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周安国 《饲料广角》2006,(18):32-33,38
1856年,一位美国人首次申报了一个食品膨化技术专利,翻开了食品加工技术进步新的一页。20世纪60年代,欧洲才最先开始研究膨化技术用于生产动物饲料的可能性,很快就成功生产出了用于动物的膨化饲料,最先生产的膨化饲料主要是用于宠物的高档饲料,以后逐渐发展到其他动物。20世纪9  相似文献   

膨化双低菜籽粗脂肪含量高达47.11%,比膨化大豆高175%。代谢试验表明,仔猪断奶2周内与2周后其表观消化率均显著高于膨化大豆。饲养试验表明,与膨化大豆组相比,膨化双低菜籽组生长猪日增重提高6.02%,但差异不显著;料重比低7.56%。  相似文献   

膨化大豆在蛋鸡生产中的应用吴耀忠陈印权翁渺兴邵莹(上海市申宝大型鸡场201101)全脂大豆是一种营养浓度很高的饲料原料,它富含蛋白质、必需氨基酸、必需脂肪酸、脂肪、矿物质及丰富的维生素。但因含抗胰蛋白酶等抗营养因子而必须经过热处理才能饲喂畜禽。挤压膨...  相似文献   

膨化大豆的加工与营养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
膨化大豆是将整颗大豆以膨化机进行热加工 ,膨化处理而成。膨化处理是为了使细胞壁破裂 ,增加其营养利用价值 ,尤其是提高了油脂的利用率。自豆粕进入机膛到挤出成品不到 3 0s,在加工过程中最后的熟化温度可达到摄氏 1 3 0~ 1 45℃。这个温度足以破坏抗营养因子 ,像胰蛋白酶抑制因子、尿素酶、血球凝集素等不利于动物消化的成分。同时又因最高温仅持续 5~ 6s,也不会降低氨基酸的利用价值。膨化加工工艺流程 :原料—筛选除杂—粉碎—膨化—冷却—成品打包。干式挤出机可完成 :熟化、消毒、膨化、脱水和稳定化等数种功能。1 熟化 干式挤…  相似文献   

赵小虎 《畜牧市场》2006,(11):42-42
大豆作为优质的植物蛋白来源,被广泛运用在食品、饲料等行业。在饲料行业中可以部分替代鱼粉等动物蛋白的添加,降低成本。未经过任何处理的大豆,其干物质(DM)含量约87%,粗蛋白(CP)含量在35%以上,粗脂肪:17%,粗纤维(CF):4.3%,粗灰粉(ASH)在4.2%左右。但是由于未经过处  相似文献   

全脂大豆富含蛋白质、能量、必需氨基酸、必需脂肪酸、脂肪、矿物质及丰富的维生素,但由于其含有抗胰蛋白酶等其它抗营养因子,所以不能直接作为家禽和家畜的饲料原料加以利用,故需对生大豆进行一种特殊的挤压膨化热处理后使之成为禽畜可利用的理想高能、高蛋白饲料——膨化全脂大豆.  相似文献   

膨化处理对全脂大豆抗营养因子及营养价值的影响   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
用螺杆转速为300r/min,模口直径为4Φ8的干法膨化机,在膨化腔指示温度为90度,110度,120度,130度和140度时膨化大豆,研究膨化处理对全脂大豆中抗营养因子及营养价值的影响,结果表明:(1)膨化大豆产品中水分随膨化温度的升高而降低,140度膨化处理大豆中粗脂肪和赖氨酸含量下降。(2)胰蛋白酶抑制因子和脲酶活性随膨化温度的升高呈对数下降,且存在显著的相关性,但二者对热的敏感性不同,凝集素对热的敏感性高于胰蛋白酶抑制因子和脲酶活性,蛋白质溶解度在膨化温度超过130度时下降迅速。(3)110-130度膨化处理大豆中脲酶活性为0.38-0.06ΔpH,胰蛋白酶抑制因子含量为 14.85-5.59mg/g,失活69%-88%,凝集素为0.72-0.00mg/g, 蛋白质溶解度为82.50%-71.58%,时,肉仔鸡生长性能和氮代谢率与豆饼对照组未表现出明显的差异(P>0.05),膨化温度升高或降低对肉仔鸡生长性能和氮代谢率均有不利影响。  相似文献   

膨化全脂大豆及膨化玉米对仔猪生产性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据性别、体况等相一致的原则,将30头30日龄断奶长大或大长仔猪随机分为3组,每组设2个重复(即设对照组、试验Ⅰ组、试验Ⅱ组)。对照组以玉米、豆粕等配制饲粮,试验Ⅰ组以膨化全脂大豆替代50%的豆粕,膨化玉米替代50%的玉米;试验Ⅱ组日增重以膨化全脂大豆替代全部豆粕,膨化玉米替代全部玉米,其它饲粮组成不变,进行40d的饲养试验。结果表明,试验Ⅰ组日增重比对照组提高了18·9%,差异显著(P<0·05);试验Ⅱ组比对照组提高了12·3%,差异显著(P<0·05);试验Ⅰ组和试验Ⅱ组饲料利用率分别比对照组提高了11·7%和6·5%。  相似文献   

影响发酵豆粕质量的因素及其鉴定指标方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发酵豆粕是国内各大饲料厂使用的原料,亦为目前替代鱼粉的热门蛋白原料之一。但发酵豆粕一直是一种颇具争议的产品,是否有必要对豆粕再行"发酵"的争论从未停止。此文针对国内主要固态发酵厂家的生产加工工艺、影响发酵豆粕质量的因素及鉴定指标进行阐述,为广大使用发酵豆粕的客户对其质量的检测及鉴定提供方法及依据。  相似文献   

挤压膨化方式对青海省蚕豆营养价值的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究针对青海省具有的蚕豆资源优势结合研制高原牦牛犊牛专用培育料需要的实际,采用挤压膨化方式进行蚕豆的变性加工处理,并利用体外产气技术进行其营养价值的评定研究,结果表明:蚕豆经膨化后,自身的营养成分除水分和粗纤维含量下降外,其它养分含量无明显变化。体外发酵24~72h产气量膨化蚕豆均高于未膨化组(P<0.05),同时,膨化蚕豆体外发酵OMD、DE、ME均略高于未膨化处理组(P>0.05),且有机物质消化率蚕豆膨化组较未膨化组提高2.95%,消化能、代谢能膨化蚕豆较未膨化组分别提高3.15%、3.28%。为高原蛋白饲料资源的高效利用和牦牛犊牛专用培育料的研制提供理论依据和技术参数。  相似文献   

豆粕抗营养因子及其生物改性的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
豆粕是饲料工业应用最广泛的植物性蛋白质原料,但由于存在多种抗营养因子,降低了豆粕利用率。微生物发酵法不仅可有效去除豆粕抗营养因子,而且能积累有益代谢产物,提高豆粕营养价值。本文综述了豆粕抗营养因子种类、特征及其作用机理,重点论述了微生物发酵豆粕增值除弊的研究进展。  相似文献   

李顺  穆麟  曾宁波  陈东  张志飞  叶志刚 《草业学报》2019,28(12):205-210
为了评价不同添加剂对籽粒苋与豆粕混合青贮品质的影响,在72%籽粒苋与28%豆粕混合青贮中分别添加糖蜜、乳酸菌、纤维素复合酶、糖蜜+乳酸菌、糖蜜+纤维素复合酶、乳酸菌+纤维素复合酶、糖蜜+乳酸菌+纤维素复合酶;以等量水为空白对照组,青贮30 d后进行开包取样并分析各项指标。结果表明,添加糖蜜、糖蜜+乳酸菌、糖蜜+纤维素复合酶或糖蜜+乳酸菌+纤维素复合酶处理组均较对照改善了籽粒苋与豆粕混合青贮的发酵品质和营养品质,显著降低了pH值、干物质损失率、洗涤纤维和酸性洗涤木质素含量,显著提高了可溶性碳水化合物含量和相对饲用价值(P<0.05)。乳酸菌、纤维素复合酶及乳酸菌+纤维素复合酶处理组pH值、洗涤纤维和酸性洗涤木质素含量均显著高于对照(P<0.05)。综合评价,建议籽粒苋与豆粕混合青贮时添加糖蜜或复合添加糖蜜与乳酸菌或纤维素复合酶。  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to test the hypothesis that the standardized ileal digestibility (SID) of amino acids (AA), concentrations of digestible energy (DE) and metabolizable energy (ME), and the standardized total tract digestibility (STTD) of P in a new source of fermented soybean meal (Fermex 200) are greater than in conventional soybean meal (SBM-CV). In experiment 1, 9 barrows (initial body weight: 9.17 ± 1.03 kg) were surgically fitted with a T-cannula in the distal ileum and allotted to a triplicated 3 × 3 Latin square design. A nitrogen-free diet and 2 diets that contained cornstarch and SBM-CV or Fermex 200 as the sole source of crude protein (CP), and AA were formulated. Results indicated that there were no difference between SBM-CV and Fermex 200 for SID of CP and AA. In experiment 2, 24 growing pigs (initial body weight: 14.19 ± 1.18 kg) were housed individually in metabolism crates. Pigs were allotted to a corn-based diet or 2 diets that contained corn and SBM-CV or corn and Fermex 200. Feces and urine samples were collected using the marker-to-marker approach with 5-d adaptation and 4-d collection periods. Results indicated that the concentration of DE and ME in Fermex 200 were not different from DE and ME in SBM-CV. In experiment 3, 40 barrows (initial body weight: 11.01 ± 1.38 kg) were allotted to 1 of 4 diets with 10 replicate pigs per diet. Four diets were formulated to contain Fermex 200 or SBM-CV and either 0 or 1,000 units/kg of microbial phytase. Pigs were housed individually in metabolism crates. Fecal samples were collected as explained for experiment 2. Results indicated that the STTD of P in Fermex 200 was greater (P < 0.01) than in SBM-CV, but the addition of microbial phytase to the diets increased the ATTD and STTD of P in SBM-CV, but not in Fermex 200 (interaction; P < 0.01). In conclusion, the SID of AA and concentrations of DE and ME in Fermex 200 were not different from values determined for SBM-CV, but the STTD of P was greater in Fermex 200 than in SBM-CV if microbial phytase was not added to the diet.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the comparative efficacy of partial fish meal (FM) replacement (up to 50%) with fermented soybean meal (FSBM; SoELAB, PepSoyGen and Soytide) or enzymatically prepared SBM (HP 300) on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and fecal microflora in weaned pigs. A total of 100 weaned pigs (body weight 6.59 ± 0.29 kg) were used in experimental feeding trials, lasting for up to 6 weeks, and were randomly allotted to five groups with four block replicates of five pigs per pen serving as one block. Dietary treatments were as follows: (i) 100% FM, (ii) 50% FM + 50% SoELAB‐54, (iii) 50% FM + 50% PepSoyGen, (iv) 50% FM + 50% Soytide and (v) 50% FM + 50% HP 300. Concerning growth performance, none of the treated SBM preparations demonstrated any significantly different effect compared with FM treatment. With respect to nutrient digestibility, SoELAB and HP 300 treatments demonstrated no significant difference compared with FM treatment. Lastly, none of the SBM preparations demonstrated any significant differences in animal fecal score and all of the differentially treated SBM increased fecal Lactobacillus counts, while maintaining similar Escherichia coli counts compared with FM treatment.  相似文献   

This study sought to determine whether fermentation could increase apparent ileal digestibility (AID) of dry matter (DM), nitrogen (N), energy (E) and amino acids (AA) in fermented soybean meal (FSBM) greater than that of soybean meal (SBM) in weaned pigs. Four weaned pigs (10.00 ± 0.30 kg) were surgically equipped with T‐cannulas and randomly followed a 4 × 4 Latin square design of treatments (SBM, FSBM, fish meal and spray‐dried plasma protein). Overall, the fermentation process was able to reduce the amount of anti‐nutritional factors (ANF), including trypsin inhibitors, raffinose and stachyose, in the FSBM diet, which were significantly reduced by 39.4, 92.2, and 92.9%, respectively, as compared to the SBM diet. As a consequence of ANF reduction in FSBM, the AID of DM, N and E as well as AA was significantly greater with FSBM than SBM. Taken all together, the fermentation process improved the nutritional quality of SBM, due to ANF reduction, leading to improvement of digestibility of AA. As such, FSBM can be potentially used as a specialized feed ingredient, especially for young animal diets in an attempt to reduce diet costs.  相似文献   

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