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A 13-year-old, thoroughbred mare was presented with an 8-year history of multifocal, generalized, noninflammatory alopecia and a 3-month history of alopecia, erythema and scaling of the white star on the forehead and muzzle. Histopathological examination of biopsy samples from multiple sites on the body (mane, neck, shoulder, flank and gluteal region) showed a subtle lymphocytic inflammatory infiltrate affecting and surrounding the anagen hair bulbs, consistent with a diagnosis of alopecia areata. The biopsy sample from the star on the forehead showed atrophic hair follicles with perifollicular and mural mononuclear folliculitis affecting the isthmus. Immunohistochemical staining with a CD3 marker confirmed the T-lymphocytic origin of the inflammatory infiltrate in all the samples. The concurrent presence of lymphocytic infiltration at the bulbar and isthmic level of the hair follicles in the same horse is unusual. This finding may represent a variation of the histological appearance of alopecia areata.  相似文献   

Pseudopelade is a primary scarring (cicatricial) alopecia of humans characterized by lymphocyte‐rich inflammation centred around the hair follicle isthmus. Lymphocyte folliculotropism is associated with isthmus apoptosis and, ultimately, follicular destruction and dermal fibrosis. In a cat, an acquired alopecia was diagnosed as pseudopelade based on the following criteria: (i) an adult‐onset, patchy to diffuse nonpruritic hair loss; (ii) an early folliculo‐destructive phase in which lymphocytes and dendritic cells accumulated in and around the follicular isthmus; and (iii) a late stage in which the lower segments of hair follicles underwent atrophy and were replaced by fibrosing tracts. Additionally, immunological investigations characterized the cytotoxic phenotype of isthmotropic lymphocytes and demonstrated the presence of circulating IgG autoantibodies specific for multiple follicular antigens. Altogether, the results of the present study suggest an immune‐mediated pathogenesis for this case of feline pseudopelade, similarly to that causing alopecia areata in humans and other mammalian species.  相似文献   

A primary ossifying fibroma was found at necropsy in a 5-year-old Welsh pony cross mare that was humanely subjected to euthanasia for an intractable severe left hindlimb lameness. Antemortem radiographs of the left hind pastern were characterised by articular, subchondral and cortical areas of lysis. Primary ossifying fibroma is a rare lesion of the distal limb but should be considered when there is extensive lysis extending into the medulla and proximal cortical bone.  相似文献   

Abstract   An alopecia and dermatopathy following pelvic fractures associated with vehicular trauma is reported in three cats. The animals presented 3–4 weeks post injury with acute hair loss, glistening appearance of the skin and erosions involving the lower back. Histological examination revealed atrophy of the hair follicles and adnexal structures and follicular telogenization, dermal fibroplasia and mild lymphocytic infiltrate, fibroplasia and inflammation in the panniculus. Vascular damage secondary to the external trauma to blood vessels supplying the skin over the lumbar region and subsequent ischaemia may represent the pathomechanism of this type of alopecia. Focal permanent hair loss can be expected.  相似文献   

Abstract— A population of 57 blue or fawn Doberman Pinschers was studied to determine the incidence of colour dilution alopecia in this breed. Forty two dogs had hair loss, typical of colour dilution alopecia. The diagnosis was confirmed in 11 dogs by skin biopsy and in 6 dogs by light microscopic examination of plucked hairs. Key diagnostic features included large macromelanosomes in the hair shafts, free clumps of melanin in the lumens of hair follicles, and numerous perifollicular melanophages. An hypothesis on the pathogenesis of colour dilution alopecia is proposed. Résumé— Une population de 57 Pinschers à robe bleue ou feu a étéétudiée pour déterminer la fréquence de l'alopécie par dilution de couleur dans cette race. 42 chiens ont présenté une perte de poils caractéristique de l'alopécie par dilution de couleur. Le diagnostic a été confirmé chez 11 chiens par biopsie cutanée et chez 6 chiens par l'examen au microscope optique des poils épilés. Les caractéristiques diagnostiques comprennent la présence de grands macromélanosomes dans les racines des poils, de manchons libres de mélanine dans la lumière des follicules pileux et de nombreux mélanophages périfolliculaires. Une hyhpothèse sur la pathogénie de l'alopécie par dilution de couleur est proposée. Zusammenfassung— Untersucht wurden 57 blaue und rehfarbene Dobermänner, um das Vorkommen der Farbmutanten-Alopezie bei dieser Rasse feststellen zu können. 42 dieser Hunde zeigten den für diese Erkrankung typischen Haarausfall. Bei 11 Patienten wurde die Diagnose durch Hautbiopsie und bei 6 durch lichtmikroskopische Untersuchung von ausgezupften Haaren gesichert. Die charakteristichen Bilder waren Makromelanosome in den Haarschäften, freies zusammengeballtes Melanin im Lumen der Haarfollikel und zahlreiche perifollikuläre Melanophagen. Eine Hypothese für die Pathogenese dieser Erkrankung wird aufgestellt. Resumen Se estudió una población de 57 perros de raza Doberman y color gris o azul para determinar la incidencia de la alopecia por dilución de color en esta raza. 42 perros presentaban pérdidas de pelo típicas de la alopecia por dilución de color. En 11 perros el diagnóstico se confirmó mediante biopsia y en 6 mediante examen microscópico del pelo. Las características diagnósticas de este proceso consistían en la presencia de macromelanosomas en las vainas de los pelos, y en la presencia de acúmulos de melanina libre en el interior de los folículos pilosos y de melanófagos perifoliculares. Se propone una hipótesis sobre la patogenia de esta enfermedad.  相似文献   

A 3‐year‐old filly was presented for severe lameness referable to the left front fetlock joint. Radiographs confirmed an osseous cyst‐like lesion and synovial fluid cytology ruled out sepsis. The filly responded poorly to medical management and was subsequently subjected to euthanasia. Post mortem examination confirmed an impact fracture of the proximal phalanx, previously undiagnosed in the horse.  相似文献   

Horses are nowadays mainly used for sport and leisure purposes, and several local breeds, traditionally used in agriculture, are exposed to the risk of extinction. The long-term survival of local horse breeds depends on strategies to both monitor their genetic diversity and to find their sustainable role in the equine market. Thus, several local horse breeds need to adapt their breeding objective to allow a modernization process. The Bardigiano is an example of such horse breeds; we, therefore, studied the existing evaluation protocol from a genetic standpoint to assess the protocol's suitability to convert the Bardigiano from an agricultural to a riding horse. To this end, we estimated genetic parameters for four conformation measurements, ten grading traits and 23 linear traits. For conformation measurements, the heritabilities ranged from 0.31 for cannon bone circumference to 0.63 for height at withers. For conformation and attitude grading traits, the highest heritability (0.34) was estimated for development and the lowest (0.09) for gaits. The heritabilities for linear traits ranged from 0.05 for the leg straightness to 0.32 for the coat colour. Genetic correlations between linear traits and corresponding grading traits varied considerably, ranging from −0.42 to 0.98. This study showed that the current evaluation protocol in the Bardigiano horse is appropriate for genetic evaluation. Genetic parameters estimation can, in turn, be used to develop novel breeding values to help this conversion. Our study paves the way to optimize the Bardigiano horse breeding programme, and it may help several other local horse breeds experiencing similar issues.  相似文献   

Abstract— Four black and white female Saluki puppies developed variably severe hypotrichosis in black haired areas. Histologically, follicles in black haired areas were dilated with keratin and clumps of melanin pigment, and were irregularly shaped. Melanin pigment was also clumped in hair shafts, basal layer of epidermis, epithelial cells of hair bulbs and macrophages around follicles, especially at the base. White haired areas were normal grossly and histologically. Light microscopic examination of dehydrated and cleared primary black hair shafts from one Saluki with black hair follicular dysplasia and primary blue hair shafts from two blue Doberman pinschers with color mutant alopecia revealed that the blue Dobermans had many more visible macromelanosomes than the Saluki. On scanning electron microscopy, cuticular abnormalities were identified in some white and all black hairs from the Saluki. Several black hairs had shallow, oval defects in the superficial cortex. Blue hairs from one Doberman had similar, but more extensive changes. Résumé— Quatre chiots femelles Saluki noirs et blancs ont développé une hypotrichose plus ou moins étendue des zones de poils noirs. Sur le plan histologique, les follicules pileux des zones de poils noirs étalent dilatés, de forme irrégulière et obstrué par des bouchons de keratine et de mélanine. Des pigments mélaniques en motte sont aussi retrouvés dans la lumière des poits, les cellules basales de l'epiderme, les cellules épithéliales de bulbes pileux et les macrophages entourant les follicules pileux. Les zones de poils blancs étaient normales, tant macroscopiquement que micrioscopiquement. L'examen en microscopie optique de poils noirs primaires deshydratés et éclaircis provenant d'un de ces Saluki et de deux Doberman atteints d'alopécle des mutants de couleur a révélé un beaucoup plus grand nombre de macromélanosomes chez les Dobermans que chez le Saluki. En microscopie électronique à balayage des anomalies de la cuticule ont été observées sur quelques poils blancs et tous les poils noirs des Salukis. Plusieurs poils noirs présentaiert des déformations ovales peu profondes de la cuticule. Les poils bleus des Dobermans présentaient le même type de déformation, mais de façon plus étendue. Zusammenfassung— Vier schwarz-weiße weibliche Salukiwelpen entwickelten abwechselnd eine schwere Hypotrichose in den schwarzgefärbten Fellbezirken. Im histologischen Bild waren die Follikel in den schwarzgefärbten Fellbezirken durch Keratin und Melaninpigmentklumpen dilatiert sowie unregelmäßig geformt. Das Melaninpigment war in den Haarschäften, in der Basalzellschicht der Epidermis, den Epitheizellen der Haarbulbi und den Makrophagen um die Follikel, besonders an der Basis, ebenfalls zusammengekiumpt. Die weißen Fellbezirke waren makroskopisch und histologisch unverändert. Die lichtmikroskopische Untersuchung von dehydrierten und aufgehellten Schäften schwarzer Primärhaare eines Salukis mit follikulärer Dysplasie schwarzer Haare und der Untersuchung der Haarschäfte blauer Primärhaare zweier blauer Dobermannhunde mit Farbmutantenalopezie zeigte, daß die blauen Dobermänner viel mehr sichtbare Makromelanosomen als der Saluki aufwiesen. Bei der Untersuchung mit dem Elektronenmikroskop konnten Abnormitäten der Kutikula bei einigen weißen und bei alien schwarzen Haaren des Salukis festgestellt werden. Einige der schwarzen Haare zeigten flache, ovale Defekte in der oberflächlichen Rinde. Blaue Haare eines Dobermanns zeigten ähnliche, aber viel ausgedehntere Veränderungen. Resumen Cuatro cachorros hembra de Saluki negro y bianco se desarrollaron con variable gravedad hipotricosis en areas de pelo negro. Histológicamente los folículos de las zonas de pelo negro fueron dilatados con keratina y grupos de pigmento de melanina, y fueron irregularmente formados. El pigmento de melanina también fue encontrado irregularmente en el cuerpo del pelo, capa basal de la epidermis, células epiteliales de los bulbos pilosos y macrófagos alredador de los folículos, especialmente en la base. Las areas de pelo bianco eran normales en cuanto tanto macroscopicamente como histológicamente. El examen microscópico del cuerpo de pelos negros deshidratados y aclarados de un saluki con displasia folicular de pelo negro y cuerpo de pelo azul primario de dos Doberman pinschers con alopecia de color mutante, reveló que los Dobermans azules tenían muchos mas macromelanosomas visibles que el Saluki. Al microscopio electrónico se identificaron abnormalidades cuticubres en algunas pelos blancos y todos los negros en el Saluki. Varios pelos negros tenían pequenos defectos ovales en la corteza superficial. Los pelos azules de uno de los Doberman presentaban cambios similares pero más extensos.  相似文献   

This paper overviews some recent developments in mammalian corneal immunobiology, and discusses how these may act as pointers towards understanding the immunology underlying some common corneal diseases in the horse, including infectious ulceration and presumptively immune-mediated non-ulcerative disease. Specifically, three aspects of corneal immunobiology are examined: the role of Toll-like receptors in surface immunity and in the etiogenesis of microbial ulceration, the relationship between conjunctiva associated lymphoid tissue (CALT) and immunoprotection of the corneal surface, and the mechanisms determining corneal immune privilege (IP) and how down regulation of IP may be an important factor in the genesis of corneal immunoinflammatory disease.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the network of government, private and university veterinary laboratories in Australia and New Zealand and how it is adapting and evolving to meet the challenges it faces. It includes the mechanisms for standardisation of procedures, quality assurance, and the role of national reference laboratories hosted by state government laboratories. It also highlights the crisis in supply of veterinary diagnosticians, especially the declining numbers of veterinary pathologists. Recent positive changes include the setting up of the National Animal Health Laboratory Strategy and an initiative to empower State and Territory government laboratories to test for exotic diseases. The ideal outcome for Australia and New Zealand is a laboratory service that remains the gold standard around the world.  相似文献   

This report describes a suspect case of West Nile virus (WNV) encephalomyelitis, reported for the first time in a horse in the UK. The affected gelding had been imported from the Republic of Cyprus and travelled through several WNV endemic areas in Europe before arriving at the premises in Lincolnshire. Clinical signs included muscle fasciculations, weakness of the hindlimbs and transient lip twitching that quickly progressed to depression and recumbency. West Nile virus specific antibodies were detected by serological tests in the absence of a previous history of vaccination. The horse improved clinically 10 days after the onset of disease and fully recovered in 12 weeks. Follow‐ups at 12 and 20 months post event did not reveal any sequela and the horse was performing adequately at novice level. This article refers to the same horse mentioned by Fooks et al. (2014) and it is an extension of the previous published work.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters for the height at withers, 27 linear type and six linear gait traits were estimated for the Belgian warmblood horse. Observations on 987 mares, mostly 3 years old, were analysed using a multi-trait animal model. The statistical model included appraiser, age and location (date × place of appraisal) as fixed effects. Genetic parameters were estimated using a canonical transformation and an expectation-maximization restricted maximum likelihood algorithm with an additional deceleration step. Estimates of heritability for the 33 linear traits were between 0.15 and 0.55. Heritability of the height at withers was 0.34 ± 0.06. Estimated genetic correlations ranged from −0.60 to 0.98 with an average SE of 0.10. The highest positive correlations were found among traits of walk and among traits of trot. Volume and the quality of legs were the most negatively correlated. Estimated genetic parameters indicated that the linear scoring system is a valuable tool to assess conformation. The full (co)variance matrix is now available for breeding value estimation to support selection for conformation and gaits.  相似文献   

A saddle that does not fit either a horse or a rider correctly has potentially far reaching consequences for both horse and rider health. The saddle should be assessed off and on the horse, without and with a rider. The fit of the saddle for both the horse and rider must be evaluated. A well‐fitted saddle should distribute weight evenly via the panels to the horse's thoracic region, with complete clearance of the spinous processes by the gullet. The saddle should remain fairly still during ridden exercise at all paces. The saddle must also fit the rider to enable them to sit in balance. Signs of an ill‐fitting saddle include equine thoracolumbar pain, focal swellings under the saddle, ruffling of the hair, dry spots under the saddle immediately after exercise surrounded by sweat, and abnormal hair wear. If a saddle does not fit the rider, the rider may not be able to ride in balance with the horse, and this may induce equine thoracolumbar pain. A saddle of inappropriate size and shape for the rider may induce rider back pain, ‘hip’ pain, sores under the ‘seat bones’ and perineal injuries.  相似文献   

Internal abdominal hernias are an uncommon occurrence in the horse. Protrusion of an abdominal organ or viscus may occur through a normal or pathological aperture within the peritoneal cavity, and incarceration of bowel through such an opening may lead to a strangulating obstruction of the intestine, characterised by luminal blockage and concurrent vascular compromise. As such, entrapment of bowel in internal hernias can represent an important indication for colic surgery in the horse.  相似文献   

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