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The changes in the political economy of science are the natural outcome of two trends: science itself has become a more capital-intensive activity at the same time that federal support for research programs has slowed its growth. The results of the accumulating shortfall in the capital base for university research--increased seeking of support from private industry, efforts to circumvent peer review and competitive allocation, and a falling-out between institutions and investigators over how to divide up available resources--threaten to unravel what has been an extraordinary way of doing science.  相似文献   

Long-term U.S. economic growth requires better use of R & D resources and closer interaction of the academic, government, and industrial research communities. The federal government has proposed to increase support for university research as a key means of addressing national needs for new knowledge in fields important to industrial development and for training of technical personnel. But continuing growth in support for basic research depends on how well the science community can agree on what research investments will have the greatest impact in producing new knowledge.  相似文献   

Press F 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1981,211(4479):249-256
This is the second half of a two-part article on Administration science and technology policy during the period 1977 to 1980. The first part discussed the role of the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) in the context of the overall federal policy-making framework and institutional structure and described specific activities aimed at strengthening U.S. science and technology, fostering industrial innovation, enhancing relationships among government, universities, and industry, and improving the regulatory process. This part focuses on OSTP activities related to national security and foreign policy, space, energy and the environment, health, and agriculture, and discusses OSTP advisory mechanisms and planning efforts.  相似文献   

Despite widespread concern about lagging productivity growth rates and renewed interest in research, federal support for the review and packaging of hard-won new knowledge continues to languish. Yet accurate, accessible data are critical, not only in every R&D project but also in the most advanced manufacturing processes. Ensuring reliable, retrievable data is not a function that can be left to the professional societies, the publishing industry, or the private sector. In this article a six-point national science and technology data policy is proposed, and it is suggested that progress ultimately will depend on an overall science and technology policy, the first priority of which is to make available existing knowledge.  相似文献   

Schmitt RW 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1984,224(4654):1206-1209
An analysis of how the government can and cannot use research and development policy to improve the nation's industrial posture suggests four guidelines for federal R & D policy: (i) concentrate direct support on academically based research, not on government-targeted industrial R & D; (ii) concentrate on sunrise science and technology, not on sunrise industries and products; (iii) concentrate on strengthening the climate for privately based innovation, not on government-selected innovation; (iv) concentrate on development for the government's own needs, not on development for market needs.  相似文献   

为了促进云南高原特色农业循环经济、产业链环节拓展,推进县乡农业特色产业、农产品品牌建设,实现农业与工业、服务业的产业融合,本研究指出了云南高原特色农业发展存在农业经营主体较为弱势、特色农业科技创新乏力、地方政策支持产业融合发展力度不足的问题,提出构建以云南高原特色农业的经营主体、相关技术支撑、产业政策、产业发展模式为核心内容的云南高原特色农业研究体系。  相似文献   

文章采用SWOT分析法分析了农业科研单位发展科技产业的优势、劣势、机会和威胁。在此基础上,利用策略配对方法,提出了加快兼并重组,做大做强龙头企业;培育新的经济增长点,优化产业结构布局;加强企业研发能力建设,提高持续竞争力;成立国有资产管理公司,分开管理事业与产业;通过股权改革或组建新公司,激发产业发展活力;加强科企合作,实现多方共赢等策略建议,以期为全国农业科研单位科技产业发展提供参考。  相似文献   

金融危机爆发以来,世界经济增速放缓。各国正重新审视经济发展和产业转型,赋予新兴产业引领新一轮科技革命、摆脱经济危机束缚的历史使命,战略性新兴产业成为投资重点。中国农业科技发展需要抢抓机遇,通过加强自主创新,支持企业技术开发,加强科企联合,构建技术标准,发展低碳绿色科技农业等方式应对国际挑战,努力掌握世界农业发展主动权;积极培育现代生物种业、现代装备业、绿色投入品、生物能源、农产品加工与物流、沙漠与海洋农业等农业新兴产业生长点;通过不断深化农业科技体制改革,建立科学的人才评价体系,稳定基本科研经费,实行“政研分开”,树立勇于创新的科研价值观,营造鼓励创新的学术环境和文化氛围等方式充分激发农业科技人员的创新活力,引领农业科技发展方向,推动中国实现传统农业向现代农业重大转型。  相似文献   

在对海外经济发达国家和地区的休闲观光农业的发展的经验进行总结的基础上,对浙江休闲观光农业的发展提出了建议。浙江的休闲观光农业的发展要确立正确的产业发展原则;统一管理,加强规划;制定产业发展必需的法规体系,指导产业健康发展;加强政府在产业发展中的监控作用,并投放资金建立人才培训基地和建立科技创新平台;大力倡导高校和研究院所开展扎实的有深度的研究并对企业进行相应的具体指导。  相似文献   

The process values of university research are important in the context of several significant social and economic trends in American life. These values are being taken into account in the design and administration of federal programs. Federal programs to support these values should be distinguished from programs to support the product values of research. Failure to distinguish between these two types of programs will lead to a further dilution of quality in programs designed to advance science as a legitimate end in itself. The scientific community can best protect its own interests by helping federal agencies and universities and colleges develop a funding system to support the process values of university research on a cooperative, regional basis.  相似文献   

【目的】分析广西特色农业资源型产业科技发展现状和存在的科技问题,提出促进广西特色农业资源型产业发展的科技对策,为广西特色农业资源型产业发展提供决策参考。【方法】在阐述广西蔗糖、木薯、桑蚕等特色农业资源型产业科技发展现状、存在问题的基础上,通过系统分析广西特色农业资源型产业发展对科技的需求,提出科技支撑广西特色农业资源型产业发展的思路、重点任务及对策。【结果】明确了保障国家食糖安全、发展非粮生物质能源、优化产业经济结构及提高产业效益、产业与生态环境协调发展等对科技的需求及广西特色农业资源型产业发展面临创新能力不强、科技有效供给不足、科技成果转化与推广应用体系尚不完善、科技技术应用水平不高等科技问题。【建议】应加强顶层设计,科学制定广西资源型农业产业的发展规划;依靠科技进步转变农业资源型产业的生产发展方式;加快农业优势特色产业技术创新体系建设,增强产业科技创新能力;培育和扶持农业产业科技型企业的发展;大力实施名牌战略,打造农业优势产业品牌;构建多元化的科技投入体系;培育创新团队,建设一支农业科技创新人才队伍等,以促进广西特色农业资源型产业可持续发展。  相似文献   

独活研究现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭晓亮  林先明  郭杰  游景茂 《安徽农业科学》2014,(33):11673-11674,11722
近年来,中药材独活产业发展前景看好,在此对独活的栽培育种、化学成分、应用领域等研究方面的进展进行了综述,指出独活产业链发展的关键性障碍是独活种植业缺乏科技支撑、经济效益低、种植积极性不高;为促进整个独活产业链的发展,深入研究独活的安全、优质、高效种植技术是十分必要的.  相似文献   

【目的】分析广西特色农业资源型产业科技发展现状和存在的科技问题,提出促进广西特色农业资源型产业发展的科技对策,为广西特色农业资源型产业发展提供决策参考。【方法】在阐述广西蔗糖、木薯、桑蚕等特色农业资源型产业科技发展现状、存在问题的基础上,通过系统分析广西特色农业资源型产业发展对科技的需求,提出科技支撑广西特色农业资源型产业发展的思路、重点任务及对策。【结果】明确了保障国家食糖安全、发展非粮生物质能源、优化产业经济结构及提高产业效益、产业与生态环境协调发展等对科技的需求及广西特色农业资源型产业发展面临创新能力不强、科技有效供给不足、科技成果转化与推广应用体系尚不完善、科技技术应用水平不高等科技问题。【建议】应加强顶层设计,科学制定广西资源型农业产业的发展规划;依靠科技进步转变农业资源型产业的生产发展方式;加快农业优势特色产业技术创新体系建设,增强产业科技创新能力;培育和扶持农业产业科技型企业的发展;大力实施名牌战略,打造农业优势产业品牌;构建多元化的科技投入体系;培育创新团队,建设一支农业科技创新人才队伍等,以促进广西特色农业资源型产业可持续发展。  相似文献   

李娜  羊杏平 《安徽农业科学》2016,44(24):216-218
结合江苏省农业科学院在江苏泗洪西南岗地区20多年的科技扶贫历程,通过对西南岗地区基本情况的剖析、对不同时期科技扶贫方式的总结和反思,归纳扶贫工作的经验和教训,并针对农业科技产业扶贫工作中的产业规划、人才队伍、资金投入、资源利用、产业链建设等方面提出可操作性的意见和建议,旨在探索适合当下扶贫新形势的农业科技产业扶贫模式,为具有同质性的国内连片贫困地区脱贫致富提供参考。  相似文献   

美国马铃薯产业发展及启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵晓丹 《北京农业》2012,(18):29-31
为推进中国马铃薯产业的健康发展,研究和分析美国马铃薯产业的成功经验十分必要。美国是世界上第5大马铃薯生产国,种植面积和总产量均不及居于世界首位的中国,但是却在马铃薯的世界贸易中处于领先地位,成为世界上利用马铃薯挣钱最多的国家。通过研究发现:严格的行业标准是美国马铃薯产业发展的先决条件;科技创新是美国马铃薯产业飞速发展的机制要素;马铃薯产业化及产业链的整体延伸是美国马铃薯升值的重要基石;强有力的协会是美国马铃薯产业持续发展的有效支撑。经分析可知,马铃薯加工产业化是美国马铃薯加工企业的有效模式和成功经验。  相似文献   

Industrial research in America faces a new era. Success will depend on a synthesis utilizing the strengths of industry, government, and academia to achieve industrial innovation. The origins of U.S. industrial research in the 19th century have led to its current traditions and philosophy. Vigorous, diverse, animated by both basic scientific knowledge and empirical techniques, it is today channeled by both societal needs and new technical possibilities. Many of its efforts involve fundamental research. Meeting future expectations will require even broader science, much of it from academia, as well as a license to function from governments and society.  相似文献   

Bromley DA 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1982,215(4536):1035-1044
Frontiers of science are usually considered as those areas where the boundares of human knowledge are being pushed most vigorousl into the unknown. These are the intemal frontiers. But no less important are the external frontiers. Those bordering on the federal govermment, on education, on private industry and on intemational affairs and the developing world are among the most critical and demanding. Some of the outstanding problems facing science, and scientists in these extemal interactions, are discussed within the context of our changing national and international priorities.  相似文献   

为湖南省油茶产业发展提供参考,运用SWOT分析方法,从自然条件、产业集聚基础、劳动力资源和科技支撑条件等方面总结湖南省油茶产业发展的优势,从油茶单产水平、经营模式、资金投入和宣传力度等方面分析其发展劣势,从市场潜力和政府扶持力度等方面发现其发展机遇,从市场竞争和生产成本等方面看到其存在的威胁。针对劣势和存在威胁提出了推进湖南省油茶产业规模化经营、深加工产品研发及政策扶持宣传力度等的相应发展对策与建议。  相似文献   

韩杨 《安徽农业科学》2012,40(8):4919-4922
基于“微笑曲线”理论,分析了新疆林果业的产业构成和发展现状,“微笑曲线”理论表明,在研发、加工制造和品牌营销的3大环节中,研发和营销环节在产业链中有高附加值优势,而加工制造环节所获得的利润水平较低.提出了新疆林果业提升经营竞争力和价值增值的战略对策:寻求生态、社会、经济3大效益平衡点,引导科研投入;围绕龙头企业打造产业基地,着力发展精深加工;大力发展信息化和物流建设,抓住林果产业建设的重点;以“绿色”为切入点,突出地域特色,实施自主品牌战略.  相似文献   

为综合分析影响南充经济林产业竞争力的因素,进而制定合理的经济林发展战略,采用SWOT分析法系统分析了南充经济林产业的优势、劣势、机会和威胁。结果表明,南充具有自然资源丰富、经济林产业基地初见成效以及政府政策重点关注的优势和机遇,但存在基地设施薄弱、科研创新能力弱、产品附加值低的问题,同时也面临同质化产品的威胁。建议增加科技投入加快成果转化,通过基地示范作用实现南充丘陵地区经济林轻简化栽培技术的转变,建设全产业链并创建区域品牌,从而促进产业良性发展,最终实现乡村振兴。  相似文献   

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