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A full-length cDNA of a glutathione S-transferase (GST) was cloned from a cDNA library of the local Egyptian cattle tick Boophilus annulatus. The 672 bp cloned fragment was sequenced and showed an open reading frame encoding a protein of 223 amino acids. Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence with GSTs from other species revealed that the sequence is closely related to the mammalian mu-class GST. The cloned gene was expressed in E. coli under T7 promotor of pET-30b vector, and purified under native conditions. The purified enzyme appeared as a single band on 12% SDS-PAGE and has a molecular weight of 30.8 kDa including the histidine tag of the vector. The purified enzyme was assayed upon the chromogenic substrate 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB) and the recombinant enzyme showed high level of activity even in the presence of the beta-galactosidase region on its 5' end and showed maximum activity at pH 7.5. The Km values for CDNB and GSH were 0.57 and 0.79 mM, respectively. The over expressed rBaGST showed high activity toward CDNB (121 units/mg protein) and less toward DCNB (29.3 units/mg protein). rBaGST exhibited peroxidatic activity on cumene hydroperoxide sharing this property with GSTs belonging to the GST alpha class. I50 values for cibacron blue and bromosulfophthalein were 0.22 and 8.45 microM, respectively, sharing this property with the mammalian GSTmu class. Immunoblotting revealed the presence of the GST molecule in B. annulatus protein extracts; whole tick, larvae, gut, salivary gland and ovary. Homologues to the GSTmu were also detected in other tick species as Hyalomma dromedarii and Rhipicephalus sp. while in Ornithodoros moubata, GSTmu homologue could not be detected.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to identify new target immunogenic molecules from the larval stage of the cattle tick, Boophilus annulatus (Acari: Ixodidae). Two specific larval glycoproteins (GLPs) were isolated by two-step affinity chromatography. The larval immunogens were first purified with CNBr-Sepharose coupled to rabbit anti-larval immunoglobulins, and the glycoproteins were then purified with Con-A Sepharose. These glycoproteins have molecular weights of approximately 32 and 15 kDa with isoelectric points between 6.8 and 7.2. Antibodies against the two GLPs, labeled I and II, were detected in the anti-whole tick, -whole larval, and -gut antigens through immunoblot analysis. These results suggest that these GLPs are good immunogens and can be useful in the vaccination of cattle against tick infestation.  相似文献   

Boophilus microplus is a rich source of trypsin inhibitors, numerous Kunitz-BPTI (bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor) inhibitors have been described from larvae and eggs, named BmTIs. Among them, were characterized inhibitors for trypsin, human neutrophil elastase, human plasma kallikrein and plasmin. BmTIs elicited a protective immunological response against B. microplus infestation in cattle. However, only a small amount of purified natural BmTIs can be obtained from larvae and eggs by chromatographic methods, thus if BmTIs are to be used as vaccine antigens (immunogens) the production of recombinant BmTIs (rBmTIs) is essential. In this work we describe the cloning, expression, purification and characterization of rBmTI-6. rBmTI-6 is a three-headed Kunitz-BPTI inhibitor, expressed in the Pichia pastoris system. Although rBmTI-6 was processed by proteases and glycosylated during the expression process, these post-translational modifications did not alter the ability of rBmTI-6 to inhibit protease activity. Purified rBmTI-6 inhibited trypsin and plasmin.  相似文献   

Responses of infested and vaccinated Hereford cattle to Boophilus microplus antigens were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), lymphocyte blastogenesis assay (LBA) and intradermal skin tests. Responses against soluble salivary gland extracts (SGS), salivary gland membrane (SGM), soluble gut extracts (GS), gut membrane (GM), soluble larval extracts (LS) and larval membrane (LM) antigens were tested. In one experiment, cattle infested with up to 160,000 ticks had positive cellular responses to SGS and significant antibodies against LM, GM, SGM, and SGS. Cellular responses to Concanavalin A were not depressed following infestation. Cattle vaccinated with GM, using Quil A as adjuvant, had positive cellular responses to gut and salivary gland antigens and significant antibody responses to all antigens tested. The antibody levels of vaccinated cattle were significantly higher than the antibody levels of infested cattle (P less than 0.05). In a second experiment, immune responses of cattle infested with 40,000 ticks were studied during 38 days. Cellular responses in LBA to several tick antigens were transiently elevated and significant levels of antibody were measured against LM, GM, SGM and SGS, from day 25 (P less than 0.05). Infested cattle had positive skin reactions following intradermal injection of larval and adult tick antigens (P less than 0.05).  相似文献   

Laboratory tests were carried out on larvae and adults of the cattle tick Boophilus microplus to determine the toxicity of n-hexane and crude methanolic extracts of Hypericum polyanthemum (Guttiferae) using the larval immersion test (LIT) and adult immersion test (AIT). In the AIT, the effectiveness of treatment against engorged females was assessed by measuring egg production: the n-hexane extract was found to have a small effect on the egg laying at the highest concentration (19.2% of egg-laying inhibition) whilst the crude methanolic extract did not affect the egg production. For the LIT the n-hexane extracts were highly toxic to the larvae at all the concentrations (100% of mortality). The crude methanolic extract was also toxic to the larvae at higher concentrations killing 100, 96.7, 84.7 and 52.7% at the concentrations of 50, 25, 12.5, and 6.25 mg/ml, respectively, 48 h after the immersion of the acarus.  相似文献   

Amitraz is a rapidly acting acaricide that has been in use for the control of cattle ticks for more than 30 years. Resistance against amitraz was first reported in Boophilus microplus in Australia in 1980 but has been slow to spread in comparison to resistance against synthetic pyrethroids. The most recent estimate of prevalence of amitraz resistance in Australia is 10.8%. In Mexico, the development and distribution of amitraz appears to have been more rapid and the prevalence has been estimated to be 19.4% in Yucatan state. In New Caledonia, about 10% of properties were confirmed to have amitraz resistance. There is little reliable information on the prevalence of amitraz resistance in southern Africa. Risk factors have been identified, but the small sample sizes in the studies that have attempted to identify risk factors using survey data suggest caution in their interpretation. Regional variation in prevalence has been reported, as has a positive relationship with frequency of acaricide application. There is evidence to suggest that in Australia, amitraz resistance might have emerged on a small number of properties and been disseminated by cattle movements. There is also some evidence to suggest that amitraz resistance can diminish in the field when selection pressure is not applied. The mode of inheritance of amitraz resistance is uncertain and it has been suggested that it is a polygenic trait. The mechanism of amitraz resistance is unknown. Two possibilities have been proposed: octopamine receptor and monoamine oxidase. There is some equivocal support for both possibilities. The larval packet test bioassay is the most reliable method of diagnosing amitraz resistance in B. microplus, and this test has been modified by Miller to provide more accuracy and repeatability. Molecular tests are in development but will not eliminate the need for the bioassay.  相似文献   

In two experiments, the milk production of 59 Holstein-Friesian cows in mid lactation was measured over 1 week before artificial infestation with 2,500 or 5,000 Boophilus microplus larvae. Host resistance, the proportion of female ticks applied but not engorging was estimated from weekly counts of engorging female ticks of 4.5-8. 0mm long. Mean host resistance was 79 and 67% in two experiments. Host resistance was not significantly related to milk yield before infestation, to early pregnancy, or to parity. Culling the 10% of cattle with the least resistance to ticks would result in removal of 19-21% of ticks in a herd. The results suggest that selection to improve the existing low levels of resistance to B. microplus might be undertaken without compromising milk production. However, low levels of resistance among the cattle studied and difficulties in assessment of resistance are likely to limit the usefulness of selection within the Holstein-Friesian breed.  相似文献   

We identified two caspase-like genes from the midgut cDNA library of the hard tick, Haemaphysalis longicornis. Sequence analysis showed that these cDNAs encoded homologues of caspase-2 and caspase-8 that were categorized as apoptosis initiators. The H. longicornis caspase-2 (Hlcaspase-2) cDNA encodes 340 amino acid residues with a predicted molecular weight (Mw) of 38.5 kDa. Another cDNA identified as the H. longicornis caspase-8 (Hlcaspase-8) encodes 306 amino acid residues with an estimated Mw of 35.3 kDa. A catalytic active site was highly conserved in Hlcaspase-8 but not in Hlcaspase-2. RT-PCR analysis showed that both Hlcaspase-2 and Hlcaspase-8 were expressed in tick midgut and salivary glands. This is the first report of the molecular cloning of apoptosis-related genes in the tick.  相似文献   

为了进行抗蜱及蜱传病疫苗的研究,本研究根据微小牛蜱巴西株报道的一种抗菌多肽核苷酸序列设计引物,从微小牛蜱中国安徽株克隆到该抗菌多肽基因,全长383bp,编码110个氨基酸残基,该蛋白预测的分子量为12.2ku,等电点为4.87.经同源性比较,该微小牛蜱巴西株抗菌多肽基因有100%的相同性.经RT-PCR分析表明,该基因在微小牛蜱卵、幼蜱、半饱血雌蜱、饱血雌蜱和雄蜱这几个阶段均有表达.将该基因亚克隆到pET-28a( )表达载体,转化BL21(DE3)宿主菌,经IPTG诱导,可成功表达.重组融合蛋白大小为15ku左右,与预期大小一致.初步体外抗菌试验表明,重组蛋白具有一定的抗菌活性.Western-blot显示,兔抗微小牛蜱唾液抗体能够识别重组表达蛋白.  相似文献   

Adult females of the tick Boophilus decoloratus were removed from 6 breeds of cattle on 2 farms in the Northern Transvaal. Highest numbers of female ticks were collected from Simmentaler, followed by Santa Gertrudis, Bonsmara, Afrikaner, Brahman and Nguni. Resistance levels of each breed to B. decoloratus was positively correlated with the amount of Bos indicus genes in the breed, with the exception of Nguni, which is a sanga type but not pure B. indicus.  相似文献   

First evidence of resistance to synthetic pyrethroids in the cattle tick in Australia, other than the pre-existing cross-resistance in DDT-resistant ticks, has emerged. Three new strains have been investigated and characterised. The first, detected in central Queensland, showed increased ability to detoxify pyrethroids resulting in a marginal loss of efficacy of all pyrethroid tickicides tested, except flumethrin. Subsequently two more strains have been detected, with serious implications for chemical tick control. The first, from southern Queensland, has a high level of specific resistance to flumethrin. The second, from central Queensland, has a broad spectrum resistance encompassing all pyrethroids currently in use. The toxicology and biochemistry of these new resistant strains have been investigated and alternative tickicides evaluated. The significance of these latest developments is discussed.  相似文献   

Leaves of Palicourea marcgravii were extracted successively with hexane, ethyl acetate and ethanol in order to evaluate their acaricidal activity on larvae and adult stages of the cattle tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. The ethyl acetate extract showed the highest bioactivity of the tested extracts, which contained 0.12% monofluoroacetic acid. On engorged female, the ethyl acetate extract showed a lethal concentration 50% - LC(50)=30.08 mg ml(-1), inhibitory concentration 50% - IC(50)=5.79 mg ml(-1) and lethal time 50% - LT(50)=4.72 days; 100% reproduction was controlled at concentrations of 50 mg ml(-1) and on larvae the ethyl acetate extract showed a LC(50)=2.46 mg ml(-1). No alkaloids were detected in any of the extracts. This is the first report on the acaricidal activity of P. marcgravii extracts against R. microplus as well as the acaricidal properties of a plant species containing monofluoroacetic acid.  相似文献   

Objective To determine practices for the control of cattle ticks on dairy farms in Queensland, the attitudes of farmers to tick infestations and to identify opportunities for and barriers against the introduction of non-chemical methods of tick control.
Design A survey of 199 dairy farmers from tick-infested parts of Queensland was undertaken by 20 dairy advisers and stock inspectors from October 1996 to June 1997. The sample was a proportional, random selection of dairy farms from four regions. A personal interview was conducted with each farmer and answers to 134 questions were obtained.
Results and conclusions Most farmers were not concerned by cattle ticks on their own farms, although they believed that ticks are important to the dairy industry. They were most concerned about the development of chemical resistance by cattle ticks. Inadequate facilities and lack of motivation appeared to be the factors most limiting to improving the methods of control. Most farmers claimed to have only small numbers of ticks at worst. Although a control program recom mended by the Queensland Dairyfarmers' Organisation was well regarded by farmers, few had adopted it. Many farmers saw no need to implement a strategic control program.  相似文献   

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