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丛枝菌根(Arbuscular mycorrhizal,AM)真菌能有效促进宿主植物对土壤中水分和养分的吸收以及对有机物质的分解,从而促进植物的生长。柑橘是菌根依赖型植物。丛枝菌根真菌对宿主植物没有严格的专一性,但有选择性,因此有必要筛选出不同砧木适宜的菌株。以柑橘砧木资阳香橙(Citrus Junos Sieb. ex Tanaka)和枳壳(Poncirus trifoliate L. Raf)幼苗进行盆栽试验,通过对不同砧木接种不同AM真菌后测定其生长性状,运用隶属函数法对各指标求其隶属函数值并累加计算综合分数并排名,筛选出促进香橙和枳壳生长的优势菌株。研究表明,接种不同AM真菌对不同砧木的生长发育存在显著差异,表现为促生和抑制两个效应。根据综合评价系数,香橙中隶属函数平均值较高的菌株为G.r(Glomus reticulatum)、R.c(Rhizophagus clarus)和R.i(Rhizophagus intraradices),分别为0.71、0.66和0.63;枳壳中隶属函数平均值较高的菌株为R.c(Rhizophagus clarus)、G.v(Glomus ver...  相似文献   

栽培基质与AM 真菌对园艺作物的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
从珍珠岩、蛭石、木屑、草炭、河沙等栽培基质的特点入手,讨论了不同基质对园艺作物生长发育、丛枝菌根(AM)真菌侵染和功能的影响以及AM真菌在不同基质条件下对作物生长的效应。将多种基质按一定比例混配而成的复合基质能综合各基质的优良理化特性,更有利于作物及其菌根的生长发育,如以草炭、蛭石和河沙接不同比例配成的7种基质中对西瓜接种Glomus mosseae,发现4号基质中侵染率最高,达39.9%,而1号基质中的最低,为14.8%,前者处理的植株生长量增加1.5-3倍。复合基质在无土设施栽培中十分有效,将得到更广泛的应用与开发。  相似文献   

接种丛枝菌根真菌对甘薯生长的影响研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
温室盆栽试验研究 3种丛枝菌根真菌 (AM )对甘薯生长的影响结果表明 ,灭菌土壤条件下接种 3种AM真菌 (GlomusmosseaeBEG16 7GlomusintraradicesBEG14 1和Glomussp .WUM2 6 )均不同程度促进甘薯对P的吸收和植株生长 ,其中BEG16 7和BEG14 1对甘薯效应显著高于WUM2 6 ;各接种处理菌丝长度差异及琥珀酸脱氢酶(SDH)活性与其对甘薯的生长效应基本一致 ;接种BEG16 7和BEG14 1的生长效应无显著差异 ,但接种BEG16 7菌丝长度显著大于BEG14 1,其原因可能是BEG16 7菌丝活性低于BEG14 1所致。未灭菌土壤条件下接种 3种AM真菌对甘薯的生长效应不显著 ,而土著AM真菌繁殖体数量较多可能是影响其接种效果的主要原因。  相似文献   

柑橘砧木和砧穗组合对丛枝菌根发育的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
倍体体细胞杂种砧木)对丛枝菌根发育的影响。结果表明,柑橘丛枝菌根侵染幅度为 4.88 % ~ 40.52 %,土壤内孢子密度不等,大致在 347 ~ 750 个孢子/kg(干土)内。田间菌根侵染率和孢子密度在不同土层深度的分布以深度 10 ~20 cm 为最高。遗传关系相近的国庆 1 号/枳和国庆 4 号/枳组合间以及红肉脐橙/罗伯逊脐橙 36 号/枳和纽荷尔脐橙/罗伯逊脐橙 36 号/枳间的丛枝菌根发育没有显著差异,与红肉脐橙和纽荷尔脐橙遗传关系远的脐血橙组合,较红肉脐橙和纽荷尔脐橙组合的孢子密度间有极显著差异。红桔 枳的菌根侵染率和土壤孢子密度均最高,且显著高于其他 4 种砧木。盆栽砧木孢子密度与菌根侵染率呈显著正相关性。10 种试材的根围土壤孢子密度与菌根侵染率间呈极显著正相关性。  相似文献   

煤炭井工开采往往造成地表塌陷,导致了土壤养分贫瘠和水分缺乏,土壤沙化和水土流失,从而限制了当地矿区植被生长,而丛枝菌根真菌(arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi,AM真菌)对植被生长有促进作用。以文冠果为宿主植物,采用野外原位监测和室内分析方法,研究了未接种和接种丛枝菌根真菌对采煤沉陷区复垦植物文冠果生长和土壤特性的影响。结果表明:与未接种AM真菌处理相比,接种AM真菌显著提高了文冠果根系菌根侵染率和土壤根外菌丝密度,7月接种AM真菌文冠果的株高、冠幅和地径提高了31.89%,23.07%,9.89%。同时,9月接种AM真菌处理的根际土壤全氮、碱解氮和有机碳含量分别比对照组增加0.29g/kg、13.0mg/kg和1.4g/kg,接种AM真菌显著提高了根际土壤的含水率、总球囊霉素和易提取球囊霉素,而速效磷和速效钾的含量显著降低。相关分析结果表明,菌根侵染率、土壤根外菌丝密度与根际土壤理化性质之间存在协同反馈效应。因此,接种AM真菌促进了采煤沉陷区复垦植被文冠果的生长和土壤的改良,这对矿区水土保持、维持生态系统稳定性和持续性具有重要意义。  相似文献   

采用盆栽法研究了砷(As)污染条件下(As 0,50,100和200 mg·kg-14个水平)丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)接种对全生育期番茄植株生长及其磷(P)营养的影响。试验中各接种处理均成功侵染,侵染率在11.79%~34.36%之间。砷胁迫显著影响番茄植株的生物量,植株生长过程中各个时期地上部和根系干重均随As添加水平的升高而显著下降。本试验同时发现As 50 mg·kg-1是不接种番茄植株忍受砷毒害的上限,而接种丛枝菌根真菌后,番茄忍受砷毒害的上限上调到100 mg·kg-1;但200 mg·kg-1已达番茄忍受砷毒害的极限。基质中添加砷对番茄植株不同生长时期地上部和根部磷含量有显著影响。除开花期地上部与其不接种处理根部磷含量外,幼苗期和坐果期植株地上部磷含量与根部磷含量均随着砷添加量的增加而呈大致递增趋势。番茄植株生长的各个时期(幼苗期、开花期和坐果期)地上部和根部磷吸收量随砷添加水平的增加呈明显下降趋势。砷污染条件下,接种丛枝菌根在一定程度上促进了植株生长及其对磷的吸收,缓解了砷对植株生长的胁迫。  相似文献   

培养基质对丛枝菌根(AM)真菌生长发育的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
温室条件下,以盆栽培养方法研究不同培养基质对丛枝菌根(Arbuscular Mycorrhizae,AM)真菌Glomus mosseae生长发育的影响。结果表明:不同理化性质的基质对菌根共生体生长发育的影响不同,综合考虑菌根长度、根外菌丝量及孢子数3项指标,以沙土混合物(体积比3∶1)对G. mosseae菌剂的生长发育最为有利。宿主植物菌根长度及根中的可溶性糖浓度与根外孢子数有正相关关系,而宿主植物中磷浓度与菌根真菌的生长发育也有类似的关系。说明培养基质的养分状况、水分状况、通气状况等诸多因素都会影响菌根共生体的建立和发展。宿主植物的菌根长度、根中可溶性糖浓度以及宿主植物磷浓度对菌根真菌的生长发育有显著影响。因此,工厂化AM菌剂生产中,应以沙土混合物(体积比3∶1)为生产G. mosseae菌剂的培养基质。  相似文献   

根瘤菌和AM真菌对紫花苜蓿结瘤和产质量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘忆  袁玲 《土壤学报》2020,57(5):1292-1298
了解酸性土壤条件下紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa)接种中华根瘤菌(Sinorhizobium medicae,SM)和丛枝菌根真菌(Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi,AMF)的作用,有益于扩大西南地区牧草种植,促进牧业发展。选择当地典型、有代表性的酸性黄壤,设置不接种(CK)、接种SM(SM)、接种AMF(AMF)、混合接种(SM+AMF)四个处理,通过微区试验研究SM与AMF对紫花苜蓿生长、品质、根系结瘤和植株养分吸收等的影响。结果表明:在SM+AMF处理中,菌根真菌感染率和结瘤数分别较单接种提高,但根瘤单重显著减少,固氮效率和吸磷能力增加,其牧草产量、粗蛋白、粗脂肪、灰分、氮、磷、钾、钙、镁积累量均显著高于其他处理,表现出SM与AMF的协同效应。与CK相比,SM或AMF处理均促进苜蓿生长,提高牧草产量,改善品质,但SM和AMF处理之间无显著差异。在SM处理中,地上部氮含量和氮、磷、钾积累量高于CK,植株氮积累量高于AMF。在AMF处理中,其根系活力显著高于SM处理,有益于养分吸收,可解释植株磷、钾、钙、镁含量和积累量高于SM的原因。因此,SM和AM...  相似文献   

AM 真菌对花生与甘薯产量的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
在大田条件下试验研究了丛枝菌根(Arbuscular mycorrhiza,AM)真菌Glomus versiforme Berch及混合菌种[Glomus mosseae Nicolson&Gedermann+Sclerocystis smuosa(Gerd.Bakshi)Almeida & Schenck]对花生与甘薯生长及产量的影响结果表明,供试AM真菌能显著促进花生植株生长健壮,增加单株果数,单位面积产量比对照增加21.3%.接种Glomus versiforme处理的甘薯植株高度和茎叶质量均低于对照,未增加植株生长量和产量;混合菌种处理则提高甘薯的生长量和增加单株薯块数,其单株产量、单位面积产量分别为对照的1.6和1.4倍,表明大田应用时不同作物应采用不同AM真菌.  相似文献   

在玉米育苗基质中加入交联聚丙烯酰胺(crosslinked polyacrylate amine,CPA)和接种AM真菌,研究它们对玉米苗生长、养分吸收及有关生理指标的影响。结果表明,在-CPA的基质中,接种AM真菌的玉米苗生物量高于不接种,并且增加磷含量与吸收量,提高硝酸还原酶活性;在+CPA的基质中,CPA提高了玉米苗P含量以及吸收量,适量的CPA浓度还能够提高玉米苗的生物量,CPA显著降低AM真菌的感染率,接种AM真菌后的玉米苗生物量与不接种的相似甚至更低,玉米苗养分吸收、硝酸还原酶、叶绿素和根系活力因菌株和CPA含量不同而异。由于降低AM真菌的感染率,不能进一步改善菌根玉米苗生长,菌根效应被CPA的促生作用掩盖甚至超过,故在实际育苗工作中,建议采用接种AM真菌或在基质中适量加入CPA一种方式即可。  相似文献   

试验研究不同AM菌株对酸性土壤玉米生长及P营养的影响结果表明,6种菌株的菌根形成、菌根效应、菌株根外菌物量均存在显著种间或生态型差异,华北菌株“BEG168”、法国菌株“BEG141”和华南菌株“BEG151”侵染率较高,达20%,而华北菌株“BEG167”次之,华中菌株“HAU-E4”和华南菌株“BEG150”最低。“BEG150”和“BEG168”显著促进玉米地上部和植株的生长,“BEG141”和“BEG151”则无促生效应,而“BEG167”和“HAU-E4”表现为负效应。除“BEG167”降低植物P素吸收外,其余菌株均对宿主P吸收有所增益,其中以“BEG168”和“BEG141”较高。除“BEG167”和“HAU-E4”外其他菌株均有一定应用价值,且以“BEG168”和“BEG150”最有望成为适应酸性土壤的高效真菌。  相似文献   

The volatile components of Hyuganatsu (Citrus tamurana Hort. ex Tanaka) peel oil, isolated by cold-pressing, were investigated by chemical and sensory analyses. According to chemical analysis by GC and GC-MS, limonene (84.0%) was the most abundant compound, followed by gamma-terpinene (6.9%), myrcene (2.2%), alpha-pinene (1.2%), and linalool (1.0%). Monoterpene hydrocarbons were predominant in Hyuganatsu peel oil. The odor-active volatiles in Hyuganatsu flavor were studied by GC-olfactometry and omission tests. The characteristic flavor was present in the oxygenated fraction. Flavor dilution (FD) factors of the volatile flavor components of the Hyuganatsu cold-pressed oil were determined by aroma extraction dilution analysis (AEDA). Furthermore, relative flavor activity was investigated by means of FD factor and weight percent. Ten kinds of odor compounds having Hyuganatsu-like aroma were detected by AEDA: limonene, linalool, octanol, neral, neryl acetate, tridecanal, trans-carveol, cis-nerolidol, trans,trans-farnesyl acetate, and trans,trans-farnesol. Linalool and octanol were regarded as the most odor-active or key compounds of Hyuganatsu aroma. Diluted solutions of linalool and octanol of approximately 2 ppm gave a fresh and fruity aroma note similar to Hyuganatsu flavor.  相似文献   

The composition of the essential oil of Citrus tamurana Hort. ex Tanaka (Hyuganatsu), isolated by the cold-pressing method, was investigated by capillary GC and GC-MS. The effects of harvesting time, degree of freshness, and size of fruits on the composition of Hyuganatsu peel oils were also determined. A total of 126 volatile constituents were confirmed in the Hyuganatsu oils. The Hyuganatsu oils contained hydrocarbons (95.95-96.95%), aldehydes (0.33-0.62%), alcohols (1.91%-2.64%), ketones (0.40-0.62%), esters (0.28-0.39%), oxides (0.04-0.06%), acids (0.01%), and trace amounts of fugenol methyl ether. Monoterpene hydrocarbons were predominant. Limonene (80.35-82.39%), gamma-terpinene (7.71-9.03%), myrcene (2.11-2.28%), linalol (1.37-2.01%), and alpha-pinene (1.17-1.43%) were the most abundant components in Hyuganatsu oils. The principal sesquiterpene hydrocarbon was trans-beta-farnesene (0.60-1.04%), and its content in Hyuganatsu oils was higher than in oils of other citrus fruits. The number of ketones and the content of l-carvone in Hyuganatsu oils were higher than in other citrus oils.  相似文献   

《Applied soil ecology》2006,31(1-2):110-119
A pot culture experiment was carried out to study the effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) inoculation on the growth of Elsholtzia splendens and Zea mays and the activities of phosphatase and urease in a soil contaminated with Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd. Two AM fungal inocula, MI containing Glomus caledonium and MII containing Gigaspora margarita,Gigaspora decipens, Scutellospora gilmori, Acaulospora spp. and Glomus spp., were applied to the soil. The plants of E. splendens and Z. mays were harvested after 24 and 10 weeks of growth, respectively. Both plant species had a similar trend in mycorrhizal colonization rates, MI > MII > control. Shoot and root biomass of Z. mays was increased by MI, while not affected significantly by MII. Although both MI and MII increased plant dry weight of E. splendens, MII was more effective. Mycorrhizal dependency (MD) with MI and MII was 14.8 and 33.5, respectively for E. splendens, and 11.0 and 0.9, respectively for Z. mays. Both inocula increased the activities of phosphatase and urease in the soils of E. splendens and Z. mays, but MI was more effective than MII for urease, while MII more effective than MI for phosphatase. Although the mechanisms involved in these responses are not clear, AM fungal inoculum may be important and used for the phytoremediation of heavy metal contaminated soils, but both inoculum type and host species must be considered.  相似文献   

Soil inorganic carbon (C) represents a substantial C pool in arid ecosystems, yet little data exist on the contribution of this pool to ecosystem C fluxes. A closed jar incubation study was carried out to test the hypothesis that CO2-13C production and response to sterilization would differ in a calcareous (Mojave Desert) soil and a non-calcareous (Oklahoma Prairie) soil due to contributions of carbonate-derived CO2. In addition to non-sterilized controls, soils were subjected to sterilization treatments (unbuffered HgCl2 addition for Oklahoma soil and unbuffered HgCl2 addition, buffered HgCl2 addition, and autoclaving for Mojave Desert soil) to decrease biotic respiration and more readily measure abiotic CO2 flux. Temperature and moisture treatments were also included with sterilization treatments in a factorial design.The rate of CO2 production in both soils was significantly decreased (36-87%) by sterilization, but sterilization treatments differed in effectiveness. Sterilization had no significant effect on effluxed CO2-13C values in the non-calcareous Oklahoma Prairie soil and autoclaved Mojave Desert soil as compared to their respective non-sterilized controls. However, sterilization significantly altered CO2-13C values in Mojave Desert soil HgCl2 sterilization treatments (both buffered and non-buffered). Plots of 1/CO2 versus CO213C (similar to Keeling plots) indicated that the source CO213C value of the Oklahoma Prairie soil treatments was similar to the δ13C value of soil organic matter [(SOM); −17.76‰ VPDB] whereas the source for the (acidic) unbuffered-HgCl2 sterilized Mojave Desert soil was similar to the δ13C value of carbonates (−0.93‰ VPDB). The source CO213C value of non-sterilized and autoclaved (−18.4‰ VPDB) Mojave Desert soil treatments was intermediate between SOM (−21.43‰ VPDB) and carbonates and indicates up to 13% of total C efflux may be from abiotic sources in calcareous soils.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies suggest that a high consumption of fruits can reduce the risk of some cancers and cardiovascular disease, and this may be attributable to the antioxidant activity of vitamins and phenolic compounds. The present study investigated the variations in vitamin C, total phenolic, hesperidin, and naringin contents, and total antioxidant activity of yuzu (Citrus junos Sieb ex Tanaka)-which is a popular citrus fruit in Korea and Japan-between cultivars and during maturity. The amounts of phenolics and vitamin C and the antioxidant activity in all tested yuzu cultivars were higher in peel than in flesh. Ripening increased the total antioxidant activity and vitamin C content in both peel and flesh of yuzu. However, the amounts of all total phenolics, hesperidin, and naringin in peel increased with ripening, whereas they decreased slightly in flesh. There was a highly linear relationship between the vitamin C content and the total antioxidant activity in both peel (r(2) = 1.000) and flesh (r(2) =0.998), suggesting that vitamin C plays a key role in the antioxidant activity of yuzu. In addition, the contribution of each antioxidant to the total antioxidant activity of yuzu was determined using a 2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) radical scavenging assay and is expressed here in terms of the vitamin C equivalent antioxidant capacity (VCEAC). The means of vitamin C, naringin, and hesperidin in yuzu were 90.4, 63.8, and 65.7 mg/100 g fresh yuzu, respectively. The relative VCEAC values of these compounds were in the following order: vitamin C (1.00) > naringin (0.195) > hesperidin (0.162). Therefore, the estimated contribution of each antioxidant to the total antioxidant capacity of 100 g of fresh yuzus is as follows (in mg of VCEAC): vitamin C (90.36 mg) > naringin (12.44 mg) > hesperidin (10.64 mg). Our results indicate that mature yuzu contains higher amounts of vitamin C and phenolics than other citrus fruits and could therefore be used as a significant dietary source of antioxidants.  相似文献   

非灭菌条件下VA菌根真菌对小麦生长发育的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文在盆栽条件下研究了非灭菌条件接种VA菌根真菌Glomusmoseae对小麦生长发育的影响。结果表明,接种VA菌根真菌能显著提高对小麦的侵染率,接种株的营养生长、磷吸收、叶绿素含量、可溶性糖含量及光合作用参数都明显优于对照株。不同施磷水平对小麦植株的生理指标都有不同程度的影响。说明接种VA菌根真菌能够促进小麦生长,提高磷肥的利用率。  相似文献   

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