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Laboratory tests provide essential support to the veterinary practitioner, and their use has grown exponentially. This growth is the result of several factors, such as the eradication of historical diseases, the occurrence of multifactorial diseases, and the obligation to control endemic and epidemic diseases. However, the introduction of novel techniques is counterbalanced by economic constraints, and the establishment of evidence- and consensus-based guidelines is essential to support the pathologist. Therefore, we developed standardized protocols, categorized by species, type of production, age, and syndrome at the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie (IZSVe), a multicenter institution for animal health and food safety. We have 72 protocols in use for livestock, poultry, and pets, categorized as, for example, “bovine enteric calf”, “rabbit respiratory”, “broiler articular”. Each protocol consists of a panel of tests, divided into ‘mandatory’ and ‘ancillary’, to be selected by the pathologist in order to reach the final diagnosis. After autopsy, the case is categorized into a specific syndrome, subsequently referred to as a syndrome-specific panel of analyses. The activity of the laboratories is monitored through a web-based dynamic reporting system developed using a business intelligence product (QlikView) connected to the laboratory information management system (IZILAB). On a daily basis, reports become available at general, laboratory, and case levels, and are updated as needed. The reporting system highlights epidemiologic variations in the field and allows verification of compliance with the protocols within the organization. The diagnostic protocols are revised annually to increase system efficiency and to address stakeholder requests.  相似文献   

It is frequently evident that outbreaks of diarrhea occur in spite of apparent “good management” and “good calving conditions”. This observation underlies the fact that we still do not understand many of the epidemiological factors which contribute to calf diarrhea outbreaks. For example, we still lack biological criteria by which to judge the degree of crowding and the degree of stress. Nevertheless, application of the principles described above will prevent or decrease the severity of many annual epidemics. To be successful, a program of prevention and control should be discussed with producers long before the calving season, preferably during the preceding summer or fall. Implementation of a complete program may take several calving seasons and producers should be made aware that prevention by improved management is an on-going, evolutionary process. More and improved vaccines are becoming available; however, as is the case with most biologicals, their impact cannot be determined until after they have been used for several years. They should be recognized as only one of several managent tools at the disposal of the veterinarian and livestock producer.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine associations between low farrowing rate and various management factors in sow herds. In 30 sow herds, a management survey, breeding observations, semen evaluation, and semen storage temperature monitoring were completed. Herds with an average farrowing rate of < 85% were classified as low farrowing rate herds while those with an average farrowing rate of ≥ 85% were classified as good farrowing rate herds. Low farrowing rate herds were more likely than good farrowing rate herds to move boars into gilt pens for estrus detection, breed a high proportion of sows by artificial insemination (AI) only, start heat detection 3 d post-weaning, wipe the vulva prior to breeding, and use “hands-free” AI devices.  相似文献   

The focus of this review is maternal nutrition during the periconceptual period and offspring developmental outcomes in beef cattle, with an emphasis on the first 50 d of gestation, which represents the embryonic period. Animal agriculture in general, and specifically the beef cattle industry, currently faces immense challenges. The world needs to significantly increase its output of animal food products by 2050 and beyond to meet the food security and agricultural sustainability needs of the rapidly growing human population. Consequently, efficient and sustainable approaches to livestock production are essential. Maternal nutritional status is a major factor that leads to developmental programming of offspring outcomes. Developmental programming refers to the influence of pre-and postnatal factors, such as inappropriate maternal nutrition, that affect growth and development and result in long-term consequences for health and productivity of the offspring. In this review, we discuss recent studies in which we and others have addressed the questions, “Is development programmed periconceptually?” and, if so, “Does it matter practically to the offspring in production settings?” The reviewed studies have demonstrated that the periconceptual period is important not only for pregnancy establishment but also may be a critical period during which fetal, placental, and potentially postnatal development and function are programmed. The evidence for fetal and placental programming during the periconceptual period is strong and implies that research efforts to mitigate the negative and foster the positive benefits of developmental programming need to include robust investigative efforts during the periconceptual period to better understand the implications for life-long health and productivity.  相似文献   

Veterinarians, in clinical practice, regulatory field work, laboratory diagnosis or research, must work together as a team, each within his area of expertise in order to protect the livestock industry of Canada from exotic diseases. This freedom from many of the serious animal plagues has allowed the development of intensive animal production units with increased vulnerability to disease and in which the impact of disease outbreaks may be more serious.In differential diagnoses one should think not only of the classical exotic diseases such as vesicular diseases, swine fever and rinderpest in today''s world, but one should constantly be on the outlook for any disease outbreak that does not quite fit the picture of the domestic diseases. From this standpoint the large animal practitioner is the very important “first line of defense” since, in all likelihood, he will be the first to see a disease exotic to Canada should that disease gain entry.  相似文献   

Ruminant supply chains contribute 5.7 gigatons of CO2-eq per annum, which represents approximately 80% of the livestock sector emissions. One of the largest sources of emission in the ruminant sector is methane (CH4), accounting for approximately 40% of the sectors total emissions. With climate change being a growing concern, emphasis is being put on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, including those from ruminant production. Various genetic and environmental factors influence cattle CH4 production, such as breed, genetic makeup, diet, management practices, and physiological status of the host. The influence of genetic variability on CH4 yield in ruminants indicates that genomic selection for reduced CH4 emissions is possible. Although the microbiology of CH4 production has been studied, further research is needed to identify key differences in the host and microbiome genomes and how they interact with one another. The advancement of “-omics” technologies, such as metabolomics and metagenomics, may provide valuable information in this regard. Improved understanding of genetic mechanisms associated with CH4 production and the interaction between the microbiome profile and host genetics will increase the rate of genetic progress for reduced CH4 emissions. Through a systems biology approach, various “-omics” technologies can be combined to unravel genomic regions and genetic markers associated with CH4 production, which can then be used in selective breeding programs. This comprehensive review discusses current challenges in applying genomic selection for reduced CH4 emissions, and the potential for “-omics” technologies, especially metabolomics and metagenomics, to minimize such challenges. The integration and evaluation of different levels of biological information using a systems biology approach is also discussed, which can assist in understanding the underlying genetic mechanisms and biology of CH4 production traits in ruminants and aid in reducing agriculture’s overall environmental footprint.  相似文献   

Statistical analysis of data and understanding of experimental design are critical skills needed by animal science graduate students (ASGS). These skills are even more valuable with the increased development of high-throughput technologies. The objective of this study was to evaluate the perceived statistical training of U.S. ASGS. A survey with 38 questions was shared across U.S. universities, and 416 eligible ASGS from 43 universities participated in this study. The survey included questions on the demographics and overall training, graduate education on statistics, and self-assessment on statistics and career path of ASGS. Several analyses were performed: relationship between perceived received education (PRE; i.e., how ASGS evaluated their graduate education in statistics) and perceived knowledge (PK; i.e., how ASGS evaluated their knowledge in statistics from their education); ranking of statistical topics based on PRE, PK, and confidence in performing statistical analyses (CPSA); cluster analysis of statistical topics for PRE, PK, and CPSA; and factors (demographic, overall training, interest in statistics, and field of study) associated with the overall scores (OS) for PRE, PK, and CPSA. Students had greater (P < 0.05) PRE than PK for most of the statistical topics included in this study. The moderate to high repeatability of answers within statistical topics indicates substantial correlations in ASGS answers between PRE and PK. The cluster analysis resulted in distinct groups of “Traditional” and “Nontraditional” statistical topics. ASGS showed lower (P < 0.05) scores of PRE, PK, and CPSA in “Nontraditional” compared with “Traditional” statistical methods. Several factors were associated (P < 0.05) with the OS of PRE, PK, and CSPA. In general, factors related to greater training and interest in statistics of ASGS were associated with greater OS, such as taking more credits in statistics courses, having additional training in statistics outside the classroom, knowing more than one statistics software, and more. This study provided comprehensive information on the perceived level of education, knowledge, and confidence in statistics in ASGS in the United States. Although objective measurements of their training in statistics are needed, the current study suggests that ASGS have limited statistical training on topics of major importance for the current and future trends of data-driven research in animal sciences.  相似文献   

For at least thirty years chronic pneumonia of suckling lambs has occurred in many sheep flocks in the north-eastern part of Iceland, Thingeyjarsýsla. Owing to the retarded growth rate of affected lambs, the farmers named it “kregda” which means “the poor eater”. A similar syndrome has also been observed in some areas of South Iceland (Gíslason 1963).  相似文献   

Flight and avoidance reactions from human were examined using 168 postweaning Thoroughbred foals in 22 breeding farms. Further 114 yearlings of 168 foals were tested in the following summer. The foal handlings by the stabler were asked in questionnaire. The relationship between the behavioural reactions and the foal handling frequencies was analyzed. The flight reaction was estimated as the distance from the animal to a stranger when the animal began to flight away from his approach. The avoidance scores were set up from (1) (not resistant) to (5) (touch rejection) from human touching. In the stabler questionnaire, handling frequencies of “body brushing”, “rectal temperature measurement”, “hoof cleaning”, and “stall cleaning” in the early nursing period were asked. The handling frequencies were scored from (1) (not done) to (5) (every day). In the preliminary test, a measurement reliability of the flight distance and the avoidance score was confirmed. The mean flight distances were 0.56 m and 0.27 m in the postweaning foals and the yearlings, respectively. Touch-avoidance scores of the highest frequency were (3) and (2) in the postweaning foals and the yearlings, respectively. As the results of Spearman’s rank-correlation analysis, “body brushing” showed highly negative relationships with “flight distance” (ρ=–0.31, P<0.001) and “avoidance score” (ρ=–0.37, P<0.001) in the postweaning foals. In the yearlings, “hoof cleaning” also showed significantly negative relationships with these behavioural indices (ρ=–0.24, P<0.01; ρ=–0.22, P<0.01, respectively).  相似文献   

We investigated changes in the predicted functions of the rumen bacterial community in Japanese Black beef cattle during fattening. Nine cattle were fed a high-concentrate diet during the early, middle, and late fattening stages consecutively (10–14, 15–22, and 23–30 months of age, respectively). The rumen fluid and solid samples collected at each stage were subjected to sequencing analyses. The sequencing results were clustered and classified into operational taxonomic units (OTUs). Representative sequences and a raw counting table for each OTU were submitted to the Piphillin website. The predicted functions were revealed by the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes database as the ratio of the total sequence. In the early stage, “Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites” was significantly higher in the fluid fraction than in the solid fraction. “Two-component system” in the middle stage was significantly lower and “Purine metabolism” in the late stage was significantly higher in the fluid fraction than those in the solid fraction. The fluid fraction was significantly correlated with acetic acid, propionic acid, and bacterial metabolism, such as “Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites” and “Sugar metabolism.” Moreover, the solid fraction was correlated with “Purine metabolism” and “Biosynthesis of secondary metabolism”. These results suggest that the rumen bacterial community in Japanese Black beef cattle adapts to changes in rumen conditions by altering their functions in response to a long-term high-grain diet.  相似文献   

Artificial intelligence (AI)-based image analysis is increasingly being used for preclinical safety-assessment studies in the pharmaceutical industry. In this paper, we present an AI-based solution for preclinical toxicology studies. We trained a set of algorithms to learn and quantify multiple typical histopathological findings in whole slide images (WSIs) of the livers of young Sprague Dawley rats by using a U-Net-based deep learning network. The trained algorithms were validated using 255 liver WSIs to detect, classify, and quantify seven types of histopathological findings (including vacuolation, bile duct hyperplasia, and single-cell necrosis) in the liver. The algorithms showed consistently good performance in detecting abnormal areas. Approximately 75% of all specimens could be classified as true positive or true negative. In general, findings with clear boundaries with the surrounding normal structures, such as vacuolation and single-cell necrosis, were accurately detected with high statistical scores. The results of quantitative analyses and classification of the diagnosis based on the threshold values between “no findings” and “abnormal findings” correlated well with diagnoses made by professional pathologists. However, the scores for findings ambiguous boundaries, such as hepatocellular hypertrophy, were poor. These results suggest that deep learning-based algorithms can detect, classify, and quantify multiple findings simultaneously on rat liver WSIs. Thus, it can be a useful supportive tool for a histopathological evaluation, especially for primary screening in rat toxicity studies.  相似文献   

Whereas in former times horses were reserved primarily for people involved in agriculture, elite equestrians or the military, nowadays equestrian sport has become an activity for people with a wide variety of backgrounds. However, as more and more people become involved with equestrian sport today, the knowledge concerning animal husbandry in general is diminishing due to an alienation from agricultural themes in modern societies. As a consequence, this development affects both riding ability and the appraisal of horses, especially with respect to the purchase of horses. In order to analyse which factors influence purchase decisions in the horse market in conjunction with equestrian experience, 739 horse riders were surveyed on their purchase behaviour in this study. Using cluster analysis, a typology was generated that provides a differentiated picture of the preferences of the various rider groups. Three clusters were distinguished: the “amateurs”, the “experienced” and the “experts”. Taking personal horse riding proficiency into account, it could be concluded that especially the “amateur” group required objective criteria for the evaluation of a horse they are considering purchasing. Alongside “measureable” qualities, such as previous showing success or the level of training of the horse, also other attributes such as the simple handling of the horse should be taken into consideration. As particularly the “amateur” group in equestrian sport is increasing in numbers, it is therefore advisable when preparing a horse for sale to align oneself to the needs of this customer segment in order to ensure an effective and targeted marketing of horses.  相似文献   

Epidemiological evidence is presented in order to answer two questions. The first question is: “Does high milk production put a cow at increased risk of disease?” The answer to this question seems to be “maybe” for milk fever, but “no” for most other common diseases (veterinary-assisted dystocia, retained placenta, metritis, cystic ovary, ketosis, left displaced abomasum, and mastitis). The second question is: “Is low milk production a consequence of disease?” For most diseases the answer is a cautious “yes”.  相似文献   

It is proposed that just as the stethoscope and thermometer are fundamental tools for individual medicine, production and health recording systems are fundamental tools for effective population medicine. Treatment and control of clinical diseases as the primary objective is no longer considered appropriate for livestock population. Disease in populations now describes a deviation between what is happening and what is expected to happen. This redefinition of disease implies that it is of multifactorial origin and thus a different problem solving approach must be implemented. Therefore, a swine enterprise must be considered as a system, a set of interdependent components continuously interacting to produce pork. As a system, it is characterized by certain properties: change, environment, counterintuitive behavior, drift to low performance, interdependency, and organization. A redefinition of diseases implies also that they are not only “treated” but managed. Management consists of planning, monitoring, evaluation, and analysis. For this process to be implemented successfully, a goal-directed recording system providing a farm-based infrastructure for problem solving is essential. Clinical problem solving (diagnosis) is thus based on epidemiological and demographic methods.  相似文献   

This study evaluated whether acepromazine or methadone reduced behavioral parameters, overall excitement, and activity associated with midazolam administration to healthy dogs. Dogs received midazolam (M) alone [M: 0.25 mg/kg body weight (BW)] or with methadone (MM) (MM: 0.75 mg/kg BW) or acepromazine (MA) (MA: 0.03 mg/kg BW) or saline (S) solution alone, all intramuscularly. Two blinded observers evaluated behavioral parameters using video recordings 30 min before and after injection of drugs. Accelerometery was used to evaluate “total activity counts” (TAC) at baseline and post-treatment. Post-treatment excitement scores were significantly higher in M and MA compared to baseline, M and MM compared to S, and M compared to MA. Behavioral parameters showed significantly higher proportions of “pacing” post-treatment in all groups receiving midazolam, and “restlessness,” “chewing/licking,” and “sniffing” in M. No significant differences were found for TAC at baseline and post-treatment. Midazolam-induced paradoxical behavioral changes (excitation, panting, pacing, restlessness, licking/chewing, and vocalization) were not prevented by acepromazine or methadone in healthy dogs.  相似文献   



Pampas deer, Ozotoceros bezoarticus (Linnaeus 1758), is a South American grazing deer categorized as "near threatened". However, knowledge about pampas deer behavior including courtship and mating is scarce and incomplete. The aim of this study was to characterize the courtship and mating behavior of the pampas deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus), an endangered species from South America.


We performed focal observations of 5 males allocated at the Estación de Cría de Fauna Autóctona Cerro Pan de Azúcar, Uruguay, 4 times a day from 5 to 20 minutes each time on a daily basis from February to May. During that period we recorded all courtship and mating behaviors, as well as quantified the frequency of the specific behaviors shown. As mating were rarely observed, we recorded that behavior when it was observed in the context of other studies performed in the same population during the following 2 years.


During the observation period we recorded 928 courtships and 5 mating periods. In addition, we recorded 10 more matings performed during other studies, totaling 15. The duration of each mating calculated from the 15 recordings was 3.9 ± 0.4 s, and the total period of female receptivity (from first to last mating acceptance) was 8.2 ± 1.1 min. Main observed courtship behaviors in males were “chase” and “ostentation”, while the most observed close to mating were “chinning”, “raised head” and “anogenital sniffing”. The most observed behaviors in females during the mating period were “vulva exhibition” and “move away”.


This is the first detailed report in pampas deer mating behavior. Estrus lasted only 8 min accepting only 3 short copulations per estrus. However, female behavior during courtship can be characterized as highly proceptive.  相似文献   

Sweetclover has a notorious reputation for causing “sweetclover disease” when improperly cured. In spite of this, however, sweetclover remains a useful forage legume with valuable agronomic traits. It is drought-resistant and well adapted to Western Canada. Sweetclover is the highest yielding legume forage in this region and is valuable in soil improvement, silage, hay and pasture production and a prized crop for the honey producer. It is the most saline-tolerant of the legumes and is particularly useful on saline “white alkali” soils where cereals and other crops cannot grow.

Special precautions are necessary to avoid spoilage and concomitant dicoumarol formation in preserving sweetclover hay and silage. Feeding recommendations are suggested for the safe utilization of spoiled forage. Low coumarin cultivars of sweetclover are completely safe and will not result in sweetclover disease despite spoilage. The breeding program at Saskatoon is expected to produce a new low coumarin (yellow flowered) sweetclover cultivar within the next two years.


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