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Regarding the issue of the Mesolithic, the author has an article published on Acta Anthropologica Sinica in 1995,pointing out that this period relates to most significant issues such as the transition from the Paleolithic to Neolithic and the origin of agriculture. The Mesolithic is a crucial topic to understand cultulal, economic, technological and social changes during this short time span. Unfortunately, up to recently, the concept of the Mesolithic is still a contriversial issue in Chin…  相似文献   

The culture of mammalian cells is closely related to the development of biotechnology, which has been used extensively in the research and application fields of biology and medical science. In this article, various factors affecting cell cultivation and the application of microcarrier and bioreactor on large-scale culture of mammalian ceils were reviewed.  相似文献   

In recent years, the Chinese government has highlighted the importance of adopting hog safety/quality traceability, and a growing amount of research continues to entice firms to adopt traceability systems. In this study, a survey was conducted on a sample of pig slaughtering and processing firms in Zhejiang, China through personal interviews and emails. The aim of this study was to examine the determinants of firm behavior on the implementation of voluntary traceability systems with more stringent standards and controls than those of the mandatory system in China. The results revealed that motivation based on product quality improvement, capital ability and role perception (business type) had significantly positive relationships with a firm’s voluntary traceability. Other incentives, such as operation improvement, recall risk reduction, reduced occurrence of safety issues, and technical strength were not found to be supportive in our study. This study provides an opportunity to better understand the determinants of firm behavior on voluntary traceability, particularly in light of the fact that some Chinese firms are facing the threat of criminal action for the use of illegal additives and the abuse of Clenbuterol. Policy recommendations on encouraging the implementation of pork safety voluntary traceability by hog slaughtering and processing firms are also discussed.  相似文献   

This article focuses on technology's enormous impacts in solving food security. Over the past several decades technology has made an important contribution to Chinese food production, and it will continue to have the widest impact on food security in China. The relationship between technology and environment is discussed in this article. It is suggested that technology is significantly related to the theme of sustainable Agriculture, and technology can achieve food security.  相似文献   

Studies on GIS Based Tracing and Traceability of Safe Crop Product in China   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The safety of safe crop products (SCP) is critical to maintain people's health and living standard. With the global efforts on the improvement of the traceability of food products, it is inevitable to establish corresponding traceability systems to monitor the safety of crop products in China. In this article, the supply chain pattern of SCP in China has been analyzed and its spatial characters have been described in detail. The study deals with on how to relate traceability technology with GIS, and on how to trace and retrace the safety of SCP using the function of excellent spatial representation, spatial locating, and spatial analysis provided in GIS, which has been discussed from several aspects, such as coding technique of traceability information, transferring technique of traceability information, spatialization of traceability information, and application integration of traceability system. A pilot study was carried out to present the basic functions of the system, which provided an efficient and credible way to trace and retrace the safety of SCP in a real supply chain. An innovative idea has been brought forward for how to establish an efficient, credible, applied traceability system of SCP.  相似文献   

Utilizing the heterosis of indica/japonica hybrid rice (IJHR) is an effective way to further increase rice grain yield.Rational application of nitrogen (N) fertilizer plays a very important role in using the heterosis of IJHR to achieve its great yield potential.However,the responses of the grain yield and N utilization of IJHR to N application rates and the underlying physiological mechanism remain elusive.The purpose of this study was to clarify these issues.Three rice cultivars currently used...  相似文献   

Figures of speech are often used to express the writer‘s ideas of thoughts more vividly and attractively.This paper chooses “Profits of Praise” as an example to analyze the effect of figures of speech on expressing the writer‘s ideas and comes to the conclusion that figures of speech play an important part in the expression of ideas,and they can help students understand the text better and help improve their writing.  相似文献   

Based on dynamic analysis for the Front Wheel Assist(FWA) tractor,a calculating and analysing method on selecting the optimum coefficient of inharmonious motion for the FWA tractor is described in this paper and the mathematical odels are also established.The article first time dlefines the ratio of thrust of front wheels to that of rear wheels.Which is an important parameter affeeting the tractive performance of the FWA tractor and establishes the conditon of no power circulation of the FWA tractor.The optimum coefficient of inharmonious motion for a FWA tractor (UTB-445)is also given.  相似文献   

Germplasm resources are an important basis for genetic breeding and analysis of complex traits, and research on genetic diversity is conducive to the exploration and creation of new types of germplasm. In this study, the distribution frequency, coefficient of variation, Shannon–Wiener index, and variance and cluster analyses were used to analyze the diversity and trait differences of 39 fruit phenotypic traits from 570 pear accessions, which included 456 pear accessions from 11 species and 114 i...  相似文献   

Discussing the Issues of Agriculture, Farmer and Rural Area in the Framework of Scientific Outlook on Development Kai Wang Abstract: Issues of agriculture, farmers and rural area have become the key point as well as the bottleneck to build a well-off society in an all-around way. Since the founding of PRChina, the issues of agriculture, farmers and rural have come through with the period of free flowing between urban and rural/urban and rural segregation period and urban and rural interacts period. Although the issues in the different period do not perform exactly in the same way, they have the deep theory and practical logic. It is right that the accumulation of the history problems that makes the issues the top priority. The perspective of scientific outlook on development extends the cognition boundary of the issues, which, at the same, provides us with the methodology guidance. Therefore, to solve the agriculture farmer and rural area problems, we should carry out the perspective of scientific outlook on development, take development as the first task for our party, insist in people oriented, strike the balance between urban and rural, insist in unified accumulation of rural economic development and all-around coordinate and sustainable development.  相似文献   

刘银良 《中国农业科学》2006,39(6):1114-1121
在生物技术时代关于遗传修饰生物(GMO)有很多争论。本文提出生物政治的概念,以概括与GMO有关的所有政治问题及其解决机制,并以世界知名的转基因作物金大米作为分析的范本。在综述了金大米计划的参与者和涉及的有关问题之后,本文着重介绍了金大米计划的支持者和反对者关于金大米有关问题的争论,并对金大米的生物政治问题予以分析评述。得出结论认为,GMO的生物政治的存在是合理的,并为GMO的管理者提出建议,其中包括尊重生物政治的多元化、采取相应的多元化政策和对不同GMO作物区别对待等,以应对GMO的生物政治问题。  相似文献   

金大米的知识产权问题分析及启示   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
世界知名的转基因作物、富含类胡萝卜素的金大米是由公共研究机构以人道主义为目的研发的,金大米的研发过程经历曲折,它在得到众多荣耀的同时,也引来诸多争议,知识产权问题就是其中一个重要方面。本文在介绍金大米技术探索之路的基础上,通过分析金大米的知识产权问题,揭示表面上看来非常严重的知识产权障碍其实却并非不可逾越,尤其在发展中国家,例如在中国现在就可能没有与金大米相关的任何专利存在。本文还探讨了在生物技术领域内逐渐兴起的反公共地悲剧问题。最后结合实际,总结了金大米的知识产权问题带给中国科技工作者的启示,包括应认真对待在科研工作中可能出现的知识产权障碍和应认清中国现在仍基本处于公共地悲剧阶段而非反公共地悲剧阶段等。  相似文献   

“Golden Rice” has played a key role in arguments over genetically modified (GM) crops for many years. It is routinely depicted as a generic GM vitamin tablet in a generic plant bound for the global South. But the release of Golden Rice is on the horizon only in the Philippines, a country with a storied history and complicated present, and contested future for rice production and consumption. The present paper corrects this blinkered view of Golden Rice through an analysis of three distinctive “rice worlds” of the Philippines: Green Revolution rice developed at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in the 1960s, Golden Rice currently being bred at IRRI, and a scheme to promote and export traditional “heirloom” landrace rice. More than mere seed types, these rices are at the centers of separate “rice worlds” with distinctive concepts of what the crop should be and how it should be produced. In contrast to the common productivist framework for comparing types of rice, this paper compares the rice worlds on the basis of geographical embeddedness, or the extent to which local agroecological context is valorized or nullified in the crop’s construction. The Green Revolution spread generic, disembedded high-input seeds to replace locally adapted landraces as well as peasant attitudes and practices associated with them. The disembeddedness of Golden Rice that boosts its value as a public relations vehicle has also been the main impediment in it reaching farmers’ fields, as it has proved difficult to breed into varieties that grow well specifically in the Philippines. Finally, and somewhat ironically, IRRI has recently undertaken research and promotion of heirloom seeds in collaboration with the export scheme.  相似文献   

In March, 2004, the rural northern California county of Mendocino voted to ban the propagation of all genetically modified organisms (GMOs). This county was the first, and only, U.S. region to adopt such a ban despite widespread activism against biotechnology. Using a civic agriculture perspective, this article explores how local actors in this small county were able to take on the agri-biotechnology industry. I argue that by localizing the issue, the citizens of Mendocino County were able to ignite a highly effective, decentralized and grassroots social movement against which powerful, and well-funded, pro-biotechnology entities were unable to compete. The social problem of biotechnology was embedded in issues of mass concern to Mendocino County residents, such as democracy, equity, distribution of power, and corporate control over local life. The campaign was an arena for “local problem-solving activities organized around food and agriculture” (Lyson 2004, p. 103). However, though localizing this issue was key for generating a successful ban against the propagation of GMOs at the county level, the local orientation of the No to GMOs movement created a barrier for scaling-up and transferring this success to the wider anti-biotechnology movement.  相似文献   

转基因生物安全监管模式及我国转基因生物安全立法研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以环境生态威胁和食品安全为主要内容的生物安全问题日益引起人们重视,尽快建立和完善科学的法律规制框架是当务之急。作者通过对国内外生物安全管理体制的比较和分析,提出进一步完善我国生物安全法律规制框架的建议。  相似文献   

食品中转基因成分的检测   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
文章对当前几种比较常用的食品中转基因成分的检测方法进行了概述,比较了各种检测方法的优缺点;简述了基因芯片技术、近红外光谱分析技术等在转基因产品检测中的应用。  相似文献   

转基因食品PCR定性检测的研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以靶序列的选择、DNA提取和产物的检测为主线,概括了PCR(PolymeraseChainReaction,PCR)在定性检测基因修饰有机体(Geneticallymodifiedorganisms,GMOs)中的应用,指出了存在的问题以及未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

突变体是功能基因组学研究的重要材料,突变体库的构建是大规模分离和鉴定新基因的必要手段,是进一步开发优良转基因品种(系)的基础。根据农业转基因生物的定义,利用生物技术获得的突变体也是转基因生物,突变体材料的田间筛选应遵循转基因生物安全管理法律法规的要求。文章从农业转基因生物安全管理的角度论述了针对这类突变体材料的安全评价问题。  相似文献   

良好实验室规范(good laboratory practice,GLP)是世界上广泛应用于医药、兽药、食品等非临床安全性评价试验的实验室质量管理体系,同时也正被世界上美国、欧盟等发达国家应用于转基因生物(genetically modified organisms,GMOs)领域.介绍了GLP 的概念和基本要素,分析...  相似文献   

转基因生物的安全性评估分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
一些国家和国际组织己出台相应程序和条例对转基因生物和食品进行评价和规范 ,我国目前正处于研究和制订阶段。较全面地介绍了转基因生物食品的生产应用情况 ,阐述了国际上倍受争议的转基因食品安全性问题 ,并分析了其中的原因。对转基因食品对人类健康的潜在危害、以及国际上现有的评价措施进行了综述  相似文献   

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