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肥厚型心肌病是猫最常见的原发性心脏疾病,典型特征为心脏左心室肥厚。心肌纤维化是猫肥厚型心肌病的标志性病理变化,其可导致心脏功能障碍和节律异常,是心肌病患猫预后不良的重要因素。对于猫肥厚型心肌病与心肌纤维化,目前缺乏针对性治疗,新型治疗方法亟需开发。本综述总结了猫肥厚型心肌病的病理特征以及目前关于猫心肌纤维化发病机制的研究进展,拟通过探索心肌纤维化的发病机制,从而为猫肥厚型心肌病新型治疗药物的开发寻找突破点。  相似文献   

猫肥厚性心肌病(HCM)是临床上最常见的猫心脏疾病,该病主要以心室壁异常增厚为特征,与基因遗传有关。本文报告了一例美国短毛猫因去势手术诱发猫肥厚性心肌病。临床表现为呼吸急促,张口呼吸窘迫症状;X光检查肺部水肿,心脏轮廓增大,呈典型"爱心型"心脏影像;猫利钠肽前体快速检测试剂(SNAP Feline Pro BNP Test)检查呈阳性;超声波检查心肌肥厚,确诊为肥厚性心肌病。随对该患猫进行积极治疗。治疗一周后病情得到缓解,出院后长期服用心脏病药物来维持其心脏功能,回访,未出现异常。  相似文献   

利用B超观察主动脉弓狭窄(transverse aortic constriction,TAC)小鼠心脏随着手术时间的延长所发生的动态变化,探索如何利用病理学方法判断心脏肥厚性改变。以微创手术小鼠TAC模型为研究对象,同步采集不同时间点动物心脏进行B超和组织切片观察,通过心脏B超找出针对该模型动物心脏肥厚的病理学诊断方法。结果显示:病理切片采集的室间隔、左心室厚度与B超采集的相应指标,不具有相关性;而室间隔/右室壁厚度比与B超采集的室间隔、左心室厚度具有明确的相关性,随着手术后时间的延长,心肌细胞也逐渐增大。结果表明:小鼠在接受微创主动脉狭窄手术后,单独B超检查就可以准确地发现心肌肥厚性的改变,而从病理组织学观察来看,单纯的左心室厚度不能作为心肌肥厚的标准,而通过室间隔/右室壁厚度比,以及心肌细胞的大小,可以更准确的反应心肌的肥厚性改变。  相似文献   

膳食模式分析是将所有食物、营养素作为整体进行研究,目前常用膳食模式统计学分析方法包括先验法、后验法,以及二者的综合运用。采用膳食模式研究,可以对心血管疾病发病风险进行综合考虑。  相似文献   

正心律失常是指心脏激动产生的时间和部位以及激动传导速度与顺序任何一个环节异常引起的心搏频率和节律紊乱,其特征为心音的强度不一和时间间隔不等。1发病原因(1)心脏病,心肌炎、心肌变性、心肌硬化、心力衰竭、心内膜炎等。(2)发热性疾病、中毒病及多种传染病,体内电解质平衡失调,内分泌功能紊乱等。(3)某些药物的作用,洋地黄制剂、奎尼丁等药物直接作更于心肌或影响迷走神经兴奋性而致发心律失常。(4)植物性神经系统功能紊乱,尤其是  相似文献   

一名营养学家称,植物性饮食和素食主义饮食的日益流行可能会减少对大脑健康至关重要的一种营养素的摄入量,这种营养素主要存在于动物性食品中。据权威医学杂志《英国医学杂志》刊登的一篇题为《我们是否忽视了英国潜在的胆碱危机?》的文章称,放弃富含动物产品的饮食可能对胆碱摄入量产生“意想不到的后果”。这种重要的膳食营养素对于大脑健康至关重要,尤其是在胎儿发育期间,而且还会影响肝功能。但是肝脏产生的胆碱不足以满足人体要求,因此必须从饮食和补充剂中获得。  相似文献   

活性BL益生菌+膳食纤维 雀巢成长奶粉的升级"Opti营养配方"中的活性BL益生菌和膳食纤维组合,能够帮助1~6岁儿童建立健康的肠道环境,促进食物中营养物质的消化吸收,让各种营养素更有效发挥作用!保持长久的健康肠道作用,包括:较好的食物消化和营养素吸收,免疫能力和整体身体情况的提高.一个健康的消化系统是预防腹泻和便秘关键因素.  相似文献   

正充血性心力衰竭(CHF,简称充血性心衰)是指心肌收缩力下降使得心排血量不能满足机体代谢需要,器官组织灌流量不足,同时出现肺循环和(或)体循环淤血的表现。CHF是多种心脏病及其它脏器疾病发展到严重阶段,心脏功能代偿失调的一种综合症。1 CHF的发病原因充血性心衰病因一般分为3类:原发性心肌病、心室容积过负荷和收缩压过负荷。1.1原发性心肌病原发性心肌病是指原因不明的心肌病变为主的心脏疾病,可分为三种类型:扩张型心肌  相似文献   

<正>犬心力衰竭是宠物临床较常见的一种临床综合症,以心肌收缩力降低或消失为特征,主要表现为心输出量下降、心脏舒张末期容积增大导致舒张末期压力增高、心肌收缩性能下降、动脉血压下降和静脉压升高,可引起全身机能、代谢、结构等发生改变,最终导致死亡,多发于老龄的小型犬种,如博美犬、京巴犬、吉娃娃犬等。经研究表明,多种因素如各种病毒、细菌、寄生虫等引起的心肌炎症;食物中毒及营养元素缺乏等引起的心肌受损;肺炎、肺水肿等病症导致心脏负荷过重;犬细小病毒、胃炎、休克等直接影响心脏功能等均可引起犬的  相似文献   

老年人由于免疫功能低下 ,机体对外界微生物和其他刺激的防御能力差 ,不仅容易生病 ,而且往往是数种疾病缠身 ,多脏器有病变。据北京医院的专家报道 ,60~ 69岁组平均每例患独立性疾病 7 5种 ,70~79岁为 7 8种 ,80~ 89岁为 9 7种 ,90岁以上为 1 1 1种 ;甚至同一脏器也可同时有几种病变 ,例如冠状动脉硬化、肺心病、心脏传导系统退行性变化和心脏肥大等 ,可见于同一病人的心脏[1] 。因此 ,一般是抓住一两种对生命构成重大威胁的疾病 ,重点预防和治疗 ,不可能用一种药物将老年人身患的多种疾病同时进行预防和治疗。但蜂王浆这一天然高级营…  相似文献   

Pressure overload diseases, such as valvular stenosis and systemic hypertension, manifest morphologically in patients as cardiac concentric hypertrophy. Prevention of cardiac remodeling due to increased pressure overload is important to reduce morbidity and mortality. Epigallocatechin-3 gallate (EGCG) is a major bioactive polyphenol present in green tea which has been found to be a nitric oxide-mediated vasorelaxant and to be cardioprotective in myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury. Therefore, we investigated whether EGCG supplementation could reduce in vivo pressure overload-mediated cardiac hypertrophy. Cardiac hypertrophy was induced by suprarenal transverse abdominal aortic constriction (AC) in rats. Three weeks after AC surgery, heart to body weight ratio increased in the AC group by 34% compared to the sham group. EGCG administration suppressed the load-induced increase in heart weight by 69%. Attenuation of cardiac hypertrophy by EGCG was associated with attenuation of the increase in myocyte cell size and fibrosis induced by aortic constriction. Despite abolition of hypertrophy by EGCG, transstenotic pressure gradients did not change. Echocardiogram revealed that increased left ventricular systolic dimensions and deteriorated systolic function were relieved by EGCG. These results suggest that EGCG prevents the development of left ventricular concentric hypertrophy by pressure overload and may be a useful therapeutic modality to prevent cardiac remodeling in patients with pressure overload myocardial diseases.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To clarify regulation of the renin-angiotensin (RA) system in cardiac tissues by measuring angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) and chymase activities in cats with pressure-overload cardiac hypertrophy. ANIMALS: 13 adult cats. PROCEDURES: Pressure-overload cardiac hypertrophy was induced by coarctation of the base of the ascending aorta in 6 cats, and 7 cats served as untreated control animals. Cats were examined before and 3 months and 2 years after surgery. Two years after surgery, cardiac hypertrophy was confirmed by echocardiography, and the blood pressure gradient was measured at the site of constriction. Cats were euthanized, and ACE and chymase activities were measured in cardiac tissues. RESULTS: Mean +/- SD pressure gradient across the aortic constriction was 63 +/- 6 mm Hg. Chymase activity predominated (75% to 85%) in the RA system of the cardiac tissues of cats. Fibrosis in the wall of the left ventricle was detected in cats with hypertrophy, and fibrosis of the papillary muscle was particularly evident. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Chronic pressure overload on the heart of cats can activate the RA system in cardiac tissues. A local increase in angiotensin II was one of the factors that sustained myocardial remodeling.  相似文献   

Recent studies indicate that in animals with marked cardiac hypertrophy, there is depressed function of Ca2+ sequestration by myocardial sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) because of down regulation of the Ca(2+)-ATPase gene. However, in several animal models we have observed enhancement of myocardial Ca2+ sequestration in response to chronic cardiac stimulation. We tested the hypothesis that in animals with mild cardiac hypertrophy, there is enhanced Ca(2+)-cycling activity by the SR Ca2+ pump and Ca(2+)-release channel. Because creatine kinase activity is consistently decreased in cardiomyopathy, we also determined whether enhanced Ca2+ cycling was accompanied by down regulation or inhibition of the creatine kinase system. Mild cardiac hypertrophy was induced by volume overload; 2% salt was added to the diet of 2-week-old turkey poults for 4 weeks. Compared with age-matched controls, volume overload resulted in 14.3% increase in heart weight and 21.5% increase in heart-to-body weight ratios. The hypertrophied heart had approximately 20% increased activities of the SR Ca2+ pump and the SR Ca2+ channel. Net Ca2+ transport was increased by 16.5%. Compared with controls and in contrast to several other myocardial enzymes, creatine kinase activity was diminished in the hypertrophied hearts by 23% and creatine content was decreased by 8%. Differences between groups were not detected for lactate dehydrogenase, aspartate transaminase, and alanine transaminase. We concluded that an early adaptation of the myocardium undergoing hypertrophy in compensatory response to functional overload is an enhancement of Ca2+ cycling activity by the Ca2+ pump and Ca2+ channel of the SR.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Echocardiography. Principles of interpretation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Echocardiography offers the clinician an opportunity to image the heart noninvasively. Both M-mode and cross-sectional echocardiography can be used to measure cardiac dilation and hypertrophy and to quantitate myocardial function. Knowledge of normal echocardiographic anatomy is essential for understanding changes that occur in disease.  相似文献   

家禽肠道健康评价指标研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肠道是家禽消化和吸收营养物质的重要器官,同时也是机体防御的重要屏障。肠道多种屏障有机地结合在一起,共同抵御致病菌等有害物质的侵袭,保护动物肠道及机体健康。禽舍内温度、氨气等环境因子以及营养水平和营养物质等都会影响肠道健康。因此,了解并保障家禽肠道健康状况十分必要。本文主要通过总结和分析了肠道健康的评价指标,为深入研究家禽肠道健康进而防治肠道疾病、促进家禽健康生长提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Studies on enzyme digestion in the precaecal part of the digestive tract show that the pig posesses digestive enzymes that can completely break down dietary substrates to absorbable nutrients. Gastric pepsins, pancreatic proteolytic enzymes and intestinal peptidases are responsible for the hydrolysis of dietary proteins; salivary and pancreatic α-amylases start the hydrolysis of starch, its products being broken down by intestinal carbohydrases; dietary lipids, mainly triglycerides, are hydrolyzed in the intestinal lumen by the complex lipase—colipase—bile salts. Hydrolysis of food components may be complete, depending upon different factors such as the composition of the diet or the nature of the substrate.  相似文献   

Atherosclerosis is a disease that occurs in many avian species commonly presented to veterinarians. Many risk factors for atherosclerosis are well defined in mammals but not in avian species. Dietary nutrients can play a large role in reducing the severity and prevalence of atherosclerosis in both avian and mammalian species. Information on the effect of dietary nutrients on atherosclerosis in Falconiformes and other birds of prey is extremely limited as no studies were identified by the authors. Dietary cholesterol can be fed to induce the development of atherosclerosis in avian species that consume nonanimal protein. Diets containing high levels of omega-3 fatty acids reduce the prevalence and severity of atherosclerosis, with fish oil being more effective than α-linolenic acid. The presence of dietary cholesterol results in higher levels of dietary protein, increasing the prevalence and severity of atherosclerosis, but if dietary cholesterol is absent, there is a subsequent decrease in atherosclerosis. Pectin in the diet decreased the occurrence of atherosclerosis but also decreased the availability of nutrients owing to faster ingesta passage rates. Feed restriction has also been found to decrease the prevalence of atherosclerosis in birds. It should be noted that many studies have found nutrient interaction effects on the development of atherosclerosis, with some being “neutralizing” or negative, so caution should be observed when manipulating avian diets. The objective of this article is to review the effects of dietary nutrients on atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

日粮纤维对猪肠道微生物影响的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
肠道微生物不仅为宿主提供营养物质,也有利于维持肠道微生态的平衡,对保证肠道的健康发育至关重要。日粮纤维是肠道微生物发酵的底物之一,能够改善肠道微生物菌群结构。本文从日粮纤维对猪肠道微生物的功效及影响猪肠道微生物利用日粮纤维的因素展开综述,为日粮纤维在生猪生产实践及研究提供一定理论依据。  相似文献   

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) in cats is characterized by concentric left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy and both diastolic and systolic dysfunction. Although impaired cardiac function detected by tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) in cats with HCM was previously reported, reference ranges of TDI in normal cats and cats with HCM have been reported as widely variable. Two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography (STE) was useful for assessment of cardiac function in human patients with HCM, but clinical utility was not known in cats. The aim of this study was to assess global and segmental LV myocardial function using STE in cats with HCM whose TDI variables were within the reference range. A total of 35 cats of different breeds were enrolled in this study. The HCM group (n=22) was cats diagnosed as HCM without left atrial enlargement and with normal TDI measurements. HCM cats were further divided into a segmental hypertrophy (S-HCM) group and a diffuse hypertrophy (D-HCM) group. The control group consisted of 13 clinically healthy cats. No cats in any group showed any clinical symptoms. Conventional echocardiography, TDI, and global and segmental STE indices were evaluated and compared between groups. Only the longitudinal strain rate during early diastole was significantly decreased in both HCM groups, even in all segments including those without hypertrophy in S-HCM group. This study suggests that STE parameters are the more sensitive variables compared with conventional TDI parameters to detect early myocardial diastolic dysfunction in cats with HCM.  相似文献   

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