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Equine leptospirosis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Leptospirosis is a zoonosis of worldwide distribution affecting domestic animals, wildlife and man. The bacterial disease is caused by pathogenic Leptospira spp., which are transmitted from reservoir hosts to accidental hosts. Horses are accidental hosts and can become susceptible to leptospiral infections. Widespread exposure to leptospires exists and is significantly more common than clinical disease. Leptospirosis can have different clinical manifestations including abortion, still birth, systemic disease with hepatic or renal dysfunction, and equine recurrent uveitis (ERU). ERU is the most frequently encountered clinical manifestation and this article will focus on the review of leptospira‐associated ERU. Equine recurrent uveitis is the most common cause of vision impairment and blindness in horses. The pathogenesis of leptospira‐associated ERU involves direct bacterial effects and immune‐mediated responses. Clinical signs vary between the acute and chronic phases of the disease and progress over time. The diagnosis of leptospira‐associated ERU can be difficult and usually requires a combination of diagnostic tests. Medical and surgical treatments have been described with varying outcomes. The prognosis for sight is usually poor, although core vitrectomy may improve the outcome. Avoidance of leptospiral exposure of horses is the only reliable prevention of leptospira‐associated disease.  相似文献   

A commercially manufactured leptospirosis vaccine containing serovars pomona and hardjo and licensed for use in cattle and sheep was investigated to determine if it would prevent leptospiruria in pigs exposed to serovar pomona. Twenty piglets were each vaccinated twice at an interval of three weeks. Twenty other piglets were unvaccinated and served as controls. Three weeks after the second dose of vaccine all animals were exposed for 64 to 89 days to a natural infection with pomona. During the investigation blood samples were examined serologically and urine samples were examined by dark ground microscopy and cultured for the presence of leptospirae. Attempts were made to culture leptospirae from kidneys at slaughter. Kidneys were also examined histologically for evidence of leptospira infection. One vaccinated animal developed a respiratory disease. It was treated with antibiotics and removed from the trial. Leptosphuria was demonstrated in six of the remaining 19 vaccinated pigs and leptospirae were found in nine of 578 (1.5%) urine samples examined from these animals during the period of exposure. In contrast leptospiruria occurred in 19 of 20 unvaccinated pigs and leptospirae were found in 253 of 642 (39.4%) urine samples examined from these animals. Histopathological lesions consistent with leptospirosis were found in kidneys examined from two of 16 vaccinates and 17 of 18 non-vaccinates. Antibodies to serovar pomona were detected in 12 of 19 vaccinated pigs examined three weeks after the second dose of vaccine and before exposure to infection, and in all of 18 unvaccinated pigs examined after exposure to infection. It was concluded that use of this vaccine in pigs resulted in a significant degree of protection against leptospiruria.  相似文献   

To investigate the level of cross-protection induced by equine influenza H3N8 vaccines derived from different lineages, two studies have been carried out with ponies vaccinated with 'American-like' and 'European-like' vaccines and experimentally challenged with a European-like strain. The results demonstrated that equine influenza vaccines clearly protect against challenge with homologous virus if serum antibody titres are sufficiently high. On the other hand, protection is incomplete even when animals vaccinated with heterologous strains have comparative antibody levels. Nevertheless, the protection afforded by heterologous viruses can be improved by stimulating high levels of antibody. It would be advisable to update equine influenza vaccine strains regularly so that they contain similar strains to variants that are circulating in the field.  相似文献   

A fluid adjuvanted vaccine consisting of inactivated hepatitis virus (iH) and leptospirae antigens (L) was developed. The vaccine (Kavak iHL; Duphar) was tested in several vaccination programmes both alone and in combination with freeze dried measles (M) or distemper (D) vaccines. The results demonstrate that this new vaccine is also effective in pups with maternally derived antibodies, although a second vaccination at 14 weeks of age is recommended to boost the first vaccination. For the booster vaccination either the iHL-vaccine or the liver attenuated hepatitis vaccine (H) can be used.  相似文献   

Duration of immunity in dogs induced with current commercial inactivated leptospirosis vaccines and evaluated against experimental infection, to date, has hardly been documented. The purpose of the present work was to assess the duration of immunity in dogs that is attainable with a commercial inactivated bivalent leptospirosis vaccine. For this purpose, young dogs were vaccinated twice followed by challenge with either Leptospira interrogans serovar canicola or L. interrogans serovar icterohaemorrhagiae 5 weeks, 27 weeks or 56 weeks after the second vaccination. For assessment of the duration of immunity, titres of agglutinating serum antibodies were measured before and after challenge, and the effects of challenge on a variety of parameters were determined including reisolation of challenge organisms from blood, urine and kidney. Both challenge strains induced a generalised infection in control dogs, the canicola strain being most virulent. From the results with different parameters it appeared that the two vaccinations induced a high rate of protection from generalised infection with canicola and icterohaemorrhagiae at 5, 27 and 56 weeks after the second vaccination. In addition, after 56 weeks, still a high level of immunity against renal infection with sv. canicola and, as a consequence, urinary shedding of sv. canicola bacteria, was demonstrated. It was, therefore, concluded that with this vaccine, using this vaccination schedule, a duration of immunity of 1 year can be attained against infection with both serovars.  相似文献   

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