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The surface of the ice-age Earth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the Northern Hemisphere the 18,000 B.P. world differed strikingly from the present in the huge land-based ice sheets, reaching approximately 3 km in thickness, and in a dramatic increase in the extent of pack ice and marine-based ice sheets. In the Southern Hemisphere the most striking contrast was the greater extent of sea ice. On land, grasslands, steppes, and deserts spread at the expense of forests. This change in vegetation, together with extensive areas of permanent ice and sandy outwash plains, caused an increase in global surface albedo over modern values. Sea level was lower by at least 85 m. The 18,000 B.P. oceans were characterized by: (i) marked steepening of thermal gradients along polar frontal systems, particularly in the North Atlantic and Antarctic; (ii) an equatorward displacement of polar frontal systems; (iii) general cooling of most surface waters, with a global average of -2.3 degrees C; (iv) increased cooling and up-welling along equatorial divergences in the Pacific and Atlantic; (v) low temperatures extending equatorward along the western coast of Africa, Australia, and South America, indicating increased upwelling and advection of cool waters; and (vi) nearly stable positions and temperatures of the central gyres in the subtropical Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans.  相似文献   

The relation between the accumulation of barite (BaSO(4)) microcrystals in suspended matter from the mesopelagic depth region (100 to 600 meters) and the type of production in the euphotic layer (new versus recycled) was studied for different Southern Ocean environments. Considerable subsurface barite accumulated in waters characterized by maintained new production and limited grazing pressure during the growth season. On the other hand, little if any barite accumulated in areas where relatively large amounts of photosynthetically fixed carbon were transferred to the microheterotrophic community and where recycled production became predominant.  相似文献   

The Eocene greenhouse climate state has been linked to a more vigorous hydrologic cycle at mid- and high latitudes; similar information on precipitation levels at low latitudes is, however, limited. Oxygen isotopic fluxes track moisture fluxes and, thus, the δ(18)O values of ocean surface waters can provide insight into hydrologic cycle changes. The offset between tropical δ(18)O values from sampled Eocene sirenian tooth enamel and modern surface waters is greater than the expected 1.0 per mil increase due to increased continental ice volume. This increased offset could result from suppression of surface-water δ(18)O values by a tropical, annual moisture balance substantially wetter than that of today. Results from an atmospheric general circulation model support this interpretation and suggest that Eocene low latitudes were extremely wet.  相似文献   

Measurements of chlorophyll, particulate carbon, and biogenic silica concentrations near a receding ice edge off the coast of Victoria Land, Antarctica, indicated the presence of a dense phytoplankton bloom. The bloom extended 250 kilometers from the ice edge and was restricted to waters where the melting of ice had resulted in reduced salinity. The region involved was one of enhanced vertical stability, which may have favored phytoplankton growth, accumulation, or both. Epontic algae released from melting ice may have served as an inoculum for the bloom. Ratios of organic carbon to chlorophyll and biogenic silica to carbon were unusually high, resulting in high biogenic silica concentrations despite only moderately high chlorophyll levels.  相似文献   

Massive phytoplankton blooms under Arctic sea ice   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Phytoplankton blooms over Arctic Ocean continental shelves are thought to be restricted to waters free of sea ice. Here, we document a massive phytoplankton bloom beneath fully consolidated pack ice far from the ice edge in the Chukchi Sea, where light transmission has increased in recent decades because of thinning ice cover and proliferation of melt ponds. The bloom was characterized by high diatom biomass and rates of growth and primary production. Evidence suggests that under-ice phytoplankton blooms may be more widespread over nutrient-rich Arctic continental shelves and that satellite-based estimates of annual primary production in these waters may be underestimated by up to 10-fold.  相似文献   

During the early Pliocene, 5 to 3 million years ago, globally averaged temperatures were substantially higher than they are today, even though the external factors that determine climate were essentially the same. In the tropics, El Ni?o was continual (or "permanent") rather than intermittent. The appearance of northern continental glaciers, and of cold surface waters in oceanic upwelling zones in low latitudes (both coastal and equatorial), signaled the termination of those warm climate conditions and the end of permanent El Ni?o. This led to the amplification of obliquity (but not precession) cycles in equatorial sea surface temperatures and in global ice volume, with the former leading the latter by several thousand years. A possible explanation is that the gradual shoaling of the oceanic thermocline reached a threshold around 3 million years ago, when the winds started bringing cold waters to the surface in low latitudes. This introduced feedbacks involving ocean-atmosphere interactions that, along with ice-albedo feedbacks, amplified obliquity cycles. A future melting of glaciers, changes in the hydrological cycle, and a deepening of the thermocline could restore the warm conditions of the early Pliocene.  相似文献   

Laterally extensive black shales were deposited on the S?o Francisco craton in southeastern Brazil during low-latitude Neoproterozoic glaciation approximately 740 to 700 million years ago. These rocks contain up to 3.0 weight % organic carbon, which we interpret as representing the preserved record of abundant marine primary productivity from glacial times. Extractable biomarkers reflect a complex and productive microbial ecosystem, including both phototrophic bacteria and eukaryotes, living in a stratified ocean with thin or absent sea ice, oxic surface waters, and euxinic conditions within the photic zone. Such an environment provides important constraints for parts of the "Snowball Earth" hypothesis.  相似文献   

The tritium and carbon-14 activities of seawater samples collected from 22 to 200 meters below the ice at the Ross Ice Shelf Project ice hole are reported. The tritium results show that the waters below the ice have exchanged with Ross Sea water since the advent of nuclear testing. The carbon-14 results indicate that waters in the upper layer exchange in time periods of less than 6 years. Measurements of these isotopes in seawater under the Ross Ice Shelf in McMurdo Sound show that this water has a different history.  相似文献   

A summer field survey off Point Barrow, Alaska, revealed that Arctic sea ice develops a growth of phytoplanktonic diatoms. The diatoms are found in a brine solution in microfissures between ice crystals on the underside of the ice. The chlorophyll content of this layer is 100 times more than that of the surrounding sea waters; this has led to a hypothesis that a considerable fraction of the primary production of the Arctic Sea may be carried out in sea ice, especially during the spring and early summer months.  相似文献   

A tropical Pacific climate state resembling that of a permanent El Ni?o is hypothesized to have ended as a result of a reorganization of the ocean heat budget approximately 3 million years ago, a time when large ice sheets appeared in the high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. We report a high-resolution alkenone reconstruction of conditions in the heart of the eastern equatorial Pacific (EEP) cold tongue that reflects the combined influences of changes in the equatorial thermocline, the properties of the thermocline's source waters, atmospheric greenhouse gas content, and orbital variations on sea surface temperature (SST) and biological productivity over the past 5 million years. Our data indicate that the intensification of Northern Hemisphere glaciation approximately 3 million years ago did not interrupt an almost monotonic cooling of the EEP during the Plio-Pleistocene. SST and productivity in the eastern tropical Pacific varied in phase with global ice volume changes at a dominant 41,000-year (obliquity) frequency throughout this time. Changes in the Southern Hemisphere most likely modulated most of the changes observed.  相似文献   

Tiltmeters on the Arctic Ocean were used to measure flexure of the ice forced by an energetic packet of internal waves riding the crest of diurnal internal bores emanating from the Yermak Plateau, north of the Svalbard Archipelago. The waves forced an oscillatory excursion of 36 microradians in tilt of the ice, corresponding to an excursion of 16 micrometers per second in vertical velocity at the surface and of 3.5 millimeters in surface displacement. Strainmeters embedded in the ice measured an excursion of 3 x 10(-7) in strain, consistent with ice flexure rather than compression. The measured tilt is consistent with direct measurements of excursions in horizontal current near the surface (12 centimeters per second) and in vertical displacement (36 meters) of the pycnocline 100 meters below the surface.  相似文献   

The Turonian (93.5 to 89.3 million years ago) was one of the warmest periods of the Phanerozoic eon, with tropical sea surface temperatures over 35 degrees C. High-amplitude sea-level changes and positive delta18O excursions in marine limestones suggest that glaciation events may have punctuated this episode of extreme warmth. New delta18O data from the tropical Atlantic show synchronous shifts approximately 91.2 million years ago for both the surface and deep ocean that are consistent with an approximately 200,000-year period of glaciation, with ice sheets of about half the size of the modern Antarctic ice cap. Even the prevailing supergreenhouse climate was not a barrier to the formation of large ice sheets, calling into question the common assumption that the poles were always ice-free during past periods of intense global warming.  相似文献   

The partitioning of gaseous mercury between the atmosphere and surface waters was determined in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. The highest concentrations of dissolved gaseous mercury occurred in cooler, nutrient-rich waters that characterize equatorial upwelling and increased biological productivity at the sea surface. The surface waters were supersaturated with respect to elemental mercury; a significant flux of elemental mercury to the atmosphere is predicted for the equatorial Pacific. When normalized to primary production on a global basis, the ocean effluxes of mercury may rival anthropogenic emissions of mercury to the atmosphere.  相似文献   

The stable carbon isotope ratio of atmospheric CO(2) (δ(13)C(atm)) is a key parameter in deciphering past carbon cycle changes. Here we present δ(13)C(atm) data for the past 24,000 years derived from three independent records from two Antarctic ice cores. We conclude that a pronounced 0.3 per mil decrease in δ(13)C(atm) during the early deglaciation can be best explained by upwelling of old, carbon-enriched waters in the Southern Ocean. Later in the deglaciation, regrowth of the terrestrial biosphere, changes in sea surface temperature, and ocean circulation governed the δ(13)C(atm) evolution. During the Last Glacial Maximum, δ(13)C(atm) and atmospheric CO(2) concentration were essentially constant, which suggests that the carbon cycle was in dynamic equilibrium and that the net transfer of carbon to the deep ocean had occurred before then.  相似文献   

Isotope studies show that the Vostok ice core consists of ice refrozen from Lake Vostok water, from 3539 meters below the surface of the Antarctic ice sheet to its bottom at about 3750 meters. Additional evidence comes from the total gas content, crystal size, and electrical conductivity of the ice. The Vostok site is a likely place for water freezing at the lake-ice interface, because this interface occurs at a higher level here than anywhere else above the lake. Isotopic data suggest that subglacial Lake Vostok is an open system with an efficient circulation of water that was formed during periods that were slightly warmer than those of the past 420,000 years. Lake ice recovered by deep drilling is of interest for preliminary investigations of lake chemistry and bedrock properties and for the search for indigenous lake microorganisms. This latter aspect is of potential importance for the exploration of icy planets and moons.  相似文献   

利用海冰密集度资料和海冰范围指数,分析了3月北半球海冰在1979-1995年和1996-2014年2个时间段内的变化趋势以及趋势差异的区域特征.结果表明:北半球3月总海冰范围以稳定速率减少,速率无明显加速.而各个分海域的海冰变化表现出一定的区域差异.其中,巴伦支海海冰在2个时期内以稳定的速率减少;白令海海冰不减反增;鄂霍次克海海冰缩减速度在后期减小;圣劳伦斯湾的海冰范围在90年代中期以前显著增大,后期缓慢缩减. 3月海冰趋势变化的空间特征与同期表面气温和表面风场的趋势变化相一致.  相似文献   

The circulation of the deep Atlantic Ocean during the height of the last ice age appears to have been quite different from today. We review observations implying that Atlantic meridional overturning circulation during the Last Glacial Maximum was neither extremely sluggish nor an enhanced version of present-day circulation. The distribution of the decay products of uranium in sediments is consistent with a residence time for deep waters in the Atlantic only slightly greater than today. However, evidence from multiple water-mass tracers supports a different distribution of deep-water properties, including density, which is dynamically linked to circulation.  相似文献   

天然气管道低温输送时容易发生冰堵,影响正常的输气生产。以站场设备的冰堵防治为目的,通过冰冻实验,使用接触角测试仪、扫描电镜进行测试并结合理论分析,探索了通过表面改性方法调节站场运行设备表面的化学性质,进而防治冰堵的可行性。研究表明:适当的表面处理和硅烷改性,可以在钢表面形成一层疏水或超疏水纳米膜,增加水在其表面的接触角,使水难以在钢表面停留,同时冰冻实验也证明表面改性可以延长结冰时间;经疏水和超疏水改性后,由于接触角增大,引起水结晶成冰的形核功大幅增加,并且接触角越大,形核功越大,越难结晶成冰。实验和理论研究结果证明,钢表面疏水改性,可以解决站场设备的冰堵问题,具有应用潜力。  相似文献   

基于嫩江岸冰原位观测数据,开展静冰生消过程室内模拟试验研究并确定关键参数。结果表明,依据模型试验相似关系,确定室内模型试验需考虑关键参数为几何比尺C_l、温度比尺C_T、时间比尺C_t与试验室修正系数C_α;通过建立冰冻度日相似准则,应用相似原理推导得出:(C_l/C_α)~2=C_TC_t;基于原型试验中太阳辐射变化过程对室内模拟试验作合理光照补偿,在确定C_l=19,C_T=1.51条件下,得到试验室修正系数C_α值为0.55,冰厚增长系数α为1.76,时间比尺C_t=137.5;基于模型试验中相同参数,在冰厚生长后期对冰面作光照补偿,对比无光照组冰生消过程,光照补偿可较好模拟野外静冰生消过程,无光照冰厚增长系数α为1.96~1.98,有光照冰厚增长系数α为1.74~1.75,近似于模型比尺后原型α值(1.76);根据原型气温与太阳辐射变化过程,依据相同累积负温原则设计控温曲线,补偿合理光照,获得冰厚增长系数与冰厚生消过程均与原型相近结果。  相似文献   

The Observatoire pour la Minéralogie, l'Eau, les Glaces, et l'Activité (OMEGA) visible-infrared imaging spectrometer extensively observed regions of Mars with latitudes above 70 degrees N in late 2004 (heliocentric longitude from Ls 93 degrees to Ls 127 degrees ). The extent of water ice at the surface and the size of ice grains were monitored as a function of time. Bright, small-grained frost, which initially covered a large fraction of the polar cap, waned in favor of large-grained ice. In outlying regions, dominated by large-grained ice, the albedo increased over the period. Evaluating the dust content was model dependent. However, contamination of ice by dust was low.  相似文献   

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