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A sample of 126 sheep producers in Tennessee was randomly selected from the members of a statewide organization of sheep producers. Data about the participants' farms, sheep, parasite control practices and sources of information regarding ovine parasite control were obtained by a telephone survey. The response rate was 99%. The typical respondent kept 20 lambs, 20 ewes and 2 rams on three pastures totalling 20 acres. In order of decreasing frequency, anthelmintics were given according to a regular schedule, to coincide with breeding management procedures, or to treat clinical signs of parasitism. Proportions of producers deworming the various classes of sheep zero, one, two, three, four or more than four times annually were as follows: lambs--3, 28, 40, 16, 9 and 8%, respectively; ewes--3, 8, 20, 16, 34 and 22%, respectively; rams--1, 9, 19, 15, 38 and 19%, respectively. The majority of respondents planned to deworm lambs (89%) and ewes (82%) the same number of times in the following year. Of the producers who dewormed sheep two or more times during 1989, 39-49% (ranges include different proportions for lambs, ewes and rams) used the same anthelmintic exclusively, and 51-61% used two or more drug classes. Of the owners using a single anthelmintic exclusively, most (39-66%) used ivermectin, followed by levamisole (19-33%) and benzimidazoles (13-24%). One hundred and three of 124 (83%) producers intended to use the same anthelmintics in the future. Sixty-four of 124 (52%) producers had discontinued using at least one ovine anthelmintic. The most common reasons for discontinuance were dissatisfaction with the clinical response after treatment and inconvenience of administration. Sheep-oriented publications, other sheep producers and veterinarians were considered the most important sources of information about deworming programs and choice of anthelmintics.  相似文献   

We report the results of a survey to assess the attitudes of horse owners and managers of equine businesses in Ireland to the control of helminth parasites, and the extent to which veterinary practitioners are involved in providing advice on parasite control of horses.Replies to our questionnaire indicated that there is a high level of awareness on the need for helminth control, typically leading to several doses of anthelmintic being administered to each animal every year. While a majority of respondents (61%) were concerned about the issue of anthelmintic resistance, only a few were of the opinion that it was a problem on their establishment. Measures to minimise the development of resistance, such as decreasing the frequency of dosing, optimising non-drug-based control strategies and assessing the need for dosing by faecal egg counts (FECs), were not widely employed in a strategic manner. Just over half (54%) of respondents indicated that they devised worming control programmes based on veterinary advice, and a large majority did not perceive any need for modification of their current worm control programmes.We concluded that there is considerable scope for increased veterinary involvement in the design and implementation of control programmes for helminths in horses, and that veterinarians do not always provide advice in accordance with "best practice" in helminth control.  相似文献   

Sustainable equine parasite control: perspectives and research needs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Clinically important equine parasites are ubiquitous in managed horse populations. The traditional approach to parasite control is frequent administration of anthelmintics to all horses on a farm. However, increasing levels of anthelmintic resistance is forcing horse owners and veterinarians to shift this control paradigm. Treatment regimens involving routine deworming of all horses throughout the year are now being replaced by more sustainable approaches, which take in to account the importance of maintaining adequate parasite refugia. The selective therapy principle has been recommended for more than 15 years, but there is limited experience with this approach. The relative magnitude of the faecal egg count for an individual horse is a consistent trait, and this provides a reliable basis for selective therapy. But no studies have evaluated the consequences of selective therapy in the long-term, and such studies are strongly needed to validate this approach. Importantly, it remains unclear how selective therapy may affect the prevalence and intensity of other parasites of significant pathogenic potential (e.g. Strongylus vulgaris), which have become uncommon due to years of intensive chemotherapy. Consequently, a selective approach requires vigilant surveillance of the parasite fauna and intensity. This places a demands for reliable diagnostic tools. Also noteworthy is the fact that the majority of equine nematode parasites are more pathogenic during their larval stages, when they cannot be detected by traditional egg counting techniques. Consequently, parasite-specific diagnostic tools capable of assessing prepatent parasite burdens, and able to differentiate between strongyle species of different pathogenic potentials, would be of great value to the equine clinician. Tools for detecting infections with the tapeworm Anoplocephala perfoliata are laborious, difficult to interpret, and at present there is no established method to evaluate treatment efficacy. Thus, better diagnostic tools are needed for tapeworms as well. Biological control, especially the predacious fungi have demonstrated good potential as an adjunct for strongyle control and such a product could easily have a market in equine establishments. In summary, there is general agreement that the traditional treat-all at frequent interval approach should be abandoned, and that optimal parasite control can be maintained with far fewer anthelmintic treatments. But better diagnostic techniques and more evidence documenting the long-term consequences of selective therapy programs are needed to develop and validate systems for sustainable equine parasite control.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Improved education of veterinarians and equine owners/managers is essential in implementing parasite control strategies that are less reliant on chemicals. Methods: This questionnaire study, conducted on 61 UK Thoroughbred (TB) establishments during 2009 and 2010, was designed to obtain an understanding of current helminth control practices on studs. To our knowledge, this is the first occasion that statements obtained from TB studs via questionnaire have been supported by statistical analysis. Results: Despite many respondents indicating high levels of concern regarding anthelmintic resistance, 56% of these establishments that received visiting equines co‐grazed these animals with permanent stock and <74% administered anthelmintics prior to integration. In the 12 months preceding the study, most respondents administered frequent macrocyclic lactone (ML) treatments, with none appearing to leave any animals in groups untreated at each administration. Indiscriminate whole group treatments with MLs and movement of animals to ‘clean grazing’ post treatment (reported by >25% of respondents), indicates that many stud owners/managers are not aware of the strong risk factors for the development of anthelmintic resistance. Few studs had conducted faecal egg count (FEC) analysis in the past and only 22% indicated that they considered this form of analysis beneficial in determining anthelmintic choice. Conclusions and potential relevance: The challenge now is to convince stud owners/managers to deviate from their current practices to control strategies that are more likely to preserve anthelmintic efficacy. Veterinarians need to get more involved in implementing these control strategies, with better emphasis placed on the role of diagnostic tests in facilitating targeted treatments and in investigating anthelmintic sensitivity in the associated nematode populations.  相似文献   

Development of resistance of several important equine parasites to most of the available anthelmintic drug classes has led to a reconsideration of parasite control strategies in many equine establishments. Routine prophylactic treatments based on simple calendar‐based schemes are no longer reliable and veterinary equine clinicians are increasingly seeking advice and guidance on more sustainable approaches to equine parasite control. Most techniques for the detection of equine helminth parasites are based on faecal analysis and very few tests have been developed as diagnostic tests for resistance. Recently, some molecular and in vitro based diagnostic assays have been developed and have shown promise, but none of these are currently available for veterinary practice. Presently, the only reliable method for the detection of anthelmintic resistance is a simple faecal egg count reduction test, and clinicians are urged to perform such tests on a regular basis. The key to managing anthelmintic resistance is maintaining parasite refugia and this concept is discussed in relation to treatment strategies, drug rotations and pasture management. It is concluded that treatment strategies need to change and more reliance should now be placed on surveillance of parasite burdens and regular drug efficacy tests are also recommended to ensure continuing drug efficacy. The present review is based upon discussions held at an equine parasite workshop arranged by the French Equine Veterinary Association (Association Vétérinaire Equine Française, AVEF) in Reims, France, in October 2008.  相似文献   

AIM: To survey parasite control programmes and anthelmintic usage over a 12-month period on deer farms in New Zealand. METHODS: A questionnaire of general farm data, policy and procedures for anthelmintic use, anthelmintic programmes for weaner and older deer, general information and understanding of parasite management practices was posted to 500 deer farmers in November 2004. RESULTS: Two hundred and twenty-seven (45.4%) replies were received, and 198 (39.6%) were suitable for analysis. Ninety four percent of respondents used anthelmintics at least once in the 12-month period; 53% treated all classes of deer and 22% treated only weaners. Seventy-four percent based anthelmintic dose on weight of the heaviest animal, and 36% used a weigh scale. Weaner deer (n=175 farms) were treated 1-13 (mean 3.2) times in their first 12 months, at the earliest commencing in January and at the latest in November. The mean interval between treatments ranged from 41 to 46 days. Yearling and adult hinds and stags were treated at least once (range 1-7 times) on 55-64% of farms, depending on class of animal. Moxidectin was the anthelmintic most commonly used (46-58%, depending on class of animal), followed by abamectin, eprinomectin, oxfendazole, ivermectin, albendazole, levamisole and doramectin. Perceived efficacy was the most common reason for choosing a type of anthelmintic. Weight gain and body condition were the most common measures used for monitoring parasitism in weaners and older deer, respectively, and few respondents used faecal egg and/or larval counts. Coughing and/or scouring were associated with parasitism in weaners on 13-14% of farms, and deaths associated with lungworm and gastrointestinal parasites were recorded on 5% and 3% of farms, respectively. Veterinary input to diagnosis was involved in 23% of events. Production losses and/or death of yearling and/or adult deer due to parasitism were reported by 27% of respondents. When planning anthelmintic treatment programmes, 63% of respondents followed advice from veterinarians. Thirty four percent always placed deer on clean or spelled pastures after treatment, while 32% did that often. Fifteen percent had incorporated forages and/or herbs with assumed anthelmintic properties into their parasite control programme. Forty-four percent were very confident of a return on investment when using anthelmintics for their deer. Respondents stated that their knowledge of the life cycle of the major parasites of deer was very good (8%), reasonably good (61%), poor (28%), or nil (3%). CONCLUSION: Anthelmintics are used on almost all deer farms, and practices and programmes vary considerably. Opportunities exist for veterinarians to assist deer farmer clients to improve their parasite control programmes.  相似文献   

Endo and ectoparasites of domestic ruminants directly or indirectly contribute to reduce sustainability affecting food security in subsistence or small scale farming systems, food safety (food borne diseases and pesticide residues), environment (pesticides, pollution and ecotoxicity) and farmer's equity (limited or uneven access to relevant technical information/training). This is especially true for some regions of Latin America where there still are huge areas of natural grazing land for cattle, sheep and goats. Sustainable parasite control is not an absolute concept given the different regions and productive systems of the world and therefore, could have different levels of adoption and impact on farmers. This article develops a conceptual framework to better understand where each region or country is situated in terms of attaining a reasonable increase in animal production while preserving sustainability. Within this context the capacity to prioritize the target parasite species for control according to local epidemiology and production systems, the early diagnosis and monitoring of parasite resistance as well as the availability of well trained field professionals acquire a major role, creating an enabling environment for present and future decision support system approaches. Until new and different means of controlling parasites become available; the challenge is to utilize Good Animal Husbandry Practices and Integrated Parasite Management (IPM) principles in a pragmatic way allowing the rational use of pesticides.  相似文献   

A telephone survey of 600 farmers throughout Great Britain and Ireland was conducted in order to characterise helminth control practices, and identify factors correlated with perceived anthelmintic failure. Overall, 93% of surveyed farmers routinely treated their sheep against nematodes, 67% against liver fluke and 58% against tapeworms. Anthelmintic resistance in nematodes was perceived by farmers to be present on 10% of farms. Farmers who dosed ewes at mating were more likely to have observed anthelmintic failure, than those who were aware of national guidelines on parasite control. However, objective assessment of anthelmintic efficacy had only been undertaken on 19% of farms. Ewes were treated at mating and lambing on 63% and 62% of farms, respectively. On average, lambs were treated 3.6 times annually, depending on geographical region and on dates of lambing and finishing. Although 'quarantine' treatments were widely administered to bought-in stock, these were appropriately applied in only 3% of cases. This study provides baseline data against which the impact of future anthelmintic information campaigns can be assessed; it will facilitate the development of rational, farm-level mathematical models in support of sustainable parasite control, and will aid in the design of farm management practices that prolong the effective lifespan of novel classes of anthelmintic.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - Smallholder Angora goat farming is widespread throughout Lesotho, resulting in the country being ranked second in global mohair production. The Lesotho...  相似文献   

Current cattle tick control practices and producer attitudes towards tick control in the eastern Cape Province of South Africa are discussed. These were ascertained from answers to a questionnaire survey to which 31.2% of farmers responded. In general, producers favoured intensive tick control. Beef and dairy farmers had a definite preference for synthetic pyrethroid acaricides, the majority followed a 25 times p.a. treatment frequency and most changed acaricides because of price. Beef producers favoured pour-on application of acaricides while the majority of dairy producers utilized plunge dipping. Producers who used hand spray techniques experienced the highest percentage of confirmed acaricide resistance. A costs of R11.27 for acaricide treatment per bovine per annum was calculated from data gained in this survey. A cost index of 2,496 was calculated by relating acaricide cost to the prevailing price of beef in the region. Only a small number of producers used heartwater, babesiosis and anaplasmosis vaccines. Relative tick borne disease mortality ratios indicated higher heartwater mortalities at high acaricide treatment frequencies. These results are discussed in relation to the tick control regimes practised.  相似文献   

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