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The influence of age and body mass index on relative accuracy of energy intake among Japanese adults
Okubo H Sasaki S Hirota N Notsu A Todoriki H Miura A Fukui M Date C 《Public health nutrition》2006,9(5):651-657
OBJECTIVE: To examine relationships between the ratio of energy intake to basal metabolic rate (EI/BMR) and age and body mass index (BMI) among Japanese adults. DESIGN: Energy intake was assessed by 4-day semi-weighed diet records in each of four seasons (16 days in total). The EI/BMR ratio was calculated from reported energy intake and estimated basal metabolic rate as an indicator of reporting accuracy. SETTING: Residents in three areas in Japan, namely Osaka (urban), Nagano (rural inland) and Tottori (rural coastal). SUBJECTS: One hundred and eighty-three healthy Japanese men and women aged > or =30 years. RESULTS: The oldest age group (> or =60 years) had higher EI/BMR values than the youngest age group (30-39 years) in both sexes (1.74 vs. 1.37 for men; 1.65 vs. 1.43 for women). In multiple regression analyses, age correlated positively (partial correlation coefficient, beta = 0.012, P < 0.001 for men; beta = 0.011, P < 0.001 for women) and BMI correlated negatively (beta = -0.031, P < 0.001 for men; beta = -0.025, P < 0.01 for women) with EI/BMR. CONCLUSION: Age and BMI may influence the relative accuracy of energy intake among Japanese adults. 相似文献
Lukasiewicz E Mennen LI Bertrais S Arnault N Preziosi P Galan P Hercberg S 《Public health nutrition》2005,8(3):315-320
OBJECTIVE: Alcohol consumption may play a role in the development of obesity but the relationship between alcohol and weight is still unclear. The aim of our study was to assess the cross-sectional association of intakes of total alcohol and of specific alcoholic beverages (wine, beer and spirits) with waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) and body mass index (BMI) in a large sample of adults from all over France. DESIGN: Cross-sectional. SETTING: Participants were free-living healthy volunteers of the SU.VI.MAX study (an intervention study on the effects of antioxidant supplementation on chronic diseases). SUBJECTS: For 1481 women aged 35-60 years and 1210 men aged 45-60 years, intakes of total alcohol and specific alcoholic beverages were assessed by six 24-hour dietary records. BMI and WHR were measured during a clinical examination the year after. RESULTS: A J-shaped relationship was found between total alcohol consumption and WHR in both sexes and between total alcohol consumption and BMI in men only (P<0.05). The same relationships were observed with wine (P<0.05); men and women consuming less than 100 g day(-1) had a lower BMI (men only) and WHR than non-drinkers or those consuming more. Spirits consumption was positively associated with BMI (linear regression coefficient beta=0.21, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.09-0.34 and beta=0.22, 95% CI: 0.06-0.39 for men and women, respectively) and WHR (beta=0.003, 95% CI: 0.001-0.005 and beta=0.003, 95%CI: 0.0002-0.006) in both sexes in a linear fashion. No relationship between beer consumption and BMI or WHR was found. CONCLUSION: If confirmed in longitudinal studies, our results indicate that consumption of alcoholic beverages may be a risk factor for obesity. 相似文献
The distribution of native and labelled carbon between soil particle size fractions isolated from long-term incubation experiments 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Four soils with 6, 12, 23 and 46% clay were fractionated according to particle size after incubation for 5–6 years with 14C labelled straw, hemicellulose or glucose: 6–23% of the 14C was still present and the amount increased with increasing content of fine particles. clay fractions contained 66–84% of the 14C and the silt fractions accounted for 4–19%. <2% was found in the sand fractions and 4–9% was water soluble. The distribution of the native C was: clay, 46–68%; silt, 20–31%; sand, 2–7%. The clay fractions had higher relative proportions of 14C than of native C, the reverse being true for the silt fractions. This distribution pattern was not directly related to soil clay content or to kind of organic amendment. The C enrichment factor of clay and silt fractions (per cent C in fraction/per cent C in whole soil) increased with decreasing fraction size for both native and 14C. However, clay enrichment factors were higher for 14C than for native C, whereas silt enrichment factors were lower. A soil (9% clay) that had been incubated in the field for 18 years with 14C labelled straw was also analysed. Labelled C content at sampling was 9% of the initial value. In contrast to the other soils the distribution of labelled and native C was similar in the clay and silt fractions, which contained 55% and 33% of the whole soil C, respectively. The results indicate that clay-bound organic matter may be important in mediumterm organic matter turnover, whereas silt-bound organic matter may participate in longer-term organic matter cycling. 相似文献
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association between the weight status of first-year female students (FYFS) and various weight management-related characteristics to identify possible components of a weight management programme for students. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SETTING: Female residences at a South African university. SUBJECTS: A total of 360 FYFS. RESULTS: Mean (+/-standard deviation (SD)) body mass index (BMI) of the FYFS was 21.8 +/- 2.6 kg m(-2), with 7.2% being underweight, 81.9% normal-weight, 10.0% overweight and 0.8% obese. Underweight, normal-weight and overweight students differed with regard to their perception of their weight (P < 0.001), weight goals (P < 0.001) and previous weight-loss practices (P < 0.001). Mean+/-SD score on the 26-item Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26) was 8.5 +/- 9.0 with 8.4% classified as high scorers. Mean+/-SD score on the 34-item Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) was 87.7 +/- 32.2, with 76.1% classified as low, 11.9% as medium and 11.9% as high scorers. The self-concept questionnaire indicated that 36.7% had a high, 43.9% a medium and 19.4% a low self-concept. Higher BMI correlated with a higher BSQ score (P < 0.001), a lower self-concept (P = 0.029) and a higher EAT-26 score (P < 0.001). Smoking was prevalent amongst 13.1% of students, and 51.2% used vitamin and/or mineral supplements. Students who quitted smoking had higher (P = 0.006) BMI (22.7 +/- 2.9 kg m(-2)) than those who never smoked before (21.6 +/- 2.5 kg m(-2)). Normal-weight students were more physically active than underweight or overweight students (P = 0.038). CONCLUSIONS: The specific weight management-related needs of FYFS include information about supplement use, smoking, realistic weight goals, safe and sound weight-loss methods, weight cycling, body-shape perceptions, eating attitudes and behaviours, self-concept and physical activity. Interventions aimed at correcting these problems should target all students, regardless of their BMI. 相似文献
OBJECTIVE: To estimate the burden of disease attributable to low fruit and vegetable intake in the 15 countries that were members of the European Union (EU) before May 2004 (EU-15) and the 10 countries that then joined it (EU-10). DESIGN: Data on fruit and vegetable intake, target levels of intake and estimates of relative risks, deaths and disability were combined to obtain the burden of ischaemic heart disease, ischaemic stroke and four types of cancer (lung/bronchus/trachea, stomach, oesophagus, and colon/rectum) attributable to low fruit and vegetable consumption. SETTING: EU-15 and EU-10 Member States. RESULTS: The number of lives potentially saved annually from the selected outcomes if fruit and vegetable intake increased to 600 g person(-1) day(-1) reached 892,000 and 423,000 in the EU-15 and EU-10, respectively; total disease burden could decrease by 1.9% and 3.6%, respectively. The burden of ischaemic heart disease and stroke could be reduced by up to 17% and 10%, respectively, in the EU-15 and by 24% and 15%, respectively, in the EU-10; potential reductions for the selected cancers varied from 1% to 12% in the EU-15 and from 2% to 17% in the EU-10. CONCLUSIONS: The potential health gain of increased fruit and vegetable intake is particularly large in the new Member States, and particularly high for cardiovascular diseases, a main cause of health divide in Europe. This stresses the need for better nutrition programmes and policies that take account of economic, social and cultural specificities. 相似文献
Gallagher AM Robson PJ Livingstone MB Cran GW Strain JJ Murray LJ Savage JM Boreham CA 《Public health nutrition》2006,9(8):1027-1034
OBJECTIVE: To assess tracking of energy and nutrient intakes between adolescence and young adulthood. DESIGN: Longitudinal study of a random sample of adolescents (aged 15 years at baseline). The extent of tracking of dietary intakes (assessed by diet history) was investigated using weighted kappa statistics (kappa). SETTING: Northern Ireland population survey. SUBJECTS: Adolescents who participated in the Young Hearts Project, Northern Ireland at age 15 years, and subsequently at young adulthood aged between 20 and 25 years (n=245 males, n=231 females). RESULTS: Despite overall increases in height and weight (both P<0.001), increases in body mass index in males (P<0.001) and body fatness in females (P<0.001), median reported intakes of energy (kJ kg(-1) day(-1)), carbohydrate (g day(-1)) and fat (g day(-1)) decreased (all P<0.001) over time. Expressed as nutrient densities (per MJ), diets at young adulthood were overall richer in thiamin, vitamin B6, total folate (all P<0.001), vitamin C (P<0.01) and vitamin D (P<0.05). Whereas the nutrient density of the males' diets decreased over time for calcium (P<0.05) and vitamin A (P<0.001), iron and riboflavin densities increased in the females' diet (P<0.001). Tracking of energy (MJ day(-1)) and nutrient intakes (expressed per MJ day(-1)) at the individual level was only poor to fair (all kappa<0.25), indicating substantial drift of subjects between the low, medium and high classes of intake with increasing age. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that individual dietary patterns exhibited at 15 years of age are unlikely to be predictive of dietary intakes at young adulthood. 相似文献
G.-A. Paffenhofer 《Water, air, and soil pollution》1972,1(3):314-321
The effect of ‘red mud’ at a dilution of 1:105 to 1:106 on growth, body weight and mortality of juvenile stages of the planktonic copepodCalanus helgolandicus were investigated. In the presence of phytoplanktonC. helgolandicus ingested large amounts of ‘red mud’. In comparison to control copepods growth of ‘red mud’ animals was delayed. Mortality of ‘red mud’ animals was 5 to 8 times higher than that of control animals. The dry body weight of C III, C v, and adults raised from N v/NVI on in ‘red mud’ was far lower than the dry weight of the control animals. All results show that ‘red mud’ at the above mentioned dilutions affects negatively juvenile stages and adults ofCalanus helgolandicus. 相似文献
北京地区夏大豆农艺性状与气象条件关系初探 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
试验研究气象条件对夏大豆各生育阶段农艺性状的影响结果表明 ,增加生育期间积温可获得良好的夏大豆植株性状和产量性状 ,出苗~开花期气象条件对夏大豆植株性状影响显著 ,有效分枝始节、结荚高度除与该期气象条件有关外 ,还与播种~出苗期气象条件有关 ;而单株荚数和单株产量与该期降水量及降水日数呈显著正相关 ,与生育前期和后期气象条件无关。夏大豆株高、茎粗、主茎节数与生育前期和后期气象条件均无关。开花~成熟期气象条件主要影响夏大豆百粒重 相似文献
Pinotage red wines were found to contain a reaction product of malvidin 3-glucoside and caffeic acid, the so-called pinotin A. A total of 50 Pinotage wines from the vintages 1996-2002 were analyzed for the content of pinotin A, malvidin 3-glucoside, caffeic acid, and caftaric acid. Statistical analyses were performed to reveal variations in the content of these compounds and to determine the factors that influence pinotin A formation during wine aging. An exponential increase of the concentration of this aging product was observed with prolonged storage time. The most rapid synthesis of pinotin A was observed in 2.5-4 year old wines, although at this age malvidin 3-glucoside is already degraded to a large extent. This phenomenon is explained by the increased ratio of caffeic acid/malvidin 3-glucoside, which strongly favors the formation of pinotin A and makes side reactions less likely. Pinotin A formation proceeds as long as a certain level of malvidin 3-glucoside is maintained in the wines. In wines >5-6 years old degradation or polymerization of pinotin A finally exceeds the rate of its de novo synthesis. 相似文献
为探究半干旱区湿地-干草原生态交错带的边界及影响其植被空间分布格局的主要环境因子,以宁夏哈巴湖荒漠湿地自然保护区内的四儿滩湿地为例,采用样线调查法获得植被与环境数据:首先利用游动分割窗技术对研究区进行交错带定量判定,将其分为旱生带、交错带、湿生带并计算沿不同生境梯度β多样性变化趋势;然后,采用典范对应分析法对研究区植被数据矩阵和环境数据矩阵进行排序,同时进行排序轴与土壤环境因子间的秩相关分析.结果表明:采用游动分割窗技术判定四儿滩湿地-干草原交错带最适窗口宽度为6~8个样方;不同生境带β多样性指数存在明显梯度变化;典范对应分析结果显示,植被在CCA排序图上的分布与游动分割窗技术的划分结果相吻合,含盐量(质量分数)、含水量是影响四儿滩植被空间分布的主要环境因子,对含盐量和含水量有较高适应值的物种集中分布于土壤盐渍化严重的湿生带.研究结果将为四儿滩湿地的恢复和保护提供参考. 相似文献
A survey consisting of 146 first order gullies selected from five sites with different land use, soil and watershed properties was carried out to estimate the parameters of the empirical power function in order to describe the relationship between the gully volume and length in Fars province, Iran. Subsequently, the gullies were clustered into seven groups (“A” to “G”) based on nine morphometric factors. The linearized functions were fitted to the natural logarithms of the volume and length in each group and the parameters “a” and “b” were determined. The obtained “a” and “b” parameters are in the ranges of 1.0–10.8 and 0.8–1.4, respectively. Comparison of “a” and “b” parameters in each group with the mean of nine factors and the mean soil, watershed and land use characteristics in each group showed that the gully volume and average cross section are correlated with the gully depths in different sections and the gully head slopes. Also it was shown that the parameters of fitted functions to the plots of gully volumes versus gully lengths are proportional to width at the gully heads. The gully widths at the top and bottom of the five meter sections are correlated with the average upstream watershed area of the gullies. 相似文献
Melissa M. Arcand J. Diane Knight Richard E. Farrell 《Biology and Fertility of Soils》2014,50(4):563-570
Belowground N comprises an important component of total residue N, but the N from this pool is often not included in studies that use 15N approaches to trace residue-derived N in succeeding crops. The objective of this greenhouse study was to differentiate between N supplied from aboveground and belowground crop residues, including rhizodeposits, of pea and canola to wheat using 15N labeling. A cross 15N-labeling approach was used in which wheat was grown on 15N-labeled belowground residues and non-labeled aboveground residues and vice versa. On average, the amount of N in wheat derived from belowground residues was almost twice the amount from aboveground residues. The higher input of both aboveground and belowground residue biomass and hence residue N from canola compared to pea tended to increase the residue-derived N in wheat from canola (6.4 %) relative to pea (4.7 %). However, differences in the percent recovery of 15N based on the amount of residue-15N initially applied revealed that a higher proportion of belowground residue N from pea (13.4 %) was recovered in wheat compared to the corresponding aboveground residue N from pea (8.8 %), and both belowground and aboveground residue N from canola (6.5 and 7.3 %, respectively). The total supply of N to wheat from preceding pea and canola crops was relatively low, likely due to wide C/N ratios. This study demonstrates the importance of belowground residue N to the supply of N to succeeding crops as well as differences between species. 相似文献
Fernández-Ahumada E Garrido-Varo A Guerrero JE Pérez-Marín D Fearn T 《Journal of agricultural and food chemistry》2008,56(21):10135-10141
In the context of current demands in the animal feed industry for controls and analyses, the use of instruments that may be applied on the process line has acquired a significant interest. A key aspect is that the calibrations developed for quality control with instruments sited in the laboratory (at-line) must be transferred to instruments that will be used in the plant itself (online). This study evaluates the standardization and the calibration transfer between a grating monochromator instrument (predispersive) designed for laboratory analysis and a diode array instrument (postdispersive) more adapted to process conditions. Two procedures that correct differences between spectra of two instruments were tested: the patented algorithm by Shenk and Westerhaus and piecewise direct standardization (PDS). Although results were slightly better with PDS, both methods achieved good spectral matching between the two instruments, with levels of repeatability similar to that of the grating instrument itself. The calibration transfer was evaluated in terms of the standard error of prediction (SEP), which was considerably reduced after standardization. However, final calibration models to be used in the diode array instrument must contain spectra from both types of instruments to give acceptable prediction accuracy. 相似文献