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花楸树——城市绿化的新贵   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
花楸树为蔷薇科苹果亚科花楸属植物,落叶乔木或灌木,高达8m。具有很高的园林观赏价值。花楸树引种驯化成功并应用于城市园林绿化,将为北方城市增添一道亮丽的风景线,对丰富城市绿化树种特别是首都北京的绿化建设具有重要意义。    相似文献   

飞蛾槭通过10余年的引种驯化、生物学特性、繁殖方法等试验,结果表明,飞蛾槭从原产地秦岭南坡北亚热带引种到暖温带的宝鸡植物园是成功的,作为优良的观赏树种可在陕西关中推广应用。    相似文献   

继2006年第三期对河南濮阳野生乔木山桐子、粗糠树、灯台树等13个树种引种驯化的研究成果介绍之后,再对秦岭槭、朵椒、铜钱树等10个树种在观赏性状、生态习性、繁育、应用等方面取得的进展进行阐述。    相似文献   

紫叶稠李在乌兰浩特市的引种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
紫叶稠李(Prunus padus L.c v)经北京植物园多年引种繁育,并经苗木生产者多年引种栽培,在北方的广大地区已突显其彩叶树种的优良特性。紫叶稠李因其成景快,栽培移植容易,观紫叶稠李在乌兰浩特市的引种赵满妞1张健1韩双喜2张金山31内蒙古兴安盟林业科学研究所内蒙古兴安盟137400;2扎赉特旗林业局内蒙古扎赉特旗1374033扎赉特旗中心林场内蒙古扎赉特旗137403叶、观花、观果期长等特点在北方城市园林绿化美化中发挥着重要的作用,是目前北方优良的园林绿化彩色树种。兴安盟林业研究所对紫叶稠李的原引种地-北京地区和吉林长春地区进行了调研,认为紫叶稠李有适应本地自然环境的可能。    相似文献   

华北地区高速公路绿化树种选择   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
文章对华北地区高速公路绿化的功能和作用、绿化设计原则及树种选择原则等进行研讨。并以山东泰淮线高速公路泰安段绿化设计为例,从高速公路特点、分区绿化、植物配置和绿化景观动态变化等原则出发综合考虑绿化树种的选择。    相似文献   

文章以哈尔滨市绿化树种为研究点,从绿化树种的叶面积指数、固碳释氧、降温增湿等方面研究了49种生长良好的绿化树种的生态功能,通过研究得到银中杨、榆树、糖槭、杜松、野梨是平均叶面积指数前5位的乔木树种,珍珠梅、接骨木、绣线菊、金银忍冬、天目琼花是平均叶面积指数前5位的灌木树种;榆树、文冠果、火炬树、糖槭、银中杨为年固碳释氧量前5位的乔木树种,黄刺玫、紫丁香、接骨木、树锦鸡儿、榆叶梅为年固碳释氧量前5位的灌木树种;年释水量前5位的乔木树种是文冠果、银中杨、火炬树、榆树、山丁子,年释水量前5位的灌木树种是绣线菊、黄刺玫、毛樱桃、珍珠梅、榆叶梅。    相似文献   

银川市几种灌木绿化树种的滞尘能力比较   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对银川市四种灌木绿化树种在两个不同的粉尘降尘区滞尘能力进行测定与分析,结果表明:各树种在不同的粉尘降尘区均表现出明显的滞尘效应;树种不同,其滞尘能力表现出明显的差异;树种的滞尘能力与降尘环境、滞尘时间等因素有关。随着时间的延长,四树种在不同的降尘区的滞尘能力呈上升趋势。综合分析认为,不同降尘区的降尘情况为:丽景街降尘较重,北京路降尘较轻;几种灌木绿化树种的滞尘能力由强到弱的顺序为:金叶女贞 > 金银木 > 连翘 > 红瑞木。    相似文献   

植物群落调查是植物资源开发利用的基础,文章运用植被社会学和计算重要值的方法,通过对九峰等九个地域的森林植被进行调查分析,结果表明,武汉市目前森林植被较为丰富,主要分为9个植物群落,以常绿落叶阔叶混交林为主;同时选出部分种类,为引种驯化提供借鉴。    相似文献   

城市道路绿化树种综合评价   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
本文对包头市常见的道路绿化树种综合性状进行评价,依据综合评价的结果,为道路绿化树种选择与配置及提高生态效益提出建议,并提出基调树种和骨干树种。    相似文献   

本试验以银杏、悬铃木、香花槐、金叶复叶槭和玉兰等5种乔木绿化树种的一年生休眠枝条为试材,通过五个梯度的低温处理(-10℃、-15℃、-20℃、-25℃、-30℃),测定丙二醛、可溶性糖与脯氨酸含量和电导率,研究低温胁迫对这几种乔木绿化树种抗寒性的影响。结果表明:不同树种之间抗寒性存在差异性,5种绿化树种的抗寒性由强到弱的顺序为:悬铃木 > 香花槐 > 玉兰 > 银杏 > 金叶复叶槭。    相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of a tree species prioritization study of underutilized tree species in a participatory tree domestication program for smallholders in Indonesia. The study was conducted in three villages of Nanggung sub-district, Bogor district via farmer surveys, focus group discussion, SWOT analysis and evaluation of markets and germplasm sources. Five priority species were identified: Manglietia glauca, Parkia speciosa, Durio zibethinus, Gmelina arborea and Sandoricum koetjape. These species are promising components of agroforestry systems to enhance smallholder livelihoods and can grow under the low management conditions common in smallholder systems. They represent indigenous and exotic tree types that produce timber, fruit or spices within the domestication continuum. Furthering the domestication and utilization of these species requires the identification and dissemination of available germplasm sources, the dissemination of high-quality germplasm and the development of farmer-friendly propagation and tree management practices. Also, as with most smallholder systems, the marketing practices for the products of these five species require improvement, starting with the production of reliable quantities of high quality tree products.  相似文献   

引种驯化是林木育种的重要手段,其不仅丰富了本地的树种资源,改善现有树种组成及比例,而且带来显著经济效益,也是保护生物多样性和景观生态平衡的需要,因此受到人们的极大重视。文中综述我国东北地区树木引种驯化情况,发现截至目前已成功引种63科、119属、500余种,主要包括用材树种、经济树种、观赏树种和生态树种;总结引种过程中的成功经验,讨论其中存在的问题,提出树木引种发展策略,以期为今后东北地区开展树木引种工作提供参考。  相似文献   

铁坚油杉是我国的特有树种,作者于2003年12月修文县小箐乡移栽8株到扎佐林场进行栽培驯化,通过野生铁坚油杉大树进行移栽试验,经过4年生长,带土移栽成活6株,初步证明对其有限的资源进行引种驯化、异地保护是可行的。  相似文献   

北美樱桃核桧引种驯化生长规律及扦插繁殖技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
北美樱桃核桧于1987 年引入呼和浩特市树木园,经10a 的引种驯化与3a的无性繁殖试验,证明该树种比当地其他柏类树种更耐旱、耐寒,无病虫害,生长旺盛。经分析北美樱桃核桧生长规律吻合于指数增长方程。10 年生平均树高2 .5 m ,最高达3 .2 m ,针叶呈淡蓝灰绿色,冠形优美,为温带半干旱地区庭院、街道、公园等地绿化的优良新树种。本文着重报道了其生态习性、引种驯化与栽培管理及扦插繁殖技术。  相似文献   

本文就林木引种驯化的程序、科研成果推广、乡土树种的驯化、引种驯化与良种选育结合以及加强林木引种管理等方面提出建设性的意见。  相似文献   

Availability of high quality tree planting material within proximity of farmers and at affordable prices is one of the prerequisites for larger uptake of tree cultivation. This study examines whether rural small-scale nurseries can produce a diversity of tree planting material and whether resource-poor farmers have access to it. Twelve nurseries supported by the tree domestication program in the West and North-west regions of Cameroon were compared to 12 nurseries in similar conditions, but not in contact with the program. Nurseries using the domestication approach were found to provide tree planting material that responds better to farmers’ needs in terms of quantities, species and propagation methods used. Their clientele is more diverse including farmers from the communities where the nurseries are located, but also from far beyond. However, prices of vegetatively propagated material were considered the most prohibitive factor. It is concluded that tree planting initiatives should refocus efforts towards technical training and business support to small-scale nurseries to increase efficiency. Research efforts should look for ways of reducing production costs and improving nursery productivity.  相似文献   

树木的引种驯化是增加林木种质资源的一种传统育种方法。山东省有记载的针叶树引种历史应追溯到19世纪末至20世纪初,在20世纪50年代和70年代分别出现两个引种高峰期,分别占引种种质的26.5%和21.5%。山东有计划的科学引种针叶树种约30个,其中银杏科1个属1个种,19份种质;松科5个属39份种质;杉科4个属5份种质;柏科3个属3个种质,共计66份种质,其中松科种质占总引种种质59.09%,而松属种质占松科种质79.49%。从1978~2006年省林业厅鉴定或获奖的项目中针叶树遗传改良占4.77%,审(认)定品种占总数量5.22%。建议:(1)强化针叶树引种驯化策略;(2)明确引种驯化程序、标准和关键技术;引种驯化与种质创新相结合;(3)重视乡土树种驯化及开发。本文对针叶树引种驯化与遗传改良进行了评价。  相似文献   

Canarium indicum is an indigenous tree of the lowland forests of Melanesia (Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu) and parts of Indonesia producing edible nuts, commercial timber and some minor products. For thousands of years the nuts have been culturally important and a traditional food. Since the early 1990s there have been a number of projects aimed at the wider commercialization of the species, with mixed success. This review evaluates the biophysical and socio-economic literature and suggests how the domestication and commercialization processes could be taken forwards to improve the livelihoods of rural households in Melanesia. Many of the issues facing the domestication and commercialization of C. indicum nuts as an Agroforestry Tree Product (AFTP) are similar to those that will be important for the development of other AFTPs. Thus there are lessons that can be learnt from this species which make it a model for other agroforestry tree species.  相似文献   

Seven different activities constitute tree domestication: (1) manipulation of tree populations by silvicultural practices; (2) enhancement of site productivity; (3) control of destructive agents; (4) evolution of trees under natural selection; (5) semi-natural selection for survival in the socio-agricultural circumstances in which trees are grown; (6) conscious human selection for desired characteristics; and (7) correlated response to selection (which usually involves reduction of those plant parts that are not desired). Each of these activities is discussed, and its contribution to the present makeup of tree populations used for agroforestry is considered.Although tree domestication has been practiced by farmers for many centuries, selection and breeding programs for multipurpose agroforestry trees have existed for only the past thirty years. Some of the problems faced by existing tree improvement programs are discussed; these include: multiplicity of usable species, great demand for multipurpose trees (MPTs), existence of improvement programs with few species, difficulty of combining desired traits in a multipurpose ideotype, high cost and slow progress with present methods, and the fate of improved material introduced on farms. Among the solutions considered is more involvement of farmers in the process of selection, testing, and propagation of MPTs. The possible use of species mixtures also holds promise.  相似文献   

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