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Osteochondrosis is one of the most important skeletalproblems affecting young horses and is one of the conditions included in the syndrome of developmental orthopedic disease. It occurs worldwide in many different breeds and its incidence appears to be steadily increasing. The primary lesion of osteochondrosis is attributed to focal damage of endochondral ossification. When occurring in the articular/epiphyseal cartilage complex, there may be bone formation within the retained cartilage, resulting in “bony fragments.” These are often seen in the tarsocrural articulation on the cranial aspect of the tibia. Focal retention of necrotic cartilage into the subchondral bone may eventually lead to cleft formation resulting in osteochondrosis dissecans. Other lesions associated with osteochondrosis are subchondral cysts, fractures and osteoarthrosis.The definitive cause of osteochondrosis is unknown,but there is evidence that it is the response in growth cartilage to a number of different challenges. It appears to be multifactorial in origin, involving heredity, growth rate, body size, nutrition, mineral imbalance, endocrinological dysfunction and biomechanical trauma. Recent studies have shown cases of osteochondrosis to be preceded by radiographically detectable disturbances of endochondral ossification during the first three months of life. This early appearance of disturbed ossification necessitates further studies into the importance of nutrition/management of the pregnant and lactating mare. Whether these early disturbances will lead to fully developed osteochondrosis or if they will recede obviously depends on a number of factors such as nutrition and exercise. High energy diets have been shown in weaning foals to consistently produce lesions of osteochondrosis. If, however, foals fed a high energy diet are subjected to forced exercise, the incidence of osteochondrosis is reduced dramatically.The prevention of osteochondrosis must rate as a highpriority for the horse industry, but to achieve this more data on the mechanisms of endochondral ossification and how this process is influenced by different intrinsic and environmental factors are required. Recent research into osteochondrosis has involved studies of chondrocyte metabolism in growth cartilage, the influence of growth factors, the extent of degradation of extracellular matrix and endochondral ossification.  相似文献   

Differing viewpoints regarding wild (feral) horse management have resulted in majorcontroversy for public land management. While the livestock industry has not advocated the eradication of wild horses, much of the publicity on the issue has given this misleading impression. The livestock industry has advocated wild horse management. Wild horse herds have, in some cases, presented major management conflicts for ranchers when they have been allowed to multiply to uncontrolled numbers. In many areas, wild horse management has been secondary in priority to completion of environmental impact statements. During this interim period, wild horse herds have gone without management. Livestock numbers have been regulated by management agencies in accordance with forage production. Wild horses also must be managed within the carrying capacity of the rangeland. Management plans developed and implemented jointly by all interested factions present the best viable solution to the wild horse controversy.  相似文献   

Financial resources are inadequate for the research, educational and promotional need of the horse industry. As a major component of American agriculture and as one of the nation's foremost recreational and entertainment industries, the horse industry generates widespread benefits to the U.S. economy. Public relations and promotional efforts are needed to foster the long-term viability and growth of the industry, to increase consumer demand for horses and horse industry products, and to increase spectator attendance at equine-related events. Research efforts are needed to reduce losses incurred by producers from equine health problems and suboptimal performance. Educational efforts are needed to disseminate research-based information on management techniques that enhance the value and productivity of horses. A proposed solution is to develop and enact a checkoff program to support promotion, research and educational needs of the horse industry. A program uniquely tailored to the industry utilizing a three-tiered approach addressing horse owners, horse industry sports participants, and equine event spectators has the potential to generate $10 to $15 million annually.  相似文献   

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