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牦牛发情周期子宫组织结构的观察   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
采用组织学和形态计量学的方法对发情周期牦牛子宫的组织结构及形态变化进行了观察。结果表明,牦牛子宫壁具有3层结构,分别为黏膜(子宫内膜)、肌层(子宫肌层)和浆膜(子宫外膜)。子宫内膜表面上皮和腺上皮在卵泡期为单层柱状上皮,在黄体期上皮高度明显增加,为假复层柱状上皮。表面上皮主要由分泌细胞及少量淋巴细胞组成。分泌细胞可分为亮细胞和暗细胞2种。亮细胞呈柱状,细胞体积较大,胞质弱嗜酸性;暗细胞呈两侧压扁的细条状,胞质强嗜酸性。腺上皮的细胞组成与表面上皮相似。PAS反应可见黄体期子宫内膜表面上皮、腺上皮和基质中阳性分泌颗粒较卵泡期的多。卵泡期固有层内偶见嵌套腺管、扩张腺管和弥散淋巴组织,但黄体期固有层内仅偶见嵌套腺管。此外,与卵泡期相比,黄体期子宫内膜和子宫肌层的厚度显著增加(P0.01)。黄体期子宫内膜腺管的平均直径、单个腺管的面积和周长、每平方毫米内腺管的总面积和总周长都较卵泡期的大,差异极显著(P0.01),而每平方毫米内腺管的数量差异并不显著(P0.05)。可见,牦牛子宫的组织结构在发情周期发生着有规律的变化。  相似文献   

东方白鹳消化器官的组织学研究(一)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用石蜡切片,HE染色法,对四只成年东方白鹳的消化器官进行了组织学研究。发现一些明显的特点。东方白鹳无嗉囊,其食管为一直行管道。在中、下段食管粘膜上皮表面有一层均质的粉红色分泌物覆盖。上段食管的固有膜内有食管腺分布,但中、下段食管则没有食管腺分布。在食管与腺胃交界处管壁的固有膜内有明显的盲囊状结构,其囊腔与该交界处的管腔直接相通。腺胃明显大于其它家禽的腺胃。粘膜乳头多而密集。有发达的胃腺。  相似文献   

应用HE染色法和免疫荧光组织化学技术分别对小鼠生后不同发育阶段附睾组织结构及Crb3在不同发育时期附睾组织中的定位表达进行了研究。结果显示,附睾在4周龄时上皮为2层~3层的假复层纤毛柱状细胞,顶端纤毛细长;6周龄上皮细胞层数减少至1层~2层;8周龄附睾管上皮厚度增至最大,上皮细胞呈单层高柱状;12周龄后附睾管上皮开始变薄,呈单层柱状。免疫荧光染色结果显示,Crb3蛋白主要分布在附睾上皮柱状细胞的胞膜,在精子尾部有微弱的表达,这提示了Crb3不仅与附睾上皮细胞的极性建立和维持有关,而且对精子活力和血-附睾屏障的形成也可能具有潜在的影响。  相似文献   

泰山螭霖鱼肠道的显微和超微结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用光镜和扫描电镜技术 ,对泰山螭霖鱼 (Varicorhinusmacrolepis)的肠道进行了观察。结果表明 :泰山螭霖鱼无胃 ,食管之后是肠道 ,起始端膨大呈球状。肠道由前肠、中肠和后肠组成 ,肠管直径由前肠到后肠逐渐变小。各段肠壁均分为粘膜、肌层和浆膜 3层。粘膜上皮由柱状细胞和杯状细胞组成 ,肌层分内环行和外纵行 2层。粘膜向肠腔内突出形成许多粘膜褶 ,有的呈指状、杵状 ,有的有分支。由前肠到后肠 ,粘膜褶由高变低 ,数量逐渐减少 ;杯状细胞数目由多变少 ;肌层逐渐变薄。扫描电镜下 ,肠道的粘膜褶大体上呈纵向锯齿状 ,并且粘膜褶上还有次级皱褶。柱状上皮细胞表面多呈圆形 ,前肠、中肠柱状上皮细胞轮廓和界限清楚 ,常呈隆起状 ,而后肠上皮细胞表面较平坦。前肠柱状上皮细胞游离面的微绒毛长而密 ,后肠的短而稀疏。前肠的杯状细胞常常有较大的分泌孔 ,周围有分泌物 ,粘膜表面有粗大的分泌颗粒 ;后肠杯状细胞的分泌孔较小 ,粘膜表面有较多细小分泌颗粒。  相似文献   

为了进一步探讨犬的生殖生理学,试验以诱导发情后母犬生殖器官为试验材料,采用组织学和组织化学技术,观察了诱导发情后母犬卵巢、输卵管和子宫的形态学特点。结果表明:诱导发情后犬卵巢外观呈葡萄串状,镜下可见大量黄体、少量原始卵泡和初级卵泡;诱导发情后母犬输卵管壁由黏膜层、肌层和外膜构成,黏膜上皮主要是由纤毛上皮细胞、分泌细胞构成的单层柱状上皮,黏膜固有层可见由纤毛上皮和分泌细胞围绕形成的管状腺,PAS反应可见分泌细胞的游离面和管状腺内有少量的阳性物质;诱导发情后母犬子宫壁由黏膜、肌层和外膜构成,黏膜上皮是单层柱状上皮,黏膜固有层内可见由单层柱状上皮构成发达的管状腺,子宫黏膜上皮细胞内含有少量PAS阳性物质,表面覆盖一层PAS阳性物质,而腺腔内含大量PAS阳性物质。  相似文献   

驯鹿支气管的组织结构清晰,分为粘膜层、粘膜下层和外膜.粘膜层由粘膜上皮和固有膜构成.粘膜下层含气管腺;外膜未见软骨组织.驯鹿的肺外表面被覆一层浆膜,肺实质除间质组织外,由肺内的导管部和呼吸部构成.肺内的导管外膜未见到软骨组织.导管部粘膜皱襞发达,粘膜肌层厚.呼吸部肺泡Ⅱ型细胞相对较多.  相似文献   

为了进一步探讨黑熊胆囊的组织学特点,试验采用组织学和组织化学方法对黑熊胆囊壁的微细结构进行观察。结果表明:黑熊胆囊壁是由黏膜、肌层、外膜构成,黏膜层分为黏膜上皮和固有层,黏膜上皮主要由单层高柱状上皮细胞构成,无杯状细胞,固有层结缔组织内含有较发达的由单层矮柱状上皮细胞围绕形成的管状腺;黏膜上皮和管状腺上皮细胞核均位于细胞中下部,核上胞质内均含有PAS反应强阳性颗粒,且在黏膜上皮表面和黏膜固有层管状腺腔内可见少量PAS阳性分泌物。肌层为平滑肌,肌纤维方向不规则。外膜为浆膜。  相似文献   

应用组织学方法观察了雌性空怀双峰驼生殖道的形态结构。结果显示,双峰驼生殖道的基本结构与其他哺乳动物相似,但微细结构有差异。双峰驼输卵管粘膜皱襞极其发达,分支多而呈复杂的网状迷路。皱襞基部的迷路酷似固有膜而存在腺体,迷路网格内常见细胞团块。虽然双峰驼怀孕时胎儿位于左侧子宫角,但左、右子宫角以及子宫体的组织结构基本相同。子宫内膜无肉阜,上皮下陷于固有膜内,形成大量长而弯曲的单管状腺。子宫颈固有膜浅层分布有许多小腺体,深层分布有成群的较大腺体。这些腺体为分支管状腺,腺上皮PAS强阳性。阴道粘膜上皮为复层上皮。从输卵管到阴道,粘膜上皮主要为单层柱状上皮,由纤毛细胞和分泌细胞组成,局部可见假复层柱状纤毛上皮。纤毛细胞由前向后逐渐减少,但在子宫颈仍可见到。粘膜上皮和腺上皮内夹有许多淋巴细胞或中性粒细胞,后段局部甚至见到这些免疫细胞浸润于上皮细胞间。固有膜内分布有大量淋巴细胞、中性粒细胞、肥大细胞、浆细胞和巨噬细胞,有时出现淋巴滤泡。  相似文献   

通过5例成年健康罗曼鸡消化道的组织学观察,结果表明,1)食管粘膜的复层扁平上皮基底层细胞嵌入固有膜,形成特特殊的“表皮钉”形状。2)鸡的前胃仅有深层的复管腺一种,而不存在浅层的单管腺。3)前胃腺位于粘膜下层,而肌层由内纵、中环、外纵三层平滑肌构成。4)小肠的肠腺内似有潘氏细胞的存在。  相似文献   

本试验对存在于广东云浮市境内的棕果蝠雌性生殖器官进行了大体及组织学观察。棕果蝠雌性生殖系统由卵巢、输卵管、子宫、阴道、阴道前庭和阴门组成。卵巢一对,位于两侧肾的后方,包于输卵管系膜内,肉眼不易区分。输卵管很短,分为漏斗部、壶腹部和峡部,黏膜上皮为单层柱状上皮,黏膜形成纵向黏膜褶,并具有宽阔的输卵管腺。子宫为双子宫类型,根据子宫内膜上皮类型,每侧子宫分为子宫角和子宫颈,子宫角内膜具有高柱状上皮,并形成类似于输卵管腺的子宫腺。子宫角较粗,外径在1 000μm以上,比输卵管外径大1倍。子宫颈内膜上皮为单层高柱状分泌型细胞。子宫颈内膜形成发达的纵行黏膜皱褶,但不形成宫颈腺或腺样隐窝;两个子宫颈后半部共同形成一个圆锥状子宫颈阴道部,相当发达,顶端向后,其外表面也具有一层高柱状分泌型上皮细胞。两个子宫颈管未能抵达子宫颈后端,而是分别开口于子宫颈阴道部中间段(前后向上)的腹侧面上,分别开口于阴道。阴道穹窿长而深,其最前部形成一对盲管,分别位于左右两宫颈管的外侧。阴道长而宽阔。其前端形成阴道穹窿。阴道黏膜为厚而角化的复层扁平上皮。阴道后腹侧有雌性尿道的开口。阴门呈椭圆孔状,未形成左右两个阴唇。  相似文献   

The histological and histochemical structures of the proventriculus of starling (Sturnus vulgaris) were examined using haematoxylin and eosin and special staining, that is periodic acid schiff (PAS), Masson's trichrome, Alcian blue, Orcein and Reticulin. All three cranial, middle and caudal parts of the proventriculus were also studied. The study results showed that the wall of the proventriculus consisted of mucosal, submucosal, muscular and serosal tunics. The mucosal tunic presented folds and sulci on its luminal surface. In the first third of the proventriculus, the tunica mucosa characterized by presence of folds lined by stratified squamous epithelium and presence of simple tubular glands in the lamina propria. In the middle and caudal thirds of the proventriculus, the surface was covered by a columnar epithelium, and the branched tubular glands were extended through the lamina propria. From the base of the branched tubular glands, the deep proventricular glands were observed that were compound tubuloalveolar lobules. The surface epithelium of the tunica mucosa and the cells lining the proventricular glands showed a positive reaction to PAS and Alcian blue stainings. In addition, the epithelial cells of the tubular and branched tubular glands showed Masson's trichrome-positive reaction. The submucosal tunic was thin in the proventricular wall. The tunica muscularis was formed by a thin inner layer of longitudinal smooth muscle fibres and a thick outer layer of circular fibres. The serosa consisted of loose connective tissue, rich in blood vessels and covered by mesothelium.  相似文献   

The use of the scanning electron microscope gave a three dimensional representation of the epithelial surface. Additionally, light microscopy revealed the representative structure of the epithelium. The rete testis showed a single layer of cubic epithelial cells. Short and dense microvilli were found on the surface. Sporadically a single, cilia-like structure was recognized. An extratesticular rete testis was identified. The flowing transition of the epithelium between the rete testis and the efferent ductuli occurred at different levels, so that both kinds of epithelial structures were recognized in the same area. The efferent ductuli were composed of a single columnar epithelium consisting of two cell types, principal cells and ciliated cells. The ciliated cells were recognized by their cilia protruding into the lumen. The principal cells showed microvilli on their surface and bleblike apical protrusions which erupt into the lumen.  相似文献   

The morphology of the pancreatic duct system did not receive much attention as compared to the microanatomy of the exocrine and endocrine pancreas. The histological peculiarities of the excretory duct system are of major importance especially in laboratory animals like guinea pigs. The paper describes the histological peculiarities of the major interlobular and extrapancreatic ducts in guinea pigs. The pancreatic tissue samples were collected from five guinea pigs. For histological investigation, several pancreatic fragments underwent fixation in 10% buffered formalin and were later processed by the standard paraffin technique. Subsequentially, tissue sections were stained by Goldner's trichrome staining. The mucous substances were assessed by Alcian blue and Periodic acid–Schiff staining methods. The interlobular and main pancreatic ducts in the guinea pig present a simple columnar epithelium surrounded by a thick layer of dense connective tissue. The aforementioned epithelium of the main pancreatic ducts includes principal cells, goblet cells and basal cells. Additionally, the ductal epithelium presents occasional unicellular multiloculated intraepithelial mucous glands and prominent extraepithelial glands. The latter adopts a simple or compound tubular feature. The mucus elaborated by the three glandular types is mostly neutral in goblet cells, predominantly acidic in extraepithelial ductal glands, and a similar amount of acidic and neutral mucin in intraepithelial glands. In conclusion, the epithelium-associated mucous glands in the interlobular and main pancreatic ducts in the guinea pig are restricted not only to goblet cells. A substantial mucous discharge probably with a protecting role against irritative pancreatic juice derives from the main ductal intraepithelial and extraepithelial glands.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the surface epithelium and tubular glands of the uterus in the immature ostrich is described. In ostriches with inactive ovaries the uterus is lined by a non-ciliated simple columnar epithelium, with basally located heterochromatic nuclei. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that these non-ciliated cells have a dense microvillous cover. A simple columnar to pseudostratified columnar epithelium, comprised of non-ciliated and ciliated cells, lines the uterus in birds with active ovaries. The ciliated cells possess a wide luminal region, which contains a nucleus and various organelles. An accumulation of secretory granules was observed in the apical regions of the non-ciliated cells, as well as in a few ciliated cells. In addition to non-ciliated and ciliated cells, a cell type with rarefied cytoplasm was also identified. These cells appear to correspond to calcium secreting cells identified in other avian species. The results of this study indicate that, although uterine differentiation is present in immature ostriches with active ovaries, the production of secretory product appears to occur mainly in non-ciliated epithelial cells.  相似文献   

The cranial chamber (proventriculus) and caudal chamber (ventriculus) of the stomach of the Red jungle fowl (Gallus gallus spadiceus) were examined by means of light microscopy. Both chambers presented folds of the tunica mucosa lined by a simple prismatic epithelium that was positive for neutral mucin. Simple tubular glands occupied the lamina propria of both chambers; in the ventriculus of older birds, they showed a coiled base. These ventricular glands were lined by simple cuboidal cells represented by the chief cells and a few large basal cells. The luminal and tubular koilin rodlets and folds of the ventriculus were positive to periodic acid Schiff (PAS) stain. The proventricular glands were situated between the inner and outer layers of the lamina muscularis mucosae. Cells lining the tubulo-alveolar units of the proventricular glands showed a dentate appearance. Vacuoles were not observed, and the cells were negative for Alcian-PAS stain. The tunica submucosa was very thin in the proventricular wall. In the ventriculus, it was not separated from the lamina propria owing to the absence of any lamina muscularis mucosae. The tunica muscularis of the proventriculus was formed by a thick inner layer of circular smooth muscle fibres and a thin outer layer of longitudinal fibres. In addition to these layers, oblique muscle fibres formed the most internal layer of the tunica muscularis in the ventriculus.  相似文献   

This study examined the anatomical and histological characteristics of tubular genital organs of 51 adult female red brocket deer in the wild in different reproductive stages, collected by rural hunters in the north‐eastern Peruvian Amazon. The infundibulum was characterized by a large diameter and the presence of a highly folded and ciliated epithelium, and the isthmus has a growing secretor epithelium and a thicker muscular layer. Whereas ciliated cells are more frequent in the infundibulum, epithelial secretory cells showing abundant apical secretory blebs are more frequent in the isthmus. In non‐pregnant females in luteal phase, the endometrium transforms from a proliferative to a secretory type, showing a significant proliferation of endometrial uterine glands. The red brocket deer has four large circular folds in the cervix. The epithelium of the cervix is composed primarily of secretory cells. In pregnant females, the lumen of the endocervical canal is occupied by abundant mucous secretion. All pregnant females had one embryo or fetus, with a fetal sex ratio of 54.0% females to 46.0% males. This species has a cotyledonary, syndesmochorial and partially deciduate placenta, with 6–7 dome‐shaped caruncles per female. The red brocket deer does not present a true cornification of the vaginal epithelial cells, and no vaginal epithelial pattern was determined according the reproductive state of the female.  相似文献   

Light microscopic observations revealed that in camel foetuses of 25 mm crown‐to‐rump length (CRL) the primordial tubular system of the prospective lung was formed of several tubules lined by undifferentiated columnar epithelium. Intra‐epithelial neuroendocrine cells were the first elements to be differentiated in the lining epithelium of the primordial tubular system of the prospective lung as early as 25 mm CRL. On reaching 50–67 mm CRL, the primordial tubular system started to differentiate into two systems of primordial tubules, the prospective bronchial or light tubules and the future respiratory or dark tubules. The lining epithelium of the prospective bronchial tubules revealed a clear evidence of ciliogenesis as early as 80 mm CRL. From 800 mm CRL onwards, the bronchial epithelium demonstrated ciliated and non‐ciliated secretory cells. The non‐ciliated secretory cells of the bronchial epithelium of fetal camel lung showed moderate reaction to AB/PAS technique, for the first time, in fetuses reaching 600 mm CRL.  相似文献   

The study investigated seasonal changes in the morphology of the seminal vesicles of Eidolon helvum in a typical African tropical environment. Seminal vesicles of forty-eight bats were examined during the early rainy, late rainy and peak dry seasons, using gross anatomical, histological and ultrastructural techniques. The interlobular connective tissue septa from the external capsule demarcated the glandular parenchyma into numerous lobules of tubulo-alveolar glands. A simple cuboidal epithelium of mono- or bi-nucleated cuboidal cells lined the glandular mucosa during the rainy season. This was replaced by a bistratified cuboidal epithelium, whose upper layer of cells showed evidence of degeneration, during the dry season. The PAS-positive secretory products appeared to be numerous during the rainy season, but few and clumped together during the dry season. The mean gross weight, interlobular septal thickness, acini diameter and epithelial height of the glands varied significantly with season. Ultrastructural features of the secretory cells during the rainy season showed well-developed cytoplasmic organelles, numerous electron lucid secretory vesicles and electron-dense granules. Secretory epithelial cells of the seminal vesicles are very active during the rainy season, while regeneration of degenerated epithelium in preparation for the next reproductive cycle occurs during the dry season.  相似文献   

The feline urogenital junction is situated between the extratesticular rete and the spacious initial segments of the efferent ductules. The rete epithelium is cuboidal to low columnar. The rete cells forming the junction rest on a wavy basal lamina, display deep mutual invaginations, possess central nuclei with several infoldings and form a distinct border with the columnar epithelial cells of the initial segments of the ductuli efferentes. The epithelium of the initial segments is composed of ciliated cells and non-ciliated principal cells. The latter are the dominating type and characterized by an apical brush-border and a supranuclear endocytotic apparatus. The stroma of the extratesticular rete contains an abundance of collagen whereas contractile cells are here generally absent. In contrast, the initial segments of the efferent ductules are surrounded by elastic fibres and a layer of contractile cells. All nerves for the feline urogenital junction come from the nervus spermaticus superior. In the epididymal head, small nerve bundles deviate into the septa between the ductules. Single fibres establish a dense network within the muscular coat of the ductuli. At the transition to the extratesticular rete, this network ends abruptly. Nerve fibres in the confines of the rete are associated with blood vessels or proceed to the testicular interior, but establish no relationships with the rete epithelium or the myofibroblasts of the mediastinum. The nervous network in the walls of the efferent ductules and their initial segments is not only composed of sympathetic but also parasympathetic, non-myelinated fibres. Particularly noteworthy is the abundance of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)- and substance P (SP)-containing axons around the initial segments. Both neuroproteins are consistent markers for sensory neurones. Taken together, it can be assumed that the entry of seminal fluid and spermatozoa into the efferent ductules is controlled by a regulatory nervous chain provided with afferent and efferent components.  相似文献   

The present study examines anatomical and histological characteristics of tubular genital organs and its relationships with the reproductive state of 24 wild adult collared peccary (Tayassu tajacu) females. The tunica mucosa of the uterine tube presents a pseudostratified, intermittently ciliated columnar epithelium. The epithelial secretory cells of pregnant females and females in the luteal phase of the oestrous cycle became taller than the ciliated cells and showed abundant apical secretory blebs, whereas secretory cells of females in the follicular phase showed abundant mucous secretory activity (periodic acid-Schiff positive cells). The uterus is composed of two narrow and convoluted uterine horns, separated by the velum uteri, a small uterine body and a long and muscular cervix. The endometrial lining of both uterine horns and body is a monostratified, columnar ciliated epithelium. Pregnant females and females in luteal phase showed a more developed hyperplasia of the endometrial simple tubular glands than females in the follicular phase. The cervix presents interdigitated rows of mucosal prominences that project into the lumen, structures similar to pulvini cervicali, occluding the cervical canal. In pregnant females, the endocervical canal was filled by a viscous cervical secretion. Females in follicular phase presented a thicker vaginal epithelium than pregnant females and females in luteal phase. The present study suggests that the collared peccary female showed different histological features of the uterine tubes, uterus and vagina in accordance with the reproductive state of the females.  相似文献   

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