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穗稻瘟俗称白穗,使稻穗发白变秕,严重影响产量,是水稻主要病害之一。穗稻瘟又分为稻颈瘟、枝梗瘟和谷粒瘟。穗颈瘟使整个稻穗变白,损失几乎100%;而枝梗瘟和谷粒瘟只造成穗的一部分变白,损失穗的一部分。在对发病程度调查时,用病穗率这一指标显然不能反映实际发病程度。农业部农作物病虫测报总站编辑出版的《农作物主要病虫测报办法》一书上介绍的穗瘟病情程度分级及病情指数(以下简称病指),是最常用的调查指标,基本  相似文献   

近年来,杭州市晚稻稻穗瘟流行十分严重,在全年病虫损失中居首位。1980年是近十年中发病最重的一年。 一、发病情况和特点 1980年晚稻穗瘟病情上升快,持续时间长,发病面广,危害严重。稻瘟在9月下旬始见,10月上旬盛发,持续到10月下旬,发病期长达30多天,比一般年份长10天左右。据肖山县宏伟公社春雷大队定点观察:9月25日始见穗瘟,30日穗发病率6%,10月3日猛增为40%,病情指数由5.2增为16,10月14日穗发病率达91.49%,病情指数68.5,25日病情指数高达82.8。  相似文献   

针对2017—2019年唐山地区姜瘟病的发生动态及发病因子开展调查研究。结果表明,唐山地区姜瘟病为害严重,地上部茎叶和地下根茎均能感病,常引起全株枯死。2017—2018年定点监测,姜瘟病发病率在9.80%~11.52%之间,6月下旬始发,7月中旬至8月下旬为病害流行盛期,9月中旬以后病情逐渐趋于稳定。姜瘟病的发生流行程度受气温、降雨量等因素影响。当日均气温达到23.5℃以上开始发病,随降雨量的增多病害蔓延加速。唐山地区6个主栽品种以本地品种冀姜5号田间自然发病较轻,另外5个外地引入品种病株率、病情指数均明显偏高,提示外地调入的带菌姜种是主要侵染源。此外,随土壤连作年限的延长和化肥施入量的增加,姜瘟病发病率显著提高。  相似文献   

黔东南苗族侗族自治州是贵州省主要水稻产区,每年稻瘟病(稻叶瘟和穗颈瘟)发病面积约4.67万hm2。2012年黔东南州水稻穗颈瘟发生面积2.14万hm2,造成绝收面积235.2hm2,使全州水稻产量损失严重。为进一步做好水稻穗颈瘟的防治工作,笔者对2012年水稻穗颈瘟偏重发生的原因进行了分析,并提出相应的防治对策。1症状水稻穗颈瘟发生在穗茎、枝梗处。受害部分呈淡褐色或  相似文献   

亚洲玉米螟为害对玉米镰孢穗腐病发生程度的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了明确亚洲玉米螟[Ostrinia furnacalis(Guenée)]在玉米雌穗不同发育期为害对玉米镰孢穗腐病发生程度的影响,分别在春播和夏播玉米吐丝、灌浆和乳熟期,以亚洲玉米螟为试虫,以轮枝镰孢菌为供试菌,单独或复合接种侵染。结果表明,无论春播还是夏播玉米,镰孢穗腐病病情指数均以复合处理最高,为31.57~88.80,单独接虫处理为16.27~55.00,单独接菌处理为19.02~59.47;玉米镰孢穗腐病的发生程度受玉米雌穗发育期和亚洲玉米螟为害程度的影响,其玉米螟为害级别为吐丝期>灌浆期>乳熟期;受螟害的介导作用,春播玉米雌穗被害率、螟害级别和镰孢穗腐病的发病率均显著重于夏播玉米,但夏播玉米镰孢穗腐病的病情指数高于春播玉米。螟害的介入明显加重了玉米镰孢穗腐病的发生,严重程度与雌穗发育时期密切相关。  相似文献   

柏来宏 《植物保护》1983,9(6):28-28
稻穗蚜(稻麦长管蚜)在水稻扬花阶段为害稻穗,轻者千粒重下降,不实率增加,减产2—3成;重者则不结实,出现翘穗,减产可达3—6成。我们按每穗不同蚜虫量,对其为害损失率进行了测定。  相似文献   

夏禹甸 《植物保护》1965,3(2):78-79
一、病情调查和计算方法 小麦赤霉病(穗腐)的为害程度,一般用病穗率、病穗严重度及病粒率三者表示。由于病粒率与病穗率及严重度有相关性,而田间对病粒率不易进行调查,故可只用病穗率及严重度表示为害程度。为了便于综合比较,可将病穗率及严重度合并计算为病情指数,以代表某一调查对象的受害程度。 1.病穗率:赤霉病的发病程度与麦株生育期的关系十分密切。由于肥力、地势等因素使麦株长势和抽穗开花先后有不同,而形成同一田内,不同  相似文献   

对上海16个水稻主栽品种分小区种植,系统调查了后期水稻穗腐病、穗颈瘟等病害的自然发生情况,以期筛选上海地区穗期病害抗性品种。结果表明,不同水稻品种对穗腐病、穗颈瘟等病害的敏感性有差异。银香38、沪软1212和沪早香软1号3个品种穗颈瘟发病较重,导致无法灌浆结实,造成穗腐病因缺乏发病载体而发生较轻。其余品种穗腐病病穗率均较高。部分水稻品种次要病害如稻粒黑粉病病穗率较高。目前采用的水稻穗腐病分级标准在实际应用中存在局限性。  相似文献   

1999年 ,水稻穗瘟病在江苏沿海地区大流行 ,其发生面积之大 ,为害程度之重是近 2 0a来没有见过的。据东台市调查 ,1 999年水稻穗瘟病大流行的特点一是发病时间早。于 8月 3 0日在生育期较早的水稻上始见 ,9月 5日前后大面积上普遍发生 ,其见病期比水稻破口抽穗期仅晚 7d左右。病穗出现时间之早是籼改粳以来没有过的。二是流行面积广。全市总发病面积 2 .7万hm2 ,占水稻总面积的 81 .0 8%。其中病穗率在 1 %以下的面积占 2 5.96%,病穗率 1 %~ 5%的占4 6.1 5%,病穗率 5%~ 1 0 %的占 1 8.2 6%,病穗率 1 0 %~ 2 0 %的占 5.77%,病穗率 2 0…  相似文献   

 人工接种试验和田间多年自然发病调查发现,目前生产上应用的水稻品种均感稻曲病;但在自然条件下,不同水稻品种稻曲病的发生程度存在较大差异,可以人为的分为多病粒高感品种和寡病粒相对抗病的品种。为了探究水稻穗部性状与其病害抗性间的关系,本文对孕穗期不同阶段的不同水稻品种的穗部性状进行了比较分析。结果发现表型为多病粒的高感多病粒品种与表型为寡病粒的相对抗病的品种之间在穗子大小、小花密度、穗鞘闭合程度和密封性、旗叶面积等方面均存在明显差异,寡病粒相对抗病的水稻品种穗鞘闭合程度优于高感多病粒品种。  相似文献   

稻曲病产量损失测定及调查测报因子研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
稻曲病是水稻穗部的重要真菌性病害。本研究分析了13个供试水稻品种每穗稻曲病病粒数与水稻产量损失的线性关系,根据每个品种线性方程及南方稻区实际情况,得出了田间稻曲病经济允许水平、成灾因子,即平均每穗病粒数分别为0.57、5.44粒。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The application of silicon (Si) fertilizers reduces the severity of blast, caused by Magnaporthe grisea, in irrigated and upland rice; however, little research has been conducted to examine the epidemiological and etiological components of this reduction. Four cultivars of rice with differential susceptibilities to race IB-49 of M. grisea were fertilized with three rates of a calcium silicate fertilizer and inoculated with the pathogen to test the effects of Si on the following components of resistance to blast: incubation period, latent period, infection efficiency, lesion size, rate of lesion expansion, sporulation per lesion, and diseased leaf area. For each cultivar, the incubation period was lengthened by increased rates of Si, and the numbers of sporulating lesions, lesion size, rate of lesion expansion, diseased leaf area, and number of spores per lesion were reduced. Lesion size and sporulation per lesion were lowered by 30 to 45%, and the number of sporulating lesions per leaf and diseased leaf area were significantly reduced at the highest rate of Si. The net effect of Si on these components of resistance is an overall reduction in the production of conidia on plants infected with M. grisea, thereby slowing the epidemic rate of blast.  相似文献   

水稻品种的抗性鉴定:1973~1977年在稻瘟病圃中,筛选出对穗颈瘟4~5年保持中抗以上的品种15个,1975~1977年又鉴定出对穗颈瘟3年均保持中抗以上的品种47个。在病圃中对大量水稻品种抗性鉴定材料的统计分析表明,籼稻品种的叶片对稻瘟病菌抗侵入和抗扩展能力强的品种数量比粳稻多。穗颈和主轴则不同,在病圃中粳稻叶瘟发生较重的年份,籼稻抗侵入的品种数量比粳稻多,反之,籼稻比粳稻少。但在同一抗病等级中,粳稻造成的损失多比籼稻轻,表现耐病性强的品种数量比籼稻多。根据多年和多点试验,绝大部分品种在不同地区和不同年份之间抗性表现不一致。就叶瘟和穗颈瘟抗性变化情况相比,叶瘟抗性变化较穗颈瘟大。  相似文献   

稻粒黑粉病主要发病因素及防治指标   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
稻粒黑粉病已成为杂交稻制种田的重要病害,病粒率一般达10%左右。因此各地对其研究逐渐增多,但对其主要发病因素特别是防治指标报道甚少。本文通过田间试验,大田调查,室内考种并结合气象资料分析,在这方面对其进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Zhu YY  Fang H  Wang YY  Fan JX  Yang SS  Mew TW  Mundt CC 《Phytopathology》2005,95(4):433-438
ABSTRACT Glutinous rice cultivars were sown after every fourth row of a nonglutinous, hybrid cultivar in an additive design. The glutinous cultivars were 35 to 40 cm taller and substantially more susceptible to blast than was the nonglutinous cultivar. Interplanting of glutinous and nonglutinous rice reduced the incidence and severity of panicle blast on the glutinous cultivars by >90%, and on the nonglutinous cultivar by 30 to 40%. Mixing increased the per unit area yield of glutinous rice by 80 to 90% relative to pure stand, whereas yield of the nonglutinous cultivar was essentially unaffected by mixing. To determine whether the different plant heights and canopy structures may contribute to a microclimate that is less favorable to blast infection, we monitored the moisture status of the glutinous cultivars in pure stand and mixture at 0800 h by measuring relative humidity at the height of the glutinous panicles using a swing psychrometer and by visually estimating the percentage of leaf area covered by dew. Averaged over the two seasons, the number of days of 100% humidity at 0800 h was 20.0 and 2.2 for pure stands and mixtures, respectively. The mean percentage of glutinous leaf area covered by dewwas 84 and 36% for the pure stands and mixtures, respectively. Although other mechanisms also were operative, reduced leaf wetness was likely a substantial contributor to panicle blast control in the mixtures.  相似文献   

文中讨论了对稻瘟病抗病性的类型,未发现范德普兰克(1968年)描述的对病原的所有小种反应一致的水平抗性品种。  相似文献   

Barley spot blotch (SB), caused by Cochliobolus sativus, is an important barley disease which causes extensive grain yield losses. These losses may not always correlate directly with the amount of diseased leaf area. Two barley cultivars, Quebracho (susceptible to SB) and Carumbé (with intermediate susceptibility to SB), were compared in field experiments in 2003, 2004 and 2006. Plots of each cultivar were either inoculated with C. sativus or protected with fungicide under field conditions to generate contrasting treatments: i) diseased, and ii) free of disease, respectively. SB severity over the growing season, photosynthetic rate on leaves with no visible symptoms and grain yield were assessed for each treatment and year. There was no treatment effect on cv. Carumbé, while cv. Quebracho showed a significant yield reduction, even though SB severity during the grain filling period was <10 %. This yield reduction was associated with a reduced photosynthetic rate at the beginning of the grain filling period in cv. Quebracho. A similar experiment was conducted under greenhouse conditions, adding a treatment without inoculum or fungicide. There were no differences in photosynthetic rate or grain yield per plant among treatments. These results suggest a distinct physiological response to SB infection among cultivars affecting leaf photosynthetic rate, and SB severity may not be the best estimator of yield losses caused by SB.  相似文献   

本文对上高县2014年早稻纹枯病、稻瘟病、二化螟、稻纵卷叶螟和稻飞虱这几类水稻主要病虫害在防治与不防治条件下进行了田间试验对比,对不同处理病虫情况及产量情况进行调查,对防治效益进行了评估。结果表明,完全不防治产量损失最大,单一病虫害中纹枯病损失最大,其次是稻纵卷叶螟、稻飞虱、二化螟和稻瘟病;完全不防治的效益损失最大,单一病虫害中纹枯病损失效益最大,其次是稻纵卷叶螟、稻飞虱、二化螟和稻瘟病。2014年上半年雨水多,湿度大,造成纹枯病重发生,稻纵卷叶螟和稻飞虱中等发生,二化螟和稻瘟病轻发生。  相似文献   

由稻瘟菌侵染引起的稻瘟病是威胁水稻安全生产最严重的真菌病害之一。鉴定克隆水稻抗稻瘟病基因, 系统深入研究稻瘟菌与水稻的相互作用, 揭示水稻的抗病机制, 进而创制推广抗稻瘟病新材料, 对确保粮食安全具有重要意义。本文总结了近10年来稻瘟病抗病基因和感病基因的鉴定、分子机理解析和应用等进展, 总结归纳了抗病基因聚合、分子设计育种、感病基因编辑、抗病基因的病原诱导表达等抗病育种主要策略。最后提出充分利用种质资源, 利用新技术挖掘新基因及创制新材料, 深入研究叶瘟和穗瘟抗病机制差异等是稻瘟病抗病育种下一步重点研究方向和新挑战。  相似文献   

Phoma stem canker of oilseed rape (Brassica napus), caused by Leptosphaeria maculans/L. biglobosa is a globally important disease. Severe phoma stem canker symptoms have been observed on winter oilseed rape in China but the seed yield loss caused by this disease remains unknown. In May 2012 and May 2013, 17 and 13 crops were surveyed, respectively, in seven counties of Hubei Province, central China. Stems with phoma stem canker disease symptoms were sampled for pathogen isolation and identification. Only L. biglobosa was identified by culture morphology and species-specific PCR; no L. maculans was found. To evaluate the yield losses, yield components (number of branches per plant, number of pods per plant, 1000-seed weight, number of seeds per pod) were assessed on healthy and diseased plants sampled from crops in four counties and on plants from inoculated pot experiments (plants of three cultivars were inoculated at the green bud stage by injecting L. biglobosa conidia into the stem between the first and second leaf scars). Results of the field surveys showed that diseased plants had 14–61% less branches and 32–83% less pods than healthy plants, respectively. The estimated seed yield loss varied from 10% to 21% and from 13% to 37% in 2012 and 2013, respectively. In the pot experiments, there were no differences in numbers of branches or pods but there were differences in number of seeds per pod between inoculated and control plants. For the three cultivars tested, the inoculated plants had yield losses of 29–56% compared with the control. This study indicates that L. biglobosa could cause substantial seed yield loss in China.  相似文献   

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