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为了寻求较目前应用的水稻大田除草剂更为高效、安全、经济的除草剂配方,1997年用节磺隆与艾割、稻乐思、乙草胺混配,并与稻草净进行对比试验,结果以艾、苄混配的除草效果为最佳。1材料与方法1.1供试药剂(1)10%艾割乳油(美国氰胺公司生产);(2)72%稻乐思乳油(瑞士诺华公司生产);(3)50%乙草胺乳油(昆山化工厂生产);(4)20%稻草净(苄、乙、甲)可湿性粉剂(淮阴电化厂生产);(5)10%农得时(苄磺隆)可湿性粉剂(美国杜邦公司生产)。1.2试验处理及小区设置试验设每亩用10%艾割20ml+10%农得时109、10%艾割20m…  相似文献   

本文对4种混配除草剂防除大蒜田杂草的试验情况进行了总结,并介绍了试验田杂草发生的基本情况,以期对大蒜田化学除草剂的推广和应用有所帮助。  相似文献   

甲磺隆和乙草胺混配防除麦田杂草药效试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
都匀市地处贵州省南部偏东 ,东经107°07′19″~107°46′26″ ,北纬25°51′26″~25°25′39″,属中亚热带季风湿润气候区。全市常年种植小麦0.4万hm2~0.54万hm2,70%为稻茬麦田。当地麦田主要杂草有早熟禾、棒头草、野燕麦、繁缕、猪殃殃、大巢菜、杨子毛莨等。由于当前应用的乙草胺、甲磺隆等除草剂单独施用对麦田杂草的防除效果比较单一 ,不能全面防除单、双子叶杂草混生的麦田杂草 ,为此 ,1999至2000年 ,在该市平浪镇进行了甲磺隆、乙草胺混配处理的除草试验 ,取得了很好的除草及…  相似文献   

莠去津和异丙草胺混配剂配方筛选试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
莠去津是防除玉米田一年生禾本科杂草和阔叶杂草的除草剂,但是在土壤中残效期较长。而异丙草胺为防除玉米田一年生禾本科杂草的酰胺类除草剂,残效期较短。为了寻求在玉米田施用的一种高效、安全、广谱、价格适宜的一次性除草剂,于2000~2002年进行了异丙草胺与莠去津混配试验,明确它们之间的混配效应,并筛选出最佳配方。  相似文献   

除草剂混配防除新疆南疆地区冬麦田杂草的药剂试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
10%苯磺隆WP 15 ~22.5 g a.i./hm2和5%唑啉草酯+炔草酸EC30 ~60 g a.i./hm2对冬小麦生长安全.其中,10%苯磺隆WP15 g a.i./hm2与5%唑啉草酯+炔草酸EC 45~ 60 g a.i./hm2对新疆南疆地区冬麦田阔叶杂草和禾本科杂草有较好的防除效果.采用二次稀释的方法,在冬小麦拔节前用药.  相似文献   

乙草胺及其混配剂防除移栽稻田杂草试验初报   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
乙草胺是旱地的优良除草剂,具有用量少、活性高、杀草谱广的特点,能否在水稻田使用,能否与其它稻田除草剂(如新得力)混配以解决全生育期杂草的危害,1993年我们进行了乙草胺单用及与新得力混配防除移栽稻田杂草试验,现将试验结果初报如下。 一、材料与方法 (一)供试药剂 20%乙草胺可湿性粉剂(昆山化工厂产),10%新得力可湿性粉剂,10%农得时可湿性粉剂(沈阳化工研究院实验厂提供),50%乙草胺乳油(昆山化工厂产)。  相似文献   

乙草胺、异丙隆与绿麦隆混配防除麦田杂草试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
氯磺隆及其复配剂防除麦田杂草已在江苏省兴化市应用多年 ,其累积残留已不同程度地对后茬作物产生影响。为此 ,我们对麦田除草剂新配方组合进行了筛选。1 材料与方法1.1 供试材料2 0 %乙草胺可湿性粉剂 (江苏扬州东宝农药化工有限公司产品 ) ,2 5 %绿麦隆可湿性粉剂 (江苏江都农药厂产品 ) ,5 0 %异丙隆 (江苏吴县农药厂产品 ) ,6 .9%骠马浓乳剂 (德国艾格福有限公司产品 ) ,2 0 %使它隆 (美国陶氏益农公司产品 )。1.2 试验处理⑴乙草胺 75g/ 6 6 7m2 (商品量 ,全文同 ) +绿麦隆14 0g/ 6 6 7m2 ;⑵乙草胺 10 0g/ 6 6 7m2 +绿麦隆 14 0g/ …  相似文献   

硬草是苏北沿海稻麦轮作麦田主要杂草 ,发生数量大 ,严重危害麦苗生长 ,对麦类产量的影响极大。为消除和减轻麦田硬草的危害 ,为了解瑞飞特和异丙隆混配后在苗后初期施药对麦田硬草的防除效果及其应用技术 ,作者于 1997~ 1999年进行田间试验。1 材料与方法1.1 试验药剂5 0 %瑞飞特EC(瑞士诺华公司产品 ) ;2 5 %异丙隆WP(江苏省吴县农药厂产品 ) ;76 .5 %超级好事达WC(德国赫士特公司产品 ) ;6 .9%骠马浓乳剂 (德国艾格福公司产品 )。1.2 试验设计 :本试验采用D—饱和最优回归设计 ,因素和编码列于表 1。试验处理有 :( 1)空白对表…  相似文献   

Background: Repeated applications may have a greater impact on the soil microbial community than a single application of glyphosate. Experiments were conducted to study the effect of one, two, three, four or five applications of glyphosate on soil microbial community composition and glyphosate mineralization and distribution of 14C residues in soil. RESULTS: Fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) common to gram‐negative bacteria were present in higher concentrations following five applications relative to one, two, three or four applications both 7 and 14 days after application (DAA). Additionally, sequencing of 16S rRNA bacterial genes indicated that the abundance of the gram‐negative Burkholderia spp. was increased following the application of glyphosate. The cumulative percentage 14C mineralized 14 DAA was reduced when glyphosate was applied 4 or 5 times relative to the amount of 14C mineralized following one, two or three applications. Incorporation of 14C residues into soil microbial biomass was greater following five glyphosate applications than following the first application 3 and 7 DAA. CONCLUSION: These studies suggest that the changes in the dissipation or distribution of glyphosate following repeated applications of glyphosate may be related to shifts in the soil microbial community composition. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

甘氨酸法合成草甘膦中由甲醛引发的副反应研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用核磁共振碳谱、磷谱、氢谱对甘氨酸法合成草甘膦的各阶段反应进行定量跟踪分析, 发现由甲醛引起的副反应是影响草甘膦收率的重要因素之一,证实了羟甲基亚瞵酸、增甘膦、N-甲基草甘膦和亚磷酸是甘氨酸法合成草甘膦的主要副产物,减少或抑制其生成是草甘膦合成工艺优 化的关键。探讨了抑制副反应发生的条件,对甘氨酸法合成草甘膦工艺优化有重要的理论指导意义。  相似文献   

草甘膦作用机制和抗性研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
草甘膦是迄今为止最为重要、应用最广泛和最优秀的除草剂之一。然而,由于抗草甘膦转基因作物的广泛商业化导致草甘膦使用量迅速增长,杂草抗药性发生,这不仅对草甘膦的药效发挥和未来可持续应用造成了严重影响,而且对现代农业生产安全构成了威胁。本文通过对草甘膦的作用机理、草甘膦抗性杂草发展现状和抗性机制进行系统的总结和分析,以期为我国草甘膦的抗性研究和科学使用提供参考。  相似文献   

Many herbicides promote plant growth at doses well below the recommended application rate (hormesis). The objectives of this study were to evaluate glyphosate‐induced hormesis in soyabean (Glycine max) and determine whether pre‐treating soyabean seedlings with low doses of glyphosate would affect their response to subsequent glyphosate treatments. Seven doses (1.8–720 g a.e. ha?1) of glyphosate were applied to 3‐week‐old seedlings, and the effects on the electron transport rate (ETR), metabolite (shikimate, benzoate, salicylate, AMPA, phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan) levels and dry weight were determined. The lowest dose stimulated ETR and increased biomass the most. Benzoate levels increased 203% with 3.6 g a.e. ha?1 glyphosate. Salicylate content and tyrosine content were unaffected, whereas phenylalanine and tryptophan levels were increased by 60 and 80%, respectively, at 7.2 g a.e. ha?1. Dose–response curves for these three amino acids were typical for hormesis. In another experiment that was replicated twice, soyabean plants were pre‐treated with low doses of glyphosate (1.8, 3.6 or 7.2 g a.e. ha?1) and treated with a second application of glyphosate (1.8, 3.6, 7.2, 36, 180 or 720 g a.e. ha?1) 14 days later. For total seedling dry weight, a 3.6 and 7.2 g a.e. ha?1 glyphosate dose preconditioned the soyabean seedlings to have greater growth stimulation by a later glyphosate treatment than plants with no preconditioning glyphosate exposure. Optimal hormetic doses were generally higher with pre‐treated plants than plants that had not been exposed to glyphosate. Thus, pre‐exposure to low doses of glyphosate can change the hormetic response to later low‐dose exposures.  相似文献   

为了解决贵州地区玉米高产施肥问题,以黔兴201玉米为研究对象,采用L9(34)氮磷钾三因素三水平试验方法,设计了不同的氮磷钾配比,通过在贵州平坝地区田间试验研究玉米的营养特性和施肥效应,以筛选出最佳氮磷钾配比.结果表明:氮肥360 kg/hm2、磷肥225 kg/hm2、钾肥105 kg/hm2印氮磷钾比例为1:0.6...  相似文献   

The herbicide glyphosate, N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine, as Spectra (240 g AI litre(-1) SL; Monsanto Europe AB), RoundUp (360 g AI litre(-1) SL; Monsanto) and RoundUp Bio (360 g AI litre(-1) SL; Monsanto), have been used for weed control on Swedish railway embankments since 1986. This article summarizes results from studies of the weed effect and behaviour of glyphosate for the period 1984-2003. Studies on a railway embankment with a range of application rates showed excellent weed control at 5 litre ha(-1) of RoundUp Bio. The appearance of glyphosate and its metabolite AMPA [(aminomethyl)phosphonic acid] in the embankment, eg mobility and persistence, was also studied. Mobility was low in most cases, the main proportion of both glyphosate and AMPA being found in the upper 30-cm layer although minor amounts penetrated to lower depths. The 50% disappearance time of glyphosate was generally <5 months in railway embankments but cases with longer persistence were found. Transport to the groundwater was observed for glyphosate and AMPA in groundwater pipes along tracks. Downward transport appears to be dependent on the application rate, which should not exceed 3 litre ha(-1) of RoundUp Bio to avoid groundwater contamination. A lower rate of glyphosate mixed with a low rate of another herbicide may achieve acceptable weed control and be environmentally safer.  相似文献   

Biochemical effects of glyphosate have been examined with a variety of plant materials using mostly merislematic or actively growing tissues. The accumulation of chlorophyll was severely retarded and photosynthetic CO2 uptake was inhibited to a lesser extent. These inhibitory effects could not be alleviated by the simultaneous admixture of divalent cations. Glyphosate enhanced the initial substrate-induction of nitrate reductase, but repressed induction of nitrite reductase, in Ihe latter case correlating with both inhibition of chlorophyll accumulation and CO2 uptake. Inhibition of macromolecule synthesis in single node buds of Agropyron repens(L.) Beauv. was due partly to inhibition of 14C-precursor uptake. The specific activity of soluble acid phosphatase was enhanced as was the evolution of ethane. Ethylene production was not greatly affected. A marked decrease in microsomal protein was observed but the specific activities of several microsomal enzymes did not decline. Glyphosate had little inhibitory effect on the activity of microsomal ATPases in vitro.  相似文献   

抗草甘膦杂草及其检测方法发展现状   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
草甘膦在世界范围的多年大量使用已经引起了抗草甘膦杂草的产生。本文针对全球迄今为止发现的21种抗草甘膦杂草的发生、发展状况进行了论述。探讨了抗草甘膦杂草抗药性检测方法,分别从整株生物测定及生物化学等方面介绍了抗草甘膦杂草检测方法的研究现状,为抗草甘膦杂草检测方法的发展及其抗性监测方法的建立提供参考。  相似文献   

为明确不同杂草对草甘膦的敏感性,以稗 Echinochloa crusgalli 、马唐 Digitaria sanguinalis 、藜 Chenopodium album 为供试材料,采用生物测定法和吸光光度法分别测定了草甘膦对3种杂草的抑制中浓度(GR50),以及不同剂量处理后杂草体内莽草酸积累量的变化。经410 g/hm2(有效成分)的草甘膦处理后,稗体内莽草酸积累量呈上升-下降-上升趋势,而马唐和藜则表现为缓慢上升,根据此剂量处理下莽草酸积累趋势得出,3种杂草对草甘膦的敏感性由高到低依次为稗、藜和马唐,与生测法的结果一致。经820~3 280 g/hm2(有效成分)的草甘膦处理后,3种杂草体内莽草酸积累量从第2 d开始急剧升高,增长速率随着草甘膦处理剂量的增加而加大;处理后稗、马唐和藜体内莽草酸积累量最高值差异显著,分别为1 137.9、4 989.7和2 084.2 μ g/g,为各自对照水平的16.7、23.7和82.9倍。该研究结果可为系统检测杂草对草甘膦的敏感性提供依据。  相似文献   

Saflufenacil is a new herbicide on the market and its effectiveness on horseweed, several populations of which have evolved resistance to glyphosate, is not clear. In this research, the effect of adjuvants on the control of horseweed with saflufenacil in the field, the effect of the interaction between glyphosate and saflufenacil on glyphosate‐resistant and glyphosate‐susceptible horseweed and the patterns of uptake and translocation of glyphosate applied alone and in combination with saflufenacil in horseweed were evaluated. The addition of methylated seed oil to saflufenacil provided the best control of horseweed, with crop oil concentrate being intermediate in effect and non‐ionic surfactant ranking as the least‐effective adjuvant. The interaction between glyphosate and saflufenacil was additive with regards to the control of glyposate‐resistant horseweed. The glyphosate‐susceptible horseweed population absorbed 6–13% more 14C‐glyphosate than the glyphosate‐resistant population. The addition of saflufenacil reduced 14C‐glyphosate translocation in both the glyphosate‐resistant and the glyphosate‐susceptible horseweed populations by at least 6%; however, due to the exceptional efficacy of saflufenacil, these reductions did not reduce the level of control. Saflufenacil holds great potential as an alternative control option for glyphosate‐resistant horseweed and is a valuable tool in the management of resistant weeds.  相似文献   

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