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Capital structure of company changes company value in a frictional market environment through cutting down cost and decreasing moral risk and causal problem in trust agency. The authors apply method of asymmetric information game to analyze how to make design of mechanism on the basis of existing revenue and cost of bankruptcy, make the company's manager maximize shareholder's wealth through maximizing own effectiveness, thus define the best radio of liabilities.The authors show that good companies have higher value than difference one in a assured mechanism, afitness capital structure could reduce the problem in trust agency of company's manager,higher risk project can bering more value for compay.  相似文献   

We have put forward a theory that the probation period mechanism have an information screening function when a company is inviting applications for job, which would be a supplement for the spence model. One of the merits of the model is that it could screen the informations of employee's capacity when there are fewer differences between the capacities of employees. This paper also has proved that option mechanism has a information screening effect and the compose of option and probation period mechanism could decrease the screen cost of a company. We have derived the mathematical Principles of probation period mechanism and the compose of option and probation period mechanism design in the paper.  相似文献   

从独立学院人才培养定位出发,分析了独立学院实践教学的现状及问题,对独立学院食品科学与工程专业的实践教学体系构建进行了探索与实践。提出了"三层次"的梯度实验教学体系和个性化实验教学模式。"三层次"即"认知与基础、体验与综合、科研与创新";个性化实验教学模式包括:学生分层、教学目标分层、教学过程分层等。实践教学体系的构建为学生创新能力的培养及将来多角度就业奠定了基础。  相似文献   

棉铃虫发生趋势的长期预测技术研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文以安徽省阜阳市1973~1993年棉铃虫发生趋势资料为原始数据,选用太阳黑子和自相关因子为预测因子,应用逐步回归分析技术,建立了阜阳市棉铃虫发生趋势的长期预测模型。通过对1985~1993年拟合检验,历史符合率达88.89%,对1994~1997年试报,准确率达100%,为棉铃虫发生趋势的长期预报提供了一种新的研究途径。  相似文献   

以培养学生独立思考能力为指导思想,针对传统食品微生物实验教学中的不足,从传统教学模式的改变、引导学生、吸引学生、提升实验课程地位和调整实验课程设置5个方面,对实验课程进行改革。食品微生物实验改革使学生的独立思考能力得到了良好的训练,同时也加强了学生的实践能力、创新能力、就业能力和创业能力的培育,为食品行业的快速发展服务。  相似文献   

长期施肥对红壤磷组分及活性酸的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以12年的红壤长期肥力监测定位试验不同处理土壤为材料,研究了连续施肥对土壤磷组分、土壤对磷吸附解吸、土壤活性酸铝的影响。连续施用化学磷肥和化肥加有机肥,均可提高土壤全磷、无机磷数量。施用有机肥料,土壤中的磷以Ca-P和Al-P积累为主要表现形式,化学磷肥的施用能够提高土壤的全磷,并以Al-P增幅为最大,在所有处理中均表现为土壤O-P相对稳定。有机肥料处理土壤对外源磷的吸附强度明显少于施用化学磷肥和不施用磷肥的处理,有机肥料能够显著提高吸附磷的再利用,在NPKM处理中解吸磷占吸附磷的47.72%,M处理中占42.89%,其它处理中解吸磷占吸附磷数量一般少于8%。MNPK、M处理的PFI为2.51、2.69比N、NP处理4.53、4.37明显降低。在红壤旱地长期施用化学肥料,土壤交换性酸铝成倍增加,土壤酸化严重;施用有机肥料、有机肥料与化学肥料配合施用,土壤交换酸铝表现稳定。  相似文献   

探讨食品专业生产实习学生去向特点,为产教融合培养食品专业应用型人才提供参考。以广西科技大学鹿山学院食品专业生产实习数据为基础进行计算分析。结果表明,食品检测机构和食品企业是学生实习的主要去向,其中到食品检测机构实习的学生比例逐年增加,且以集中实习为主;广东和广西是学生实习的主要聚集地,其中以广东一线城市为主;实习单位地理位置、实习待遇、上班制度及学生择业等因素影响实习去向。可见,本科食品专业与广东一线城市食品检测机构深度融合协同培养应用型人才具有良好的基础条件。  相似文献   

黄河流域棉花品种产量及其组分的长期预测及技术研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
黄河流域棉花品种区域试验参试品种的皮棉产量、单株铃数、单铃重及衣分等资料为原始数据,应用谐波分析技术建立模型进行了拟合及预测研究。经拟合及精度检验,拟合指数均在0.90以上,历史符合率达100%,模型为一级精度。可预测第20轮区试参试品种的皮棉产量为1209kg·hm  相似文献   

考察农业上市公司董事会特征对于会计盈余信息含量的影响。通过实证研究发现:董事会规模、独立董事比例,以及董事会持股比例对会计盈余信息含量具有显著影响;董事会的会议频率和审计委员会的设立与否对会计盈余信息含量没有显著的影响。  相似文献   

"食品工艺学"是浙江农林大学暨阳学院食品科学与工程专业的核心学位课程。通过实施精心设计授课方式,鼓励学生自寻重难点,倡导学以致用和关注生活课堂,拓展学科知识,学生不仅学会了主动学习,而且对基础知识的掌握也更加扎实。通过优化实验项目、实施以学生自我训练为主的实验教学法、构建"国家级-省级-市级-校级"四层次大学生创新训练计划项目体系,学生的应用技能培养得到明显增强,科研思维更加活跃,创新能力得到进一步提升。  相似文献   

长期有机无机肥配施对土壤肥力及水稻产量的影响   总被引:33,自引:2,他引:33  
以长期定位试验为基本材料,研究了20年的连续施用有机肥、有机肥无机肥长期配施对土壤肥力及水稻产量的影响。结果表明:(1)施用有机肥料,土壤全氮含量比化学肥料要高,有效氮平均高出15.9mg/kg;(2)施用磷肥和钾肥是提高土壤磷钾养分的基础。施肥使土壤有效磷平均高出18.8mg/kg,有效钾平均高出27mg/kg;(3)施用有机肥料改善土壤物理性质,配施不明显改变pH。有机肥料使土壤容重下降12.6%,田间持水量平均上升19.7%。(4)有机无机肥连续配施,能持续高产稳产。稻谷总产(19年早、晚稻平均),以NPKM为最高(5556.8kg/hm2),比单施化肥NPK)增产704.3kg/hm2,增产14.5%。  相似文献   

Architecture market is a typical dynamic game market with incomplete information, in which exists three principal parts who are proprietors, supervising companies and contractors. There is a complex principal-agent relationship among them. With the analysis of the principal-agent relationship among proprietors, supervising companies and contractors, two dynamic games of incomplete information have been established and analyzed. If the proprietor only pay instant fee to supervising company, the supervising company will take weak supervise. Only with appropriate incentive way, the strong supervise can be done. Based on it, an incentive system is established to make the supervising companies and contractors work hard, to realize the given purpose of the proprietors.  相似文献   

我国棉田生态系统立体污染及其防治对策   总被引:15,自引:5,他引:15  
棉花的农药、化肥和地膜使用量在我国主要农作物中均占据首位且居高不下,棉田生态系统受到从水体、土壤、生物到大气的交叉性“立体污染”。农膜的大量使用及高残留破坏土壤结构,影响土壤的透气性,并导致土壤质量下降;同时残膜降解过程中产生的有毒物质,阻碍种子根系生长,影响产量;过量施用化学肥料加之施用方法不妥,导致了严重的生态环境污染并危及人类健康;棉花病虫害防治高度依赖高毒、剧毒化学农药,导致药害,天敌和有益生物遭受毁灭性杀伤。农药、化肥成份残留于土壤中,或者被无节制地排放到水体环境,或随意散逸到大气中。从四个角度提出了相应的综合防治对策。对污染源头实施技术性控制。从生态系统平衡化和植物营养利用最优化着手,研究组建我国三大棉区棉田生态型IPM技术体系,形成棉田病虫害防治技术标准及棉田平衡施肥技术标准。改进施药施肥方法,创新棉花栽培和耕作措施,研制可降解环保棉田专用农膜。建立棉田生态系统污染修复技术体系。大力发展生物技术,提高生物防治水平。  相似文献   

The authors use the ideas and methods of the game theory to reveal that, under the condition of dissymmetrical information, it can't form an effective cooperative relationship among supervisor organization, the shareholders and the enterprises. In the capital market, we explain the cooperative conditions and determinants researched. Only through strengthening the force of punishment towards providing the false information and increasing the benefit received by providing the real information, the enthusiasm of the founders' providing the false information drops, and the necessity of the supervisor organization's checking decreases. Finally, we give some suggestions about the construction and consummating of the capital market of the enterprise.  相似文献   

By analyzing the achievements the TTX company and QI company gained on the basis of strategic alliance, this paper proves that strategic alliance is an effective mode of foreign market entry by Chinese enterprises, especially, private, small and medium enterprises, and they can actually promote their competence and acquire profit upon restricted resources by making an alliance with partners. This paper also discusses the problems exist in the alliance and the threat TTX faces, and put forward effective countermeasures.  相似文献   

The article constructs a game model between asset management corporation and enterprises during the course of operation of debt-to-equity swaps in the state-owned enterprises, which is theoretical foundation to perfect the operation function of asset management corporation, and with it to annotate the rational causes which the operational course of the debt-to-equity swap was not advancing, and gives a primary explain that a deviation appears between the reality of operation of debt-to-equity swaps and theoretical anticipation. Based on aforementioned viewpoints, the article brings forward countermeasures to perfect operation of debt-to-equity swaps for asset management corporation finally.  相似文献   

It is a hot question in recent years in China about the urban house dismantlement and development, and the low compensation standard of the urban house dismantlement has been thought to be the main reason that cause dispute of the urban house dismantlement. After a two-player game model is built, the paper solves mix-strategy Nash equilibrium of game and analyzes the influence of improving compensation to game equilibrium. It is concluded that, if government only improve policy of compensation standard to issue, the resident ready to move with their house to be dismantled can enjoy the great benefit shortly, but the long-term policy result is to reduce the incidence of the urban house dismantlement and slow down paces that the old city transforms.  相似文献   

The method of real option has already become an important tool in the fields of enterprises value evaluation, company finance, strategy investment management, investment decision, finance analysis, corporation merger and acquisition and so on. But there is a lot of problems in both theory and practical application for the method of real option. This article will analyze the research frontier problem of real option and indicate the further research direction.  相似文献   

通过1992-2012年共20年的长期定位试验,探讨了施用钾肥和秸秆还田对河北省典型潮土区土壤钾肥力的影响,并对长期施肥和秸秆还田处理对土壤全钾含量、土壤速效钾和缓效钾以及农田钾素平衡对速效钾和缓效钾含量的影响等进行了分析。结果发现:连续20年不施用钾肥和秸秆还田,并未对河北省潮土的土壤全钾造成影响;秸秆还田(NPSt)、增施钾肥(NPK)和增施钾肥基础上秸秆还田(NPKSt)显著提高了土壤速效钾含量,提高幅度在44.2%~79.1%;而增施钾肥( NPK)和增施钾肥基础上秸秆还田( NPKSt )显著提高了土壤缓效钾含量,提高幅度在7.66%~37.3%。单施氮磷肥(NP)的土壤速效钾含量没有明显变化,但单施氮磷(NP)和秸秆还田(NPSt)的土壤缓效钾含量分别降低了20.8,9.8 mg/kg。增施钾肥基础上秸秆还田( NPKSt)的农田钾素平衡处于盈余状态,每盈余K2 O 100 kg /hm2,土壤速效钾和缓效钾分别增加2.71,24.4 mg/kg。试验结果表明,增施钾肥和秸秆还田对于提高农田土壤钾肥力具有重要促进作用。  相似文献   

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