, least in the postacrosomal area and in the principal piece of the tail. We found considerable variability in the changes among individual spermatozoa from the same ejaculate. The changes are not in the nature of mechanical damage as a result of the occurrence of ice microcrystals. We therefore think that the occurrence of structural changes is dependent on damage at molecular level and consists of a change in the physical-chemical properties of membranes.  相似文献   

An unusual cutaneous fowl pox outbreak occurred in 8-wk-old broilers in California. Rounded and longitudinal, proliferative scratch-associated lesions were found only in feathered areas of the body. Both sides of the hip, the lower abdomen, pericloacal area, and lateral lower neck area were involved. The head, legs, feet, and toes did not have lesions. Birds in only one section of one of five houses were affected. Fifteen percent condemnations occurred in birds from the affected house due to the skin lesions. A diagnosis of fowl pox was achieved by histopathology, viral isolation, and direct electron microscopy. The unusual distribution of pox lesions was assumed to be associated with skin scratches. There was no evidence that mosquitoes or other types of insects were involved in this outbreak. To the knowledge of the authors, this is the first report of this kind of unusual fowl pox in the United States.  相似文献   

1. It is proposed that a general biological pattern exists for chick weight increase with hen age for the various commercial species of poultry and that one general equation can be used for the estimation of chick weight increment.

2. The parameters estimated for this equation are based on (a) chick weights as a percentage of annual mean chick weight, and (b) age, from onset of lay, as a percentage of maximum age of the hen; both serving as common denominators. Hence, if the annual mean chick weight is known for any species, breed or strain, then the increase in chick weight can be predicted for the whole season, or for any particular hen age.

3. For early prediction, first‐month chick weight can be used to estimate the annual mean weight and consequently the chick weight curve for the full season. Although such prediction will be somewhat less accurate, it still can be used for general planning.

4. Results indicate that chick weights of various avian species are normally distributed. Therefore, at each point of hen age, the chick weight distribution can be estimated by employing the computerised Burr's (1967) equation. This may be useful for segregating chicks by size, thus improving uniformity and reducing competition within the flock.

5. Computation results show that coefficient of variation (CV) of chick weights, originating from 22 and 62 week dam ages, is increased by up to about 75%. The CV may thus be used as a quality indicator.  相似文献   

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