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This peper commentaried some of our country comparatively well-known enterprise informationization estimate theory,point out,there is existing the question of informationization estimates,that the achievement can't guarantee "appropriate informationization" establishing and enterprise informationization sustainable development,It propose the three-dimensional enterprise informationization estimate the theory and method,that includes information-based level,information-based quality and information-based development potentiality.  相似文献   

The importance of human-information system interaction efficiency within enterprise informationization environment is analyzed.The intension of human-information system interaction efficiency is studied from definition,characteristic and evaluation.According to different properties,the influencing factors of human-information system interaction efficiency are divided into five kinds,including human factor,information system factor,management factor,environment factor,and technology factor.On this basis,the concept model of human-information system interaction efficiency is brought forward,and mechanisms of influencing factors to human-information system interaction efficiency are discussed in the model.The analysis indicates: As the core parts of the model,human factor and information system factor determine interaction efficiency directly.Management factor restricts or supports efficiency of human and information system.Environment factor and technology factor bring indirect influence to interaction efficiency by restricting or supporting human factor and information system factor.  相似文献   

By analyzing the process of enterprise information engineering construction and intra relationship among information system requirement, business process modeling, application system constructing and project management, one of 4 meta model composed of requirement engineering, process engineering, application system engineering and support engineering is proposed for enterprise information engineering. The developments and applications of the business processes and its application systems are integrated into the same development space and application space. Basing on this, a prototype system composed of requirement modeling environment, business process modeling environment, application system modeling environment, and support engineering environment has been designed and built, which is used for supporting enterprise information engineering constructing. It is valued for the enterprise information engineering construction in our country.  相似文献   

严志业 《中国农学通报》2011,27(30):318-324
为了促进农业龙头企业信息化的良性发展,达成以信息化提升农业产业化水平的目标,依据福建的调查问卷数据,分析了农业产业化龙头企业信息化的现状,揭示了现阶段福建农业龙头企业信息化的需求与取向特点,认为目前阶段福建各类农业龙头企业间信息化水平发展不平衡,缺乏科学的规划,投入水平较低且缺乏持续性,信息系统的应用在少数部门且集成化水平较低,组织与管理亟待改善,信息化效果不够明显并且满意度偏低。提出了建立国家政策引导、扶持与示范机制,辅导企业推进关键领域的IT应用,逐步改善企业信息化组织与管理等对策建议,为龙头企业发展提供管理与决策支持。  相似文献   

It is usually ignored in the traditional EOQ model that the opportunity cost results from lost sales when the enterprise has no commodity in the wearhouse. This paper focuses on some operating enterprise.Under the condition of time_limited partial back_orders and non_instant supply,an EOQ model is established of which it is more reasonable to assume the loss of without commodity in the warehouse divided into two parts:the opportunity cost due to lost sales and the shortage cost.It is discussed that the general cost function and the optimal solution to minimizing the total cost.The new basis of the decision of store system management is provided.Moreover,the model is applied to the example.  相似文献   

为提升蔬菜生产管理和蔬菜质量安全水平,建立方便、实用、低成本的蔬菜病虫害识别防治系统,本研究基于国产基础软件,搭建了基于中间件的系统运行支撑平台,采用拖拽式向导模式构件技术,构建了蔬菜病虫害识别防治系统,并在海南省进行了推广和应用。系统实现了关于蔬菜病虫害的知识浏览、智能诊断、农事指导三个核心功能,实现了基于国产基础软件运行环境对蔬菜病虫害识别防治的信息化管理。系统有效地帮助植保人员对蔬菜病虫害进行了识别防治,对增强蔬菜种植管理水平和提升农业生产信息化水平起到了一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

云南省低成本农业农村信息化模式研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
云南省受经济水平、基础设施以及农民科技素质的限制,农业农村信息化建设相对落后。本研究总结形成了以政府为主导的和以企业为主导的2种农业农村低成本信息化模式。以政府为主导的信息化模式是以县域为中心,构建县域农业科技信息服务平台和信息服务体系,以网络、短信、硬盘播放器等多技术融合为手段,以项目共建共享为途径,采用一站多用方式,实现信息进村入户;以企业为主导的信息化模式,是针对云南省网络覆盖不全面地区,以企业为中心,围绕农业标准化生产和产业化发展需求,建设企业集群服务器和信息服务平台,采用无线通信技术和无线覆盖技术,实现对企业生产基地和加盟农户的网络信息全覆盖。2种模式相互结合,较好地解决了西部边疆民族地区因经济条件、基础设施和农民素质造成的信息化建设最后一公里问题。  相似文献   

Problems existing in traditional contract management mode are analyzed on the conditions of large-scale enterprise and regional decentralization, such as unorganized and dispersive information management, slowness or retardation of data transformation, difficulties in tracking contract information and evaluating client credit. A contract management solution based on web technology is proposed, which realizes cooperation across distributed regions, thus enables efficient and standard contract management.  相似文献   

In modern society, in order to make full use of information, enterprise not only communicates with interior, but also with the other enterprise. The old PDM (Product Data Management) system can not meet the requirement of enterprise in functions and ranges of management. To retrieve product data easily, the modern enterprises need to store product lifecycle information. At the same time, it is also necessary to expand the function of PDM, in order to share its network information, meet its requirement of collaborating design and make suppliers and partners expediently take part in the management of product data. Based on development of the PDM, this paper expatiates how to expand the old PDM for the modern enterprise.  相似文献   

广西农业信息化建设现状与发展对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要分析了广西农业信息化建设的现状,指出了广西农业信息化建设存在的主要问题,并提出了广西农业信息化建设的发展对策。主要结论为:(1)制订长远发展规划,加强农业信息化法制法规建设;(2)加大资金投入,建立完善的农村信息服务体系;(3)开发与整合农业信息资源,提高农业信息服务的质量和水平;(4)加强农业信息人才队伍建设;(5)提高农民信息素质,培育农民的信息需求;(6)采取灵活多样的服务方式,增强农业信息服务功能。  相似文献   

随着计算机互联网的迅速普及和发展,信息化成为提升农村商品流通效率的核心所在。对北京郊区及城镇农产品市场进行了实地调研,从农村信息化组织管理体系、农村市场信息服务、流通商务网站运营以及农产品质量追溯等方面分析了农村商品流通信息化发展现状及存在的主要问题。总体看来,北京农村在信息化组织体系、市场信息服务以及流通电子商务建设等方面已初显成效,但仍存在信息化基础设施薄弱、适用于农村的信息产品少和信息化应用水平不高等问题。结合北京农村信息化建设实践,笔者从信息资源、信息服务以及信息人才建设等方面提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

"工学结合校企合作"教学模式是高职教育的重要发展和改革方向,也是培养高素质技能型专门人才的有效途径。高职院校实践课程评价是教学模式的重要组成部分,建立一套全面、合理、系统化,具有可操作、科学性的,并能取得企业、学校、学生"三方共赢"效果的评价体系,是课程开发与实施的重要保证,是学生掌握扎实的知识与技能,培养实践能力和创新能力,提高教师教学质量和专业素质的有效途径。主要研究了基于"工学结合校企合作"模式下,实践课程评价体系构建探索的研究。  相似文献   

The conception of virtual logistics and virtual logistics enterprise are introduced,and the importance of information technology in virtual logistics organization is indicated.Then the four layer structure of the support system of virtual logistics enterprise is propaed,which are information collection technical,information share technical,information disposal technical and the theory and methods of information management.The five-layer construction of information system of virtual logistics enterprises is built.This paper can be of instructive significance to the building of the virtual logistics enterprise's information platform.  相似文献   

knowledge management is an effective method to improve the enterprise's competitive ability. To construct knowledge system is the base for the performance of knowledge management. According to the theory and method of system engineering, information system and information management, this paper gives an architecture of enterprise knowledge management system basing on management information system. The architecture includes several main parts, such as knowledge base, knowledge base management system, people for knowledge management and users. A function structure of knowledge management system is given too.  相似文献   

生鲜猪肉冷链物流具有运作环节多、过程复杂、风险较高等特点,为规范质量管理,降低流程风险,应用故障模式和影响分析(Failure mode and effect analysis,FMEA)方法对生鲜猪肉冷链物流过程进行风险评估。以某生猪屠宰加工企业为例,对生鲜猪肉的屠宰、预冷、冷藏、分割与包装、运输、销售6个冷链环节进行风险分析,识别12个故障模式。依据风险评价准则,由专家小组评价每个失效模式的严重度、发生度和检测度等级,量化风险顺序数。根据风险等级分类,确定高风险故障模式5个、中度风险故障模式4个、低风险故障模式3个,明确各故障模式改进的先后顺序,从而有针对性地制定风险改善措施并实施。基于FMEA,从系统的角度对生鲜猪肉冷链物流进行全面的风险管理,可以有效预防风险,为构建生鲜猪肉安全供应保障体系提供理论依据。  相似文献   

中国农村信息化建设战略探析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
农村信息化是利用信息技术促进农村经济和社会发展的过程,是世界农业发展的总趋势,对实现中国农村的现代化起着重要的推动作用。基于中国国情,本文分析了农村信息化建设中存在的问题,提出在指导思想、基本原则、主要任务及注意问题等方面探讨了中国农村信息化的建设战略。  相似文献   

以研究者与企业联合申请的基于物联网设施蔬菜生产关键技术研究与应用世行食品安全课题为载体,开展需求为导向的“三位一体”的研究-推广-应用模式研究;从课题组组织管理体系构建、技术开发沟通机制建立、需求为导向“三位一体”设施蔬菜物联网技术产品应用的软硬条件,进而提出需求为导向“三位一体”农业研究与推广模式的作用,表现在:(1)有利于实现技术创新与技术应用的有机整合,缩短信息传播的链条,提高研究的效率和效果;(2)有利于构建以全产业需求为导向的专业化农业推广服务体系;(3)有利于改变研究者的价值取向,促进科研组织激励的学术化向实用化转型;(4)有利于推动公益性的农业推广向多元化化服务模式转变,提高农业推广组织管理运行效率和效果。以期能够为中国现代农业发展阶段农业推广体系的转型,提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

基于数字图书馆的农业移动信息服务集成模式研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
赵丹丹 《中国农学通报》2013,29(35):391-395
本研究主要介绍了移动数字图书馆的概念、特点及服务三农的新模式,提出建设云南农业数字图书馆,全面进行数字资源建设整合;完善“三农通专家咨询服务平台”服务功能模式,深入科普基地全面进行需求分析;研究移动信息服务集成的相关理论,构建完善的理论体系;构建适合云南本地特色的移动信息服务新模式四方面研究云南农业信息移动服务集成模式,同时对移动农业信息服务面临的问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

According to the urgent need for motorcycle parts enterprise to improve the ability of information exchange and business collaboration between the production process and other links such as the marketing, design, production planning, outsourcing, purchasing and delivering, an integration framework of the intergraded workshop production management system for motorcycle parts enterprise is presented. It can be integrated with the designing and production planning management systems upwards, the workshop equipments and workers downwards, and the subcontract production and supply chain management systems outwards. Then, some key technologies are studied, such as the realization scheme of system integration based on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), the data integration and sharing mechanism of heterogeneous information system based on eXtensible Markup Language (XML), and the real-time interaction technology of workshop information based on the multi-functional interactive information terminals, etc. Finally, the system is developed and successfully applied in a motorcycle parts enterprise, and good results are obtained.  相似文献   

农业信息化与中国农业现代化发展   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
通过对农业信息化在中国农业发展和“三农”问题解决中的重要性及其发展概况的分析,指出信息农业是中国农业发展的重要方向,而农业信息化则是中国提升农业和缓解“三农”窘境的战略性举措。  相似文献   

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