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Unified modeling language(UML) is an object-oriented(OO) modeling notation standard,which could be used in various developing environment and software life cycle.The authors discuss how to the use the UML to complete the use-case modeling,static modeling and dynamic modeling of the university student individual credit evaluation management information system.They believe that the UML can improve the documentation,visualization and standardization of the system and ensure a better reliability and reusability.  相似文献   

植物在抵抗和适应不良环境时会产生生长缓慢或暂时停顿的休眠现象,打破休眠时所需的有效低温时数称为植物的需冷量。本研究综述了不同需冷量模型并分析了应用情况及效果。Utah模型是目前使用频率较高且效果较好的估算模型,动力学模型是理论最完善且适用范围最广的估算模型,但仍未推广应用,尤其是国内鲜有报道。需冷量估算模型研究对象主要为休眠芽,对其他休眠器官(球根、种子等)的需冷量研究还不多。与果树等其他园艺作物相比,目前将冷量估算模型应用于观赏植物的研究较少,涉及到植物种类和休眠器官类型都较少。需冷量模型与低温小时数相比能更准确计量及预测解除休眠过程对低温的需求,应用于观赏植物品种区域规划、引种有更好的前景。同时,继续探索需冷量累积的过程中相关的生物学机制,优化需冷量模型使其在不同气候类型中的应用具有通用型是未来研究需要着力解决的问题。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes and summarizes the main problem in developing Management Information System (MIS). On this basis, it presents a new model of MIS development. In this model, the authors emphasize and discuss the importance and conformation of independent system application platform. The final purpose of this model lies in making the users to maintain database, reconstruct application system and develop new application conveniently.  相似文献   

An electrocardiogram (ECG) is an essential way for diagnosing the heart disease, and the test theories and systems work well with the practice application, whereas, as new technologies and devices come forth one after another, it allow us to acquire the ECG data more conveniently, more accurately, more comprehensively. The authors discuss the design of ECG data acquisition system based on the USB 2.0 protocol, and expatiates the system principle in detail. The system employs two AD73360 to sample the standard 12-lead signal simultaneously, which has a resolution of 16-bit. They utilize EZ-USB FX-2 as the USB interface device, which can transfer the data conveniently and quickly, and also permit the configuration of multi-system controlled by just one host. Considering the DSP as a powerful tool in the field of digital signal processing, ADSP-2181 has been chosen.  相似文献   

The development of E commerce is booming. Now the management of some domain is converting from tradition to E commerce, this needs the application and integration of the latest information technologies for the maximum usage and share of network information resources. As a modeling language, Unified Modeling Language (UML) is well defined, easy to specify, powerful in function and applied widely. Business model concentrates on the business around the system, not every project requires business model. However, there are many situations where business modeling adds a great deal of value. Establishing system business model is the primary task when people make use of UML to establish E commerce system model and develop software system. By E commerce system the authors expound the use case, and propose how to use correct method to establishing E commerce system business model.  相似文献   

利用ORYZA2000模型分析北京地区旱稻产量潜力及需水特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在模型验证的基础上,利用ORYZA2000模型分析表明,北京地区旱稻产量潜力30年平均为8 573 kg hm-2,变化范围为6 747~11 278 kg hm-2,年际间变异系数为16.3%。而雨养产量的多年平均值为4 084 kg hm-2,变化范围223~8 018 kg hm-2,年际间的变异系数高达51.1%。产量潜力与雨养产量之差表明北京地区旱稻尚有一定的增产潜力。旱稻全生育期需水量的多年平均值为713 mm,年际间变异为8.5%。其中,出苗—穗分化阶段由于持续时间长,需水量最大,占全生育期的49.7%。全生育期的平均需水强度为5.3 mm d-1,需水强度最大的时期为穗分化—开花阶段,平均为5.5 mm d-1。北京地区生育期内的降水量不能完全满足旱稻的需水要求,50%的年份水分亏缺量在250 mm以上,水分亏缺量多年平均值为226 mm,年际间变异较大,变异系数高达81.4%。  相似文献   

The data acquisition and processing system are proceeding towards faster, more powerful, easier to use and more cost effectiveness. This paper discuss the design of the high speed and convenient data acquisition and processing system based on DSP and USB 2.0, and expatiates the principle and method of the virtual instruments system in detail. The system employs an ADS8346 to sample the six channel signals simultaneously with a resolution of 16-bit.It utilizes EZ-USB FX2 as the USB2.0 interface, which can achieve the high speed communication between the host and the system. It uses TMS320VC33 (dsp) as the core chip, which can accomplish the function of the main control and real-time digital signal processing. The system enhances the virtual instruments' advantage more by the combination between software and hardware.  相似文献   

CASE tools based on EERD modeling are major applicated on development of database application. These tools could improve the efficiency and accuracy of the developing database application greatly. This paper particularly describes the basic architecture and function of CASE tools in this field as well as the implement technology, and presents the whole structure of the concept data model of the data dictionary included by CASE tools through the analyse of sorts of CASE tools in prevalence, and also illustrate the relationship of model elements which compose the concept data model.  相似文献   

为寻求用气温资料确定桃树需热量和需冷量的途径,本文根据2006—2021年宁波市‘湖景蜜露’初花期和同期气温小时资料,应用变异系数和相关分析方法研究桃树需冷量和需热量。结果表明:宁波市‘湖景蜜露’需冷量为740 h(7.5℃模型),需热量为200℃·d(下限温度为4.5℃)。应用确定的‘湖景蜜露’需热量和需冷量计算了2006—2018年‘湖景蜜露’初花期,拟合值和实际值之间的R2、RMSE分别为0.4639、7.9天(n=13),相关系数(0.6811)通过了显著水平0.05的检验;2019—2021年独立样本检验的RMSE为2.6天,拟合和独立样本检验效果均较好。本文应用气温资料和落叶果树花期资料为确定需冷量和需热量提供了一种新方法,分析结果为‘湖景蜜露’促成栽培和初花期动态预测提供了技术依据。  相似文献   

基于国家气候中心第二代模式业务系统(DERF2.0)资料,开展了黑龙江省初夏(6月)1983~2013年的历史回报检验工作。通过经验正交分解法(EOF)和最优子集回归(OSR)分析模式降尺度解释应用的预测结果,利用短期气候预测综合业务评分PS以及距平相关系数ACC等方法评估模式降尺度对黑龙江省初夏降水的预测性能,并且与模式直接预测要素结果进行对比。结果发现,DERF2.0模式降尺度解释应用的预测要明显好于模式直接预测要素。此外,DERF2.0模式降尺度解释应用对2004年和2009年的极端旱涝年预测也有一定的技巧。  相似文献   

节水灌溉方式下作物需水量和灌溉需水量研究综述   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
中国是一个严重缺水的国家,农业用水浪费严重,发展节水农业势在必行。作物生长需水量与灌溉需水量密切相关,作物生长需水量估算方法各异,并以彭曼公式为主,该公式与参照作物需水量(ET0)和作物生长系数(Kc)有关。计划灌溉需水量是节水灌溉管理的一个重要因素,其定额方式各有利弊,仍然以农田水量平衡方程为主要评估手段。  相似文献   

A developing method is given which based on object-oriented modeling techniques for management information systems.The modeling techniques,especially,from CDM to PDM conversion,make it possible that the method can be used for developing such management information systems which based on relational database.The result shows that it can raise the efficency of the system developing,improve the system tability,enhance the system maintenability.  相似文献   

川南地区引种桃品种的需冷量研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
马融  李道高 《中国农学通报》2005,21(10):248-248
采用室内测定与田间栽培相结合,研究了92个桃品种的需冷量;研究了川南不同海拔高度地区0~7.2℃的有效低温量。结果表明:(1)供试品种之间需冷量差异较大,介于400~1300h之间,多数介于650~950h;花芽需冷量400~1300h,叶芽需冷量400~600h,同一品种花芽需冷量高于叶芽。(2)2003年12月至2004年2月果树休眠期间,川南海拔300m(李庄)地区有效低温量508h,海拔450m(南广)地区有效低温量748h,海拔650m(屏山富荣)地区有效低温量980h。  相似文献   

影响高粱高产的因素很多,包括品种、水肥、土质及气候等因素,为探究高粱的高产性能,寻找影响高粱高产的突破口,本研究运用单因素随机区组设计的方法对粒用高粱拔节期和灌浆期的最大需水量及其一生的耗水特性进行了研究。结果表明:随着灌水量的增加,耗水量增加,穗长和枝梗数显著性地增加,但灌水量120~140mm的穗长和枝梗数差异不显著;籽粒千粒重和产量显著性地增加,灌水量100~140mm的千粒重和产量差异不显著。高粱拔节期最大需水量为120mm;开花灌浆期最大需水量为100mm;高粱拔节前耗水48.74mm,占总耗水量的10%~15%;拔节~抽穗耗水140.51~177.12mm,占总耗水的35%~43%,抽穗-成熟耗水137.65~272.27mm,占总耗水的42%~55%;水分生产效率随耗水量的增大,呈现先升后降的趋势,灌浆期灌水100mm处理的水分生产效率为最高,最高可达29.49kg/(hm2·mm)。  相似文献   

基于作物模型的冬小麦气候适宜度算法研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为了定量分析气象条件对作物生长的综合影响,利用WOFOST作物生长模型分析冬小麦各生育期的气候适宜度。通过对华北地区3个代表站点2007—2009年生长季的冬小麦进行生长模拟,并选取2007—2008年生长季的模拟结果作为标准,以其他年份同一生育期的生物量与标准的比值作为该生育期的气候适宜度,并与统计方法的结果进行对比。结果表明,用作物模型计算得到的适宜度与产量之间呈现出较好的正相关性,决定系数为0.603,且通过了0.05置信水平检验,可用该方法对冬小麦气候适宜度进行估算。  相似文献   

利用贵州省82个气象站点1961—2010年地面气象观测资料和茶树生育期资料,结合ArcGIS、数理统计等方法,采用联合国粮食与农业组织(FAO,Food and Agriculture Organization)推荐的方法计算了研究区不同茶季的茶树需水量,分析了茶树需水量的时空分布特点及变化趋势。结果表明:近50年来贵州省不同茶季的茶树需水量存在显著差异,大小关系是夏茶>秋茶>春茶>越冬期。从空间分布来看,夏茶和秋茶的需水量呈“西北低东南高”分布型,而越冬期和春茶的需水量呈“西南高东北低”分布型。春、夏、秋茶季以及越冬期的茶树需水量均呈减少趋势,气候倾向率分别为-1.6、-4.8、-1.2、-0.3 mm/(10 a)。近50a来越冬期和春茶季的茶树需水量的地区间差异在缩小;而夏茶和秋茶季的茶树需水量的地区间差异在增大。  相似文献   

亚洲百合鳞茎休眠过程中需冷量的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
以亚洲百合(白天使,普瑞头)为材料,研究了不同低温及不同时间对百合鳞茎解除休眠的效应和百合鳞茎解除休眠的最适需冷量,结果表明:亚洲百合打破休眠的最有效温度为5℃,15℃以上对打破休眠无效,仅白天使对-2℃低温有一定感应, 对于0℃、10℃低温,白天使经0℃处理打破休眠效率高于10℃,普瑞头则与之相反;两种百合鳞茎解除休眠的最适需冷量分别为:白天使,1200C.U,普瑞头,840C.U。  相似文献   

家庭阳台水培以观赏性强、整洁方便、绿色安全等特点拥有广阔的市场前景,以家庭阳台水培为设计目的、以用户需求为导向的家庭水培装置能够有效满足当前的市场需求。行为地图法与Kano模型的结合能够准确收集用户需求及重要度,QFD质量屋模型可将产品质量要素按照用户需求重要程度进行排序。据此进行方案优化,指导完成以用户需求为导向的装置设计。装置具有空间集约、造型美观、便于移动及固定、有效减轻水培液浪费污染、电线收纳便捷等优点,更适用于家庭水培。同时,新材料应用等也将成为装置未来提升的方向。  相似文献   

为了确定锡林河流域紫花苜蓿生育期内不同阶段的需水量、需水规律和合理的灌溉定额。采用非充分灌溉试验,研究了紫花苜蓿的需水规律、产量与灌溉定额间的关系以及合理灌溉定额。结果表明:第1 茬紫花苜蓿需水高峰值出现在6 月下旬—7 月初,其需水强度最大可达5.09 mm/d;第2 茬紫花苜蓿需水高峰值出现在8 月上旬—8 月中旬,其需水强度最大可达5.23 mm/d。根据紫花苜蓿产量与灌溉定额间表现为二次抛物线型关系,以追求单位面积产量、灌溉水生产效率和生产弹性系数最大为目标,确定紫花苜蓿的合理灌溉定额,该成果为节水灌溉制度的制定和灌溉预报等提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Smoothing techniques are mainly used to solve the problem of sparse data for statistical language model. The present smoothing techniques deal with the data sparse problem using different discount and compensate strategy, and they have different merit or shortcoming on complexity and rationality. This paper presents a new kind of smoothing technique based on global discount for Bi-gram model. The model parameters, probabilities for bigram, are discounted according to frequency of bigram, and are compensated according to lower-level model for unseen events in the model, whose rationality is indicated by minimizing the perplexity. Experiment results show that the technique is superior to commonly used Katz smoothing technique.  相似文献   

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