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近年来 ,地处苏北姜堰市大地农业科技园研究示范的大棚冬季蔬菜茬鲜食玉米一年三熟新型种植模式 ,使该三熟玉米均错开了大面积露地玉米上市季节 ,经济价值较高。鲜食玉米年总产量达 3 .75万kg/hm2 左右 ,产值 3 .5万~ 5万元 /hm2 。其主要栽培技术如下 :1 第一熟春玉米栽培品种为沪玉糯 1号 ,2月上旬播种 ,5月底 6月初采收 ,产量指标为 1 .5万kg/hm2 。双棚育苗。⑴播种 :在大棚内采用营养钵育苗 ,大田制足营养钵 7.5万只 /hm2 ,营养钵直径 8~ 1 0cm。于 2月初播种 ,盖种后苗床上搭小拱棚增温防冻。⑵苗床管理 :播后增温保…  相似文献   

糯玉米优质高效栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着人民生活水平的提高,鲜食糯玉米受到越来越多市民的喜爱.安徽省新审定的优质糯玉米新品种正糯8号、宿糯1号在安徽省淮北及江淮各地种植,采用综合配套技术,糯玉米鲜穗667m2产量由800kg提高到1000kg,上市时间从7月中旬提早到6月中旬,每667m2效益从1500元提高到2000元以上.播种时间由原来每年4月初直播到目前的早春育苗、地膜移栽、覆盖为主导的早春规范化高效栽培技术,此项技术的推广是进行农业生产产业结构调整、农民增收增效致富的一条新路子.种植糯玉米是适应高效农业发展的一种新型经济作物模式.糯玉米采收鲜穗后,又可利用鲜秸秆青贮,发展养殖业.总之,糯玉米以其高效、独特的优势,具有广阔的发展前景.  相似文献   

钱忠贵 《作物杂志》2003,19(6):41-41
番茄、丝瓜、夏大白菜立体种植,就是在早春番茄生产的中后期,在塑料大棚架内两侧栽上丝瓜,丝瓜抽蔓引上棚架,长成一座由丝瓜茎叶组成的绿色荫棚,再在荫棚下套种夏大白菜,棚中的气温可比棚外低5~8℃,光照强度也大大降低,给夏大白菜的生长创造了一个相对适宜的环境条件。此法栽培,一般产量为番茄4.5万~6万kg/hm2 、丝瓜3万~3.75万kg/hm2 、夏大白菜4.5万~5.25万kg/hm2,产值15万元/hm2 左右,效益显著。1 茬口安排番茄于11月下旬育苗,12月上旬移于营养钵,1月下旬~2月上旬定植,5月上旬上市,7月中旬拉秧。  相似文献   

湖南省邵东县斫曹乡石坪村实行元胡、春玉米、晚稻三熟制,是1997~1998年开展稻田高产高效种植模式试验中获得成功的一种新模式。1999年种植10hm2,据县农业局调查,元胡干品产量达2243kg/hm2 、玉米7883kg/hm2 、稻谷7733kg/hm2,三季净产值达39166元 /hm2,比二熟制双季水稻种植模式增值显著。其栽培技术如下。1 茬口安排10月中、下旬晚稻收获后,及时种植元胡,元胡在4月底至5月初收获。玉米采取育苗移栽,在4月上旬移栽于元胡行间,7月上、中旬收获。玉米收获后,及时栽插晚稻。2 稻田选择与准备选择排水良好、灌溉方……  相似文献   

自2004年开始,福建省屏南县很多农户大胆尝试冬香葱—春花椰菜—秋大葱栽培模式,收到了不错的效益。冬茬香葱12月中旬定植,次年3月上中旬采收完毕,亩产5000千克,亩产值5000元;春花椰菜2月中下旬育苗,3月下旬定植,6月中旬采收完毕,亩产1500千克,亩产值3000元;秋大葱6月上中旬育苗,8月上旬定植,12月上旬采收完毕,亩产3000千克,亩产值4500元,全年三茬总产值12500元/亩。  相似文献   

为了调整和优化农田种植结构 ,面向国内外市场 ,着力改善农产品的品种和质量 ,大力发展高产优质高效农业 ,提高农业的综合效益 ,1 996~ 1 999年度 ,我所在四川省农业厅支持下 ,开展以鲜食甜糯玉米超常早播为中心的“冬小麦套作鲜食甜糯玉米连作优质水稻”稻田改制试验示范 ,4年平均产小麦 382 0kg/hm2 ,鲜食甜糯玉米穗 1 480 0 .4kg/hm2 ,优质杂交稻谷76 5 4.5kg/hm2 ,年产值达 2 .97万元 /hm2 。较原主要种植模式油 -稻增加经济收入 1 .73万元 /hm2 ,原投入产出比 1∶1 .71 ,新增投入产出比1∶2 .2 5 ,取得增产增效的极显…  相似文献   

马尚明 《作物杂志》2002,18(2):28-29
为了优化种植结构,提高土地的利用率和产出率,促进农业增效、增收,1998~2001年运用小区试验和大田对比示范,在宁南山区的西吉县兴隆镇的高进村进行了连续4年冬小麦膜侧栽培收获后复种地膜大白菜二熟高效种植模式试验研究。结果表明,冬小麦膜侧栽培—地膜大白菜1季2种2收的混合经济产量10.64万kg/hm2 (其中 :冬小麦膜侧单产7554kg/hm2,地膜大白菜单产98811kg/hm2 ),产值2.86万元 /hm2,扣除投入成本4261.5元 /hm2,获纯收益24363元 /hm2,产投比6.7∶1,是当地习惯种植模式—……  相似文献   

1栽培季节 以春季栽培比较普遍,一般在晚霜过后或清明时节。秋季栽种,宜在早秋进行。适宜露地栽培的茬口安排主要为春季栽培。2月下旬至3月上旬育苗,4月上、中旬移栽,5月中、下旬坐果,6月下旬开始成熟,7月中旬采收结束。  相似文献   

马尚明 《耕作与栽培》2002,(4):18-18,59
为了优化种植结构 ,提高土地的利用率和产出率 ,促进农业增效、增收 ,1998— 2 0 0 1年运用小区试验和大田对比示范 ,在宁南山区的西吉县兴隆镇的高进村进行了连续 4年冬小麦膜侧栽培收获后复种地膜大白菜 2熟高效种植模式试验研究。结果表明 ,冬小麦膜侧栽培 地膜大白菜的混合经济产量 70 91kg/ 6 6 7m2 (其中 :冬小麦膜侧单产5 0 3.6kg/ 6 6 7m2 ,地膜大白菜单产 6 5 87.4kg/ 6 6 7m2 ) ,产值190 8.3元 / 6 6 7m2 ,扣除投入成本 2 84 .1元 / 6 6 7m2 。获纯收益16 2 4 .2元 / 6 6 7m2 。产投比 6 .7∶1,是当地习惯种植模式———冬小麦膜…  相似文献   

玉米软盘覆膜育苗移栽是集玉米直播栽培、地膜覆盖栽培、育苗移栽于一体的高产栽培技术 ,是玉米栽培技术的一大改革。对于充分利用光热资源、提高复种指数、缓解前后作物季节矛盾、抗御不良环境条件、减轻病虫害、确保玉米全苗壮苗、提高玉米产量有着十分重要的意义。1 997年在我县田庄乡试验示范6.7hm2 ,一举获得成功。 1 998~ 2 0 0 0年三年示范推广 1 .0 3 8万hm2 ,总产 5 940 .0 2万kg ,平均单产 5 72 2 .5kg/hm2 ,比地膜覆盖栽培的玉米增产 1 0 0 4.5 5kg/hm2 ,共增产 1 0 42 .75万kg ,新增产值 1 45 9.86万元 ,节约…  相似文献   

花粉不育是籼粳杂种F1优势利用的主要障碍之一。包括Sa、Sb和Sc等至少6个基因座位内的等位基因互作会引起花粉不育,这些座位上的中性等位基因可以克服不育性。所以,发掘和利用中性等位基因具有重要意义。本文用携带S5n的水稻种质,分别与台中65及其携带花粉不育基因的一套近等基因系杂交,组配具有单个座位互作和多个座位同时互作的杂种F1,首先通过观察杂种F1的花粉育性并比较相应杂种F1育性的差异,初步判断是否具有中性等位基因,然后,采用与Sa、Sb和Sc座位紧密连锁的分子标记对F2植株基因型的分离进行检测,并分析其分离比例的符合度,确定存在中性等位基因的真实性。结果发现在所鉴定的6份材料中有2份(灰背子和Madhukar)同时携带San和Sbn,3份(饭毫皮、秕五升和粤泰B)携带Sbn,1份(Jackson)携带Scn。这些材料同时携带可克服杂种F1胚囊不育和花粉不育的基因,是克服籼粳杂种F1不育性的重要基因来源。  相似文献   

Pflanzenwachstum durch CO2/HCO3-Eintrag über die Wurzel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Plant Growth after Application of CO2/HCO3 to the Roots
After applying H14CO3 to the root system of summer wheat in hermetically sealed pots, absorption and incorporation of HCO3 in the sugar-, starch-, and fibre-fraction (approximately 50 % of the absorped 14C) could be shown. This fraction reached 0.44–1.21 % of total C-assimilation of the shoot during growing stage F9/F10 on the Feeke-scala. 1/3 of the HCO3-fraction resting in the soil was bound organically indicating that microorganisms may be able to utilize exogenous anorganic CO2/HCO3 for their photosynthesis.  相似文献   


D. Chen    Y. Ding    W. Guo    T. Zhang 《Plant Breeding》2009,128(2):193-198
Two genic male sterile (GMS) lines, Lang-A conditioned by ms 15 and Zhongkang-A conditioned by ms 5 ms 6 duplicate recessive genes in Gossypium hirsutum L., were chosen to map GMS genes. These two lines were crossed with Gossypium barbadense cv. 'Hai7124' to produce segregating populations. The ms 15 gene was mapped on chromosome 12, and was flanked by two simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, NAU2176 and NAU1278, with a genetic distance of 0.8 and 1.9 cM respectively. The ms 5 and ms 6 genes were mapped to one pair of homoeologous chromosomes, ms 5 on chromosome 12 flanked by three SSR markers, NAU3561, NAU2176 and NAU2096, with genetic distances of 1.4, 1.8 and 1.8 cM, respectively, and ms 6 on chromosome 26 flanked by two SSR markers, BNL1227 and NAU460, with a genetic distance of 1.4 and 1.7 cM respectively. These tightly linked markers with the ms 15 , ms 5 and ms 6 genes can be used in the marker-assisted selection among segregating populations in a breeding programme, and provide the foundation for gene isolation by map-based cloning for these three genes.  相似文献   

Although the wild sunflower species Helianthus laevigatus has not been extensively studied it may be considered for sunflower breeding as a potential source of desirable genes for Sclerotinia stalk rot resistance and high contents of proteins and linoleic acid in the seed. A set of six H. laevigatus populations was crossed to cultivated sun~ower lines and produced nine F1 (2-14 plants) and 66 BC1F1 hybrid combinations (1-13 plants). Male sterility occurred in F1 and BC1F1 hybrid combinations and pollen viability was lower in the progenies than in the parents (51.6-77.2%in F1 and in F1 and 4.8-34.0% in BC1F1). Meiosis was normal in the H. laevigatus populations It was found that this tetraploid species also occurred in a hexaploid form Numerous irregularities were observed in the meiosis of the F1 interspecific hybrids During diakinesis, quadrivalents and hexavalents were recorded in addition to bivalents Dislocated chromosomes and chromosome bridges were present in the other phases The chromosome number in F1 was 68 (tetraploid). Irregularities in chromosome pairing were observed in the interspecific hybrids at BC1F1. There were many univalents, and trivalents quadrivalents and hexavalents were also present The chromosome number in the BC1F1 generation ranged from 34 to 60. The occurrence of meiotic irregularities in the F1 and BC1F1 interspecific hybrids indicates that H. laevigatus and the cultivated sunflower differ in genome constitution.  相似文献   

The role of leaves, stem and reproductive parts in 14CO2 fixation and subsequent photosynthate translocation was studied in Indian mustard ( Brassica juncea L.) at three growth stages. The data indicated that leaves, stem and pods are important sources of photosynthates for seed filling. At bud emergence stage leaves are the principle site of 14CO2, fixation. The contribution of leaves declines at subsequent stages, where as the contribution of pod walls increased from bud emergence stage to ripening stage. The contribution of the stem remains more or less constant at all three growth stages studied. Although stem can fix 14CO2, at bud emergence and flowering stages it imported 14C-photosynthates from leaves. However, stem exported photosynthates during subsequent growth stages.  相似文献   

Summary The green peach aphid (Myzus persicae) is a serious pest of the tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). Trichome-based host plant resistance of wild Lycopersicon species may offer an alternative to pesticides for management of this pest. Two wild species, Lycopersicon cheesmanii f. minor and L. pennellii, were crossed with L. esculentum and the types and densities of trichomes possessed by the F1 hybrids measured. The effects of these trichomes on M. persicae were assessed by placing nymphs on leaves and, 96 hr later, designating each nymph as either dead, alive, emigrating off the leaf or unaccounted for. A generalised linear model was used to detect relationships between the numbers of nymphs in each designation and the densities of trichomes and leaf area. Mortality of nymphs on L. pennellii hybrids was associated with high densities of type IV and low densities of type I trichomes. Mortality of nymphs on L. cheesmanii f. minor hybrids was associated with high densities of type III trichomes. An increase in the densities of type III trichomes on L. pennellii hybrids was associated with greater numbers of nymphs emigrating off the leaf whilst unaccounted nymphs on L. pennellii hybrids were associated with increased densities of type VII and type I trichomes. Further experimentation using excised leaflets found mortality on L. pennellii hybrids may be due to nymphs being hindered by type I trichomes and increased densities of type V trichomes were associated with greater numbers of unhindered nymphs. Implications of results are discussed in the context of introducing trichome-based host plant resistance into L. esculentum.  相似文献   

Several characteristics from sparkleberry (V. arboreum) would be useful if transferred to highbush blueberry cultivars, but to date all direct crosses have failed. The purpose of this research was to see whether crosses of diploid V. darrowii and diploid V. fuscatum (both section Cyanococcus) with diploid V. arboreum (section Batodendron) could be made and to assess the possibility of transferring traits from V. arboreum into cultivated blueberries of section Cyanococcus. Many crosses were successful and easy to make. Crosses were more productive when V. arboreum was the pollen parent, but some hybrids were also obtained with V. arboreum as seed parent. Pollen stainability of F1 (V. darrowii × V. arboreum) hybrids was low, ranging from 0.9 to 23.7%. Numerous meiotic abnormalities were found in the F1 hybrids. These led to a high percentage of incomplete and unstained tetrads and probably to the production of unreduced gametes.  相似文献   

在盐酸质子化条件下,采用超声微波协助法成功制备了可见光型复合催化剂WO3/g-C3N4。利用X射线多晶粉末衍射仪(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)、透射电镜(TEM)、紫外可见漫反射(UV-Vis)和BET比表面测试仪对样品进行了表征,并以罗丹明B(RhB)为目标降解物对其光催化性能进行研究。结果表明:复合催化剂样品是由片状的WO3纳米片负载在g-C3N4表面组成的。当WO3负载的质量分数为40%时,前驱物在500℃条件下煅烧2 h后所得样品的光催化性能明显好于同条件下制得的单一相WO3和g-C3N4,在可见光(波长大于420 nm)照射下,5 h内对100 mL浓度为10-5 mol/L罗丹明B橙溶液的降解高达98%。  相似文献   

Influence of high temperature stress on photosynthesis and allocation of carbon into different biochemical fractions in mature leaves of Indian mustard [ Brassica juncea (L) Czern] was investigated. Heat stress reduced 14CO2 fixation and inhibited the translocation of carbon from the leaves. Allocation of 14C into starch and residue fractions was significantly lower in heat stressed plant leaves. Starch content was significantly reduced in heat stressed plants.  相似文献   

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