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环境因子对胭脂鱼精子活力影响的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
通过观察精子的快速运动时间和寿命,研究了6种环境因子对胭脂鱼(Myxocyprinus asiaticus Bleeker)精子活力的影响。结果表明:胭脂鱼精子对酸碱的耐受能力较强,在pH值为4~10时,精子均可以快速运动,且在pH值为8时精子的活力最强。不同浓度的NaCl、KCl、葡萄糖、CaCl2、MaCl2溶液对胭脂鱼精子运动的诱导效果不同。5种溶液最适于胭脂鱼精子运动的浓度分别为:NaCl 102 mmol/L;KCl 75 mmol/L;葡萄糖100 mmol/L;CaCl275.6 mmol/L;MgCl275.6 mmol/L。且在5种溶液低浓度时精子活力较强,超过一定浓度精子的运动开始被抑制。  相似文献   

试验选用体重(6.73±0.21)g的胭脂鱼(Myxocyprinus asiaticus)幼鱼540尾,随机分成6个组,每组3个重复,每个重复30尾试验鱼。以大豆油为脂肪源,配制成脂肪水平为2.04%、4.43%、6.88%、9.02%、11.98%、13.39%的半精制饲料,进行为期56 d的生长试验,研究脂肪水平对胭脂鱼幼鱼生长、体组成及机体抗氧化能力的影响。结果显示:饲料脂肪水平对胭脂鱼的生长性能有显著影响(P<0.05)。脂肪水平为6.88%时,胭脂鱼增重率、特定生长率、蛋白质沉积效率最高,饲料系数最低。脂肪沉积效率随脂肪水平的增加呈下降趋势。随脂肪水平增加,胭脂鱼全鱼、肌肉和肝胰脏脂肪含量逐渐上升,至6.88%组后稳定,而全鱼水分、粗蛋白含量没有显著变化(P>0.05)。胭脂鱼机体抗氧化能力随着脂肪水平的增加呈现先升后降趋势,脂肪水平为6.88%时,总抗氧化能力(T-AOC)、超氧物歧化酶(SOD)值最大,丙二醛(MDA)值最小,即抗氧化能力最强。以增重率、特定生长率和饲料系数进行回归分析并考虑脂肪水平对胭脂鱼营养组成和抗氧化能力的影响,确定胭脂鱼幼鱼适宜脂肪水平为6.62%~7.02%。  相似文献   

以酪蛋白、明胶和鱼粉为蛋白源配制6组实验饲料,分别在饲料中添加0、75、150、300、600和1 200mg/kg的肌醇,每组设3个重复,连续投喂初始体质量(10.01±0.24)g的胭脂鱼(Myxocyprinus asiaticus)幼鱼8周,考察饲料中添加不同水平的肌醇对胭脂鱼幼鱼生长性能、全鱼以及肌肉营养成分和部分血清生化指标的影响,以确定胭脂鱼幼鱼饲料中肌醇的适宜添加量。结果显示:随着饲料中肌醇含量增加,胭脂鱼幼鱼增重率、成活率和特定生长率呈先上升后稳定的趋势,均在300 mg/kg组时达到稳定;饲料肌醇对全鱼体成分无显著性影响,肌肉脂肪含量在300 mg/kg组时显著低于未添加组;饲料中肌醇对血清总胆固醇、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇和血清甘油三酯均有显著性影响;饲料中肌醇(150 mg/kg)不足时,血清中谷草转氨酶和谷丙转氨酶的活性显著高于其它实验组。以特定生长率为评价指标,经折线回归分析,饲料中补充310.3 mg/kg的肌醇时,胭脂鱼幼鱼获得最大生长。  相似文献   

对野生(体重(447.5±20.5)g)及人工养殖((484.3±19.6)g)的胭脂鱼(Myxocyprinus asiaticus)肌肉营养成分进行了分析比较.结果表明:野生胭脂鱼肌肉中水分、粗灰分、粗蛋白含量均显著高于人工养殖胭脂鱼(P<0.05),而含肉率和粗脂肪含量却显著低于人工养殖胭脂鱼(P<0.05).野...  相似文献   

为考察背鳍缺失对胭脂鱼( Myxocyprinus asiaticus )幼鱼游泳能力和反捕食能力的影响,将胭脂鱼幼鱼( 2.30 g±0.12 g, 4.59 cm±0.09 cm)随机分为对照组和背鳍缺失处理组(剪去背鳍),测定其临界游泳速度( U crit )及相关代谢参数、最大匀加速速度( U cat )、快速启动游泳能力以及捕食者存在条件下的存活率。结果显示:对照组和背鳍缺失组胭脂鱼幼鱼的 U crit 、最大代谢率( MMR)、 U cat 、快速启动过程的最大速度( V max )、最大加速度( A max )以及旋转角度与旋转率均无显著性差异。然而,背鳍缺失组胭脂鱼幼鱼在捕食者存在条件下的存活率显著低于对照组,背鳍缺失对胭脂鱼幼鱼的游泳能力没有明显影响,背鳍的存在可能是胭脂鱼幼鱼针对捕食者口裂限制的反捕食形态适应策略之一。  相似文献   

利用13个微卫星分子标记研究了我国重庆、江西永丰、江西新干三个胭脂鱼(Myxocyprinus asiaticus)繁殖基地子一代群体的遗传多样性和遗传结构。结果显示,13个微卫星位点均呈现多态性,等位基因数目为8~17个,多态信息含量为0.35~0.84,Shannon多样性指数为1.61~1.64,观测杂合度为0.108 1~0.825 5,期望杂合度为0.384 6~0.856 8,Hard-Weinberg遗传偏离指数(D)为-0.718 9~0.072 5,表明三个养殖群体遗传多样性均较高。从群体间的遗传结构看,三个养殖群体间存在遗传分化,其中江西新干胭脂鱼养殖群体内具有显著的遗传分化。野外采自赣江的5尾胭脂鱼的遗传结构分析推断其可能来自永丰和新干胭脂鱼繁殖基地的子一代个体,其结果对胭脂鱼的人工放流监测有指导意义。  相似文献   

为了有效区分野外采集和人工繁育胭脂鱼( Myxocyprinus asiaticus)群体,对四川省水产研究所( SCC)、宜宾珍稀水陆生动物研究所( YBC )、重庆市万州水产研究所( WZC )的150尾人工繁育胭脂鱼和长江干流泸州( LZW)、木洞( MDW)、万州( WZW)的112尾野外采集胭脂鱼进行了形态学差异分析。主成分分析、判别分析、聚类分析和形态学差异系数分析显示: WZC和YBC形态较相似,而与SCC在背鳍长/体长、尾鳍上叶长/体长、眼径/体长等特征上区别明显; WZW与MDW形态相似,而与LZW在臀鳍基后尾柄高/体长、吻长/体长、头长/体长、眼后头长/体长、头高/体长等特征上有区别; WZW与SCC形态相似度较大,而MDW与WZC、 YBC形态相似度较大。结果表明通过形态学分析无法有效区分野外采集和人工繁育胭脂鱼群体。  相似文献   

在水温(19±0.5)℃条件下,为研究不同饥饿时间对胭脂鱼仔鱼生长、摄食及消化酶活性的影响,设定两个实验:实验一,设置完全饥饿组(S)和正常摄食组(C);实验二,设置延迟0(对照组)、1、3、5、7、9和11 d投喂组,分别记作D0、D1、D3、D5、D7、D9和D11。实验历时29 d。结果显示:(1)孵化后7 d胭脂鱼仔鱼初次摄食,14 d时卵黄物质耗尽,27 d进入不可逆点期(PNR),在抵近PNR时,胸角特征明显,死亡率显著增加;(2)恢复摄食后,D1和D3组仔鱼体质量与D0组无显著差异,表现出完全补偿生长效应;(3)在饥饿1~7 d过程中,胭脂鱼仔鱼的胰蛋白酶和淀粉酶活性显著下降(P<0.05),随着饥饿时间的延长,饥饿9~11 d仔鱼的胰蛋白酶和脂肪酶活性显著上升。恢复摄食后19日龄时,胰蛋白酶活性随饥饿时间的延长呈先上升后下降的趋势,但淀粉酶活性与其相反,呈先降后升的趋势;29日龄时,随饥饿时间的延长脂肪酶和淀粉酶活性均呈显著上升趋势。 结果表明,饥饿会导致胭脂鱼仔鱼的生长、摄食和消化酶活性产生明显的变化,其补偿生长随饥饿时间的不同而不同;在恢复摄食后,不同饥饿程度仔鱼在不同恢复时间消化酶恢复策略并不一致,饥饿时间越长越倾向于对碳水化合物的利用,但其内在机制有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

近年来海洋仔鱼消化系统,包括胃、肠道以及胰脏发育的研究进展进行了综述,描述了其消化系统在发育过程中形态和功能的变化,对仔鱼发育过程中包括胃蛋白酶、胰酶、肠酶及其他消化酶的变化以及饵料组分的影响进行了总结。  相似文献   

随机采取不同日龄健康的牙鲆仔鱼,用电子目镜和天平测定其全长(L)、体质量(m),运用整体匀浆法测定鱼体中核酸和总蛋白浓度、RNA/DNA (a)比值和总蛋白/DNA比值(b),研究了牙鲆仔鱼的生长,DNA、RNA和总蛋白的变化规律,探讨了核酸、总蛋白和生长的关系。试验结果表明,牙鲆仔鱼体质量、全长与RNA/DNA比值均呈线性负相关,关系式分别为 m=-19.85 a+82.79(r2=0.89, P<0.01),L=-7.41 a+33.53(r2=0.85,P<0.05)。上述关系式说明,牙鲆仔鱼时期的生长以细胞增殖为主,大量消耗前期合成的蛋白质。牙鲆仔鱼体质量、全长与总蛋白/DNA 比值也呈线性负相关,关系式分别为 m=-0.61 b +34.54(r2=0.93, P <0.01),L=-0.22 b +15.33(r2=0.86, P <0.01)。随着牙鲆仔鱼养殖日龄的增加,总蛋白/DNA比值下降的幅度大于RNA/DNA比值。核酸指标能从细胞水平上分析仔鱼的生长。  相似文献   

An 8‐week growth experiment was conducted to quantify the appropriate dietary vitamin C requirement of juvenile Chinese sucker (Myxocyprinus asiaticus). Triplicate groups of 30 experimental fish [initial body weight: (7.1 ± 0.3) g] were cultured in 500 L aquaria and fed with semi‐purified diets containing six levels [10.1 (unsupplemented diet), 37.4, 64.9, 125.2, 244.2 and 482.0 mg kg?1 diet, respectively] of vitamin C (supplied as L‐ascorbyl‐2‐polyphosphate). Results showed that weight gain of Chinese sucker was significantly increased with increasing dietary vitamin C levels, but there was no significant difference of weight gain among fish fed the diets containing more than 125.2 mg kg?1 vitamin C. As dietary vitamin C increased, the liver vitamin C content of fish showed the increasing trend firstly and then stabled, while the muscle vitamin C content significantly increased without reaching a constant level. Lower liver malondialdehyde content was observed in 125.2, 244.2 and 482.0 mg kg?1 vitamin C groups, and higher antioxidant capacity and superoxide dismutase activities were observed in supplemented groups when compared to the unsupplemented group. Liver aspartate aminotransferase and alkaline phosphatase activities were also significant affected by dietary vitamin C. Ash content of fish fed the diet with 244.2 or 482.0 mg kg?1 vitamin C was significantly higher than that of fish fed the other diets. However, dietary vitamin C had no significant effects on whole‐body crude protein, lipid and moisture contents. The vitamin C requirement of juvenile Chinese sucker was estimated to be 84.6 and 126.1 mg kg?1 based on weight gain and liver vitamin C concentration respectively.  相似文献   

长江胭脂鱼开口饵料的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用不同组合的饵料投喂刚能平游的长江胭脂鱼鱼苗40 d,研究长江胭脂鱼适宜的开口饵料。结果显示,用配合饲料作开口饵料时长江胭脂鱼的开口率、成活率和出池规格都显著低于水蚯蚓组和卤虫组,补充蛋黄后开口率、成活率、出池规格变化不明显,但补充螺旋藻后开口率、成活率、出池规格均显著提高。用配合饲料和卤虫作主体饵料再补充蛋黄和螺旋藻粉也获得了较高的开口率和成活率。建议在水泥池育苗条件下长江胭脂鱼的开口饵料用配合饲料和鲜活饵料作主体饵料并补充少量螺旋藻粉。  相似文献   

An 8‐week feeding trial was conducted to quantify the dietary l ‐lysine requirement of juvenile Chinese sucker with an initial weight of 1.81 ± 0.04 g reared in indoor flow‐through and aerated tanks. Six isonitrogenous and isoenergetic practical diets were formulated to contain graded levels of lysine (1.23%, 1.80%, 2.39%, 2.98%, 3.56% and 4.18% dry matter) at 0.6% increments from dietary ingredients and crystalline l ‐lysine. Each diet was randomly assigned to triplicate groups of 30 fish each and was fed to apparent satiation by hand three times a day (09:00, 13:00 and 17:00 hours) for 8 weeks. There were significant differences in growth performance and feed utilization among the treatments. Weight gain (WG), specific growth rate and protein efficiency ratio (PER) significantly increased with increasing lysine levels up to 2.39% of diet (< 0.05) and remained nearly the same thereafter (> 0.05). Feed efficiency was the poorest for fish fed the lowest lysine diet (< 0.05) and showed no significant differences when dietary lysine level increased from 2.39% to 4.18%. The N retention (% N intake) significantly increased with dietary lysine level but did not attain a plateau (< 0.05). Survival could not be related to dietary treatments. Whole body protein increased (< 0.05) and whole body lipid decreased (< 0.05) with increasing dietary lysine level. The condition factor and hepatosomatic index were significantly affected by dietary lysine levels, however, viscersomatic index, whole body moisture and ash did not differ significantly among dietary treatments. Broken‐line analysis on the basis of WG and PER showed that dietary lysine requirements of juvenile Chinese sucker were 2.43% and 2.40% dry diet (5.52% and 5.45% dietary protein) respectively. Based on the ideal protein approach and the A/E ratios determined from muscle amino acid profile an estimation of the EAA requirements of Chinese sucker juveniles were calculated.  相似文献   

A growth experiment was conducted to investigate effect of dietary protein to energy ratios on growth and body composition of juvenile Myxocyprinus asiaticus (initial mean weight: 10.04 ± 0.53 g, mean ± SD). Nine practical diets were formulated to contain three protein levels (340, 390 and 440 g kg?1), each with three lipid levels (60, 100 and 140 g kg?1), in order to produce a range of P/E ratios (from 22.4 to 32.8 mg protein kJ?1). Each diet was randomly assigned to triplicate groups of 20 fish in 400‐L indoors flow‐through circular fibre glass tanks provided with sand‐filtered aerated freshwater. The results showed that the growth was significantly affected by dietary P/E ratio (P < 0.05). Fish fed the diets with 440 g kg?1 protein (100 and 140 g kg?1 lipid, P/E ratio of 31.43 and 29.22 mg protein kJ?1) had the highest specific growth rates (SGR) (2.16 and 2.27% day?1, respectively). However, fish fed the diet with 390 g kg?1 protein and 140 g kg?1 lipid showed comparable growth (2.01% day?1), and had higher protein efficiency ratio (PER), protein productive value (PPV) and energy retention (ER) than other groups (P < 0.05). No significant differences in survival were found among dietary treatments. Carcass lipid content was positively correlated with dietary lipid level, but irrespective of protein level and inversely correlated with carcass moisture content. Carcass protein contents increased with increasing dietary lipid at each protein level. The white muscle and liver composition showed that lipid increased with increasing dietary lipid level (P < 0.05). Dietary protein concentrations had significant effect on condition factor (CF), hepatosomatic index (HSI) and viscerosomatic index (VSI) (P < 0.05). However, dietary lipid concentrations had no significant effect on CF, HSI (P > 0.05). Based on these observations, 440 g kg?1 protein with lipid from 100 to 140 g kg?1 (P/E ratio of 29.22 to 31.43 mg protein kJ?1) seemed to meet minimum requirement for optimal growth and feed utilization, and lipid could cause protein‐sparing effect in diets for juvenile Chinese sucker.  相似文献   

A growth trial was conducted to estimate the optimum requirement of dietary available phosphorus (P) for Chinese sucker juveniles. Triplicate groups of juveniles Chinese sucker (initial mean weight: 1.77 ± 0.02 g, mean ± SD) were fed diets containing graded levels (3.1, 5.3, 7.5, 9.6 and 11.8 g kg?1) of available phosphorus. The basal diet (diet 1), containing 3.1 g kg?1 available P, was supplemented with graded levels of monocalcium phosphate to formulate four experimental diets. The fish were fed twice daily (08:00 and 17:00 h) to satiation for 8 weeks. During the experimental period, the water temperature fluctuated from 27.5 to 30.5 °C and dissolved oxygen was more than 6 mg L?1. The specific growth rate, protein efficiency ratio were all significantly increased by dietary available phosphorus up to 7.5 g kg?1 (P < 0.05) and then levelled off beyond this level. Feed conversion ratio significantly decreased with dietary available phosphorus level up to 7.5 g kg?1 (P < 0.05). Dietary treatments did not significantly affect feed intake (P > 0.05). Efficiency of phosphorus (P) utilization significantly decreased with dietary available phosphorus level (P < 0.05). Body composition analysis showed that the whole‐body lipid, ash, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium (Mg), zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu) contents were all significantly affected by dietary available P concentration (P < 0.05); however, no significance were found for manganese (Mn) concentration and calcium/phosphorus (Ca/P) ratios in whole‐body among all the treatments (P > 0.05). Dietary phosphorus levels also significantly affected the mineralization of vertebrae and scale (P < 0.05), and Ca/P ratios in scale were not influenced by dietary P supplementation, while vertebrae Ca/P ratio decreased with dietary available P levels (P < 0.05) (quadratic effect, P < 0.001). Signs of phosphorus deficiency were characterized by poor growth, slightly reduced mineralization and an increase in body lipid content. The blood chemistry analysis showed that dietary available P had distinct effects on enzyme activities of alkaline phosphatase, as well as contents of triacyglycerol and total cholesterol (P < 0.05). Broken‐line analysis based on weight gain indicated the minimum available phosphorus requirement for the optimal growth of juvenile Chinese sucker was 7.4 g kg?1. Based on the phosphorus content in whole body, vertebrae or scale indicated that the requirements were 8.3, 8.8 and 8.6 g kg?1 respectively.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to determine effects of feeding levels on growth performance, feed utilization, nutrient deposition, body composition and apparent digestibility coefficients (ADCs) of nutrients for juvenile Chinese sucker (initial weight, 11.77±0.22 g). Chinese sucker were fed a practical diet from 0% (starvation) to 4.0% (at 0.5% increments) body weight (bw) day?1 for 8 weeks. The results showed that growth performance, feed utilization, nutrient deposition, body composition and ADCs of dry matter, protein and energy were significantly (P<0.05) affected by feeding levels. Survival was the lowest for the starvation group. Final mean body weight, growth rate, thermal‐unit growth coefficient (TGC) increased with feeding rate from 0% to 3.0% bw day?1 (P<0.05) and showed no significant differences above the level (P>0.05). Feed conversion rate was significantly lower at a feeding level of 2.5% bw day?1 than above and below the level (P<0.05). Protein efficiency ratio was markedly highest at the 2.5% bw day?1 ration level (P<0.05). Fish fed at the feeding level (1.0% bw day?1), which represented a maintenance ration (energy gain was less than 2.27 kJ fish?1 day?1), showed positive protein deposition but negative lipid deposition. This indicates that fish fed a maintenance ration mobilize body lipid reserve to support protein deposition. Lipid contents of whole body, muscle and liver increased with increasing feeding rates from 0.5% to 3.0% bw day?1 and showed no significant differences above the level (P>0.05). Protein contents of whole‐body composition increased with feeding rate from 0.5 to 3.0% bw day?1 (P<0.05) and showed no significant differences above the level (P>0.05), whereas muscle and liver remained relatively stable with the different ration amount with the exception of fish fed a ration of 0.5% bw day?1, at which Chinese sucker possessed significantly lower body protein concentration (P<0.05). The ADCs of dry matter, protein and energy decreased with increasing feeding levels from 0.5% to 3.0% bw day?1 and then remained relatively constant over the level. Based on the broken‐line regression analysis using WG data, the optimum and maintenance feeding levels for Chinese sucker were 3.10% bw day?1 and 0.45% bw day?1 respectively.  相似文献   

Flood discharge containing excessive suspended sediments (SS) can result in total dissolved gas (TDG) supersaturation downstream of dams. It has been confirmed that high TDG levels and excessive SS cause serious threats to fish survival. To explore the effects of TDG supersaturation on the hatchability of Chinese sucker (Myxocyprinus asiaticus Bleeker) eggs, eggs were exposed to 100%, 125%, 130% and 135% TDG supersaturated water. The results showed that the hatching rates were 78.25%, 75.35%, 71.30% and 67.50% at the 100%, 125%, 130% and 135% TDG respectively. The hatching rate decreased with increasing TDG levels. Furthermore, acute lethality experiments were carried out to investigate the interaction of TDG supersaturation and SS on Chinese sucker. Half‐year‐old juveniles were exposed to TDG supersaturated water with SS concentrations of 0, 200, 600 and 1,000 mg/L, and the TDG levels were 125%, 130%, 135% and 140% respectively. The fish exhibited abnormal behaviours and signs of gas bubble disease. Mortality increased with increasing TDG levels and SS concentrations. The Chinese suckers only survived for 2.5 hr at 140% TDG and 1,000 mg/L SS. Moreover, an increase in SS in TDG supersaturated water could cause a decrease in the median lethal time (LT50). When the TDG level reached 140%, the LT50 declines significantly at 600 and 1,000 mg/L SS. The interaction of TDG supersaturation and SS was significant at LT50 (F = 22.81, df = 9, p < 0.001). The results indicate that the combined effect of TDG and SS could be great on Chinese sucker.  相似文献   

胭脂鱼幼鱼的耗氧率及窒息点研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在自制的可控温密封式流水呼吸室内,对0+龄胭脂鱼(Myxocyprinus asiaticus)的耗氧率和耗氧量进行了测定,并对0+龄和1+龄胭脂鱼的窒息点和窒息过程作了分析。结果显示,平均体重6~7 g的0+龄胭脂鱼在15℃时的平均耗氧率和耗氧量分别为0.0585 mg/(g.h)和0.3567 mg/(尾.h);20℃时的平均耗氧率和耗氧量为0.1176 mg/(g.h)和0.8232 mg/(尾.h);昼间耗氧率与夜间耗氧率未显差异。15、20、25和30℃下0+龄胭脂鱼的窒息点分别为0.4921、0.8319、0.9356和1.5144 mg/L,25和30℃下1+龄胭脂鱼的窒息点为1.0738和1.1027 mg/L。  相似文献   

Six isonitrogenous diets (420 g kg?1 crude protein on dry matter basis) with six levels of soybean meal (SBM) inclusion (0, 112, 225, 336, 449 and 560 g kg?1) in substitution of fish meal (0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100%) were evaluated in Chinese sucker of 1.81 ± 0.01 g initial weight for 8 weeks. There existed a significant difference (P < 0.001) in fish weight gain, feed conversion ratio, feed intake, protein efficiency ratio and specific growth rate when the replacement level for fish meal protein was increased from 40% to 60%, indicating that up to 40% of fish meal protein could be replaced with SBM protein without causing reduction in growth and protein utilization. Lipid contents in the Chinese sucker body decreased significantly (P < 0.001) as dietary SBM increased. Digestive enzyme activities in the intestine and hepatopancreas of the fish were significantly different (P < 0.001) as the SBM protein replacement level was increased. Results of the present study appear to indicate that 40% FM can be replaced by SBM in practical feeds of Chinese sucker.  相似文献   

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