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在牛养殖业的发展中,初生犊牛对提高养殖户的经济收入具有重要的作用,但是初生犊牛很容易出现一些疾病,影响牛养殖业的健康发展,主要包括便秘、腹泻、脑膜炎和肺炎等。为此,要针对不同的初生犊牛常见的疾病原因采取有针对性的防治对策,减少疾病所造成的经济损失。  相似文献   

当前在对初生犊牛的饲养管理过程中,如何对各类疾病进行防治已经成为其中的重点,要使养牛业可取得根本性的发展,首先就应当采取相应的措施对初生犊牛的各类疾病进行完善的防治工作。另一方面,从饲养成本的角度而谈,做好初生犊牛各类疾病的防治工作,对于缩减饲养成本具有也具有着重要的意义。本文为探究对初生犊牛各类疾病的防治策略,特从几种常见的初生犊牛疾病病因、症状着手,并针对这些相关症状提出了几点防治建议。  相似文献   

现今在进行初生犊牛的饲养中,必须要做好对犊牛疾病的防治工作,以此来充分促进养殖业的发展与进步。工作人员必须要对初生犊牛发生的各种疾病进行分析,并且采取一些完善的措施进行预防,促进犊牛健康成长。本文主要是对初生犊牛疾病的成因进行了分析与探讨,并且提出了相关的防治方法。  相似文献   

犊牛腹泻是初生犊牛常见病之一,特征是消化不良和腹泻。当前吉林省延边地区及周边地区部分黄牛养殖场和农户反应犊牛腹泻比较严重,而且有些疾病因为细菌病和病毒病混合感染引起的腹泻发病率较高,危害大,如临床诊治不当,会造成犊牛生长发育受阻,也极易导致死亡。  相似文献   

本文就初生犊牛主要疾病,包括初生牛犊"神经病"、初生牛犊假死症、初生牛犊腹泻、初生牛犊便秘以及初生牛犊肺炎的成因及防治措施进行了分析,以期切实提高初生犊牛的成活率,为广大养牛技术人员提供参考。  相似文献   

1流行特点 随着人们对牛肉需求量和使用量的不断增加,在国内,肉牛的饲养工作显得尤为重要,其中最困难的当属犊牛饲养工作。因为犊牛初生时期是疾病的高发期,常导致犊牛生产性能下降,给养殖户带来较大的损失。初生犊牛比较容易发生的疾病主要是腹泻、便秘、窒息、脐部疾病等,上述任何一种疾病发生都能导致出生犊牛的死亡。初生犊牛抵抗力较弱,所以犊牛感染少许病毒就会出现发病的情况,不良环境对于犊牛的生长和发育十分不利。若饲养者饲养技术较好,能明显的降低犊牛的死亡率,饲养效果也会得到最大化。  相似文献   

犊牛大肠杆菌病是由特定的病原性大肠杆菌引起的初生犊牛的一种急性传染病。临床上以急性败血症或排白色粪便,其中以剧泻带水为主。此病病势急,若诊治不及时,可导致犊牛快速死亡,病死率可达50%~90%,给养牛业造成极大损失。本文仅就此病的诊治作一浅述,以供同行参考。  相似文献   

初生犊牛常见病的原因及处理方法王德志,肖金芬山东省德州市畜牧局(253016)初生犊牛是指从断脐到干缩脱落的阶段。刚出生的犊牛由母体的子宫环境进入外界环境,生活条件和生活方式发生很大变化,容易发生一些疾病,除加强护理外,发现异常应及时诊治。一、脐带出...  相似文献   

屈腱挛缩是初生犊牛比较常见的肢蹄疾病,如果诊治不当,会直接影响其经济价值。主要分析了犊牛产生屈腱挛缩的原因,并初步探讨了防治方法,以期为规模化牧场犊牛的饲养管理提供技术支持。  相似文献   

本文主要以秋冬季节犊牛常见病诊治探讨为重点进行阐述,首先进行秋冬季节犊牛常见疾病的基本介绍,其次从流行性感冒疾病的治疗、瘤胃酸中毒的治疗、螨病的治疗、下痢的治疗几个方面深入说明并探讨秋冬季节犊牛常见病的诊治思路,继而促进秋冬季节犊牛疾病的诊断和治疗,保障养殖户的经济效益,旨意在为相关研究提供参考资料。  相似文献   

新生犊牛异物性肺炎是多种牛肺炎的一种,多由于母牛难产、羊水进入犊牛气管和肺内后引起或犊牛出生后哺乳时导致乳汁进入气管而造成的一种犊牛呼吸道疾病。笔者在诊疗过程中遇到一例典型的新生犊牛异物性肺炎病例,现将诊疗体会分享如下。  相似文献   

犊牛脐炎又称犊牛脐带炎,是指新生犊牛脐血管及其周围组织的炎症,是犊牛常见的疾病之一,是由病原微生物(主要是大肠杆菌、葡萄球菌和破伤风杆菌)感染脐带引起的一种化脓性炎症。临床特征为脐带和脐孔周围组织充血、发炎、肿胀、疼痛、坚硬,常形成大小不等的脓肿及排出灰白色浓汁。如果治疗不及时,或者方法不得当,轻者会导致化脓、坏死,形成顽固性硬肿或化脓性脐炎,造成犊牛发育不良;重者常引起犊牛出现败血症,全身器官感染,造成犊牛死亡。奶牛场因养殖规模和饲养密度大,犊牛脐炎的发病率高,本文详细介绍了犊牛脐炎的临床症状、病因、治疗、预防等,为奶牛场犊牛脐炎的综合防治提供参考。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the most important diseases of dairy calves and heifers and presents clinical approaches that can improve detection, diagnosis, and treatment of herd-based problems. A systematic herd investigation strategy is pivotal to define the problems, understand important risk factors, develop a plan, and make recommendations for disease management accurately. A review of records, colostrum and feeding routines, housing and bedding management, routine procedures, vaccination, and treatment protocols begins the investigation and determines which diagnostic procedures and testing strategies are most useful. Disease management is most effective when the problem source is well defined and the exposure can be limited, calf immunity can be enhanced, or a combination of both. Screening examinations performed regularly or done at strategic time points improves detection of disease, can be used to monitor treatment outcomes, and can avoid disease outbreaks.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the impacts of ophthalmic findings obtained from both macroscopic examination and ocular ultrasonography when diagnosing bovine endophthalmitis. A newborn crossbreed (Japanese black and Holstein breeds) calf was suspected of visual impairment and central nervous system (CNS) symptoms, such as decreased activity and weak drinking performance. This calf was found to display macroscopic signs, such as clouded lens, convergent strabismus, and horizontal nystagmus, in both eyes. On ocular ultrasonography of both eyes, a V-shaped, thickened, hyperechoic structure was present in the anechoic vitreous humors, indicating retinal detachment. The animal died 4 days after the examination. Sepsis was evident in this case, as Escherichia coli was isolated from multiple organs. The autopsy and histological examination revealed meningitis, encephalitis, and secondary hydrocephalus in the CNS, and endophthalmitis and retinal detachment in both eyes. In this case, the ophthalmic findings did not provide definitive evidence for a diagnosis of endophthalmitis. However, this study indicated that retinal detachment might be an ultrasonographic finding that is suggestive of bovine endophthalmitis.  相似文献   

Background: Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis is routinely used to aid in the diagnosis of central nervous system (CNS) disease in animals. There is little comprehensive information available on the diagnostic utility of CSF analysis in cattle. Objectives: The purpose of this retrospective study was to review the characteristic CSF findings of specific CNS diseases in cattle. Methods: Medical records of cattle in which CSF analysis had been performed between 1990 and 2008 were reviewed. Cattle were included in the study if they had a confirmed diagnosis of CNS disease (based on clinical signs, laboratory testing, and/or histopathologic results). Cattle were categorized as having infectious or noninfectious causes of CNS disease and subgrouped based on specific disease diagnosis. CSF results were summarized and compared using nonparametric statistical tests. Results: Data from 102 cattle, mostly female Holsteins, were included in the study. Bacterial infections, particularly listeriosis and neonatal meningitis, were the most common cause of CNS disease. Neonatal meningitis was characterized by a marked, predominantly neutrophilic, pleocytosis. Mild mononuclear pleocytosis was typical of listeriosis, but was also seen with abscesses, viral infections, salt poisoning, and trauma. Variable CSF results were seen in cattle with otitis‐related meningitis and thromboembolic meningoencephalitis. CSF results were usually normal with toxic, metabolic, degenerative, and neoplastic disorders. Conclusions: CSF analysis is a useful adjunctive test for the diagnosis of CNS diseases in cattle. When interpreted together with signalment and clinical signs, CSF results can assist clinicians in the antemortem diagnosis of specific bovine CNS disorders.  相似文献   

Rotaviral and coronaviral diarrhea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A number of different viruses can be primary pathogens in the neonatal calf diarrhea complex. By far the most common viruses causing calfhood diarrhea found throughout the world are rotaviruses and coronaviruses. Primary infection of newborn calves with either one of these viruses can cause severe intestinal alterations and diarrhea. Rotaviruses can produce high-morbidity outbreaks of diarrhea in calves under 10 days of age. Morality is variable mainly owing to secondary bacterial infections and electrolyte imbalances. Rotavirus infection of the small intestinal mucosa leads to loss of enterocytes of the upper third of the intestinal villi with subsequent villous atrophy and malabsorption. There is growing evidence that different rotavirus serotypes of different pathogenicity exist. Coronavirus infections can produce high-morbidity outbreaks of diarrhea in calves under 20 days of age, with variable mortality due to secondary complications. Coronaviruses affect not only the small intestinal mucosa, producing significant villous atrophy, but also the colon, causing a very severe intestinal damage that can lead to death due to subsequent electrolyte disturbances. All coronaviruses associated with neonatal calf diarrhea appear to be of the same serotype. The etiologic diagnosis of viral diarrheas of calves requires the support of the laboratory. One of the most useful diagnostic methods is the examination of fecal extracts for the presence of virus particles by electron microscopy. Other antigen-detection procedures like enzyme immunoassays have been found to be useful in the diagnosis of rotaviral diarrheas. The sample of choice for these diagnostic tests is a fresh fecal sample collected directly from the calf as close as possible to the onset of diarrhea. Samples from more than one calf during the outbreak enhance the laboratory ability to establish a proper viral diagnosis.  相似文献   

Despite advances in dairy herd health and productivity, perinatal calf mortality rates are still unacceptably high on many dairy farms. The key features of successful newborn dairy calf management are ensuring heifers and cows are moved in time to calve in suitable maternity housing, discreet calving supervision and appropriate timing of any necessary calving assistance, immediate parturient evaluation of at-risk newborn calves followed by aggressive resuscitation, strategic navel antisepsis, early detection (and treatment) of perinatal problems, and prompt movement of the newborn calf to hygienic calf housing. Veterinarian-led producer implementation of active management of calving and newborn calf care can improve perinatal welfare and health.  相似文献   

新生犊牛腹泻发病率及死亡率较高,给牧场造成了严重的经济损失。新生犊牛口鼻污染是导致1~14日龄犊牛腹泻的主要诱发因素之一。从生产管理角度出发防控口鼻污染引发的犊牛腹泻是防止新生犊牛腹泻的关键措施。接助产的规范管理是防范该病的重要一环,产前准备、分娩过程的干预,新生犊牛的护理等环节的管理不当都可能引起新生犊牛口鼻污染引发的腹泻的发病率的升高。此外,犊牛舍和牧场的环境卫生管理、犊牛饮食管理和牧场工作人员管理等其他方面也可能导致该病的高发。本文将从这几个方面阐述如何防范新生犊牛口鼻污染。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To analyse the demographic information of dogs referred for investigation of fever, to determine the usefulness of various diagnostic investigations and to assess the effect of treatment before referral on the presence of fever at referral, the duration of the investigation and the ability to reach a final diagnosis. METHODS: The clinical records of 66 dogs, in which fever was part of the clinical signs documented by the referring veterinary surgeon, were reviewed. The effects of treatment 24 hours before referral on temperature at initial consultation and on time to diagnosis were evaluated. The effect of body temperature at initial consultation on cost and on time to diagnosis was also determined. The effect of insurance on costs incurred was assessed. The utility of different diagnostic investigations was recorded, and cases were classified according to the final diagnosis. RESULTS: Only 34.8 per cent of dogs were diagnosed with immune-mediated disease, with most frequent diagnoses being steroid-responsive meningitis and polyarthritis. Treatment 24 hours before referral significantly increased the time to diagnosis (P = 0.004) and affected the presence of fever at referral (P = 0.006). Insurance status did not significantly affect cost incurred by the owner. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: This study documents a high incidence of immune-mediated disease in dogs referred for investigation of fever. It also documents a higher incidence of inflammatory central nervous system disease in febrile dogs than that reported previously. Of the diagnostic modalities employed in the majority of cases, radiography, cytology and bacteriological and fungal cultures (fluids/tissues) were the most useful. It is suggested that treatment is withdrawn or withheld before commencing diagnostic investigation of fever.  相似文献   

Dermatophytosis in dogs is variable and can clinically mimics other skin diseases. Diagnosis based on clinical presentation may be misleading and additional laboratory tests are needed for a final diagnosis. A systematic diagnostic procedure can prevent a wrong diagnosis and allow for the right treatment.  相似文献   

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