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1笼养蛋鸡疲劳症的防治笼养蛋鸡疲劳症(CLF)又称笼养蛋鸡骨质疏松症,是笼养蛋鸡骨骼疾病中最严重的。它主要引起产蛋鸡的瘫痪、死亡及产蛋下降。发病的大多数是进笼不久和处在产蛋高峰期的鸡。1.1临床症状病初鸡产软壳蛋或薄壳蛋,鸡蛋破损率增加,但食欲、精神、羽毛均无明显变化。之后,出现病鸡腿软弱无力,站立困难,伏于笼底,两腿以飞节着地和尾呈“三角”负重,如企鹅状。如及时发现,采取适当措施,大多能在3~5天恢复。否则症状会逐渐加剧,病鸡明显消瘦,嗉囊无食,停产,长骨易骨折,关节处变形、肿大、瘫痪,最后衰竭死亡。1.2剖检变化血液凝…  相似文献   

1笼养蛋鸡疲劳症 笼养蛋鸡疲劳症又称笼养蛋鸡骨质疏松症,是笼养蛋鸡骨骼疾病中最严重的一种。它主要引起产蛋鸡的瘫痪、死亡及产蛋率下降。发病鸡大多数是进笼不久和处在产蛋高峰期的鸡。  相似文献   

笼养蛋鸡疲劳症又称笼养蛋鸡骨质疏松症,是笼养产蛋鸡的一种全身性骨骼疾病。本病几乎发生在所有笼养产蛋鸡群中,产蛋期发病率为1%~10%,常发生于产蛋高峰期。  相似文献   

笼养蛋鸡疲劳症又称笼养蛋鸡骨质疏松症,是笼养产蛋鸡的一种全身性骨骼疾病。几乎发生在所有笼养产蛋鸡群中,产蛋期发病率为1-10%,常发生于产蛋高蜂期。  相似文献   

1笼养蛋鸡疲劳征笼养蛋鸡疲劳征是笼养产蛋鸡的一种全身性骨骼疾病,几乎发生在所有笼养产蛋鸡群中,产蛋期发病率为1% ̄10%,常发生于产蛋高蜂期。它主  相似文献   

笼养蛋鸡疲劳症又称笼养蛋鸡骨质疏松症,是笼养产蛋鸡的一种全身性骨骼疾病。几乎发生在所有笼养产蛋鸡群中,产蛋期发病率为1%~10%。常发生于产蛋高峰期。  相似文献   

笼养蛋鸡疲劳症的诊治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笼养蛋鸡疲劳症,又称笼养蛋鸡骨质疏松症,是笼养蛋鸡的一种全身性骨骼疾病,该病几乎发生在所有笼养产蛋鸡群中.它的临床症状主要是引起产蛋鸡的跛行、瘫痪、死亡及产蛋下降.发病的时间大多数是进笼不久和处在产蛋高峰期的鸡只,产蛋期的发病率一般为1%~10%,此病在国外称为"脆骨症".  相似文献   

笼养蛋鸡疲劳症又称笼养蛋鸡骨质疏松症,是笼养产蛋鸡的一种全身性骨骼疾病。几乎发生在所有笼养产蛋鸡群中,产蛋期发病率为1%~10%。常发生于产蛋高峰期。1病因笼养蛋鸡疲劳症主要由于严重缺钙而引起。高产蛋鸡体重轻、采食量小、饲料利用率高和性成熟早,钙源无法满足蛋壳形成  相似文献   

如何防治笼养蛋鸡疲劳症   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
笼养蛋鸡疲劳症是笼养蛋鸡特有的一种营养代谢性疾病,高产蛋鸡最易发病。由于产蛋率高,对钙、磷的需求量增大。如果饲料中的钙、磷供应不足或比例失调,蛋鸡从日粮中摄取的钙量不能满足产蛋的需要,那么只能溶解吸收骨骼中的钙盐,以满足鸡体对钙的需求。经研究,蛋鸡短期内动用38%的钙也只能维持产6枚蛋,因此保证钙的供给非常重要,没有及时得到补充钙,就会造成骨质疏松、变软和骨皮质变薄。蛋鸡不能支持体重,轻者发生软腿病,严重的可发生骨折,影响蛋鸡的产蛋性能,使淘汰率增加。  相似文献   

笼养蛋鸡疲劳症防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前集约化蛋鸡场几乎都实行了笼养。开产后到产蛋高峰期笼养鸡易发生以瘫痪和骨折为特征的笼养蛋鸡疲劳症。该病是笼养蛋鸡易发的骨骼疾病,发病者以轻型蛋鸡为多,发病后蛋鸡产蛋量明显下降,死淘率上升。该病的发病原因、临床症状、病理变化等如下:  相似文献   

笼养蛋鸡疲劳症,又叫蛋鸡猝死症,是笼养蛋鸡特有的营养紊乱性骨骼疾病,主要危害年轻母鸡(30周龄以前),又称青年母鸡病,因本病多发于夏季的高产鸡,亦称为夏季病。  相似文献   

1. Two experiments were conducted to determine the effects on laying performance of relocating caged hens at 30, 42 and 54 weeks of age.

2. In experiment 1 with hens caged individually, treatment groups comprised relocated hens given 5 new neighbours and hens not relocated but given 0, 2 or 4 new neighbours.

3. In experiment 2 with hens housed two per cage, treatment groups comprised relocation with or without that hen which shared the cage before the move.

4. In both experiments relocated hens laid fewer eggs in the week following social reorganisation.

5. Relocated hens in experiment 1 ate less food in the week following the shift at 42 weeks of age than did hens not moved. In experiment 2 in which all hens were moved, food consumption was not affected.  相似文献   

笼养种鸡人工授精技术经验总结   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我厂饲养种鸡 1 0万套左右 ,自 1 996年以来 ,大部分种鸡逐渐改为笼养 ,采用人工授精。经过探索与努力 ,培养了一批技术熟练的工人 ,使种鸡的人工授精率平均达到 94%以上。根据本厂的生产实践 ,现将种鸡人工授精技术总结如下 :1 技术人员的管理和培训首先应挑选责任心强 ,有一定专业技术 ,最好是职业中学毕业的 ,身体健壮的饲养员 ,经技术培训后用作种鸡人工授精的技术员。其次是制订出一整套奖罚分明的管理制度和措施 ,把受精率与报酬挂钩 ,充分调动他们的劳动积极性。只有如此 ,才能确保种鸡高的受精率。2 种公鸡的选择2 .1 笼养种公鸡…  相似文献   

Abnormal behaviors in commercial poultry, including feather pulling and pica, have been known to occur when birds are exposed to an unfamiliar environment. We report here the development of crop impactions resulting from feather ball formation. Twelve specific-pathogen-free (SPF) chickens were placed in one of three cages housed among a commercial layer flock in three different buildings on a farm site. Three weeks after placement, the birds were removed from the cages and given a physical exam. Chickens were thin, and one bird in each of the three caged groups had a palpable mass at the level of the thoracic inlet. At necropsy, a mass was noted in the crop. Upon further dissection, a wet, foul-smelling mass consisting of feathers and feed debris was recovered. Results from our case indicate that unfamiliar surroundings can cause pica in birds. Hence, avian researchers and veterinarians planning to introduce new birds into a flock, i.e., SPF birds, should consider the birds' previous environmental conditions prior to placement because sudden placement in unfamiliar surroundings can result in pica.  相似文献   

均匀度是反映种鸡饲养管理情况的一个重要指标,它决定着鸡群能否适时开产,高峰期生产性能的发挥以及产蛋高峰的维持时间,是种鸡饲养管理中的一个重点和难点。实践证明,拥有一个良好的、控制适当、符合鸡群客观生长规律的均匀度,是鸡群获得最佳生产成绩的基础,根据各阶段的生长特点和规律,它又分为体重均匀度、体况均匀度和性成熟均匀度。1体重均匀度的控制(1~15周龄)主要在15周以前控制该指标,通过对鸡群定期称重、分群并控制料量来达到目的。1.1育雏期均匀度的控制(1~5周龄)均匀度抓得越早越好,从1日龄就开始抓…  相似文献   

1. Most feather pecking occurred between birds in the same cage rather than between birds in neighbouring cages during both morning (81%) and afternoon (92%) observations. 2. In the afternoon feather pecking and cage pecking were respectively 3.6 and 4.4 times more prevalent than in the morning. The proportion of severe feather pecking (19%) was unaffected by time of day. 3. These findings are discussed with regard to the possibility that feather pecking in the afternoon may reflect attempts by hens to adapt to an unstimulating environment and the limited potential for control of feather pecking by modification of the design of conventional cages, unless between--cage transmission of the behaviour is important in the development of feather pecking.  相似文献   

Rapidly increasing and unexplained mortality in commercial poultry flocks may signal the presence of a highly transmissible and reportable disease. Activation of an infectious-disease surveillance system occurs when a key production parameter, i.e., mortality, changes. Various triggers have been proposed to alert producers when mortality exceeds normal limits for a given production system to enable early detection of such diseases. In this article we demonstrate that a simple moving-average trigger is useful for detecting any disease syndrome in caged table-egg layer flocks that manifests itself as sudden, rapidly increasing mortality. We superimposed HPAI disease mortality output data derived from a disease transmission model and from a naturally occurring HPAI outbreak onto normal mortality data from 12 healthy commercial egg-layer flocks, and compared the performance of 7-day moving-average triggers to previously proposed triggers. The moving-average trigger is more efficient, resulting in fewer false-positive alerts and an earlier time to disease detection. It can be easily calculated by using a computer spreadsheet providing only 7 days of mortality data and can be practically and inexpensively implemented by large commercial poultry integrators. A moving-average trigger can be an active component of a production-based surveillance system.  相似文献   

Feather loss was scored on the neck and crop area of 402 individually-caged hens, 61 weeks old and receiving either methionine-deficient or adequate diets. Both feather loss and egg production were greater for the hens receiving adequate diets. Within treatments there was a close relationship between egg output and feather loss. The findings are consistent with feather loss being caused by abrasion against the cage floor or walls during pre-laying behaviour.  相似文献   

将同批海兰褐商品蛋鸡随机分为2栋,分别采用LED灯和普通节能灯作为光源,进行笼养蛋鸡生产性能的影响及节能效果分析。结果表明:在产蛋期内使用LED灯鸡群死淘率与对照组相比显著降低0073%(P005);显著提高产蛋率383%(P005);使用成本降低6757%。  相似文献   

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